mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 14:30:32 +00:00
Previously these intermediates were placed in the build directory but immediately deleted. Unless we are going to make them easily available for inspection (hopefully not often required), they should just go in /tmp.
216 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
216 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# In this folder
from splice import splice
from folder import folder
# python3 -m pip install machfs macresources
import machfs
import macresources
# First party
from os import path
import argparse
import glob
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''
Build the sources in the working directory.
parser.add_argument('worktree', metavar='WORKTREE', action='store', type=lambda x: folder('worktree', x), help='Worktree (assumed in ../worktree/)')
parser.add_argument('passthru', metavar='ARG', nargs='+', help='Build script args (RISC/ROM/LC930/dbLite or FNDR)')
config = parser.parse_args()
config.worktree = os.getcwd()
config.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
handle, config.hfsimg = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.dmg')
config.vmac = open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'vmac_path.conf')).read().rstrip('\n')
if config.passthru[:1] == ['FNDR']:
config.startapp = None
config.passthru = None
config.startapp = 'Disk:MPW:MPW Shell'
# Massage the args to make sense to :Make:Build
if '-src' not in config.passthru:
loc = 0
if config.passthru and config.passthru[0].isalnum():
loc = 1
config.passthru[loc:loc] = ['-src', '{Src}']
config.passthru[0:0] = ['{Src}Make:Build']
config.passthru = ' '.join(config.passthru)
print('Copying source', flush=True)
except FileNotFoundError:
myignore = shutil.ignore_patterns('BuildImage*', '.*', '*.dmg', '*.dsk', '*.sh', '*.py')
# copy2 preserves mod times, which we need to eventually allow MPW Make to work right
shutil.copytree(config.worktree, config.tmpdir, ignore=myignore, copy_function=shutil.copy2)
all_makefiles = list(glob.glob(path.join(glob.escape(config.worktree), '**', '*.[Mm][Aa][Kk][Ee]'), recursive=True))
def extract_makefile_defines(makefile, seed={}):
makefile = makefile.replace(b'\r', b'\n') # tolerate all sorts of crud
vardict = dict(seed)
grabber = lambda m: vardict.get(m.group(1).decode('ascii'), '').encode('ascii')
for line in text.split(b'\n'):
m = re.match(rb'^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)', line)
if m:
left = m.group(1).decode('ascii')
right = re.sub(rb'{(\w+)}', grabber, m.group(2)).decode('ascii')
vardict[left] = right
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return vardict
for mkfile in all_makefiles:
with open(mkfile, 'rb') as f:
text = f.read()
defines = extract_makefile_defines(text)
if 'BuildDir' not in defines: continue
for key, macpath in defines.items():
macpath = macpath.replace('"', '')
if key.endswith('Dir') and macpath.startswith('BuildResults:'):
nativepath = path.join(config.tmpdir, *macpath.split(':')[:-1])
os.makedirs(nativepath, exist_ok=True)
print('Splicing amphibian DNA', flush=True) # Ugly, but keeps src tree clean
vol = machfs.Volume()
vol.name = 'Disk'
vol['Src'] = machfs.Folder()
vol['Src'].read_folder(config.tmpdir, date=0x90000000, mpw_dates=True)
print('Making bootable', flush=True)
def folder(name):
return path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), name)
def pstring(string):
string = string.encode('mac_roman')
return bytes([len(string)]) + string
# We need a System Folder
vol['System Folder'] = machfs.Folder()
vol['System Folder'].read_folder(folder('System-7.0.1'), date=0x80000000)
if 1: # has MPW
vol['MPW'] = machfs.Folder()
vol['MPW'].read_folder(folder('MPW-3.2.3'), date=0x80000000)
# Clear Worksheet window and reset its position and size
vol['MPW']['Worksheet'].data = vol['MPW']['Worksheet'].rsrc = b''
# Tell MPW what to do when it starts (can use {Src} in their -c command)
if config.passthru:
bootscript = 'Set Src Disk:Src:; Export Src; Directory {Src}\r'
bootscript += 'Set Exit 0; %s; Quit\r' % config.passthru
vol['MPW']['UserStartup'].data = bootscript.encode('mac_roman')
# Evil tuning: more RAM for MPW because some tools do not use temp mem
mpw = list(macresources.parse_file(vol['MPW']['MPW Shell'].rsrc))
for resource in mpw:
if resource.type == b'SIZE':
resource.data = resource.data[:2] + (0x600000).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') * 2 + resource.data[10:]
vol['MPW']['MPW Shell'].rsrc = macresources.make_file(mpw)
# Patch the Process Manager to shut down when the last visible app quits,
# which it normally does when the startup app isn't a 'FNDR'.
# At that point, replace ShutDwnUserChoice() with ShutDwnPower().
# Also, follow a special path to the startup app, instead of Finder name global.
sys = list(macresources.parse_file(vol['System Folder']['System'].rsrc))
for resource in sys:
if resource.type != b'scod': continue # "System CODE" resources = Process Mgr
resource.data = resource.data.replace(b'FNDR', b'LUSR')
resource.data = resource.data.replace(b'\x3F\x3C\x00\x05\xA8\x95', b'\x3F\x3C\x00\x01\xA8\x95')
if config.startapp: # Change arg 3 of FSMakeFSSpec(BootVol, 0, FinderName, &mySpec) to custom path
data = bytearray(resource.data)
pea = b'\x48\x78\x02\xE0' # Find 'PEA $2E0' (accesses the Str15 FinderName)...
str_offset = None
while pea in data:
if not str_offset:
while len(data) % 2: data.append(0)
str_offset = len(data)
offset = data.index(pea)
data[offset:offset+2] = b'\x48\x7A' # ...replace with PC-relative 'PEA startapp'
data[offset+2:offset+4] = (str_offset - (offset+2)).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
resource.data = bytes(data)
vol['System Folder']['System'].rsrc = macresources.make_file(sys)
# Patch the Finder to give it a Quit menu item
finder = list(macresources.parse_file(vol['System Folder']['Finder'].rsrc))
for resource in finder:
if resource.type == b'fmnu' and b'Put Away' in resource.data:
data = bytearray(resource.data)
data[3] += 2
resource.data = bytes(data)
vol['System Folder']['Finder'].rsrc = macresources.make_file(finder)
print('Creating HFS disk image')
with open(config.hfsimg, 'wb') as f:
f.write(vol.write(256*1024*1024, align=4096, desktopdb=False))
print('Starting Mini vMac...', flush=True)
subprocess.run(config.vmac + ' ' + shlex.quote(config.hfsimg), shell=True, check=True)
print('Saving changes and cleaning up', flush=True)
vol = machfs.Volume()
with open(config.hfsimg, 'rb') as f:
if config.passthru is not None:
wsheet = vol['MPW']['Worksheet'].data.decode('mac_roman').replace('\r', '\n')
print(wsheet, end='')