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Created: Tuesday, January 15, 1991 at 8:57 AM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1990
All rights reserved
#ifndef __SCRIPT__
#define __SCRIPT__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __OSUTILS__
#include <OSUtils.h>
enum {
/* Script System constants */
smSystemScript = -1, /*designates system script.*/
smCurrentScript = -2, /*designates current font script.*/
smRoman = 0, /*Roman*/
smJapanese = 1, /*Japanese*/
smTradChinese = 2, /*Traditional Chinese*/
smKorean = 3, /*Korean*/
smArabic = 4, /*Arabic*/
smHebrew = 5, /*Hebrew*/
smGreek = 6, /*Greek*/
smCyrillic = 7, /*Cyrillic*/
smRSymbol = 8, /*Right-left symbol*/
smDevanagari = 9, /*Devanagari*/
smGurmukhi = 10, /*Gurmukhi*/
smGujarati = 11, /*Gujarati*/
smOriya = 12, /*Oriya*/
smBengali = 13, /*Bengali*/
smTamil = 14, /*Tamil*/
smTelugu = 15, /*Telugu*/
smKannada = 16, /*Kannada/Kanarese*/
smMalayalam = 17 /*Malayalam*/
enum {
smSinhalese = 18, /*Sinhalese*/
smBurmese = 19, /*Burmese*/
smKhmer = 20, /*Khmer/Cambodian*/
smThai = 21, /*Thai*/
smLaotian = 22, /*Laotian*/
smGeorgian = 23, /*Georgian*/
smArmenian = 24, /*Armenian*/
smSimpChinese = 25, /*Simplified Chinese*/
smTibetan = 26, /*Tibetan*/
smMongolian = 27, /*Mongolian*/
smGeez = 28, /*Geez/Ethiopic*/
smEthiopic = 28, /*Synonym for smGeez*/
smEastEurRoman = 29, /*Synonym for smSlavic*/
smVietnamese = 30, /*Vietnamese*/
smExtArabic = 31, /*extended Arabic*/
smUninterp = 32, /*uninterpreted symbols, e.g. palette symbols*/
/*Obsolete names for script systems (kept for backward compatibility)*/
smChinese = 2, /*(use smTradChinese or smSimpChinese)*/
smRussian = 7, /*(old name for smCyrillic)*/
/* smMaldivian = 25; (no more smMaldivian!)*/
smAmharic = 28, /*(old name for smGeez)*/
smSlavic = 29 /*(old name for smEastEurRoman)*/
enum {
smSindhi = 31, /*(old name for smExtArabic)*/
/* Calendar Codes */
calGregorian = 0,
calArabicCivil = 1,
calArabicLunar = 2,
calJapanese = 3,
calJewish = 4,
calCoptic = 5,
calPersian = 6,
/* Integer Format Codes */
intWestern = 0,
intArabic = 1,
intRoman = 2,
intJapanese = 3,
intEuropean = 4,
intOutputMask = 0x8000,
/* CharByte byte types */
smSingleByte = 0,
smFirstByte = -1,
smLastByte = 1,
smMiddleByte = 2,
/* CharType field masks */
smcTypeMask = 0x000F,
smcReserved = 0x00F0
enum {
smcClassMask = 0x0F00,
smcOrientationMask = 0x1000, /*two-byte script glyph orientation*/
smcRightMask = 0x2000,
smcUpperMask = 0x4000,
smcDoubleMask = 0x8000,
/* Basic CharType character types */
smCharPunct = 0x0000,
smCharAscii = 0x0001,
smCharEuro = 0x0007,
smCharExtAscii = 0x0007, /* More correct synonym for smCharEuro */
/* Additional CharType character types for script systems */
smCharKatakana = 0x0002, /*Japanese Katakana*/
smCharHiragana = 0x0003, /*Japanese Hiragana*/
smCharIdeographic = 0x0004, /*Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja*/
smCharTwoByteGreek = 0x0005, /*2-byte Greek in Far East systems*/
smCharTwoByteRussian = 0x0006, /*2-byte Cyrillic in Far East systems*/
smCharBidirect = 0x0008, /*Arabic/Hebrew*/
smCharHangul = 0x000C, /*Korean Hangul*/
smCharJamo = 0x000D, /*Korean Jamo*/
/* old names for above, for backward compatibility */
smCharFISKana = 0x0002, /*Katakana*/
smCharFISGana = 0x0003, /*Hiragana*/
smCharFISIdeo = 0x0004 /*Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja*/
enum {
smCharFISGreek = 0x0005, /*2-byte Greek in Far East systems*/
smCharFISRussian = 0x0006, /*2-byte Cyrillic in Far East systems*/
/* CharType classes for punctuation (smCharPunct) */
smPunctNormal = 0x0000,
smPunctNumber = 0x0100,
smPunctSymbol = 0x0200,
smPunctBlank = 0x0300,
smPunctRepeat = 0x0400, /* FIS: wildcard */
smPunctGraphic = 0x0500, /* FIS: line graphics */
/* CharType classes for FISKana, FISGana */
smKanaSmall = 0x0100, /*small kana character*/
smKanaHardOK = 0x0200, /*can have dakuten*/
smKanaSoftOK = 0x0300, /*can have dakuten or han-dakuten*/
/* CharType Ideographics classes for two-byte systems */
smIdeographicLevel1 = 0x0000, /*level 1 char*/
smIdeographicLevel2 = 0x0100, /*level 2 char*/
smIdeographicUser = 0x0200, /*user char*/
/* old names for above, for backward compatibility */
smFISClassLvl1 = 0x0000, /*level 1 char*/
smFISClassLvl2 = 0x0100, /*level 2 char*/
smFISClassUser = 0x0200, /*user char*/
/* CharType Jamo classes for Korean systems */
smJamoJaeum = 0x0000, /*simple consonant char*/
smJamoBogJaeum = 0x0100, /*complex consonant char*/
smJamoMoeum = 0x0200 /*simple vowel char*/
enum {
smJamoBogMoeum = 0x0300, /*complex vowel char*/
/* CharType FIS glyph orientation */
smCharHorizontal = 0x0000, /* horizontal character form, or for both */
smCharVertical = 0x1000, /* vertical character form */
/* CharType directions */
smCharLeft = 0x0000,
smCharRight = 0x2000,
/* CharType case modifers */
smCharLower = 0x0000,
smCharUpper = 0x4000,
/* CharType character size modifiers (1 or multiple bytes). */
smChar1byte = 0x0000,
smChar2byte = 0x8000,
/* Char2Pixel directions */
smLeftCaret = 0, /*Place caret for left block*/
smRightCaret = -1, /*Place caret for right block*/
smHilite = 1, /*Direction is TESysJust*/
/* Transliterate target types for Roman */
smTransAscii = 0,
smTransNative = 1,
smTransCase = 0xFE,
smTransSystem = 0xFF, /*convert to system script*/
/* Transliterate target types for FIS */
smTransAscii1 = 2, /*1-byte Roman*/
smTransAscii2 = 3, /*2-byte Roman*/
smTransKana1 = 4, /*1-byte Japanese Katakana*/
smTransKana2 = 5 /*2-byte Japanese Katakana*/
enum {
smTransGana2 = 7, /*2-byte Japanese Hiragana (no 1-byte Hiragana)*/
smTransHangul2 = 8, /*2-byte Korean Hangul*/
smTransJamo2 = 9, /*2-byte Korean Jamo*/
smTransBopomofo2 = 10, /*2-byte Chinese Bopomofo*/
/* Transliterate target modifiers */
smTransLower = 0x4000,
smTransUpper = 0x8000,
/* Transliterate source mask - general */
smMaskAll = 0xFFFFFFFF, /*Convert all text*/
/* Transliterate source masks */
smMaskAscii = 0x00000001, /*2^smTransAscii*/
smMaskNative = 0x00000002, /*2^smTransNative*/
/* Transliterate source masks for FIS */
smMaskAscii1 = 0x00000004, /*2^smTransAscii1*/
smMaskAscii2 = 0x00000008, /*2^smTransAscii2*/
smMaskKana1 = 0x00000010, /*2^smTransKana1*/
smMaskKana2 = 0x00000020, /*2^smTransKana2*/
smMaskGana2 = 0x00000080, /*2^smTransGana2*/
smMaskHangul2 = 0x00000100, /*2^smTransHangul2*/
smMaskJamo2 = 0x00000200, /*2^smTransJamo2*/
smMaskBopomofo2 = 0x00000400, /*2^smTransBopomofo2*/
/* Result values from GetEnvirons, SetEnvirons, GetScript and SetScript calls. */
smNotInstalled = 0, /*routine not available in script*/
smBadVerb = -1, /*Bad verb passed to a routine*/
smBadScript = -2 /*Bad script code passed to a routine*/
enum {
/* Values for script redraw flag. */
smRedrawChar = 0, /*Redraw character only*/
smRedrawWord = 1, /*Redraw entire word (2-byte systems)*/
smRedrawLine = -1, /*Redraw entire line (bidirectional systems)*/
/* GetEnvirons and SetEnvirons verbs */
smVersion = 0, /*Environment version number*/
smMunged = 2, /*Globals change count*/
smEnabled = 4, /*Environment enabled flag*/
smBidirect = 6, /*At least on bidirect script*/
smFontForce = 8, /*Force font flag*/
smIntlForce = 10, /*Force intl flag*/
smForced = 12, /*script forced to system script*/
smDefault = 14, /*script defaulted to Roman script*/
smPrint = 16, /*Printer action routine*/
smSysScript = 18, /*System script*/
smLastScript = 20, /*Last keyboard script*/
smKeyScript = 22, /*Keyboard script*/
smSysRef = 24, /*System folder refNum*/
smKeyCache = 26, /*Keyboard table cache pointer*/
smKeySwap = 28, /*Swapping table pointer*/
smGenFlags = 30, /*General flags long*/
smOverride = 32 /*Script override flags*/
enum {
smCharPortion = 34, /*Ch vs SpExtra proportion*/
/* New for System 7.0: */
smDoubleByte = 36, /*Flag for double-byte script installed*/
smKCHRCache = 38, /*Returns pointer to KCHR cache*/
smRegionCode = 40, /*Returns current region code (verXxx)*/
/* GetScript and SetScript verbs.
Note: Verbs private to script systems are negative, while
those general across script systems are non-negative. */
smScriptVersion = 0, /*Script software version*/
smScriptMunged = 2, /*Script entry changed count*/
smScriptEnabled = 4, /*Script enabled flag*/
smScriptRight = 6, /*Right to left flag*/
smScriptJust = 8, /*Justification flag*/
smScriptRedraw = 10, /*Word redraw flag*/
smScriptSysFond = 12, /*Preferred system font*/
smScriptAppFond = 14, /*Preferred Application font*/
smScriptBundle = 16, /*Beginning of itlb verbs*/
smScriptNumber = 16, /*Script itl0 id*/
smScriptDate = 18, /*Script itl1 id*/
smScriptSort = 20, /*Script itl2 id*/
smScriptFlags = 22, /*flags word*/
smScriptToken = 24, /*Script itl4 id*/
smScriptEncoding = 26, /*id of optional itl5, if present*/
smScriptLang = 28 /*Current language for script*/
enum {
smScriptNumDate = 30, /*Script KCHR id*/
smScriptKeys = 32, /*Script KEYC id from dictionary*/
smScriptIcon = 34, /*ID # of SICN or kcs#/kcs4/kcs8 suite*/
smScriptPrint = 36, /*Script printer action routine*/
smScriptTrap = 38, /*Trap entry pointer*/
smScriptCreator = 40, /*Script file creator*/
smScriptFile = 42, /*Script file name*/
smScriptName = 44, /*Script name*/
/* There is a hole here for old Kanji private verbs 46-76
New for System 7.0: */
smScriptMonoFondSize = 78, /*default monospace FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
smScriptPrefFondSize = 80, /*preferred FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
smScriptSmallFondSize = 82, /*default small FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
smScriptSysFondSize = 84, /*default system FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
smScriptAppFondSize = 86, /*default app FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
smScriptHelpFondSize = 88, /*default Help Mgr FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
smScriptValidStyles = 90, /*mask of valid styles for script*/
smScriptAliasStyle = 92, /*style (set) to use for aliases*/
/* Negative verbs for KeyScript */
smKeyNextScript = -1, /* Switch to next available script */
smKeySysScript = -2, /* Switch to the system script */
smKeySwapScript = -3, /* Switch to previously-used script */
/* New for System 7.0: */
smKeyNextKybd = -4 /* Switch to next keyboard in current script */
enum {
smKeySwapKybd = -5, /* Switch to previously-used keyboard in current keyscript */
smKeyDisableKybds = -6, /* Disable keyboards not in system or Roman script */
smKeyEnableKybds = -7, /* Re-enable keyboards for all enabled scripts */
smKeyToggleInline = -8, /* Toggle inline input for current keyscript */
smKeyToggleDirection = -9, /* Toggle default line direction (TESysJust) */
smKeyNextInputMethod = -10, /* Switch to next input method in current keyscript */
smKeySwapInputMethod = -11, /* Switch to last-used input method in current keyscript */
smKeyDisableKybdSwitch = -12, /* Disable switching from the current keyboard */
/* Bits in the smScriptFlags word
(bits above 7 are non-static) */
smsfIntellCP = 0, /*script has intellegent cut & paste*/
smsfSingByte = 1, /*script has only single bytes*/
smsfNatCase = 2, /*native chars have upper & lower case*/
smsfContext = 3, /*contextual script (e.g. AIS-based)*/
smsfNoForceFont = 4, /*Will not force characters*/
smsfB0Digits = 5, /*Has alternate digits at B0-B9*/
smsfAutoInit = 6, /*auto initialize the script*/
smsfForms = 13, /*Uses contextual forms for letters*/
smsfLigatures = 14, /*Uses contextual ligatures*/
smsfReverse = 15, /*Reverses native text, right-left*/
/* Bits in the smGenFlags long.
First (high-order) byte is set from itlc flags byte. */
smfShowIcon = 31, /*Show icon even if only one script*/
smfDualCaret = 30 /*Use dual caret for mixed direction text*/
enum {
smfNameTagEnab = 29, /*Reserved for internal use*/
/* Roman script constants
The following are here for backward compatibility, but should not be used.
This information should be obtained using GetScript. */
romanSysFond = 0x3FFF, /*system font id number*/
romanAppFond = 3, /*application font id number*/
romanFlags = 0x0007, /*roman settings*/
/* Script Manager font equates. */
smFondStart = 0x4000, /*start from 16K*/
smFondEnd = 0xC000, /*past end of range at 48K*/
/* Miscellaneous font equates. */
smUprHalfCharSet = 0x80, /*first char code in top half of std char set*/
/* Character Set Extensions */
diaeresisUprY = 0xD9,
fraction = 0xDA,
intlCurrency = 0xDB,
leftSingGuillemet = 0xDC,
rightSingGuillemet = 0xDD,
fiLigature = 0xDE,
flLigature = 0xDF,
dblDagger = 0xE0,
centeredDot = 0xE1,
baseSingQuote = 0xE2,
baseDblQuote = 0xE3,
perThousand = 0xE4,
circumflexUprA = 0xE5
enum {
circumflexUprE = 0xE6,
acuteUprA = 0xE7,
diaeresisUprE = 0xE8,
graveUprE = 0xE9,
acuteUprI = 0xEA,
circumflexUprI = 0xEB,
diaeresisUprI = 0xEC,
graveUprI = 0xED,
acuteUprO = 0xEE,
circumflexUprO = 0xEF,
appleLogo = 0xF0,
graveUprO = 0xF1,
acuteUprU = 0xF2,
circumflexUprU = 0xF3,
graveUprU = 0xF4,
dotlessLwrI = 0xF5,
circumflex = 0xF6,
tilde = 0xF7,
macron = 0xF8,
breveMark = 0xF9
enum {
overDot = 0xFA,
ringMark = 0xFB,
cedilla = 0xFC,
doubleAcute = 0xFD,
ogonek = 0xFE,
hachek = 0xFF,
/* String2Date status values */
fatalDateTime = 0x8000,
longDateFound = 1,
leftOverChars = 2,
sepNotIntlSep = 4,
fieldOrderNotIntl = 8,
extraneousStrings = 16,
tooManySeps = 32,
sepNotConsistent = 64,
tokenErr = 0x8100,
cantReadUtilities = 0x8200,
dateTimeNotFound = 0x8400,
dateTimeInvalid = 0x8800,
/* TokenType values */
tokenIntl = 4, /*the itl resource number of the tokenizer*/
tokenEmpty = -1
enum {
tokenUnknown = 0,
tokenWhite = 1,
tokenLeftLit = 2,
tokenRightLit = 3,
tokenAlpha = 4,
tokenNumeric = 5,
tokenNewLine = 6,
tokenLeftComment = 7,
tokenRightComment = 8,
tokenLiteral = 9,
tokenEscape = 10,
tokenAltNum = 11,
tokenRealNum = 12,
tokenAltReal = 13,
tokenReserve1 = 14,
tokenReserve2 = 15,
tokenLeftParen = 16,
tokenRightParen = 17,
tokenLeftBracket = 18,
tokenRightBracket = 19
enum {
tokenLeftCurly = 20,
tokenRightCurly = 21,
tokenLeftEnclose = 22,
tokenRightEnclose = 23,
tokenPlus = 24,
tokenMinus = 25,
tokenAsterisk = 26,
tokenDivide = 27,
tokenPlusMinus = 28,
tokenSlash = 29,
tokenBackSlash = 30,
tokenLess = 31,
tokenGreat = 32,
tokenEqual = 33,
tokenLessEqual2 = 34,
tokenLessEqual1 = 35,
tokenGreatEqual2 = 36,
tokenGreatEqual1 = 37,
token2Equal = 38,
tokenColonEqual = 39
enum {
tokenNotEqual = 40,
tokenLessGreat = 41,
tokenExclamEqual = 42,
tokenExclam = 43,
tokenTilde = 44,
tokenComma = 45,
tokenPeriod = 46,
tokenLeft2Quote = 47,
tokenRight2Quote = 48,
tokenLeft1Quote = 49,
tokenRight1Quote = 50,
token2Quote = 51,
token1Quote = 52,
tokenSemicolon = 53,
tokenPercent = 54,
tokenCaret = 55,
tokenUnderline = 56,
tokenAmpersand = 57,
tokenAtSign = 58,
tokenBar = 59
enum {
tokenQuestion = 60,
tokenPi = 61,
tokenRoot = 62,
tokenSigma = 63,
tokenIntegral = 64,
tokenMicro = 65,
tokenCapPi = 66,
tokenInfinity = 67,
tokenColon = 68,
tokenHash = 69,
tokenDollar = 70,
tokenNoBreakSpace = 71,
tokenFraction = 72,
tokenIntlCurrency = 73,
tokenLeftSingGuillemet = 74,
tokenRightSingGuillemet = 75,
tokenPerThousand = 76,
tokenEllipsis = 77,
tokenCenterDot = 78,
tokenNil = 127
enum {
delimPad = -2,
/* obsolete, misspelled token names kept for backward compatibility */
tokenTilda = 44,
tokenCarat = 55,
/* the NumberParts indices */
tokLeftQuote = 1,
tokRightQuote = 2,
tokLeadPlacer = 3,
tokLeader = 4,
tokNonLeader = 5,
tokZeroLead = 6,
tokPercent = 7,
tokPlusSign = 8,
tokMinusSign = 9,
tokThousands = 10,
tokSeparator = 12, /*11 is a reserved field*/
tokEscape = 13,
tokDecPoint = 14,
tokEPlus = 15,
tokEMinus = 16,
tokMaxSymbols = 31,
curNumberPartsVersion = 1 /*current version of NumberParts record*/
enum {
fVNumber = 0, /*first version of NumFormatString*/
/* Date equates */
smallDateBit = 31, /*Restrict valid date/time to range of Time global*/
togChar12HourBit = 30, /*If toggling hour by char, accept hours 1..12 only*/
togCharZCycleBit = 29, /*Modifier for togChar12HourBit: accept hours 0..11 only*/
togDelta12HourBit = 28, /*If toggling hour up/down, restrict to 12-hour range (am/pm)*/
genCdevRangeBit = 27, /*Restrict date/time to range used by genl CDEV*/
validDateFields = -1,
maxDateField = 10,
eraMask = 0x0001,
yearMask = 0x0002,
monthMask = 0x0004,
dayMask = 0x0008,
hourMask = 0x0010,
minuteMask = 0x0020,
secondMask = 0x0040,
dayOfWeekMask = 0x0080,
dayOfYearMask = 0x0100,
weekOfYearMask = 0x0200,
pmMask = 0x0400,
dateStdMask = 0x007F
enum {
/* Toggle results */
toggleUndefined = 0,
toggleOK = 1,
toggleBadField = 2,
toggleBadDelta = 3,
toggleBadChar = 4,
toggleUnknown = 5,
toggleBadNum = 6,
toggleOutOfRange = 7, /*synonym for toggleErr3*/
toggleErr3 = 7,
toggleErr4 = 8,
toggleErr5 = 9,
/* Constants for truncWhere argument in TruncString and TruncText */
smTruncEnd = 0, /* Truncate at end */
smTruncMiddle = 0x4000, /* Truncate in middle */
/* Constants for TruncString and TruncText results */
smNotTruncated = 0, /* No truncation was necessary */
smTruncated = 1, /* Truncation performed */
smTruncErr = -1, /* General error */
/*Constants for styleRunPosition argument in NPortionText, NDrawJust,
NMeasureJust, NChar2Pixel, and NPixel2Char.*/
smOnlyStyleRun = 0, /* This is the only style run on the line*/
smLeftStyleRun = 1, /* This is leftmost of multiple style runs on the line*/
smRightStyleRun = 2, /* This is rightmost of multiple style runs on the line*/
smMiddleStyleRun = 3 /* There are multiple style runs on the line and this
is neither the leftmost nor the rightmost. */
enum {tokenOK,tokenOverflow,stringOverflow,badDelim,badEnding,crash};
typedef unsigned char TokenResults;
enum {eraField,yearField,monthField,dayField,hourField,minuteField,secondField,
typedef unsigned char LongDateField;
enum {smBreakWord,smBreakChar,smBreakOverflow};
typedef unsigned char StyledLineBreakCode;
enum {fPositive,fNegative,fZero};
typedef unsigned char FormatClass;
enum {fFormatOK,fBestGuess,fOutOfSynch,fSpuriousChars,fMissingDelimiter,
typedef unsigned char FormatResultType;
typedef char CharByteTable[256];
typedef short ToggleResults;
struct BreakTable {
char charTypes[256];
short tripleLength;
short triples[1];
typedef struct BreakTable BreakTable;
typedef BreakTable *BreakTablePtr;
/* New NBreakTable for System 7.0: */
struct NBreakTable {
signed char flags1;
signed char flags2;
short version;
short classTableOff;
short auxCTableOff;
short backwdTableOff;
short forwdTableOff;
short doBackup;
short reserved;
char charTypes[256];
short tables[1];
typedef struct NBreakTable NBreakTable;
typedef NBreakTable *NBreakTablePtr;
struct OffPair {
short offFirst;
short offSecond;
typedef struct OffPair OffPair;
typedef OffPair OffsetTable[3];
struct ItlcRecord {
short itlcSystem; /*default system script*/
short itlcReserved; /*reserved*/
char itlcFontForce; /*default font force flag*/
char itlcIntlForce; /*default intl force flag*/
char itlcOldKybd; /*old keyboard*/
char itlcFlags; /*general flags*/
short itlcIconOffset; /*script icon offset*/
char itlcIconSide; /*icon side*/
char itlcIconRsvd; /*rsvd for other icon info*/
short itlcRegionCode; /*preferred verXxx code*/
char itlcReserved3[34]; /*for future use*/
typedef struct ItlcRecord ItlcRecord;
struct ItlbRecord {
short itlbNumber; /*itl0 id number*/
short itlbDate; /*itl1 id number*/
short itlbSort; /*itl2 id number*/
short itlbFlags; /*Script flags*/
short itlbToken; /*itl4 id number*/
short itlbEncoding; /*itl5 ID # (optional; char encoding)*/
short itlbLang; /*cur language for script */
char itlbNumRep; /*number representation code*/
char itlbDateRep; /*date representation code */
short itlbKeys; /*KCHR id number*/
short itlbIcon; /*ID # of SICN or kcs#/kcs4/kcs8 suite.*/
typedef struct ItlbRecord ItlbRecord;
/* New ItlbExtRecord structure for System 7.0 */
struct ItlbExtRecord {
ItlbRecord base; /*un-extended ItlbRecord*/
long itlbLocalSize; /*size of script's local record*/
short itlbMonoFond; /*default monospace FOND ID*/
short itlbMonoSize; /*default monospace font size*/
short itlbPrefFond; /*preferred FOND ID*/
short itlbPrefSize; /*preferred font size*/
short itlbSmallFond; /*default small FOND ID*/
short itlbSmallSize; /*default small font size*/
short itlbSysFond; /*default system FOND ID*/
short itlbSysSize; /*default system font size*/
short itlbAppFond; /*default application FOND ID*/
short itlbAppSize; /*default application font size*/
short itlbHelpFond; /*default Help Mgr FOND ID*/
short itlbHelpSize; /*default Help Mgr font size*/
Style itlbValidStyles; /*set of valid styles for script*/
Style itlbAliasStyle; /*style (set) to mark aliases*/
typedef struct ItlbExtRecord ItlbExtRecord;
struct MachineLocation {
Fract latitude;
Fract longitude;
char dlsDelta; /*signed byte; daylight savings delta*/
long gmtDelta; /*must mask - see documentation*/
typedef struct MachineLocation MachineLocation;
typedef short String2DateStatus;
typedef short TokenType;
typedef TokenType DelimType[2];
typedef TokenType CommentType[4];
struct TokenRec {
TokenType theToken;
Ptr position; /*pointer into original Source*/
long length; /*length of text in original source*/
StringPtr stringPosition; /*Pascal/C string copy of identifier*/
typedef struct TokenRec TokenRec;
typedef TokenRec *TokenRecPtr;
struct TokenBlock {
Ptr source; /*pointer to stream of characters*/
long sourceLength; /*length of source stream*/
Ptr tokenList; /*pointer to array of tokens*/
long tokenLength; /*maximum length of TokenList*/
long tokenCount; /*number tokens generated by tokenizer*/
Ptr stringList; /*pointer to stream of identifiers*/
long stringLength; /*length of string list*/
long stringCount; /*number of bytes currently used*/
Boolean doString; /*make strings & put into StringLIst*/
Boolean doAppend; /*append to TokenList rather than replace*/
Boolean doAlphanumeric; /*identifiers may include numeric*/
Boolean doNest; /*do comments nest?*/
TokenType leftDelims[2];
TokenType rightDelims[2];
TokenType leftComment[4];
TokenType rightComment[4];
TokenType escapeCode; /*escape symbol code*/
TokenType decimalCode;
Handle itlResource; /*ptr to itl4 resource of current script*/
long reserved[8]; /*must be zero!*/
typedef struct TokenBlock TokenBlock;
typedef TokenBlock *TokenBlockPtr;
struct UntokenTable {
short len;
short lastToken;
short index[256]; /*index table; last = lastToken*/
typedef struct UntokenTable UntokenTable;
typedef UntokenTable *UntokenTablePtr, **UntokenTableHandle;
struct DateCacheRecord {
short hidden[256]; /*only for temporary use*/
typedef struct DateCacheRecord DateCacheRecord;
typedef DateCacheRecord *DateCachePtr;
typedef comp LongDateTime;
union LongDateCvt {
comp c;
struct {
long lHigh;
long lLow;
} hl;
typedef union LongDateCvt LongDateCvt;
union LongDateRec {
struct {
short era;
short year;
short month;
short day;
short hour;
short minute;
short second;
short dayOfWeek;
short dayOfYear;
short weekOfYear;
short pm;
short res1;
short res2;
short res3;
} ld;
short list[14]; /*Index by LongDateField!*/
struct {
short eraAlt;
DateTimeRec oldDate;
} od;
typedef union LongDateRec LongDateRec;
typedef char DateDelta;
struct TogglePB {
long togFlags; /*caller normally sets low word to dateStdMask=$7F*/
ResType amChars; /*from intl0*/
ResType pmChars; /*from intl0*/
long reserved[4];
typedef struct TogglePB TogglePB;
typedef short FormatOrder[1];
typedef FormatOrder *FormatOrderPtr;
typedef short FormatStatus;
union WideChar {
char a[2]; /*0 is the high order character*/
short b;
typedef union WideChar WideChar;
struct WideCharArr {
short size;
WideChar data[10];
typedef struct WideCharArr WideCharArr;
struct NumFormatString {
char fLength;
char fVersion;
char data[254]; /*private data*/
typedef struct NumFormatString NumFormatString;
struct Itl4Rec {
short flags;
long resourceType;
short resourceNum;
short version;
long resHeader1;
long resHeader2;
short numTables; /*one-based*/
long mapOffset; /*offsets are from record start*/
long strOffset;
long fetchOffset;
long unTokenOffset;
long defPartsOffset;
long resOffset6;
long resOffset7;
long resOffset8;
typedef struct Itl4Rec Itl4Rec;
typedef Itl4Rec *Itl4Ptr, **Itl4Handle;
/* New NItl4Rec for System 7.0: */
struct NItl4Rec {
short flags;
long resourceType;
short resourceNum;
short version;
short format;
short resHeader;
long resHeader2;
short numTables; /*one-based*/
long mapOffset; /*offsets are from record start*/
long strOffset;
long fetchOffset;
long unTokenOffset;
long defPartsOffset;
long whtSpListOffset;
long resOffset7;
long resOffset8;
short resLength1;
short resLength2;
short resLength3;
short unTokenLength;
short defPartsLength;
short whtSpListLength;
short resLength7;
short resLength8;
typedef struct NItl4Rec NItl4Rec;
typedef NItl4Rec *NItl4Ptr, **NItl4Handle;
struct NumberParts {
short version;
WideChar data[31]; /*index by [tokLeftQuote..tokMaxSymbols]*/
WideCharArr pePlus;
WideCharArr peMinus;
WideCharArr peMinusPlus;
WideCharArr altNumTable;
char reserved[20];
typedef struct NumberParts NumberParts;
typedef NumberParts *NumberPartsPtr;
struct FVector {
short start;
short length;
typedef struct FVector FVector;
typedef FVector TripleInt[3]; /* index by [fPositive..fZero] */
struct ScriptRunStatus {
char script;
char variant;
typedef struct ScriptRunStatus ScriptRunStatus;
/* type for truncWhere parameter in new TruncString, TruncText */
typedef short TruncCode;
/* type for styleRunPosition parameter in NPixel2Char etc. */
typedef short JustStyleCode;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal short FontScript(void)
= {0x2F3C,0x8200,0x0000,0xA8B5};
pascal short IntlScript(void)
= {0x2F3C,0x8200,0x0002,0xA8B5};
pascal void KeyScript(short code)
= {0x2F3C,0x8002,0x0004,0xA8B5};
pascal short Font2Script(short fontNumber)
= {0x2F3C,0x8202,0x0006,0xA8B5};
pascal long GetEnvirons(short verb)
= {0x2F3C,0x8402,0x0008,0xA8B5};
pascal OSErr SetEnvirons(short verb,long param)
= {0x2F3C,0x8206,0x000A,0xA8B5};
pascal long GetScript(short script,short verb)
= {0x2F3C,0x8404,0x000C,0xA8B5};
pascal OSErr SetScript(short script,short verb,long param)
= {0x2F3C,0x8208,0x000E,0xA8B5};
pascal short CharByte(Ptr textBuf,short textOffset)
= {0x2F3C,0x8206,0x0010,0xA8B5};
pascal short CharType(Ptr textBuf,short textOffset)
= {0x2F3C,0x8206,0x0012,0xA8B5};
pascal short Pixel2Char(Ptr textBuf,short textLen,short slop,short pixelWidth,
Boolean *leadingEdge)
= {0x2F3C,0x820E,0x0014,0xA8B5};
pascal short Char2Pixel(Ptr textBuf,short textLen,short slop,short offset,
short direction)
= {0x2F3C,0x820C,0x0016,0xA8B5};
pascal OSErr Transliterate(Handle srcHandle,Handle dstHandle,short target,
long srcMask)
= {0x2F3C,0x820E,0x0018,0xA8B5};
pascal void FindWord(Ptr textPtr,short textLength,short offset,Boolean leadingEdge,
BreakTablePtr breaks,OffsetTable offsets)
= {0x2F3C,0x8012,0x001A,0xA8B5};
pascal void HiliteText(Ptr textPtr,short textLength,short firstOffset,short secondOffset,
OffsetTable offsets)
= {0x2F3C,0x800E,0x001C,0xA8B5};
pascal void DrawJust(Ptr textPtr,short textLength,short slop)
= {0x2F3C,0x8008,0x001E,0xA8B5};
pascal void MeasureJust(Ptr textPtr,short textLength,short slop,Ptr charLocs)
= {0x2F3C,0x800C,0x0020,0xA8B5};
pascal Boolean ParseTable(CharByteTable table)
= {0x2F3C,0x8204,0x0022,0xA8B5};
pascal short GetDefFontSize(void)
= {0x3EB8,0x0BA8,0x6604,0x3EBC,0x000C};
#define GetSysFont() (* (short*) 0x0BA6)
#define GetAppFont() (* (short*) 0x0984)
#define GetMBarHeight() (* (short*) 0x0BAA)
#define GetSysJust() (* (short*) 0x0BAC)
pascal void SetSysJust(short newJust)
= {0x31DF,0x0BAC};
pascal void ReadLocation(MachineLocation *loc)
= {0x205F,0x203C,0x000C,0x00E4,0xA051};
pascal void WriteLocation(const MachineLocation *loc)
= {0x205F,0x203C,0x000C,0x00E4,0xA052};
pascal void UprText(Ptr textPtr,short len)
= {0x301F,0x205F,0xA054};
pascal void LwrText(Ptr textPtr,short len)
= {0x301F,0x205F,0xA056};
/* New for 7.0 */
pascal void LowerText(Ptr textPtr,short len)
= {0x301F,0x205F,0xA056};
pascal void StripText(Ptr textPtr,short len)
= {0x301F,0x205F,0xA256};
pascal void UpperText(Ptr textPtr,short len)
= {0x301F,0x205F,0xA456};
pascal void StripUpperText(Ptr textPtr,short len)
= {0x301F,0x205F,0xA656};
pascal StyledLineBreakCode StyledLineBreak(Ptr textPtr,long textLen,long textStart,
long textEnd,long flags,Fixed *textWidth,long *textOffset)
= {0x2F3C,0x821C,0xFFFE,0xA8B5};
pascal void GetFormatOrder(FormatOrderPtr ordering,short firstFormat,short lastFormat,
Boolean lineRight,Ptr rlDirProc,Ptr dirParam)
= {0x2F3C,0x8012,0xFFFC,0xA8B5};
pascal TokenResults IntlTokenize(TokenBlockPtr tokenParam)
= {0x2F3C,0x8204,0xFFFA,0xA8B5};
pascal OSErr InitDateCache(DateCachePtr theCache)
= {0x2F3C,0x8204,0xFFF8,0xA8B5};
pascal String2DateStatus String2Date(Ptr textPtr,long textLen,DateCachePtr theCache,
long *lengthUsed,LongDateRec *dateTime)
= {0x2F3C,0x8214,0xFFF6,0xA8B5};
pascal String2DateStatus String2Time(Ptr textPtr,long textLen,DateCachePtr theCache,
long *lengthUsed,LongDateRec *dateTime)
= {0x2F3C,0x8214,0xFFF4,0xA8B5};
pascal void LongDate2Secs(const LongDateRec *lDate,LongDateTime *lSecs)
= {0x2F3C,0x8008,0xFFF2,0xA8B5};
pascal void LongSecs2Date(LongDateTime *lSecs,LongDateRec *lDate)
= {0x2F3C,0x8008,0xFFF0,0xA8B5};
pascal ToggleResults ToggleDate(LongDateTime *lSecs,LongDateField field,
DateDelta delta,short ch,const TogglePB *params)
= {0x2F3C,0x820E,0xFFEE,0xA8B5};
pascal FormatStatus Str2Format(ConstStr255Param inString,const NumberParts *partsTable,
NumFormatString *outString)
= {0x2F3C,0x820C,0xFFEC,0xA8B5};
pascal FormatStatus Format2Str(const NumFormatString *myCanonical,const NumberParts *partsTable,
Str255 outString,TripleInt *positions)
= {0x2F3C,0x8210,0xFFEA,0xA8B5};
pascal FormatStatus FormatX2Str(extended x,const NumFormatString *myCanonical,
const NumberParts *partsTable,Str255 outString)
= {0x2F3C,0x8210,0xFFE8,0xA8B5};
pascal FormatStatus FormatStr2X(ConstStr255Param source,const NumFormatString *myCanonical,
const NumberParts *partsTable,extended *x)
= {0x2F3C,0x8210,0xFFE6,0xA8B5};
pascal Fixed PortionText(Ptr textPtr,long textLen)
= {0x2F3C,0x8408,0x0024,0xA8B5};
pascal ScriptRunStatus FindScriptRun(Ptr textPtr,long textLen,long *lenUsed)
= {0x2F3C,0x820C,0x0026,0xA8B5};
pascal long VisibleLength(Ptr textPtr,long textLen)
= {0x2F3C,0x8408,0x0028,0xA8B5};
pascal short ValidDate(LongDateRec *vDate,long flags,LongDateTime *newSecs)
= {0x2F3C,0x8204,0xFFE4,0xA8B5};
/* New for 7.0 */
pascal void NFindWord(Ptr textPtr,short textLength,short offset,Boolean leadingEdge,
NBreakTablePtr nbreaks,OffsetTable offsets)
= {0x2F3C,0x8012,0xFFE2,0xA8B5};
pascal short TruncString(short width,Str255 theString,TruncCode truncWhere)
= {0x2F3C,0x8208,0xFFE0,0xA8B5};
pascal short TruncText(short width,Ptr textPtr,short *length,TruncCode truncWhere)
= {0x2F3C,0x820C,0xFFDE,0xA8B5};
pascal short ReplaceText(Handle baseText,Handle substitutionText,Str15 key)
= {0x2F3C,0x820C,0xFFDC,0xA8B5};
pascal short NPixel2Char(Ptr textBuf,long textLen,Fixed slop,Fixed pixelWidth,
Boolean *leadingEdge,Fixed *widthRemaining,JustStyleCode styleRunPosition,
Point numer,Point denom)
= {0x2F3C,0x8222,0x002E,0xA8B5};
pascal short NChar2Pixel(Ptr textBuf,long textLen,Fixed slop,long offset,
short direction,JustStyleCode styleRunPosition,Point numer,Point denom)
= {0x2F3C,0x821C,0x0030,0xA8B5};
pascal void NDrawJust(Ptr textPtr,long textLength,Fixed slop,JustStyleCode styleRunPosition,
Point numer,Point denom)
= {0x2F3C,0x8016,0x0032,0xA8B5};
pascal void NMeasureJust(Ptr textPtr,long textLength,Fixed slop,Ptr charLocs,
JustStyleCode styleRunPosition,Point numer,Point denom)
= {0x2F3C,0x801A,0x0034,0xA8B5};
pascal Fixed NPortionText(Ptr textPtr,long textLen,JustStyleCode styleRunPosition,
Point numer,Point denom)
= {0x2F3C,0x8412,0x0036,0xA8B5};
#ifdef __cplusplus