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342 lines
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342 lines
12 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
File: TextServices.p
Contains: Pascal interfaces to the Text Services Manager
Written by: Dean Yu (but only because Chris was in a meeting and Don wasn’t in his office.)
Copyright: © 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<10> 9/26/92 DCL Changed kCursorPosition to kCaretPosition (for NIIM)
<9> 8/4/92 DCL Fix prototype of NewServiceWindow to match the C header.
(goAwayFlag is missing)
<8> 8/4/92 DCL Moved InformTSM out of the public eye and into TSMPrivate.
Fixed spellings of HidePaletteWindows & tsmUnsupportedTypeErr
<7> 8/4/92 KST <JH>: Removed some obsolete constants to match with the
TextServices.h file.
<6> 7/31/92 KST #1037621 <LP>: Added two constants: keyAEPinRange 'pnrg' and
typeTextRange 'txrn'.
<5> 7/16/92 KST Added an AppleEvent keyword -- keyAEShowHideInputWindow.
<4> 6/23/92 DTY Last change missed a few semicolons, thusly breaking the build.
<3> 6/22/92 DCL Playing Catch-Up with the .h file. #1032783 <JH>: The refcon
was putting in the AE record with the wrong keyword, it should
be keyAETSMDocumentRefcon. Defined keyAETSMDocumentRefcon in
this file. #1029362 <JH>: Added an optional keywords for
Pos2Offset. #1029814 <JH>: Deleted "tsmDialogStateSavedErr" (not
needed any more) and added a new error code
"tsmUnSupportedTypeErr". And keyAETSMDocumentRefcon should
really be typeTSMDocumentRefcon.
<2> 5/4/92 DCL Trying to keep up to date with the .h file.
<1> 3/12/92 DTY first checked in
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT TextServices;
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingTextServices}
{$SETC UsingTextServices := 1}
{$SETC UsingTextServices := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingEvents}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Events.p}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Menus.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingAppleEvents}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)AppleEvents.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingErrors}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Errors.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingComponents}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Components.p}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := UsingTextServices}
kTSMVersion = 1; { Version of Text Services Manager }
kTextService = 'tsvc'; { Component type for component description }
kInputMethodService = 'inpm'; { Component subtype for component description }
bTakeActiveEvent = 15; { Bit set if the component takes activate events }
bScriptMask = $00007F00; { Bits 8 - 14 }
bLanguageMask = $000000FF; { Bits 0 - 7 }
bScriptLanguageMask = bScriptMask + bLanguageMask; {Bits 0 - 14 }
{ Hilite styles ... }
kCaretPosition = 1; { specify caret position }
kRawText = 2; { specify range of raw text }
kSelectedRawText = 3; { specify range of selected raw text }
kConvertedText = 4; { specify range of converted text }
kSelectedConvertedText = 5; { specify range of selected converted text }
Apple Event constants
kTextServiceClass = kTextService; { Event class }
kUpdateActiveInputArea = 'updt'; { Update the active inline area }
kPos2Offset = 'p2st'; { Convert global coordinates to character position }
kOffset2Pos = 'st2p'; { Convert character position to global coordinate }
kShowHideInputWindow = 'shiw'; { show or hide the input window }
{ Event keywords ... }
keyAETSMDocumentRefcon = 'refc'; { TSM document refcon }
keyAEServerInstance = 'srvi'; { Server instance }
keyAETheData = 'kdat'; { typeText }
keyAEScriptTag = 'sclg'; { Script tag }
keyAEFixLength = 'fixl';
keyAEHiliteRange = 'hrng'; { Hilite range array }
keyAEUpdateRange = 'udng'; { Update range array }
keyAEClauseOffsets = 'clau'; { Clause offsets array }
keyAECurrentPoint = 'cpos'; { Current point }
keyAEDragging = 'bool'; { Dragging flag }
keyAEOffset = 'ofst'; { Offset }
keyAERegionClass = 'rgnc'; { Region class }
keyAEPoint = 'gpos'; { Current point }
keyAEBufferSize = 'buff'; { Buffer size to get the text }
keyAERequestedType = 'rtyp'; { Requested text type }
keyAEMoveView = 'mvvw'; { Move view flag }
keyAELength = 'leng'; { Length }
keyAENextBody = 'nxbd'; { Next or previous body }
{ optional keywords for Offset2Pos -- 28Mar92 }
keyAETextFont = 'ktxf';
keyAETextPointSize = 'ktps';
keyAETextLineHeight = 'ktlh';
keyAETextLineAscent = 'ktas';
keyAEAngle = 'kang';
{ optional keyword for Pos2Offset }
keyAELeftSide = 'klef'; { type Boolean }
{ optional keyword for kShowHideInputWindow }
keyAEShowHideInputWindow = 'shiw'; { type Boolean }
{ keyword for PinRange }
keyAEPinRange = 'pnrg'; { <#6> }
{ Desc type ... }
typeComponentInstance = 'cmpi'; { Component instance }
typeTextRangeArray = 'tray'; { Text range array }
typeOffsetArray = 'ofay'; { Offset array }
typeIntlWritingCode = 'intl'; { Script code }
typeQDPoint = 'QDpt'; { QuickDraw point }
typeAEText = 'tTXT'; { Apple Event text }
typeText = 'TEXT'; { Plain text }
typeTextRange = 'txrn'; { <#6> }
Error codes
tsmComponentNoErr = 0; { Component result = no error }
tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr = -2500;
tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr = -2501;
tsmNotAnAppErr = -2502; { Not an application error }
tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr = -2503; { Attemp to register again }
tsmNeverRegisteredErr = -2504; { App never registered. (Not TSM Aware) }
tsmInvalidDocIDErr = -2505; { Invalid TSM documentation ID }
tsmTSMDocBusyErr = -2506; { Document is still active }
tsmDocNotActiveErr = -2507; { Document is not active }
tsmNoOpenTSErr = -2508; { No open text service }
tsmCantOpenComponentErr = -2509; { Can’t open the component }
tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr = -2510; { No text service found }
tsmDocumentOpenErr = -2511; { There are open documents }
tsmUseInputWindowErr = -2512; { Not TSM aware because an input window is being used }
tsmTSHasNoMenuErr = -2513; { The Text Service has no menu }
tsmTSNotOpenErr = -2514; { Text service is not open }
tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr = -2515; { Text service already open for document }
tsmInputMethodIsOldErr = -2516; { Returned by GetDefaultInputMethod }
tsmScriptHasNoIMErr = -2517; { Script has no input method or is using old input method }
tsmUnsupportedTypeErr = -2518; { unSupported interface type error }
tsmUnknownErr = -2519; { Any other errors }
kTSMOutsideOfBody = 1;
kTSMInsideOfBody = 2;
kTSMInsideOfActiveInputArea = 3;
kNextBody = 1;
kPreviousBody = 2;
errOffsetInvalid = -1800;
errOffsetIsOutsideOfView = -1801;
errTopOfDocument = -1810;
errTopOfBody = -1811;
errEndOfDocument = -1812;
errEndOfBody = -1813;
TextRangeHandle = ^TextRangePtr;
TextRangePtr = ^TextRange;
TextRange = Record { typeTextRange }
fStart: Longint;
fEnd: Longint;
fHiliteStyle: Integer;
TextRangeArrayHandle = ^TextRangeArrayPtr;
TextRangeArrayPtr = ^TextRangeArray;
TextRangeArray = Record { typeTextRangeArray }
fNumOfRanges: Integer;
fRange: Array [0..0] of TextRange;
OffsetArrayHandle = ^OffsetArrayPtr;
OffsetArrayPtr = ^OffsetArray;
OffsetArray = Record { typeOffsetArray }
fNumOfOffsets: Integer;
fOffset: Array [0..0] of Longint;
TextServicesInfoPtr = ^TextServiceInfo;
TextServiceInfo = Record
fComponent: Component;
fItemName: Str255;
TextServiceListHandle = ^TextServiceListPtr;
TextServiceListPtr = ^TextServiceList;
TextServiceList = Record
fTextServiceCount: Integer;
fServices: Array [0..0] of TextServiceInfo;
ScriptLanguageRecord = Record
fScript: ScriptCode;
fLanguage: LangCode;
ScriptLanguageSupportHandle = ^ScriptLanguageSupportPtr;
ScriptLanguageSupportPtr = ^ScriptLanguageSupport;
ScriptLanguageSupport = Record
fScriptLanguageCount: Integer;
fScriptLanguageArray: Array [0..0] of ScriptLanguageRecord;
InterfaceTypeList = Array [0..0] of OSType;
TSMDocumentID = Ptr;
Text Services Routines
Function NewTSMDocument(numOfInterface: Integer; supportedInterfaceTypes: InterfaceTypeList; VAR idocID: TSMDocumentID; refCon: Longint): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0000, $AA54;
Function DeleteTSMDocument(idocID: TSMDocumentID): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0001, $AA54;
Function ActivateTSMDocument(idocID: TSMDocumentID): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0002, $AA54;
Function DeactivateTSMDocument(idocID: TSMDocumentID): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0003, $AA54;
Function TSMEvent(VAR event: EventRecord): Boolean;
INLINE $303C, $0004, $AA54;
Function TSMMenuSelect(menuResult: Longint): Boolean;
INLINE $303C, $0005, $AA54;
Function SetTSMCursor(mousePos: Point): Boolean;
INLINE $303C, $0006, $AA54;
Function FixTSMDocument(idocID: TSMDocumentID): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0007, $AA54;
Function GetServiceList(numOfInterface: Integer; supportedInterfaceTypes: InterfaceTypeList; VAR serviceInfo: TextServiceListHandle; VAR seedValue: Longint): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0008, $AA54;
Function OpenTextService(idocID: TSMDocumentID; aComponent: Component; VAR aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0009, $AA54;
Function CloseTextService(idocID: TSMDocumentID; aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000A, $AA54;
Function SendAEFromTSMComponent(VAR theAppleEvent: AppleEvent; VAR reply: AppleEvent; sendMode: AESendMode; sendPriority: AESendPriority; timeOutInTicks: Longint; idleProc: IdleProcPtr; filterProc: EventFilterProcPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000B, $AA54;
Function InitTSMAwareApplication: OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0014, $AA54;
Function CloseTSMAwareApplication: OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0015, $AA54;
Function SetDefaultInputMethod(ts: Component; VAR slRecord: ScriptLanguageRecord): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000C, $AA54;
Function GetDefaultInputMethod(VAR ts: Component; VAR slRecord: ScriptLanguageRecord): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000D, $AA54;
Function SetTextServiceLanguage(VAR slRecord: ScriptLanguageRecord): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000E, $AA54;
Function GetTextServiceLanguage(VAR slRecord: ScriptLanguageRecord): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000F, $AA54;
Function UseInputWindow(idocID: TSMDocumentID; useWindow: Boolean): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0010, $AA54;
Function NewServiceWindow(wStorage: Ptr; boundsRect: Rect; title: Str255;
visible: Boolean; theProc: Integer; behind: WindowPtr; goAwayFlag: BOOLEAN;
ts: ComponentInstance; VAR window: WindowPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0011, $AA54;
Function CloseServiceWindow(window: WindowPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0012, $AA54;
Function GetFrontServiceWindow(VAR window: WindowPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0013, $AA54;
Function FindServiceWindow(thePoint: Point; VAR theWindow: WindowPtr): Integer;
INLINE $303C, $0017, $AA54;
Low level Text Services routines
Function GetScriptLanguageSupport(ts: ComponentInstance; VAR scriptHandle: ScriptLanguageSupportHandle): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0400, $0001, $7000, $A82A;
Function InitiateTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0002, $7000, $A82A;
Function TerminateTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0003, $7000, $A82A;
Function ActivateTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0004, $7000, $A82A;
Function DeactivateTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0005, $7000, $A82A;
Function TextServiceEvent(ts: ComponentInstance; numOfEvents: Integer; VAR event: EventRecord): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0006, $7000, $A82A;
Function GetTextServiceMenu(ts: ComponentInstance; VAR serviceMenu: MenuHandle): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0007, $7000, $A82A;
Function TextServiceMenuSelect(ts: ComponentInstance; serviceMenu: MenuHandle; item: Integer): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0008, $7000, $A82A;
Function FixTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0009, $7000, $A82A;
Function SetTextServiceCursor(ts: ComponentInstance; mousePos: Point): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $000A, $7000, $A82A;
Function HidePaletteWindows(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $000B, $7000, $A82A;
{$ENDC} { UsingTextServices }
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}