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Created: Sunday, January 27, 1991 at 8:21 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1990-1991
All rights reserved
This file is used in these builds: BigBang
Change History (most recent first):
<26> 7/30/91 JL Updated Copyright. Restored Comments.
<25> 6/14/91 JL Checked in official MPW 3.2ƒ version. Adjusted enum grouping to
match DSG Database. Removed Resource IDs comment to match Pascal
file. Temporarily lost updated copyright date; will be restored.
<24> 2/1/91 stb RC: add spacing to clarify that some constants are not included
in the error range
<23> 1/28/91 LN Checked in Database Generated File from DSG. changed
alernateRect param in HMShowMenuBalloon from Rect * to RectPtr
changed aHelpMsg param in HMBalloonRect and HMBalloonPict and
HMShowBalloon to const HMMessageRecord *
<22> 1/24/91 stb RC: return OSErr from functions. Change alternateRect param from
Rect * to RectPtr. Change hmBalloonHelpVersion to 0x0002. Change
coolPict from handle to PicHandle.
<21> 12/14/90 dba <JDR> include Menus.h so we can use MenuHandle without a
compiler error
<20> 12/10/90 RLC <bkr> Fix the passage of HMMessageRecord structs in
HMShowBalloon(), HMBalloonRect(), HMBalloonPict() interfaces.
Pass HMMessageRecord as *aHelpMsg.
<19> 12/3/90 JL Put formal parameter names back, put CPlusPlus conditional
around functions.
<18> 11/4/90 dba add a wrapper around the whole file and get rid of unecessary
__cplusplus stuff; this file seems to pass structs directly
instead of using const structName * ... this must be fixed
<17> 9/24/90 RLC Fix the interface to HMGetIndHelpMsg to pass 0x1306 as the
selector (not 0x1106) as there are 19 words of parameters (not
17 as originally counted [I better go back to grade school]).
This will result in a crash if this call is made as procHelper
won't copy enuf parameters to & from the stack!
<16> 8/31/90 RLC Update the interfaces again.
<15> 8/22/90 RLC Sync the interfaces w/ Balloons.p.
<13+> 8/17/90 RLC Fix up some of the defines to match the CONST in balloons.p
<12+> 7/24/90 RLC Update HMShowBalloon(), remove HMMouseInApplRgn(), add
<11+> 6/6/90 RLC Add HMGetBalloonWindow call to interface.
<11> 5/31/90 RLC Put in inlines to HMGetHelpMenuHandle call.
<10> 4/30/90 RLC Make this file 'ANSI' standard (whatever that is).
<9> 4/24/90 RLC New calling routine interfaces.
<7+> 4/17/90 RLC Add reference to HMFillCitationString routine.
<6+> 4/5/90 RLC Update to latest interfaces & add HMExtractHelpMsg intf.
<6> 4/4/90 KSM Included Traps.h and changed references to 'ourPackNum' to
<3+> 1/19/90 RLC Update selectors and interfaces.
<3> 1/11/90 RLC Fix those silly typedef and include the right interfaces.
<1+> 1/10/90 RLC Update defines and include new error codes.
<1.0> 11/30/89 RLC Added back into EASE for those C programmers…
6/6/89 RLC New Today!
#ifndef __BALLOONS__
#define __BALLOONS__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#ifndef __MENUS__
#include <Menus.h>
#ifndef __TRAPS__
#include <Traps.h>
enum {
hmBalloonHelpVersion = 0x0002, /* The real version of the Help Manager */
/*Help Mgr error range: -850 to -874*/
hmHelpDisabled = -850, /* Show Balloons mode was off, call to routine ignored */
hmBalloonAborted = -853, /* Returned if mouse was moving or mouse wasn't in window port rect */
hmSameAsLastBalloon = -854, /* Returned from HMShowMenuBalloon if menu & item is same as last time */
hmHelpManagerNotInited = -855, /* Returned from HMGetHelpMenuHandle if help menu not setup */
hmSkippedBalloon = -857, /* Returned from calls if helpmsg specified a skip balloon */
hmWrongVersion = -858, /* Returned if help mgr resource was the wrong version */
hmUnknownHelpType = -859, /* Returned if help msg record contained a bad type */
hmOperationUnsupported = -861, /* Returned from HMShowBalloon call if bad method passed to routine */
hmNoBalloonUp = -862, /* Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if no balloon was visible when call was made */
hmCloseViewActive = -863, /* Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if CloseView was active */
kHMHelpMenuID = -16490, /* Resource ID and menu ID of help menu */
kHMAboutHelpItem = 1, /* help menu item number of About Balloon Help… */
kHMShowBalloonsItem = 3, /* help menu item number of Show/Hide Balloons */
kHMHelpID = -5696, /* ID of various Help Mgr package resources (in Pack14 range) */
kBalloonWDEFID = 126, /* Resource ID of the WDEF proc used in standard balloons */
/* Dialog item template type constant */
helpItem = 1, /* key value in DITL template that corresponds to the help item */
/* Options for Help Manager resources in 'hmnu', 'hdlg', 'hrct', 'hovr', & 'hfdr' resources */
hmDefaultOptions = 0, /* default options for help manager resources */
hmUseSubID = 1, /* treat resID's in resources as subID's of driver base ID (for Desk Accessories) */
hmAbsoluteCoords = 2 /* ignore window port origin and treat rectangles as absolute coords (local to window) */
enum {
hmSaveBitsNoWindow = 4, /* don't create a window, just blast bits on screen. No update event is generated */
hmSaveBitsWindow = 8, /* create a window, but restore bits behind window when window goes away & generate update event */
hmMatchInTitle = 16, /* for hwin resources, match string anywhere in window title string */
/* Constants for Help Types in 'hmnu', 'hdlg', 'hrct', 'hovr', & 'hfdr' resources */
kHMStringItem = 1, /* pstring used in resource */
kHMPictItem = 2, /* 'PICT' ResID used in resource */
kHMStringResItem = 3, /* 'STR#' ResID & index used in resource */
kHMTEResItem = 6, /* Styled Text Edit ResID used in resource ('TEXT' & 'styl') */
kHMSTRResItem = 7, /* 'STR ' ResID used in resource */
kHMSkipItem = 256, /* don't display a balloon */
kHMCompareItem = 512, /* Compare pstring in menu item w/ PString in resource item ('hmnu' only) */
kHMNamedResourceItem = 1024, /* Use pstring in menu item to get 'STR#', 'PICT', or 'STR ' resource ('hmnu' only) */
kHMTrackCntlItem = 2048, /* Reserved */
/* Constants for hmmHelpType's when filling out HMMessageRecord */
khmmString = 1, /* help message contains a PString */
khmmPict = 2, /* help message contains a resource ID to a 'PICT' resource */
khmmStringRes = 3, /* help message contains a res ID & index to a 'STR#' resource */
khmmTEHandle = 4, /* help message contains a Text Edit handle */
khmmPictHandle = 5, /* help message contains a Picture handle */
khmmTERes = 6, /* help message contains a res ID to 'TEXT' & 'styl' resources */
khmmSTRRes = 7, /* help message contains a res ID to a 'STR ' resource */
/* ResTypes for Styled TE Handles in Resources */
#define kHMTETextResType 'TEXT' /* Resource Type of text data for styled TE record w/o style info */
#define kHMTEStyleResType 'styl' /* Resource Type of style information for styled TE record */
/* Generic defines for the state parameter used when extracting 'hmnu' & 'hdlg' messages */
kHMEnabledItem = 0 /* item is enabled, but not checked or control value = 0 */
enum {
kHMDisabledItem = 1, /* item is disabled, grayed in menus or disabled in dialogs */
kHMCheckedItem = 2, /* item is enabled, and checked or control value = 1 */
kHMOtherItem = 3, /* item is enabled, and control value > 1 */
/* Resource Types for whichType parameter used when extracting 'hmnu' & 'hdlg' messages */
#define kHMMenuResType 'hmnu' /* ResType of help resource for supporting menus */
#define kHMDialogResType 'hdlg' /* ResType of help resource for supporting dialogs */
#define kHMWindListResType 'hwin' /* ResType of help resource for supporting windows */
#define kHMRectListResType 'hrct' /* ResType of help resource for rectangles in windows */
#define kHMOverrideResType 'hovr' /* ResType of help resource for overriding system balloons */
#define kHMFinderApplResType 'hfdr' /* ResType of help resource for custom balloon in Finder */
/* Method parameters to pass to HMShowBalloon */
kHMRegularWindow = 0, /* Create a regular window floating above all windows */
kHMSaveBitsNoWindow = 1, /* Just save the bits and draw (for MDEF calls) */
kHMSaveBitsWindow = 2 /* Regular window, save bits behind, AND generate update event */
struct HMStringResType {
short hmmResID;
short hmmIndex;
typedef struct HMStringResType HMStringResType;
struct HMMessageRecord {
short hmmHelpType;
union {
char hmmString[256];
short hmmPict;
Handle hmmTEHandle;
HMStringResType hmmStringRes;
short hmmPictRes;
Handle hmmPictHandle;
short hmmTERes;
short hmmSTRRes;
} u;
typedef struct HMMessageRecord HMMessageRecord;
typedef HMMessageRecord *HMMessageRecPtr;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Public Interfaces */
pascal OSErr HMGetHelpMenuHandle(MenuHandle *mh)
= {0x303C,0x0200,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMShowBalloon(const HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg,
Point tip,
RectPtr alternateRect,
Ptr tipProc,
short theProc,
short variant,
short method)
= {0x303C,0x0B01,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMRemoveBalloon(void)
= {0x303C,0x0002,_Pack14};
pascal Boolean HMGetBalloons(void)
= {0x303C,0x0003,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMSetBalloons(Boolean flag)
= {0x303C,0x0104,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMShowMenuBalloon(short itemNum,
short itemMenuID,
long itemFlags,
long itemReserved,
Point tip,
RectPtr alternateRect,
Ptr tipProc,
short theProc,
short variant)
= {0x303C,0x0E05,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMGetIndHelpMsg(ResType whichType,
short whichResID,
short whichMsg,
short whichState,
long *options,
Point *tip,
Rect *altRect,
short *theProc,
short *variant,
HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg,
short *count)
= {0x303C,0x1306,_Pack14};
pascal Boolean HMIsBalloon(void)
= {0x303C,0x0007,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMSetFont(short font)
= {0x303C,0x0108,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMSetFontSize(short fontSize)
= {0x303C,0x0109,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMGetFont(short *font)
= {0x303C,0x020A,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMGetFontSize(short *fontSize)
= {0x303C,0x020B,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMSetDialogResID(short resID)
= {0x303C,0x010C,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMSetMenuResID(short menuID,
short resID)
= {0x303C,0x020D,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMBalloonRect(const HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg,
Rect *coolRect)
= {0x303C,0x040E,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMBalloonPict(const HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg,
PicHandle *coolPict)
= {0x303C,0x040F,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMScanTemplateItems(short whichID,
short whichResFile,
ResType whichType)
= {0x303C,0x0410,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMExtractHelpMsg(ResType whichType,short whichResID,short whichMsg,
short whichState,HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg)
= {0x303C,0x0711,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMGetDialogResID(short *resID)
= {0x303C,0x0213,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMGetMenuResID(short menuID,short *resID)
= {0x303C,0x0314,_Pack14};
pascal OSErr HMGetBalloonWindow(WindowPtr *window)
= {0x303C,0x0215,_Pack14};
#ifdef __cplusplus