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176 lines
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Created: Saturday, July 27, 1991 at 6:42 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1991
All rights reserved
This file is used in these builds: Mac32 BigBang Sys606
Change History (most recent first):
<SM2> 1/13/94 chp Add lots of useful constants previously missing. The csCodes
need new names since a few differ from function names only in
<7> 7/31/91 JL Updated Copyright.
<6> 1/27/91 LN Checked in Database generate file from DSG.
<5> 11/7/90 JL Changed all #defines to anonymous enums
To Do:
#ifndef __SERIAL__
#define __SERIAL__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
enum {
baud300 = 380,
baud600 = 189,
baud1200 = 94,
baud1800 = 62,
baud2400 = 46,
baud3600 = 30,
baud4800 = 22,
baud7200 = 14,
baud9600 = 10,
baud19200 = 4,
baud38400 = 1,
baud57600 = 0,
stop10 = 16384,
stop15 = -32768,
stop20 = -16384,
noParity = 0,
oddParity = 4096,
evenParity = 12288,
data5 = 0,
data6 = 2048,
data7 = 1024,
data8 = 3072
enum {
ctsEvent = 32,
breakEvent = 128,
xOffWasSent = 128,
dtrNegated = 64,
ainRefNum = -6, /*serial port A input*/
aoutRefNum = -7, /*serial port A output*/
binRefNum = -8, /*serial port B input*/
boutRefNum = -9, /*serial port B output*/
swOverrunErr = 1, /*serial driver error masks*/
breakErr = 8, /*serial driver error masks*/
parityErr = 16, /*serial driver error masks*/
hwOverrunErr = 32 /*serial driver error masks*/
// csCodes for Control routines
enum {
serReset = 8,
serSetBuf = 9,
serHShake = 10,
serClrBrk = 11,
serSetBrk = 12,
serSetBaud = 13,
serHShakeDTR = 14,
serSetMIDI = 15,
serSetMisc = 16,
serSetDTR = 17,
serClrDTR = 18,
serSetPEChar = 19,
serSetPECharAlt = 20,
serSetXOff = 21,
serClrXOff = 22,
serSendXOnCond = 23,
serSendXOn = 24,
serSendXOffCond = 25,
serSendXOff = 26,
serChanReset = 27,
serSet230KBaud = 'JF',
serSetPollWrite = 'jf',
serSetFlushCount = 'FC'
// csCodes for Status routines
enum {
serGetBuf = 2,
serStatus = 8,
serGetVers = 9,
serGetVersSys = 0x8000
// miscellaneous options for the serSetMisc control function (csCode 16)
enum {
enum {sPortA,sPortB};
typedef unsigned char SPortSel;
struct SerShk {
char fXOn; /*XOn flow control enabled flag*/
char fCTS; /*CTS flow control enabled flag*/
unsigned char xOn; /*XOn character*/
unsigned char xOff; /*XOff character*/
char errs; /*errors mask bits*/
char evts; /*event enable mask bits*/
char fInX; /*Input flow control enabled flag*/
char fDTR; /*DTR input flow control flag*/
typedef struct SerShk SerShk;
struct SerStaRec {
char cumErrs;
char xOffSent;
char rdPend;
char wrPend;
char ctsHold;
char xOffHold;
typedef struct SerStaRec SerStaRec;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal OSErr SerReset(short refNum,short serConfig);
pascal OSErr SerSetBuf(short refNum,Ptr serBPtr,short serBLen);
pascal OSErr SerHShake(short refNum,const SerShk *flags);
pascal OSErr SerSetBrk(short refNum);
pascal OSErr SerClrBrk(short refNum);
pascal OSErr SerGetBuf(short refNum,long *count);
pascal OSErr SerStatus(short refNum,SerStaRec *serSta);
#ifdef __cplusplus