2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

391 lines
16 KiB

# File: RISC.make
# Contains: Makefile for the RISC ROM.
# Written by: Kurt Clark
# Copyright: © 1992-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
# Change History (most recent first):
# <SM76> 1/31/94 GS Update Version for TNT D4c1 build.
# <SM75> 1/10/94 chp TNT D3C1 build. Simplify the build command for the “Clean”
# target: wildcard substitution is sloppy if there is no match and
# seems to result in :Obj:Interface: getting deleted.
# <SM74> 12/2/93 chp TNT D2C1 build.
# <SM73> 11/19/93 chp Add BuildResults Text directories to the Delete list in the
# “Clean” target.
# <SM72> 11/10/93 fau Added a 'hasGrandCentral' feature (TNT's Interrupt Controller)
# and revved the release to D1C1 for TNT's D1 release.
# <SM71> 11/9/93 KW PDM build flags are NO longer always true. PDM must include
# them on the build line
# <SM70> 11/3/93 RC Changed rev for fc1 build, make PDM flags true by default,
# turned off symbols
# <SM69> 10/20/93 BT #1118912; for some reason hasRISCV0ResMgrPatches is not in here.
# Add it.
# <SM68> 10/15/93 SAM Turning on forPDMProto by default.
# <SM67> 10/14/93 pdw Added a dependency on AppleTalk.ROM.rsrc.
# <SM66> 10/6/93 RC Bump rev up to B2E1
# <SM65> 9/30/93 IH Add hasDisplayMgrWindows feature to PDM. This allows the display
# manager in the gibbly without patching out the window manager on
# PDM. Having it in ROM and on Disk are okay. Make sure that the
# gibbly is built with hasDisplayMgr before turning it off in ROM
# or you will be making unimplemented trap calls from the window
# manager.
# <SM64> 9/28/93 SAM From mc900ftjesus.
# <MC10> 9/27/93 SAM Removed VMinROM cuz its not. Turned symbols off cuz its slowww.
# <MC9> 9/26/93 pdw Changed alignment to 8 which makes a little more sense than 16
# but not as much sense as 64 but since that doesn't work, 8 it
# is. Why not 4? I thought there might be a little better bus
# utilization if things were on 8 byte alignment.
# <SM63> 9/22/93 kc Turn on symbols.
# <SM62> 9/13/93 RC Bump Rev to A5E1
# <SM61> 9/2/93 SKH change hasSCSIDiskMode to hasSCSIDiskModeFeature
# <SM60> 8/23/93 RC bumping rev again
# <SM59> 8/23/93 RC bump Rev level to A4C1
# <SM58> 8/20/93 RC bumbed up rev level
# <SM57> 8/11/93 RC Rev Version Number
# <SM56> 8/9/93 JDR remove -w from StdCOpts so we can really get warning messages
# when asked for
# <SM55> 7/31/93 SAM Added -mf option to ROMLayout calls.
# <SM54> 7/21/93 RC Changed Power_PC_Native_Components to SupportNativeComponents
# <SM53> 7/21/93 SAM Been smokin' too much crack. Really, lose the -bigseg for the C
# compiler.
# <SM52> 7/21/93 SAM Removed the -bigSeg option from the C stdoptions
# <SM51> 7/20/93 SAM Set the CPU type to 020 for PDM. Enable full optization for the
# C compiler and set the I/O buffer block size to the max (for
# faster builds).
# <SM50> 7/18/93 RC Upping Rev Level to A3E3
# <SM49> 7/14/93 RC added hasAMIC feature flag and changed Rel level to A3E2
# <SM48> 7/7/93 RC turned on Native components Mgr support in RISC and turned of
# warnings in the C comiples, due to warnings in the
# ThingManager.c which I could not kill in the code
# <SM47> 6/30/93 RC Added cyclone vdigs back in
# <SM46> 6/29/93 RC Stipped out the cyclone MACEecfg resources which were doing
# nothing for PDM
# <SM45> 6/24/93 RC Bumped Rev to a2e1, took out cyclone vdigs from RISC build, took
# out non-PDM Ethernet.rsrc
# <SM44> 6/14/93 kc Add Maceecfg.rsrc to dependency.
# <SM43> 6/11/93 RC eliminated the use of all DSP tools to build any part of the
# Risc ROM
# <SM42> 5/30/93 SAM Moved ROM_EM to Tidbits.
# <SM41> 5/29/93 RC Release num change
# <SM40> 5/26/93 RC Bumped Rev to D9C1 and I also added the feature flags to turn on
# the international support, so that Double Byte TrueType would
# work.
# <SM39> 5/20/93 BT Update build to only include Figment under conditional compile
# flag "hasNewHeapMgr". This is included here as a standard build
# feature.
# <SM38> 5/10/93 SAM Bumping version to d7c4.
# <SM37> 5/9/93 RC new rom rev (d7c3)
# <SM36> 5/3/93 RC going to D7c1 build
# <SM35> 4/20/93 SAM Added a type and creator to the Rez line that builds
# RISCLayout.rsrc, just cuz.
# <SM34> 4/15/93 RC Rev version to D6C2 (didn't pass w/ C1)
# <SM33> 4/9/93 RC uping rev version to D6 C1
# <32> 4/8/93 IH Re-introduce Display Manager as RISC feature.
# <SM31> 4/8/93 RC Making PDM ROM build easier and Smurf build harder (I care a lot
# less about Smurf)
# <SM30> 4/7/93 RC Move hasCAppleTalkInROM to build command, so Smurf will build
# correctly
# <SM29> 4/2/93 BT Shouldn't have Display Manager as a feature until it works!
# Remove hasDisplayMgr from features.
# <SM28> 4/1/93 kc Fix last check in comment.
# <SM27> 4/1/93 kc Add {ResourceDir}RomResources.r to RomLayout.Rsrc dependency.
# <SM26> 4/1/93 kc Delete RomResources.rsrc from dependency list.
# <SM25> 4/1/93 kc Add dependency to RomLayout.Rsrc
# <SM24> 3/31/93 kc Add TextDir and StdCPOpts.
# <23> 3/31/93 IH Add hasDisplayMgr to Risc features.
# <SM22> 3/24/93 dwc Re-enable CAppleTalk to use patched AT58.
# <SM21> 3/24/93 dwc Disabled hasCAppleTalkInROM to avoid a conflict with ENET.
# <SM19> 3/22/93 RC D6E1 version timed
# <SM18> 3/19/93 CSS Remove Sadism.rsrc from the build as this stuff is junk.
# <SM17> 3/16/93 SAM Removed a “feature” that should never have been in the ROM.
# <SM16> 3/14/93 RC Upped rev to D5C2
# <SM15> 3/11/93 RC Ready for D5C1 Version of the Risc Rom
# <SM14> 3/10/93 RC One last fix to keep Sane happy to the end of the build (I added
# the SANE.rsrc which is expected by the ROMResource.r
# <SM13> 3/9/93 RC Sorry about undoing the last rev, but I was facked out by
# GoNative
# <SM12> 3/9/93 RC Took out InSaneNFPU resource
# <SM11> 3/8/93 RC Increament ROM Release version to D5E3
# <SM10> 3/8/93 PN Change Sane.rsrc to InSaneNFPU.rsrc
# <SM9> 3/8/93 RC Turned on C version of AppleTalk
# <SM8> 3/5/93 RC Uped the version of the ROM to D5E2
# <SM7> 3/4/93 RC Took out hasPSC from RISC build
# <SM6> 3/2/93 SAM Removed SerialIOP.rsrc.
# <SM5> 3/2/93 RC Changed Build Version to D5E1 (Development version 5,
# Engineering Build 1
# <SM4> 2/22/93 RC Took out hasLCDScreen feature
# <SM3> 2/22/93 RC Added I2c Resources
# <SM2> 2/22/93 CSS Correct spelling of Resource (from Resoruce).
# <SM13> 2/6/93 RC Cleaned up Features list a little
# <SM12> 2/4/93 RC Added PDMMaceDir define to make file
# <SM11> 2/4/93 dwc Add PDM ENET driver rsrc.
# <SM10> 2/2/93 GMR Added hasSwim3 feature.
# <SM9> 1/19/93 RC Getting ready to build D4 ROM and I want the Release number to
# reflect this. 10D3 -> 10D4
# <SM8> 1/10/93 RC Added Emulator Acceleration Resource
# <SM7> 12/29/92 HY Removed hasNewSoundMgr feature flag. Reverting back to 7.1 snd mgr.
# <SM6> 12/23/92 RC GoNativeResource added back in
# <SM5> 12/17/92 RC Made sure that the New ROM has the correct - ROMRelease=$10D3
# <SM4> 12/17/92 RB Added the variable subRelease and the features hasCPUIDRegister,
# hasHMC.
# <SM3> 12/12/92 RC Copied Craig's changes to the SuperMario make file to the RISC
# file so we will not need Runtime.o also
# <SM2> 12/11/92 kc Remove the post build beeps.
BuildDir = {Sources}BuildResults:RISC:
ImageDir = {BuildDir}Image:
RsrcDir = {BuildDir}Rsrc:
LibDir = {BuildDir}Lib:
ObjDir = {BuildDir}Obj:
TextDir = {BuildDir}Text:
IfObjDir = {ObjDir}Interface:
MakeDir = {Sources}Make:
ResourceDir = {Sources}Resources:
DeclDir = {Sources}DeclData:
ToolDir = {Sources}Tools:
ToolSrcDir = {Sources}Tools:ToolSource:
MiscDir = {Sources}Misc:
TidbitsDir = {Sources}Tidbits:
DriverDir = {Sources}Drivers:
AIncludes = {Sources}Interfaces:AIncludes:
CIncludes = {Sources}Interfaces:CIncludes:
PInterfaces = {Sources}Interfaces:PInterfaces:
RIncludes = {Sources}Interfaces:RIncludes:
IntAIncludes = {Sources}Internal:Asm:
IntCIncludes = {Sources}Internal:C:
IntPInterfaces = {Sources}Internal:Pascal:
IntRIncludes = {Sources}Internal:Rez:
Libraries = {Sources}Libs:Libraries:
CLibraries = {Sources}Libs:CLibraries:
PLibraries = {Sources}Libs:PLibraries:
MAOpts = -d TRUE=1 -d FALSE=0 -d Alignment=8 -d CPU=20 -d ROMRelease=$D4C1 -wb -d SubRelease=3 -blksize 62
MCOpts = -d TRUE=1 -d FALSE=0 -d Alignment=8 -d CPU=20 -d ROMRelease=$D4C1 -b3 -mbg full -mc68020 -blksize 62 -opt full
MPOpts = -mbg full -mc68020
RomBase = $40800000
Features = hasRISCV0ResMgrPatches ∂
hasDoubleByte ∂
hasAMIC ∂
SupportNativeComponents ∂
Script_Char_Extra ∂
hasPenFraction ∂
hasFullKerning ∂
hasGlyphState ∂
hasNewHeapMgr ∂
hasPDMMaceEnet ∂
hasAppleTalkInROM ∂
hasMixedMode ∂
nonSerializedIO ∂
hasSCSIDiskModeFeature ∂
hasSysSevenResources ∂
hasDataAccessPACK ∂
hasYMCA ∂
hasCPUIDRegister ∂
hasHMC ∂
has2MegROMOrMore ∂
hasVideoIn ∂
hasAsyncSCSI ∂
BadBlockSparingEnabled ∂
CubeE ∂
IopADB ∂
OssADB ∂
PwrMgrADB ∂
SystemSevenOrLater ∂
SystemSixOrLater ∂
ViaADB ∂
forADBKeyboards ∂
forAppleTalk20 ∂
forLocalizability ∂
has040MMU ∂
hasADBKeyLayouts ∂
hasASC ∂
hasAliasMgr ∂
hasApple2Fonts ∂
hasAppleEventMgr ∂
hasBalloonHelp ∂
hasBattery ∂
hasCommToolbox ∂
hasCQD ∂
hasDAFB ∂
hasDataAccessMgr ∂
hasDisplayMgr ∂
hasDisplayMgrWindows ∂
hasEDisk ∂
hasEclipseVIA2 ∂
hasEditionMgr ∂
hasEgret ∂
hasExtendedCharacterSet ∂
hasFMC ∂
hasGDU ∂
hasGlue ∂
hasGrandCentral ∂
hasIdle ∂
hasIopScc ∂
hasIopSwim ∂
hasJaws ∂
hasMDU ∂
hasMMU ∂
hasMSC ∂
hasMac2VIA2 ∂
hasNetBoot ∂
hasNiagra ∂
hasOrwell ∂
hasOss ∂
hasPratt ∂
hasProtectedPRAM ∂
hasSCSI96 ∂
hasSWIM2 ∂
hasSwim3 ∂
hasSlotMgr ∂
hasSonora ∂
hasSplineFonts ∂
hasVDAC ∂
hasVIAClock ∂
hasVISA2 ∂
hasVISADecoder ∂
hasWaimeaVIA2 ∂
isUniversal ∂
hasPwrControls ∂
hasPwrMgrClock ∂
hasRBV ∂
hasSplineFonts ∂
hasVIAClock ∂
hasWaimeaVIA2 ∂
NewBuildSystem ∂
isUniversal ∂
onHafMac ∂
onMac32 ∂
onNuMac ∂
ResourceFiles = "{RsrcDir}ATBoot.RSRC"
RomMondo ƒ FeatureSet "{ImageDir}RomMondo"
"{ImageDir}RomMondo" ƒ {ResourceFiles}
RomLayout -mf "{RsrcDir}RomLayout.Rsrc" -o "{Targ}" -log "{ImageDir}RomInfo"
LinkRomImage ƒ # target for partial builds
RomLayout -mf "{RsrcDir}RomLayout.Rsrc" -o "{ImageDir}RomMondo" -log "{ImageDir}RomInfo"
FeatureSet ƒ
Set FeatureSet "`{MakeDir}FeatureList "{Features}" "{Overrides}" `" ; Export FeatureSet
Set Commands "{ToolDir},{Commands}"
Set ObjDir "{ObjDir}" ; Export ObjDir
Set RsrcDir "{RsrcDir}" ; Export RsrcDir
Set TextDir "{TextDir}" ; Export TextDir
Set MiscDir "{MiscDir}" ; Export MiscDir
Set TidbitsDir "{TidbitsDir}" ; Export TidbitsDir
Set ROMBuildTime "`Date -n`" ; Export ROMBuildTime
Set AIncludes "{AIncludes}"
Set CIncludes "{CIncludes}"
Set PInterfaces "{PInterfaces}"
Set RIncludes "{RIncludes}"
Set Libraries "{Libraries}"
Set CLibraries "{CLibraries}"
Set PLibraries "{PLibraries}"
Set StdAOpts "{MAOpts} {FeatureSet} -i {IntAIncludes} {AOpts} -i {ObjDir}"
Set StdCOpts "{MCOpts} {FeatureSet} -i {IntCIncludes} {COpts}"
Set StdCPOpts "{MCPOpts} {FeatureSet} -i {IntCIncludes} {COpts}"
Set StdPOpts "{MPOpts} {FeatureSet} {POpts} -i {IntPInterfaces} -r"
Set StdROpts "{FeatureSet} {ROpts} -i {IntRIncludes} -i {RIncludes}"
Set StdLOpts "{LOpts} -mf -t rsrc -c RSED -sg Main"
Set StdLibOpts "{LibOpts} -mf"
Set StdAlign "{Align} -ac 16 -ad 16"
Set StdVOpts "{VOpts}"
Set StdEquAOpts "`{MakeDir}CreateStdEquAOptions "{FeatureSet}"`" ; Export StdEquAOpts
"{RsrcDir}RomLayout.Rsrc" ƒ "{MakeDir}RiscLayout.r" "{ResourceDir}RomResources.r" "{IntRIncludes}RomTypes.r"
Rez {StdROpts} "{MakeDir}RiscLayout.r" -i "{ResourceDir}" -o "{targ}" -d RomBase={RomBase} -c RSED -t rsrc
Clean ƒ
Delete -i `Files -f -r -o -s "{BuildDir}"` ≥ Dev:Null
# Following are essentially the default rules from the Make tool, modified to use
# {StdAOpts}, {StdCOpts}, and {StdPOpts} as they are defined in this file.
# These options are supersets of the default {AOpts}, {COpts}, and {POpts}.
.a.o ƒ .a
{Asm} {StdAOpts} -o {Targ} {DepDir}{Default}.a
.c.o ƒ .c
{C} {StdCOpts} -o {Targ} {DepDir}{Default}.c
.p.o ƒ .p
{Pascal} {StdPOpts} -o {Targ} {DepDir}{Default}.p
.cp.o ƒ .c
{CPlus} {StdCPOpts} -o {Targ} {DepDir}{Default}.cp
#include {ToolSrcDir}Tools.make
#include {MakeDir}MainCode.make
#include {DeclDir}DeclData.make
#include {DriverDir}Drivers.make
#include {ResourceDir}Resources.make