2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

42 lines
988 B

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright © 1990-1991, Apple Computer, Inc, All Rights Reserved.
File: LowMemoryGlobals.h
Author: John Farmer
Contains: Definitions for low memory globals that are normally only defined in the
assembly equates.
Revisions: (most recent first):
ID Date Description
System 6.1.0 and 7.0 Changes:
<1> 11/29/90 John Farmer - Create file and it's original contents.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef __LowMemoryGlobals__
#define __LowMemoryGlobals__
// Include Directives
#include "Fonts.h"
// Constants
#define gIntlSpec ((SMgrRecord**) 0x00000BA0)
#define gWidthTabHandle ((WidthTable***) 0x00000B2A)
#define gFMDefaultSize ((UnsignedByte*) 0x00000987)
#define gSysFontSize ((UnsignedInteger*) 0x00000BA8)
#endif __LowMemoryGlobals__