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Created: Saturday, July 27, 1991 at 7:31 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1991
All rights reserved
This file is used in these builds: Mac32 BigBang Sys606
Change History (most recent first):
<6> 11/5/93 IH Sync with Excelsior.
<SM5> 08-06-93 jmp Added more csDisplayTypes.
<4> 6/22/93 IH Change kHasSerialSense to kHasDirectConnect, added some
constants, fixed some comments.
<3> 6/1/93 IH Add new control and status calls for Display Manager (including
some already in Video.a).
<2> 4/8/93 IH Add SwitchMode record
<12> 7/31/91 JL Updated Copyright.
<11> 1/29/91 JL Grouped enums into bunches of 20 for maximum C++ efficiency.
<10> 1/27/91 LN Checked in Database generate file from DSG.
<9> 11/13/90 JL Fixed up comments.
<8> 10/24/90 JL Changed all #defines to anonymous enums.
<7> 10/8/90 JAL Cleaned things up to match mpw version.
<6> 7/18/90 jmp Added various equasts from CARDS & DRIVERS (2nd Edition) and
from Video.a
<6> 7/18/90 jmp Added various equates from CARDS & DRIVERS (2nd Edition) and
from Video.a.
<5> 7/2/90 jmp Cleaned up header inserted by BBS.
<4> 7/2/90 jmp Added VDGammaRecord (from CARDS & DRIVERS, 2nd Edition).
To Do:
#ifndef __VIDEO__
#define __VIDEO__
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
#include <Quickdraw.h>
enum {
mBaseOffset = 1, /*Id of mBaseOffset.*/
mRowBytes = 2, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mBounds = 3, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mVersion = 4, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mHRes = 5, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mVRes = 6, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mPixelType = 7, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mPixelSize = 8, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mCmpCount = 9, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mCmpSize = 10, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mPlaneBytes = 11, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mVertRefRate = 14, /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
mVidParams = 1, /*Video parameter block id.*/
mTable = 2, /*Offset to the table.*/
mPageCnt = 3, /*Number of pages*/
mDevType = 4, /*Device Type*/
oneBitMode = 128, /*Id of OneBitMode Parameter list.*/
twoBitMode = 129, /*Id of TwoBitMode Parameter list.*/
fourBitMode = 130, /*Id of FourBitMode Parameter list.*/
eightBitMode = 131 /*Id of EightBitMode Parameter list.*/
enum {
sixteenBitMode = 132, /*Id of SixteenBitMode Parameter list.*/
thirtyTwoBitMode = 133, /*Id of ThirtyTwoBitMode Parameter list.*/
firstVidMode = 128, /*The new, better way to do the above. */
secondVidMode = 129, /* QuickDraw only supports six video */
thirdVidMode = 130, /* at this time. */
fourthVidMode = 131,
fifthVidMode = 132,
sixthVidMode = 133,
spGammaDir = 64,
spVidNamesDir = 65
// csTimingFormat values in VDTimingInfo
// look in the declartion rom for timing info
#define kDeclROMtables 'decl'
// csConnectFlags values in VDDisplayConnectInfo
enum {
kAllModesValid = 0, // All modes not trimmed by primary init are good close enough to try
kAllModesSafe = 1, // All modes not trimmed by primary init are know to be safe
kReportsTagging = 2, // Can detect tagged displays (to identify smart monitors)
kHasDirectConnect = 3 // True implies that driver can talk directly to device (e.g. serial data link via sense lines)
// csDisplayType values in VDDisplayConnectInfo
enum {
kUnknownConnect = 1, // Not sure how we’ll use this, but seems like a good idea.
kPanelConnect = 2, // For use with fixed-in-place LCD (TFT, aka “Active Matrix”) panels.
kPanelTFTConnect = 2, // Alias for kPanelConnect (because some ROM have already GM’d that way).
kFixedModeCRTConnect = 3, // For use with fixed-mode (i.e., very limited range) displays.
kMultiModeCRT1Connect = 4, // 320x200 maybe, 12" maybe, 13" (default), 16" certain, 19" maybe, 21" maybe
kMultiModeCRT2Connect = 5, // 320x200 maybe, 12" maybe, 13" certain, 16" (default), 19" certain, 21" maybe
kMultiModeCRT3Connect = 6, // 320x200 maybe, 12" maybe, 13" certain, 16" certain, 19" default, 21" certain
kMultiModeCRT4Connect = 7, // Expansion to large multi mode (not yet used)
kModelessConnect = 8, // Expansion to modeless model (not yet used)
kFullPageConnect = 9, // 640x818 (to get 8bpp in 512K case) and 640x870 (these two only)
kVGAConnect = 10, // 640x480 VGA default -- question everything else
kNTSCConnect = 11, // NTSC ST (default), FF, STconv, FFconv
kPALConnect = 12, // PAL ST (default), FF, STconv, FFconv
kHRConnect = 13, // 640x400 (to get 8bpp in 256K case) and 640x480 (these two only)
kPanelFSTNConnect = 14 // For use with fixed-in-place LCD FSTN (aka “Supertwist”) panels.
// csTimingFlags values in VDTimingInfoRec
// also low word is returned by ROM timing tables.
enum {
kModeSafe = 0, // This mode does not need confirmation
kModeDefault = 1 // This is the default mode for this type of connection
enum {
/* Control Codes */
cscReset = 0,
cscKillIO = 1,
cscSetMode = 2,
cscSetEntries = 3,
cscSetGamma = 4,
cscGrayPage = 5,
cscGrayScreen = 5,
cscSetGray = 6,
cscSetInterrupt = 7,
cscDirectSetEntries = 8,
cscSetDefaultMode = 9,
cscSwitchMode = 10,
cscSetSync = 11
enum {
/* Status Codes */
cscGetMode = 2,
cscGetEntries = 3,
cscGetPageCnt = 4,
cscGetPages = 4, /* This is what C&D 2 calls it. */
cscGetPageBase = 5,
cscGetBaseAddr = 5, /* This is what C&D 2 calls it. */
cscGetGray = 6,
cscGetInterrupt = 7,
cscGetGamma = 8,
cscGetDefaultMode = 9,
cscGetCurMode = 10,
cscGetSync = 11,
cscGetConnection = 12, /* Return information about the connection to the display */
cscGetModeTiming = 13 /* Return timing info for a mode */
struct VPBlock {
long vpBaseOffset; /*Offset to page zero of video RAM (From minorBaseOS).*/
short vpRowBytes; /*Width of each row of video memory.*/
Rect vpBounds; /*BoundsRect for the video display (gives dimensions).*/
short vpVersion; /*PixelMap version number.*/
short vpPackType;
long vpPackSize;
long vpHRes; /*Horizontal resolution of the device (pixels per inch).*/
long vpVRes; /*Vertical resolution of the device (pixels per inch).*/
short vpPixelType; /*Defines the pixel type.*/
short vpPixelSize; /*Number of bits in pixel.*/
short vpCmpCount; /*Number of components in pixel.*/
short vpCmpSize; /*Number of bits per component*/
long vpPlaneBytes; /*Offset from one plane to the next.*/
typedef struct VPBlock VPBlock;
typedef VPBlock *VPBlockPtr;
struct VDEntryRecord {
Ptr csTable; /*(long) pointer to color table entry=value, r,g,b:INTEGER*/
typedef struct VDEntryRecord VDEntryRecord;
typedef VDEntryRecord *VDEntRecPtr;
/* Parm block for SetGray control call */
struct VDGrayRecord {
Boolean csMode; /*Same as GDDevType value (0=mono, 1=color)*/
typedef struct VDGrayRecord VDGrayRecord;
typedef VDGrayRecord *VDGrayPtr;
/* Parm block for SetEntries control call */
struct VDSetEntryRecord {
ColorSpec *csTable; /*Pointer to an array of color specs*/
short csStart; /*Which spec in array to start with, or -1*/
short csCount; /*Number of color spec entries to set*/
typedef struct VDSetEntryRecord VDSetEntryRecord;
typedef VDSetEntryRecord *VDSetEntryPtr;
/* Parm block for SetGamma control call */
struct VDGammaRecord {
Ptr csGTable; /*pointer to gamma table*/
typedef struct VDGammaRecord VDGammaRecord;
typedef VDGammaRecord *VDGamRecPtr;
struct VDSwitchInfoRec {
unsigned short csMode; /*(word) mode depth*/
unsigned long csData; /*(long) functional sResource of mode*/
unsigned short csPage; /*(word) page to switch in*/
Ptr csBaseAddr; /*(long) base address of page (return value)*/
unsigned long csReserved; /*(long) Reserved (set to 0) */
typedef struct VDSwitchInfoRec VDSwitchInfoRec;
typedef VDSwitchInfoRec *VDSwitchInfoPtr;
struct VDTimingInfoRec {
unsigned long csTimingMode; // LONGINT - (long) timing mode (a la InitGDevice)
unsigned long csTimingReserved; // LONGINT - (long) reserved
unsigned long csTimingFormat; // LONGINT - (long) what format is the timing info
unsigned long csTimingData; // LONGINT - (long) data supplied by driver
unsigned long csTimingFlags; // LONGINT - (long) mode within device
typedef struct VDTimingInfoRec VDTimingInfoRec;
typedef VDTimingInfoRec *VDTimingInfoPtr;
struct VDDisplayConnectInfoRec {
unsigned short csDisplayType; // INTEGER - (word) Type of display connected
unsigned short csConnectTagged; // INTEGER - (word) Display is currently "it" (tagged to identify component)
unsigned long csConnectFlags; // LONGINT - (long) tell us about the connection
unsigned long csDisplayComponent; // LONGINT - (long) if the card has a direct connection to the display, it returns the display component here (FUTURE)
unsigned long csConnectReserved; // LONGINT - (long) reserved
typedef struct VDDisplayConnectInfoRec VDDisplayConnectInfoRec;
typedef VDDisplayConnectInfoRec *VDDisplayConnectInfoPtr;
struct VDPageInfo {
short csMode; /*(word) mode within device*/
long csData; /*(long) data supplied by driver*/
short csPage; /*(word) page to switch in*/
Ptr csBaseAddr; /*(long) base address of page*/
typedef struct VDPageInfo VDPageInfo;
typedef VDPageInfo *VDPgInfoPtr;
struct VDSizeInfo {
short csHSize; /*(word) desired/returned h size*/
short csHPos; /*(word) desired/returned h position*/
short csVSize; /*(word) desired/returned v size*/
short csVPos; /*(word) desired/returned v position*/
typedef struct VDSizeInfo VDSizeInfo;
typedef VDSizeInfo *VDSzInfoPtr;
struct VDSettings {
short csParamCnt; /*(word) number of params*/
short csBrightMax; /*(word) max brightness*/
short csBrightDef; /*(word) default brightness*/
short csBrightVal; /*(word) current brightness*/
short csCntrstMax; /*(word) max contrast*/
short csCntrstDef; /*(word) default contrast*/
short csCntrstVal; /*(word) current contrast*/
short csTintMax; /*(word) max tint*/
short csTintDef; /*(word) default tint*/
short csTintVal; /*(word) current tint*/
short csHueMax; /*(word) max hue*/
short csHueDef; /*(word) default hue*/
short csHueVal; /*(word) current hue*/
short csHorizDef; /*(word) default horizontal*/
short csHorizVal; /*(word) current horizontal*/
short csHorizMax; /*(word) max horizontal*/
short csVertDef; /*(word) default vertical*/
short csVertVal; /*(word) current vertical*/
short csVertMax; /*(word) max vertical*/
typedef struct VDSettings VDSettings;
typedef VDSettings *VDSettingsPtr;