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; File: FontFolderExtension.a
; Contains: Code which opens fonts in the Font Folder and keeps them in
; the resource chain, and additional patches to make this work.
; Written by: Dean Yu
; Copyright: © 1991-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM3> 11/3/92 SWC Replaced INCLUDEs with a LOAD of StandardEqu.d.
; <SM2> 6/09/92 CSS Roll-in changes from Reality:
; <16> 5/12/92 DTY kFontsFolderType is defined in FoldersEqu.a now.
; <15> 5/8/92 DTY #1029162: The interface for OpenResFileUnderSystemMap
; has changed. Pass in fsCurPerm to the call now for the
; permission to open the font files with.
; <14> 5/8/92 DTY #1029253: After opening the fonts, expand the FCB array by the
; number of fonts opened.
; <1> 4/16/92 PN first checked in
; <13> 1/30/92 DTY Change maxFontFiles to 128.
; <12> 1/22/92 DTY For each font file that’s opened, call _ResolveIDConflicts to
; make sure there are no duplicating resource IDs.
; <11> 12/6/91 DTY Remove the code that opens font files, and call _AddSuitcase
; instead.
; <10> 11/11/91 DTY The code was actually stopping after it looked at 50 files, not
; after opening 50 files.
; <9> 11/5/91 DTY Take out the code inserts a font resource map in the resource
; chain, and call _InsertFontMap instead.
; <8> 11/2/91 DTY Take out the one deep patches now that the resource override
; stuff takes care of it all.
; <7> 10/18/91 DTY kCreateFolder is a byte value, not a word value.
; <6> 10/16/91 DTY Set the dontCountOrIndexDuplicatesBit and the twoDeepBit on the
; resource maps of the font files that are opened.
; <5> 10/14/91 DTY Remove _RealFont patch since all the work is now done inline
; inside the Font Manager.
; <4> 10/4/91 DTY Add patches to one deep resource calls (_Get1Resource,
; _Count1Resources, _Get1IxResource, Get1NamedResource, and
; _Unique1ID) to do n-deep resource calls when looking for a font
; resource in the System file.
; <3> 9/30/91 DTY Make the current zone the system zone so that all resource maps
; load into the system heap.
; <2> 9/23/91 DTY Set the sysHeap bit for every resource in the map. Also add a
; limit of 50 files to open.
; <1> 9/19/91 DTY first checked in
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'Folders.a'
include 'FileMgrPrivate.a' ; <SM2> CSS
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a' ; <SM2> CSS
include 'ResourceMgrPriv.a'
maxFontFiles equ 128 ; Open a maximum of 128 files
isAlias equ 15
resolveSpecialFolderAliases equ 0 ; Bummers. Not allowed to resolve aliases yet.
; AddFontsToChain uses _FindFolder to get the Fonts Folder, then
; iterates through all the font files in this folder and adds them
; to the resource chain underneath the System resource map so everyone
; in the world and see these fonts.
AddFontsToChain Proc Export
Import SetSysHeapBit
StackFrame Record 0,Decr
folderVRefNum ds.w 1 ; vRefNum of volume with Fonts Folder
folderDirID ds.l 1 ; Dir ID of Fonts Folder
fontFileName ds.b 256 ; Space for file name
fontFileSpec ds FSSpec ; <11>
catInfoRec ds.b ioHFQElSiz ; CInfoPBRec
stackFrameSize equ *
With StackFrame
link a6,#stackFrameSize
movem.l a2-a4/d3-d6,-(sp) ; <SM2> CSS
move.l TheZone,-(sp) ; Save the current heap zone
move.l SysZone,TheZone ; Make the system heap the current heap
; Find the Fonts Folder
subq #2,sp
move.w #kOnSystemDisk,-(sp) ; Look on the System disk
move.l #kFontsFolderType,-(sp) ; Look for the Fonts Folder
move.b #kDontCreateFolder,-(sp); <SM2> CSS <14> Don’t create it if it’s not there
pea folderVRefNum(a6)
pea folderDirID(a6)
_FindFolder ; Let _FindFolder do it’s thing.
tst.w (sp)+ ; Error?
bne @exitAddFonts ; If anything goes wrong, bail
; Tally the number of free FCBs there are before any font files are opened. This is
; the number of free FCBs we’ll want after all the font files are opened.
moveq #0,d6 ; <SM2> CSS <14> Clear our counter of free FCBs
move.l FCBSPtr,a1 ; <SM2> CSS <14> point to base of FCB array
moveq.l #0,d1 ; <SM2> CSS <14> clear high word
move.w (a1),d1 ; <SM2> CSS <14> grab length of the array
lea.l 2(a1),a0 ; <SM2> CSS <14> point to base of 1st FCB
add.w d1,a1 ; <SM2> CSS <14> point to end of FCB array
suba.w FSFCBLen,a1 ; <SM2> CSS <14> point to beginning of previous FCB
tst.l (a1) ; <SM2> CSS <14> is it free?
bnz.s @notFree
addq #1,d6 ; <SM2> CSS <14> Found another free FCB
cmpa.l a0,a1 ; <SM2> CSS <14> are we done with the array?
bhi.s @loop ; <SM2> CSS <14> as long as we're above the bottom now
move.l TopMapHndl,a2 ; Save current top resource map
move.w CurMap,d4 ; And current file reference number
; Iterate through the files and add each file to the chain
moveq #1,d3 ; File index
moveq #0,d5 ; <10> Opened file count
lea catInfoRec(a6),a0 ; Get the parameter block
clr.l ioCompletion(a0)
pea fontFileName(a6)
move.l (sp)+,ioNamePtr(a0)
move.w folderVRefNum(a6),ioVRefNum(a0)
move.w d3,ioFDirIndex(a0) ; File index
move.l folderDirID(a6),ioDirID(a0)
_GetCatInfo ; Get information about a file
bne @expandFCBArray ; <SM2> CSS If _GetCatInfo comes back with an error, we’re done
; Check to see if this file is an alias. If it is, resolve it
if resolveSpecialFolderAliases then
btst #isAlias,ioFlFndrInfo+fdFlags(a0) ; Check alias bit
beq.s @notAlias ; This file isn’t alias
subq #2,sp
move.w folderVRefNum(a6),-(sp)
move.l folderDirID(a6),-(sp)
pea fontFileName(a6)
pea fontFileSpec(a6)
tst.w (sp)+
bne.s @exitAddFonts
subq #2,sp
pea fontFileSpec(a6)
move.w #-1,-(sp) ; Resolve chains
pea targetType(a6)
pea wasAliased(a6)
tst.w (sp)+ ; Did the alias resolve?
bne.s @tryNextFont ; Nope
lea catInfoRec(a6),a0 ; A0 is needed again
; See if this file is a font file type we recognise
lea fileTypeTable,a1
move.l ioFlUsrWds+fdType(a0),d1
move.l (a1)+,d0
beq.s @tryNextFont
cmp.l d1,d0 ; Is it a font file?
bne.s @fileTypeLoop ; Nope
; Add the file to the resource chain.
subq #2,sp ; <11>
move.w folderVRefNum(a6),-(sp) ; <11>
move.l folderDirID(a6),-(sp) ; <11>
pea fontFileName(a6) ; <11>
pea fontFileSpec(a6) ; <11>
_FSMakeFSSpec ; <11> Make an FSSpec for the file
tst.w (sp)+ ; <11> If an FSSpec couldn’t be created, too bad
bmi.s @tryNextFont ; <11>
subq #2,sp
pea fontFileSpec(a6) ; <11>
move.b #fsCurPerm,-(sp) ; <SM2> CSS <15> Use whatever the current permissions are
_OpenResFileUnderSystemMap ; <11> Add the font file
move.w (sp)+,d0
bmi.s @tryNextFont ; <11> If result was negative, then something blew up and the file wasn’t added to the chain
subq #2,sp ; <12>
move.w d0,-(sp) ; <12>
_ResolveIDConflicts ; <12> Check for duplicate IDs in this file
addq #2,sp ; <12> I couldn’t care less whether or not conflicts were taken care of at this point.
addq #1,d5 ; <10> Another file was opened.
move.l a2,TopMapHndl ; Make the file that contains this InstallProc the top file
move.w d4,CurMap ; and make it the current map
addq #1,d3 ; And go on to the next file
cmpi.w #maxFontFiles,d5 ; <10> See if 128 font files were opened.
ble.s @findFontFiles ; Max of 128 font files
; Expand the FCB array so that there are as many free FCBs after opening the font files
; as there were before they were opened.
lea catInfoRec(a6),a0 ; <SM2> CSS <14>
move.w d6,ioFCBBurst(a0) ; <SM2> CSS <14> There should be this many FCBs free after linked patches
move.w d6,ioFCBGrow(a0) ; <SM2> CSS <14> And if there aren’t make sure there are.
_AllocateFCBs ; <SM2> CSS <14> Grow the FCB block
; Git out of here
move.l (sp)+,TheZone ; Restore the original heap zone
movem.l (sp)+,a2/d3-d5
unlk a6
String Asis
dc.b 'ffil', 'tfil', 'FFIL'
dc.l 0