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PRINT Push,NoObj
TITLE 'ProgStrucMacs - Program Structure Macro Statements'
* *
* ProgStrucMacs *
* *
* Program Structure Statements *
* *
* Ira L. Ruben *
* 09/15/86 *
* *
* Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1989 *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* --------------------------------------------------------------- *
* *
* External macros in this set are: *
* *
* • Procedure - Parse a procedure declaration *
* • Function - Parse a function declaration *
* • Var - Declare local variables on the stack *
* • Begin - Procedure primary entry point *
* • Enter - Procedure secondary entry point *
* • Return - Procedure and function exit *
* • Call - procedure, function, or trap call *
* *
* Internal macros in this set are: *
* *
* • ScanArgs# - Parse a proc name and its argument list *
* • Dcl1Var# - Process local variable declaration or formal param *
* *
* Thanks to Steve Brecher of Software Supply whose original set of macros *
* provided many ideas and syntax used here. *
* *
TITLE 'ScanArgs# - Parse a proc name and its argument list'
ScanArgs# &ArgList
.* ScanArgs# - Parse a proc name and its argument list (internal macro) *
.* *
.* Input: &ArgList = <modname> ['('arg1,...argN')'] [':'<result>] *
.* &Areg = 'A' ==> we must have CALL.A (An)[(arglist...)] * *
.* *
.* Output: &ModName# = <modname> (SETC) *
.* &NbrOfArgs# = number of arguments (SETA) *
.* &Args# = array of arguments; &Args#[i] = i'th arg (SETC) *
.* &FInfo# = <result> (SETC) *
GBLC &ModName# ; <modname>
GBLC &FInfo# ; <result>
GBLC &Args#[50] ; argument list
GBLA &NbrOfArgs# ; number of args in argument list
GBLC &Areg ; "A" ==> call (An)[(arglist...)] case
LCLC &S,&F[2]
LCLA &i,&j
&S: SETC &Trim(&ArgList) ; Ignore leading/trailing blanks
&i: SETA &Pos('(', &S) ; Find left-most "(", if any
IF &Areg = 'A' THEN ; But if we are doing a CALL.A (An)...
&j: SETA &Pos('(', &S[&i+1:255]); ...find 2nd "("
IF &j ≠ 0 THEN ; If there is one, we got arg list
&i: SETA &i + &j ; Adjust to point at 2nd "("
ELSE ; If there isn't an arg list...
&i: SETA 0 ; Set index accordingly
IF &i = 0 THEN ; If no args...
&NbrOfArgs#: SETA 0 ; ...say so!
&i: SETA &List(&S, '&F', ':')
&ModName#: SETC &Trim(&F[1]) ; Set &ModName# to stuff before any ":"
&FInfo#: SETC &Trim(&F[2]) ; &FInfo# is everything to right of ":"
ELSE ; If there are args, set up globals
&ModName#: SETC &Trim(&ArgList[1:&i-1])
&NbrOfArgs#: SETA &List(&ArgList[&i+1:255], '&Args#')
&i: SETA &List(&Args#[&NbrOfArgs#], '&F', ')')
&Args#[&NbrOfArgs#]: SETC &Trim(&F[1])
&FInfo#: SETC &SubStr(&Trim(&F[2]), 2, 255)
.*&i seta 0
.* writeln
.* writeln &ModName#
.* while &i < &NbrOfArgs# do
.* &i: seta &i+1
.* writeln &i, ': "', &Args#[&i], '"'
.* endw
.* writeln '"', &FInfo#, '"'
.* print pop
TITLE 'Dcl1Var# - Process local variable decl. or formal param'
Dcl1Var# &Opnd,&Align:A=0
.* Dcl1Var# - Process local variable decl. or formal param (internal macro) *
.* *
.* Input: &Opnd = <id>[':' <size>] [ '[' <dim> ']'] *
.* &Align = 1 ==> Align to word boundary and round size up to even *
.* 0 ==> no alignment and no rounding *
.* *
.* Output: None. *
.* *
.* Code: If <size> is a template name: DS.W <size> *
.* If <size> is B, W, L, S, D, X, P: DS.<size> <dim> Note 1 *
.* If <size> anything else: DS.B <dim>*<size> Note 2 *
.* *
.* Note 1: If <size>=B and &Align=1, then <size> forced to W *
.* Note 2: If &Align=1, then <size> rounded to next word if odd *
LCLC &Var,&Size,&UCSize,&A[2]
LCLA &VarLen,&i,&j,&Dim
&Var: SETC &Trim(&Opnd) ; Assume there is anly an <id>
&VarLen: SETA &Len(&Opnd) ; To be sure we look at last char
.* Process '[' <dim> ']'
IF &Var[&VarLen] ≠ ']' THEN ; Have "]" indicating we have <dim> ?
&Dim: SETA 1 ; No, the <dim> defaults to 1
ELSE ; If we have a <dim>...
&i: SETA -&ScanEQ('[', &Var, -&VarLen) ; Find "[" preceding the <dim>
IF &i = &VarLen THEN ; Did we find it ? (we better!)
AERROR '"[" missing.'
&Dim: SETA 1 ; No, default to 1
&Var: SETA &Var[1:&VarLen-1] ; Remove the invalid <dim> from the <id>
&j: SETA &VarLen-&i ; If we have a valid <dim>
&Dim: SETA &Eval(&Var[&j+1:&i]); Extract it
&Var: SETC &Trim(&Var[1:&j-1]) ; Remove it from the <id>
.* Process ':' <size>
&i: SETA &List(&Var, '&A', ':') ; Split <size> off the <id>
&Var: SETC &Trim(&A[1]) ; Put <id> in &Var
&Size: SETC &Default(&Trim(&A[2]), 'W') ; Put <size> in &Size
&UCSize: SETC &UC(&Size) ; Need upper case copy to test
.* Put it all together -- generate appropriate DC statement
IF &Type(&Size) = 'TEMPLATE' THEN
IF &Dim ≠ 1 THEN
AERROR 'Dimension must be 1 for template types'
&Var DS.W &Size
ELSEIF (&UCSize = 'W') OR (&Align AND (&UCSize = 'B')) THEN
&Var DS.W &Dim
ELSEIF (&Len(&UCSize) = 1) AND (&Pos(&UCSize, 'BLSDXP') > 0) THEN
&Var DS.&Size &Dim
&i: SETA &Ord(&Eval(&Size))
IF &Align THEN
&Var DS.B &Dim*(&i+(&i**1))
&Var DS.B &Dim*&i
TITLE 'Procedure - Parse a procedure declaration'
&Scope Procedure &ArgList,&C,&Link==,&Main==N
.* Procedure - Parse a procedure declaration *
.* *
.* Input: &ArgList = <modname> ['('formal1,...formalN')'] [':'<result>] *
.* <result> = B | W | L | S | D | X | P | <id> *
.* &Scope = 'ENTRY' ==> procedure local to file *
.* 'EXPORT' ==> procedure global to file *
.* 'LOCAL' ==> procedure local to current procedure *
.* <null> ==> same as ENTRY *
.* &C = 'C' ==> a C routine, reverse args on the stack *
.* &Link = 'Y' ==> generate LINK A6 *
.* 'DEBUG' ==> generate LINK A6 and MacsBug symbol *
.* <null> ==> generate LINK A6 if LinkAll or Debug is 1 *
.* &Main = 'Y' ==> main program *
.* not 'Y' ==> not main program *
.* *
.* Globals: LinkAll ≠ 0 ==> always generate LINKs *
.* = 0 ==> LINK's subject to &Link param *
.* Debug ≠ 0 ==> always generate LINKs and MacsBug symbol *
.* = 0 ==> LINKs/MacsBug symbol subject to &Link *
.* *
.* Output: &StFrame# = name of current stack frame (SF#xxxx) (SETC) *
.* &DbgName# = name to generate for MacsBug or <null> (SETC) *
.* &FSz# = function result size or <null> (SETC) *
.* &Link# = 1 ==> generate LINK; 0 ==> no LINK (SETA) *
.* &HaveDcls# = 1 ==> have local variables; 0 ==> no locals (SETA) *
.* &C# = 1 ==> C function; 0 ==> Pascal routine (SETA) *
.* *
.* Code: * The following is generated by Procedure (HERE IN THIS MACRO) *
.* <modname> [PROC &Scope] ; PROC may be FUNC | MAIN *
.* SF#xxxx RECORD {FramePtr},Decr ; Local stack frame *
.* [<modname> DS.<result> 0] ; Only if function *
.* <formal1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <formalN> DS.<size> <amount> ; Reverse order if C funct *
.* RetAddr DS.L 1 ; Return address *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Var *
.* LinkA6 DS.L 1 ; LINK field before locals *
.* FramePtr EQU * ; A6 will point here *
.* <Var1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <VarN> DS.<size> <amount> ; One DS for each Var arg *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Begin *
.* [LinkA6 DS.L 1] ; If required and no locals *
.* [FramePtr EQU *] ; A6 or A7 will point here *
.* LocalSize DS.W 0 ; Byte size of local vars *
.* ENDR ; End of local stack frame *
.* WITH [<with>,]SF#xxxx ; Cover templates, stk frame *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* FP SET A6 or A7 ; A6 if LINK generated *
.* [MOVE[M].L &Save,-(A7)] ; If regs to save *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Enter *
.* BRA.S %L%xxxx ; Branch around Enter code *
.* Lbl ; 2ndary entry point label *
.* [WITH <with>] ; Cover additional templates *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* [MOVE[M].L &Save,-(A7)] ; If regs to save *
.* %L%xxxx ; The branch-around label *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * Body of procedure goes here *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Return *
.* [MOVE[M].L (A7)+,<reg-list>]; Restore regs if any saved *
.* [UNLK A6] ; Only if LINK was done *
.* [MOVEA.L (A7)+,A0 ] ; If not C and have args... *
.* [ADD.W #<ArgSize>,A7] ; ...pop off arg list *
.* [MOVE.<size> <id>,(A7)] ; If result for function *
.* [JMP (A0)] ; If not C and have args *
.* [RTS ] ; If C or no args *
.* [DC.B '<modname>'] ; MacsBug symbol (asis str) *
PRINT Push,NoMDir,NoMCall
GBLC &ModName# ; <modname>
GBLC &FInfo# ; function <result>
GBLC &Args#[50] ; argument list
GBLA &NbrOfArgs# ; number of args in argument list
GBLC &StFrame# ; name of current stack frame
GBLC &DbgName# ; name to generate for MacsBug
GBLC &FSz# ; function result size
GBLA &Link# ; 1 ==> generate LINK
GBLA &HaveDcls# ; 1 ==> have local variables
GBLA &C# ; 1 ==> C function
GBLC &Areg ; "A" ==> call (An)[(arglist...)] case
LCLA &Func,&Arg
LCLC &LinkOpt
LCLC &DbgTemp
.* LinkAll is a user setable global controlling LINK generation
IF &Type('LinkAll') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN ; Initialize LinkAll if required
PRINT Push,Off
LinkAll: SET 0
.* Debug is a user settable global controlling MacsBug symbol generation
IF &Type('Debug') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN ; Initialize Debug if required
PRINT Push,Off
Debug: SET 0
.* Break up &ArgList into its components
&Areg: SETC '' ; Set switch for normal arglist
ScanArgs# &ArgList ; Set &ModName#, &Args#, &FInfo#
&Func: SETA &Len(&FInfo#) ; &Func ≠ 0 if function
&C#: SETA &UC(&C)='C' ; Remember if we have a C function
IF &NbrOfArgs# = 1 THEN ; Correct for the case F()
IF &Args#[1] = '' THEN ; One arg but it's null...
&NbrOfArgs#: SETA 0 ; ...treat as if there are no arguments
.* Generate module header and its corresponding scope
IF &UC(&Scope) = 'LOCAL' THEN
IF &ModName# ≠ '' THEN
ELSEIF &UC(&Main[1:1]) = 'Y' THEN
&ModName# MAIN &Scope
&ModName# FUNC &Scope
&ModName# PROC &Scope
.* Start the proc's local stack frame
&StFrame#: SETC &Concat('SF#', &SysNdx)
&StFrame# RECORD {FramePtr},Decr
.* If function, then generate stack fram label for function result. The label is
.* the module name if function result is one of the standard sizes. If it is not
.* a standard size, it is assumed to be an <id> and that <id> is used as the
.* function result label.
IF (&Func = 1) AND (&Pos(&UC(&FInfo#), 'BWLSDXP') > 0) THEN
&FSz#: SETC &UC(&FInfo#)
&ModName# DS.&FSz# 0
&FSz#: SETC 'W'
&FInfo# DS.W 0
&FSz#: SETC ''
.* Declare all the formals in the local stack frame. The formals are declared
.* in the reverse order if we have a C function.
IF &C# THEN ; C ?
&Arg: SETA &NbrOfArgs# ; Yes
WHILE &Arg > 0 DO ; Declare formals in reverse order
Dcl1Var# &Args#[&Arg],1
&Arg: SETA &Arg-1
ELSE ; Pascal
WHILE &Arg < &NbrOfArgs# DO ; Declare formals in the "normal" way
&Arg: SETA &Arg+1
Dcl1Var# &Args#[&Arg],1
.* The return address always follows the formal list
RetAddr DS.L 1
.* Process the &Link parameter: indicates if LINK must be generated and whether
.* MacsBug symbol will be generated.
&Link#: SETA 0 ; Assume LINK will not be needed
&LinkOpt: SETC &UC(&Link)
IF Debug THEN ; If Debug ≠ 0 then...
&LinkOpt: SETC 'DEBUG' ; ...we will gen LINK and MacsBug symbol
ELSEIF LinkAll THEN ; If LinkAll ≠ 0 then...
IF &LinkOpt ≠ 'DEBUG' THEN ; ...if user didn't specify DEBUG for &Link
&LinkOpt: SETC 'Y' ; indicate we need the LINK
IF &LinkOpt ≠ '' THEN ; Any &Link or global control setting ?
&Link#: SETA 1 ; Yes, set switch to gen LINK later
IF (&LinkOpt ≠ 'DEBUG') OR (&ModName# = '') THEN
&DbgName#: SETC '' ; If no MacsBug symbol, set global <null>
ELSE ; If MacsBug symbol, set it to gen later
&DbgTemp: SETC &ModName# ; Generate new type symbols
IF &Len(&ModName#) < 32 THEN ; If module name < 32 chars
IF &Len(&ModName#) // 2 = 0 THEN ; Add space if even so that...
&DbgTemp: SETC &Concat(&ModName#,' ') ; string length plus length byte...
ENDIF ; will align to word boundary
&DbgName#: SETC &Concat(&Chr($80 + &Len(&ModName#)), &DbgTemp)
ELSE ; Length is greater than 32 characters
IF &Len(&ModName#) // 2 = 1 THEN ; Add space if length is odd
&DbgTemp: SETC &Concat(&ModName#,' ')
&DbgName#: SETC &Concat(&Chr($80), &Chr(&Len(&ModName#)), &DbgTemp)
.* That's all for now -- we have no local declarations at this point...yet!
&HaveDcls#: SETA 0
TITLE 'Function - Parse a function declaration'
&Scope Function &ArgList,&C,&Link==,&Main==N
.* Function - Parse a function declaration (see Procedure for details) *
.* *
PRINT Push,NoMDir,NoMCall
&Scope Procedure &ArgList,&C,Link=&Link,Main=&Main
TITLE 'Var - Declare local variables on the stack'
.* Var - Declare local variables on the stack *
.* *
.* Call: <var-id> Var <id>[':' <size>] [ '[' <dim> ']'] (See Dcl1Var#) *
.* *
.* Input: &HaveDcls# = 1 ==> have local variables; 0 ==> no locals (SETA) *
.* *
.* Output: &Link# = 1 ==> generate LINK; 0 ==> no LINK (SETA) *
.* &HaveDcls# = 1 ==> have local variables; 0 ==> no locals (SETA) *
.* *
.* Code: * The following is generated by Procedure *
.* <modname> [PROC &Scope] ; PROC may be FUNC | MAIN *
.* SF#xxxx RECORD {FramePtr},Decr ; Local stack frame *
.* [<modname> DS.<result> 0] ; Only if function *
.* <formal1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <formalN> DS.<size> <amount> ; Reverse order if C funct *
.* RetAddr DS.L 1 ; Return address *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Var (HERE IN THIS MACRO) *
.* LinkA6 DS.L 1 ; LINK field before locals *
.* FramePtr EQU * ; A6 will point here *
.* <Var1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <VarN> DS.<size> <amount> ; One DS for each Var arg *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Begin *
.* [LinkA6 DS.L 1] ; If required and no locals *
.* [FramePtr EQU *] ; A6 or A7 will point here *
.* LocalSize DS.W 0 ; Byte size of local vars *
.* ENDR ; End of local stack frame *
.* WITH [<with>,]SF#xxxx ; Cover templates, stk frame *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* FP SET A6 or A7 ; A6 if LINK generated *
.* [MOVE[M].L &Save,-(A7)] ; If regs to save *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Enter *
.* BRA.S %L%xxxx ; Branch around Enter code *
.* Lbl ; 2ndary entry point label *
.* [WITH <with>] ; Cover additional templates *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* [MOVE[M].L &Save,-(A7)] ; If regs to save *
.* %L%xxxx ; The branch-around label *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * Body of procedure goes here *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Return *
.* [MOVE[M].L (A7)+,<reg-list>]; Restore regs if any saved *
.* [UNLK A6] ; Only if LINK was done *
.* [MOVEA.L (A7)+,A0 ] ; If not C and have args... *
.* [ADD.W #<ArgSize>,A7] ; ...pop off arg list *
.* [MOVE.<size> <id>,(A7)] ; If result for function *
.* [JMP (A0)] ; If not C and have args *
.* [RTS ] ; If C or no args *
.* [DC.B '<modname>'] ; MacsBug symbol (asis str) *
PRINT Push,NoMDir,NoMCall
GBLA &Link# ; 1 ==> generate LINK
GBLA &HaveDcls# ; 1 ==> have local variables
LCLA &i,&N
IF NOT &HaveDcls# THEN ; Is this the first local declaration ?
&HaveDcls#: SETA 1 ; Yes, indicate we have locals
LinkA6 DS.L 1
FramePtr EQU *
.* Declare each variable on the &SysLst argument list using Dcl1Var#. Thus the
.* syntax for local variables is identical to proc formals except that here the
.* word alignment is not required.
&N: SETA &Nbr(&SysLst)
WHILE &i < &N DO ; Around and around we go...
&i: SETA &i+1
Dcl1Var# &SysLst[&i],0
&Link#: SETA 1 ; Now we will require a LINK
TITLE 'Begin - Procedure primary entry point'
Begin &Prelude,&Save==,&With==
.* Begin - Procedure primary entry point *
.* *
.* Input: &Prelude = not <null> ==> override generation of LINK *
.* &Save = a register list of regs to save across this procedure *
.* &With = a sublist of additional templates to cover with WITH *
.* *
.* &StFrame# = name of current stack frame (SF#xxxx) (SETC) *
.* &Link# = 1 ==> generate LINK; 0 ==> no LINK (SETA) *
.* &HaveDcls# = 1 ==> have local variables; 0 ==> no locals (SETA) *
.* *
.* Output: &Link# = 1 ==> generate LINK; 0 ==> no LINK (SETA) *
.* &SaveRegs# = Regs saved and to be restored (SETC) *
.* &ArgSize# = nbr of bytes of stack space for formals (SETA) *
.* *
.* Code: * The following is generated by Procedure *
.* <modname> [PROC &Scope] ; PROC may be FUNC | MAIN *
.* SF#xxxx RECORD {FramePtr},Decr ; Local stack frame *
.* [<modname> DS.<result> 0] ; Only if function *
.* <formal1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <formalN> DS.<size> <amount> ; Reverse order if C funct *
.* RetAddr DS.L 1 ; Return address *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Var *
.* LinkA6 DS.L 1 ; LINK field before locals *
.* FramePtr EQU * ; A6 will point here *
.* <Var1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <VarN> DS.<size> <amount> ; One DS for each Var arg *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Begin (HERE IN THIS MACRO) *
.* [LinkA6 DS.L 1] ; If required and no locals *
.* [FramePtr EQU *] ; A6 or A7 will point here *
.* LocalSize DS.W 0 ; Byte size of local vars *
.* ENDR ; End of local stack frame *
.* WITH [<with>,]SF#xxxx ; Cover templates, stk frame *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* FP SET A6 or A7 ; A6 if LINK generated *
.* [MOVE[M].L &Save,-(A7)] ; If regs to save *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Enter *
.* BRA.S %L%xxxx ; Branch around Enter code *
.* Lbl ; 2ndary entry point label *
.* [WITH <with>] ; Cover additional templates *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* [MOVE[M].L &Save,-(A7)] ; If regs to save *
.* %L%xxxx ; The branch-around label *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * Body of procedure goes here *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Return *
.* [MOVE[M].L (A7)+,<reg-list>]; Restore regs if any saved *
.* [UNLK A6] ; Only if LINK was done *
.* [MOVEA.L (A7)+,A0 ] ; If not C and have args... *
.* [ADD.W #<ArgSize>,A7] ; ...pop off arg list *
.* [MOVE.<size> <id>,(A7)] ; If result for function *
.* [JMP (A0)] ; If not C and have args *
.* [RTS ] ; If C or no args *
.* [DC.B '<modname>'] ; MacsBug symbol (asis str) *
PRINT Push,NoMDir,NoMCall
GBLC &FInfo# ; function <result>
GBLC &StFrame# ; name of current stack frame
GBLC &SaveRegs# ; Regs saved and to be restored
GBLA &NbrOfArgs# ; number of args in argument list
GBLA &Link# ; 1 ==> generate LINK
GBLA &HaveDcls# ; 1 ==> have local variables
GBLA &ArgSize# ; nbr of bytes of stack space for formals
.* If we don't already think we need a LINK, we still may need it if, at this
.* point, we have to save registers and we are in a function or there are formal
.* parameters.
IF &Link# OR (((&FInfo#≠'') OR (&NbrOfArgs# ≠ 0)) AND (&Save≠'')) THEN
&Link#: SETA 1 ; Link is required
IF NOT &HaveDcls# THEN ; Gen field for LINK address if no locals
LinkA6 DS.L 1
.* If there we no locals, we haven't generated the FramePtr yet. So we do it now.
IF NOT &HaveDcls# THEN
FramePtr EQU *
.* That's all for the stack frame. We generate LocalSize to be used in potential
.* LINK instruction.
LocalSize DS.W 0
.* Generate a WITH to cover the local stack frame and any additional templates
.* the user specified in the &With parameter. This may be a sublist or a single
.* name.
IF &With ≠ '' THEN
IF &With[1:1] = '(' THEN
WITH &With[2:&Len(&With)-2],&StFrame#
WITH &With,&StFrame#
WITH &StFrame#
.* It's time for the LINK. It is generated if &Link is 1. &Link became 1 under
.* the following conditions:
.* 1. Either the globals LinkAll or Debug are set non-zero.
.* 2. The &Link Procedure parameter is set to DEBUG or non-null
.* 3. There are local variables (Var's)
.* 4. There are registers to save (&Save), and
.* • we are processing a function, or
.* • there are formal (and, of course, actual) parameters
.* Given all this, the user can still suppress the LINK by setting &Prelude to
.* non-null.
IF &Link# THEN
IF &Prelude = '' THEN
LINK A6,#LocalSize
.* Compute the size of the argument list to be able to pop the stack with Return.
.* Also, save registers if required.
&ArgSize#: SETA &Eval(&StFrame#)-RetAddr-4
&SaveRegs#: SETC &Save
IF &Save ≠ '' THEN
IF &Substr(&Type(&Save), 1, 3) = 'REG' THEN
MOVE.L &Save,-(A7)
MOVEM.L &Save,-(A7)
TITLE 'Enter - Procedure secondary entry point'
&Lbl Enter &Prelude,&With==
.* Enter - Procedure secondary entry point *
.* *
.* Input: &Prelude = not <null> ==> override generation of LINK *
.* &With = a sublist of additional templates to cover with WITH *
.* *
.* &Link# = 1 ==> generate LINK; 0 ==> no LINK (SETA) *
.* &SaveRegs# = Regs saved and to be restored (SETC) *
.* *
.* Output: None. *
.* *
.* Code: * The following is generated by Procedure *
.* <modname> [PROC &Scope] ; PROC may be FUNC | MAIN *
.* SF#xxxx RECORD {FramePtr},Decr ; Local stack frame *
.* [<modname> DS.<result> 0] ; Only if function *
.* <formal1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <formalN> DS.<size> <amount> ; Reverse order if C funct *
.* RetAddr DS.L 1 ; Return address *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Var *
.* LinkA6 DS.L 1 ; LINK field before locals *
.* FramePtr EQU * ; A6 will point here *
.* <Var1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <VarN> DS.<size> <amount> ; One DS for each Var arg *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Begin *
.* [LinkA6 DS.L 1] ; If required and no locals *
.* [FramePtr EQU *] ; A6 or A7 will point here *
.* LocalSize DS.W 0 ; Byte size of local vars *
.* ENDR ; End of local stack frame *
.* WITH [<with>,]SF#xxxx ; Cover templates, stk frame *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* FP SET A6 or A7 ; A6 if LINK generated *
.* [MOVE[M].L &Save,-(A7)] ; If regs to save *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Enter (HERE IN THIS MACRO) *
.* BRA.S %L%xxxx ; Branch around Enter code *
.* Lbl ; 2ndary entry point label *
.* [WITH <with>] ; Cover additional templates *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* [MOVE[M].L &Save,-(A7)] ; If regs to save *
.* %L%xxxx ; The branch-around label *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * Body of procedure goes here *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Return *
.* [MOVE[M].L (A7)+,<reg-list>]; Restore regs if any saved *
.* [UNLK A6] ; Only if LINK was done *
.* [MOVEA.L (A7)+,A0 ] ; If not C and have args... *
.* [ADD.W #<ArgSize>,A7] ; ...pop off arg list *
.* [MOVE.<size> <id>,(A7)] ; If result for function *
.* [JMP (A0)] ; If not C and have args *
.* [RTS ] ; If C or no args *
.* [DC.B '<modname>'] ; MacsBug symbol (asis str) *
PRINT Push,NoMDir,NoMCall
GBLC &SaveRegs# ; Regs saved and to be restored
GBLA &Link# ; 1 ==> generate LINK
.* Generate a branch around the Enter code
BRA.S %L%&SysNdx
&Lbl ;
.* Generate a WITH to cover any additional templates the user specified in the
.* &With parameter. This may be a sublist or a single name.
IF &With ≠ '' THEN
IF &With[1:1] = '(' THEN
WITH &With[2:&Len(&With)-2]
WITH &With
.* It's time for another LINK. It is generated if &Link is 1. &Link became 1
.* under the following conditions:
.* 1. Either the globals LinkAll or Debug are set non-zero.
.* 2. The &Link Procedure parameter is set to DEBUG or non-null
.* 3. There are local variables (Var's)
.* 4. There are registers to save (&Save), and
.* • we are processing a function, or
.* • there are formal (and, of course, actual) parameters
.* Given all this, the user can still suppress the LINK by setting &Prelude to
.* non-null.
IF &Link# THEN
IF &Prelude = '' THEN
LINK A6,#LocalSize
.* Save registers if required.
IF &SaveRegs# ≠ '' THEN
IF &Substr(&Type(&SaveRegs#), 1, 3) = 'REG' THEN
MOVE.L &SaveRegs#,-(A7)
MOVEM.L &SaveRegs#,-(A7)
.* The Enter branch-around label follows all the Enter code to allow code before
.* the Enter to jump over the Enter.
TITLE 'Return - Procedure and function exit'
Return &Result
.* Return - Procedure and function exit *
.* *
.* Input: &Result = [ <ea> [':' <size> ] *
.* <size> = B | W | L | S | D | X | P *
.* *
.* &SaveRegs# = Regs saved and to be restored (SETC) *
.* &DbgName# = name to generate for MacsBug or <null> (SETC) *
.* &FSz# = function result size or <null> (SETC) *
.* &Link# = 1 ==> generate LINK; 0 ==> no LINK (SETA) *
.* &ArgSize# = nbr of bytes of stack space for formals (SETA) *
.* &C# = 1 ==> C function; 0 ==> Pascal routine (SETA) *
.* *
.* Code: * The following is generated by Procedure *
.* <modname> [PROC &Scope] ; PROC may be FUNC | MAIN *
.* SF#xxxx RECORD {FramePtr},Decr ; Local stack frame *
.* [<modname> DS.<result> 0] ; Only if function *
.* <formal1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <formalN> DS.<size> <amount> ; Reverse order if C funct *
.* RetAddr DS.L 1 ; Return address *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Var *
.* LinkA6 DS.L 1 ; LINK field before locals *
.* FramePtr EQU * ; A6 will point here *
.* <Var1> DS.<size> <amount> ; See Dcl1Var# for details *
.* - - - *
.* <VarN> DS.<size> <amount> ; One DS for each Var arg *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Begin *
.* [LinkA6 DS.L 1] ; If required and no locals *
.* [FramePtr EQU *] ; A6 or A7 will point here *
.* LocalSize DS.W 0 ; Byte size of local vars *
.* ENDR ; End of local stack frame *
.* WITH [<with>,]SF#xxxx ; Cover templates, stk frame *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* FP SET A6 or A7 ; A6 if LINK generated *
.* [MOVE[M].L <reg-list>,-(A7)]; If regs to save *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Enter *
.* BRA.S %L%xxxx ; Branch around Enter code *
.* Lbl ; 2ndary entry point label *
.* [WITH <with>] ; Cover additional templates *
.* [LINK A6,#LocalSize] ; If LINK is required *
.* [MOVE[M].L &Save,-(A7)] ; If regs to save *
.* %L%xxxx ; The branch-around label *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * Body of procedure goes here *
.* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
.* * The following is generated by Return (HERE IN THIS MACRO) *
.* [MOVE[M].L (A7)+,<reg-list>]; Restore regs if any saved *
.* [UNLK A6] ; Only if LINK was done *
.* [MOVEA.L (A7)+,A0 ] ; If not C and have args... *
.* [ADD.W #<ArgSize>,A7] ; ...pop off arg list *
.* [MOVE.<size> <ea>,(A7)] ; If result for function *
.* [JMP (A0)] ; If not C and have args *
.* [RTS ] ; If C or no args *
.* [DC.B '<modname>'] ; MacsBug symbol (asis str) *
PRINT Push,NoMDir,NoMCall
GBLC &SaveRegs# ; Regs saved and to be restored
GBLC &DbgName# ; name to generate for MacsBug
GBLC &FSz# ; function result size
GBLA &Link# ; 1 ==> generate LINK
GBLA &ArgSize# ; nbr of bytes of stack space for formals
GBLA &C# ; 1 ==> C function
LCLC &S,&Rslt[2]
.* Gen code to restore any save registers
IF &SaveRegs# ≠ '' THEN
IF &Substr(&Type(&SaveRegs#), 1, 3) = 'REG' THEN
MOVE.L (A7)+,&SaveRegs#
MOVEM.L (A7)+,&SaveRegs#
.* If we generated the LINK, it's time for the UNLK
IF &Link# THEN
.* Generate procedure return to caller: if we are doing a C function, just do an
.* RTS, since it's the caller's responsibility to pop the args off the stack. If
.* we are generating a Pascal routine, then again we only need an RTS if there
.* were no arguments. If there were, we pop the arguments off the stack by
.* adding the arg size to A7. The assembler will optimize the ADD appropriately.
.* Once the arguments are popped we can set the function result using &Result.
.* If no result and one long arg, use MOVE.L (A7)+,(A7) followed by an RTS.
IF &C# THEN ; Just RTS if C function
ELSEIF (&Result = '') AND (&ArgSize# = 4) THEN ;special Pascal case...
MOVE.L (A7)+,(A7)
ELSE ; If Pascal...
IF &ArgSize# > 8 THEN ; Pop stack if there are args
MOVEA.L (A7)+,A0
LEA &ArgSize#(A7),A7
MOVEA.L (A7)+,A0
ADD.W #&ArgSize#,A7
ELSEIF &Result ≠ '' THEN
MOVEA.L (A7)+,A0
IF &Result ≠ '' THEN ; Returning a result to a function ?
IF &FSz# = '' THEN ; Yes, we better be in a function!
AERROR 'Attempt to return a function result in a procedure'
ELSE ; So far, so good
&i: SETA &List(&Result, '&Rslt', ':') ; Split &Result
&S: SETC &Default(&UC(&Trim(&Rslt[2])), &FSz#) ; Use size override if any
IF &Pos(&S, 'BWL') THEN ; B | W | L ==> assume normal MOVE
MOVE.&S &Trim(&Rslt[1]),(A7)
ELSE ; S | D | X | P ==> floating point
FMOVE.&S &Trim(&Rslt[1]),(A7)
IF &ArgSize# OR (&Result ≠ '') THEN
JMP (A0)
.* If we need to generate the MacsBug symbol, now is the time! Be careful to
.* make sure of the Assembler's STRING setting, since the MacsBug symbol must
.* be an ASIS string.
IF &DbgName# ≠ '' THEN ; &DbgName# indicates we have a symbol
&S: SETC &Setting('STRING') ; Preserve STRING status
IF &S ≠ 'ASIS' THEN ; Only change it if not already ASIS
DC.B '&DbgName#'
DC.B '&DbgName#'
DC.W 0 ; Fake literal size
TITLE 'Call - procedure, function, or trap call'
Call.&Ext &CallSpec,&Result
.* Call - procedure, function, or trap call *
.* *
.* Input: &Ext = S | B | W | L | * | A| <null> *
.* &CallSpec = <modname>[':'<size>] ['('arg1,...argN')'] | *
.* (An)['('arg1,...argN')'] if "A" Ext *
.* &Result = PASS | {<id> | CC | POP} [':' <size>] | *
.* (PASS,{<id> | CC} [':' <size>]) *
.* *
.* <size> = B | W | L *
.* <arg-i> = <null> | NIL | TRUE | FALSE | *
.* <ea> [':' {<size> | <reg> | A } ] *
.* *
.* Global: AutoImport ≠ 0 ==> Gen IMPORT for undefined modname *
.* = 0 ==> Do not gen IMPORT *
.* *
.* Code: [SUBQ.W #2|4,A7 ] ; If function call *
.* *
.* [PEA <arg> ] ; If arg:A *
.* [MOVEQ <arg>,<reg>] ; If <arg>:<reg> *
.* [MOVE.L <reg>,-(A7)] ; " " " *
.* [MOVE.<sz> <arg>,-(A7)] ; If <arg>:<sz> *
.* *
.* [JSR <modname> ] ; If calling code module or import *
.* [BSR.<sz> <modname> ] ; If explicit size and not <sz>='*' *
.* [<modname> ] ; If OPWORD, macro, or "_undefined" *
.* *
.* [TST.<sz> (A7)+ ] ; If result = CC:<sz> *
.* [ADDQ.W #2|4,A7 ] ; If result = POP:<sz> *
.* [MOVE.<sz> (A7)+,Rslt ] ; If result = <rslt>:<sz> *
PRINT Push,NoMDir,NoMCall
GBLC &ModName# ; <modname>
GBLC &Args#[50] ; argument list
GBLA &NbrOfArgs# ; number of args in argument list
GBLC &FInfo# ; Function type if parameterless funct
GBLC &Areg ; "A" ==> call (An)[(arglist...)] case
LCLA &i,&Arg
LCLC &A[2],&Sz,&Param,&T,&Rslt,&RsltSz
.* AutoImport is a user settable global controlling automatic IMPORT generation
IF &Type('AutoImport') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN ; Initialize AutoImport if required
PRINT Push,Off
AutoImport: SET 0
.* Split up the call statement into the globals
&Areg: SETC &UC(&Ext) ; Set sw to "A" for (An)[(arglist...)] case
ScanArgs# &CallSpec ; Set &ModName#, &Args#, &NbrOfArgs#
.* See if we are calling function as indicated by a size on the <modname>. If
.* we are, split off the size from the <modname>, and set &RsltSz with the size
.* to pop off the stack after the call (unless overridden by the &Result param).
.* Reserve space now for the function result.
IF &NbrOfArgs# = 0 THEN
&RsltSz: SETC &Default(&UC(&FInfo#), 'W')
IF &FInfo# ≠ '' THEN
IF &RsltSz = 'L' THEN
SUBQ.W #4,A7
SUBQ.W #2,A7
&i: SETA &List(&ModName#, '&A', ':')
&ModName#: SETC &Trim(&A[1])
&RsltSz: SETC &Default(&UC(&Trim(&A[2])), 'W')
IF &i = 2 THEN
IF &RsltSz = 'L' THEN
SUBQ.W #4,A7
SUBQ.W #2,A7
.* Push each argument on the stack.
WHILE &Arg < &NbrOfArgs# DO ; Loop through all of 'em
&Arg: SETA &Arg+1
&A[2]: SETC ''
&i: SETA &List(&Args#[&Arg], '&A', ':'); Split arg to get its size
&Param: SETC &Trim(&A[1]) ; Here's the arg
IF &Param ≠ '' THEN ; I hope, it could be null
&Sz: SETC &Default(&UC(&Trim(&A[2])), 'W'); Get arg size
IF &Sz = 'A' THEN ; Should we push address ?
PEA &Param
ELSEIF &SubStr(&Type(&Sz), 1, 3) = 'REG' THEN ; Pushing a reg value ?
MOVEQ &Param,&Sz
MOVE.L &Sz,-(A7)
IF &A[2] = '' THEN
&T: SETC &UC(&Param)
IF &T = 'NIL' THEN ; Pushing NIL ?
CLR.L -(A7)
ELSEIF &T = 'TRUE' THEN ; Pushing TRUE ?
ST -(A7)
CLR.B -(A7)
ELSE ; Pushing a simple <ea>
MOVE.&Sz &Param,-(A7)
ELSE ; Pushing a simple <ea>
MOVE.&Sz &Param,-(A7)
.* Call the procedure or trap. If the size is "*" or we are calling a import, or
.* we are calling another module, do a JSR. If we are calling an OPWORD, macro,
.* or some undefined name that begins with an underscore, use the name as the
.* call. In all other cases we BSR to the called routine.
&Sz: SETC &UC(&Ext)
IF &Sz = 'A' THEN
JSR &ModName#
ELSEIF (&Sz ≠ '*') AND (&Sz ≠ '') THEN
BSR.&Sz &ModName#
&T: SETC &SubStr(&Type(&ModName#), 1, 11)
IF &Sz = '*' THEN
JSR &ModName#
ELSEIF (&T = 'OPWORD') OR (&T = 'MACRO') OR ((&T='UNDEFINED') AND (&ModName#[1] = '_')) THEN
Import &ModName#
JSR &ModName#
BSR &ModName#
.* If there is an explicit &Result override, we use it to determine what to do
.* with function's returned value. Above, the function invocation possibly
.* was specified as part of a size attribute on the modname. That size could
.* be overridden here with a size attribute on the result. Whichever way we get
.* it it is used to pop the function result off the stack (if PASS isn't used).
&Rslt: SETC &Default(&Result, 'PASS'); Default result to PASS
IF &UC(&Rslt) ≠ 'PASS' THEN ; Should we pop the stack ?
&i: SETA &Nbr(&Result) ; Maybe...see how &Result is specified
IF (&i>0) AND (&UC(&Result[1]) = 'PASS') THEN ; Copy result -- do not pop!
&Rslt: SETC &Result[2] ;
&A[2]: SETC ''
&i: SETA &List(&Rslt, '&A', ':') ; Split the result
&Rslt: SETC &UC(&Trim(&A[1]))
&RsltSz: SETC &Default(&UC(&Trim(&A[2])), &RsltSz)
IF &Rslt = 'CC' THEN ; Use result as condition code ?
TST.&RsltSz (A7)
ELSEIF &Rslt = 'POP' THEN ; Simply pop the stack ?
AERROR 'Cannot PASS and POP at the same time!'
ELSE ; Copy stack into result
MOVE.&RsltSz (A7),&A[1]
ELSE ; Pop result off the stack
&A[2]: SETC ''
&i: SETA &List(&Rslt, '&A', ':') ; Split the result
&Rslt: SETC &UC(&Trim(&A[1]))
&RsltSz: SETC &Default(&UC(&Trim(&A[2])), &RsltSz)
IF &Rslt = 'CC' THEN ; Use result as condition code ?
TST.&RsltSz (A7)+
ELSEIF &Rslt = 'POP' THEN ; Simply pop the stack ?
IF &RsltSz = 'L' THEN
ADDQ.W #4,A7
ADDQ.W #2,A7
ELSE ; Pop stack into result
MOVE.&RsltSz (A7)+,&A[1]
TITLE 'Dump file "ProgStrucMacs.d"'
DUMP 'ProgStrucMacs.d'