2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

568 lines
19 KiB

File: PPCAuth.c
Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<36> 4/14/92 BBM <JSM>: Remove unfinished PPC code that is under the contitional
“TheFutute”, and remove the conditional “CubeE” since that is
reality. Remove conditionals, since all they do is confuse.
<35> 10/4/91 JSM Change PsychoticFarmerOrLater conditionals to TheFuture.
<34> 9/29/91 DTY Conditionalize <32> and <33> out of the CubeE build.
<33> 6/26/91 EMT Fix length check on user name bug
<32> 6/10/91 EMT Provide internal call to create userRefnums
<31> 12/13/90 EMT <JSM> Support 0 Length String to mean DefaultPrompt in
StartSecureSession, changed default prompt to have smart quotes,
and use ParamText for internationalization.
<30> 11/13/90 EMT <stb> Have StartSecureSession preflight for idiot error in the
same fashion PPCStart does, and fix noUserNameBug, changed
pGlobal to ppcglobptr, for consistency.
<29> 11/8/90 EMT <stb>Fix bug in GetDefaultUser, change how userrefnums are
handled, so that the limit is dynamic. Fixed bug so that user
reference numbers are tied to Name/Password pair, not just Name.
<28> 11/6/90 EMT minor bug fixes.
<27> 10/24/90 EMT Update error codes
<26> 10/19/90 JSM <EMT> Remove ppcPromptForUser(), no longer used.
<25> 10/11/90 EMT Make changes to obsolete CompletionGlue.a
<24> 9/21/90 EMT Update constants, types, and field names as dictated by
<23> 9/14/90 VC Changed all reference to UserREf to an unsigned long.
<22> 9/4/90 EMT Eric's Changes rolled in here!
<21> 8/23/90 VC In PPCStartSecure after CheckLocName set the error code in the
cmdResult field of the PB.
<20> 8/21/90 VC In StartCesureSession added the extra check from the return of
CheckLocName for error codes.
<19> 8/18/90 dba get rid of code to center the PPCAlert alert, since the Window
Mgr. does it; also simplify other code surrounding the call to
the alert, including getting rid of the cursor adjusting code,
since the standard dialog filter now does that
<18> 8/10/90 S Included making a default string for login dialog.
<17> 6/28/90 S Fixed login problem (guestnotAllowed Error) when actuallu name
and password are nil.
<16> 6/11/90 S Change Divide by 2 into Shift Operation in promptCallBack
<15> 6/11/90 S Change promptCallBcak to promptCallBack.
<14> 6/1/90 VC Addde mixupPswd to un-scramble password from the user record.
<13> 4/26/90 VC Returning the proper selectItem from the callback routine
<12> 4/18/90 JSM Include String.h for memset definition, add prototype for
random, #ifdef some local variables for INIT version only, don't
HLock things for BlockMove, and other miscellaneous code size
<11> 4/18/90 JSM #ifdef openPPCRf for INIT version only.
<10> 4/10/90 S Error Code Fix for LogIN Cancel.
<9> 3/20/90 S To Fix Some Error Codes.
<7> 2/27/90 S use new user&group.h file.
<2.1> 1/22/90 CVC Remove "STRATCALLBACK" and pass proc pointer when
calling PromptForUser in PPcStartSecure.
<2> 12/28/89 dba use quotes around the names of local header files, brackets
around the names of header files from the Interfaces or
Internals directories
<1.4> 12/7/89 CVC Added centering of the alert window.
<1.3> 11/28/89 CVC Added ppcStartSecure call.
<1.2> 11/17/89 CVC Added a conditioned-dompile in PPCPromptForUser.
<1.1> 11/7/89 CVC Changed PPCPromptForUser to allow specifying User names
<1.0> 10/12/89 CVC Adding Access Control for the first time.
Old Revision History:
9/20/89 Victor Created.
10/12/89 Victor Moved the initAuth call to ppcLoader.c
#include "PPCCommon.h"
#include "UserGroup.h"
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <Controls.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <String.h> // for memset definition
#include <Strings.h>
Constants used only in this file
#define ppcErrStrings -16411
#define rPPCAlert -16411
Prototypes used in this file only.
STATIC void GetUserCompletion(void);
STATIC Boolean UserRefNumCompare(UserEntryPtr theUserEntry,unsigned long userRef);
STATIC UserEntryPtr FindUserByNameAndPassword(StringPtr userName,StringPtr password);
STATIC UserEntryPtr GetFreeEntry(void);
STATIC OSErr promptCallBack (StringPtr password, StringPtr name, short method, PPCStartPBPtr pb);
long random();
extern pascal KeySched (char*, long*);
extern pascal Encode (long*, long, long **);
This is a very silly routine to mix up passwords in the user and groups file.
It has the sole advantage of making it hard to figure out the algorithm even
if a large number of users have a blank password (I hope). Since this is an
encryption routine the code is suitable cryptic.
void mixupPswd (char * PassBlk, long UserID, Boolean Encrypt)
char * mask = "rpcgtprk";
char key = (char)UserID;
short i;
if (Encrypt)
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
PassBlk[i] = key = PassBlk[i] ^ mask[i] ^ key;
for (i=7; i>0; i--)
PassBlk[i] ^= mask[i] ^ PassBlk[i-1];
PassBlk[0] ^= mask[0] ^ key;
* getUserRec
getUserRec (UserRecPb *urec, int keyID, char *keyName, int (*ppcComplete)(), short refNum)
urec->btPb.ioBTKeyPtr = (Ptr)&(urec->key);
BldFSKey( keyID, keyName, urec->btPb.ioBTKeyPtr); // make the key
urec->btPb.ioBuffer= (Ptr)&(urec->u.record); // set pointer to record
urec->btPb.ioReqCount = sizeof (urec->u);
urec->btPb.ioRefNum= refNum;
urec->btPb.ioCompletion= (ProcPtr)GetUserCompletion;
urec->btPb.ioBTHint1= 0; // zero Hint field
urec->usrCompletion= ppcComplete; // set up completion routine
BTSEARCHPPC( &urec->btPb, 1); // dispatch the call
* GetUserCompletion
STATIC void GetUserCompletion(void)
UserRecPb *urec;
long keyArray[32];
long *temp;
urec = GetA0();
// see if we found user, if we do generate a random number and encrypt
// the random number.
if (!urec->btPb.ioResult)
mixupPswd (urec->u.record.Password, urec->u.record.UserID, 0);
urec->random[0]= urec->encryptedRandom[0]= random();
urec->random[1]= urec->encryptedRandom[1]= random();
KeySched(urec->u.record.Password, keyArray);
temp = urec->encryptedRandom;
Encode(keyArray, 8, &temp);
(*urec->usrCompletion) (urec);
* GetAuthInfo
Boolean GetAuthInfo(long *authInfo, unsigned long refNum)
long keyArray[32];
UserEntryPtr uEntry;
char tempPassword[9];
char password[8];
if ((uEntry = findUserByRef(refNum)) == nil)
return false;
/* Use the entrey addrfess as the key to scramble the string. */
memset(tempPassword,0, 9);
scramble (kPassWordKey, uEntry->password, tempPassword);
BlockMove( &tempPassword[1], password, 8);
KeySched(password, keyArray);
Encode(keyArray, 8, &authInfo);
return true;
* random
long random()
long randnum;
GetDateTime((unsigned long *)&randnum);
return randnum;
* checkInit
OSErr checkInit ()
PPCGlobalParamsPtr ppcglobPtr;
if (((ppcglobPtr = (PPCGlobalParamsPtr)getGlobal()) == nil) || !ppcglobPtr->inited)
return notInitErr;
else return 0;
ppcStartSecure is the entry point for StartSecureSession.
OSErr ppcStartSecure (StartSecureParam *pu)
Handle userName;
short selectedItem, loginMethod;
char password[10];
Str32 name;
OSErr result;
PPCGlobalParamsPtr ppcglobPtr;
OSErr err;
char *logTempStr;
PPCStartPBPtr startPB;
if (result = checkInit())
return result;
ppcglobPtr = (PPCGlobalParamsPtr)getGlobal();
startPB = pu->startPb;
if (!ValidPortName(startPB->portName))
return(startPB->ioResult = badPortNameErr);
else if (startPB->serviceType != ppcServiceRealTime)
return(startPB->ioResult = badServiceMethodErr);
else if (!PortRefNumtoPtr(startPB->portRefNum, ppcglobPtr))
return(startPB->ioResult = noPortErr);
else if (result = VerifyLocNameFormat(startPB->locationName))
return(startPB->ioResult = result);
// user wants to make a local session
startPB->userRefNum = 0;
return PPCStart(startPB, false);
if ((pu->useDefault) && !(err = GetDefaultUser( &(pu->startPb)->userRefNum, name)))
/* Got the default user ref. Make the PPCStart call. Return if no error or if
* the error code is not authFailErr, or userRejectErr.
err = PPCStart(startPB, false);
if (!err)
BlockMove(name, pu->userName,sizeof(Str32));
return noErr;
else if (err != userRejectErr && err != authFailErr)
return err;
selectedItem = 7;
loginMethod = 3;
password [0] = 0;
if (!(char)(*pu->userName))
if (!(userName = GetResource('STR ', -16096)))
*pu->userName = 0;
selectedItem = 5;
/* no need to lock userName for BlockMove */
BlockMove(*userName, pu->userName, 32);
ppcglobPtr->ppcIcon = GetResource( 'ICN#', (short)-16411);
MoveHHi ( ppcglobPtr->ppcIcon);
HLock( ppcglobPtr->ppcIcon);
if (pu->prompt && pu->prompt[0]) // If their exists a prompt, and of length > 0 then.
logTempStr = pu->prompt; // user has supplied a string
logTempStr = NULL; // Use default prompt, parameter text.
result = PromptForUser (logTempStr, ppcglobPtr->ppcIcon, pu->userName, password, selectedItem,
pu->allowGuest, &loginMethod, (ProcPtr)promptCallBack, startPB);
if (result)
return (startPB->ioResult = userCanceledErr);
if (loginMethod == 1)
*pu->guestSelected = 1;
*pu->guestSelected = 0;
return (startPB->ioResult);
promptCallBack is called by the StartSecureSession dialog when it is time to start a secure
STATIC OSErr promptCallBack (StringPtr password, StringPtr name, short method, PPCStartPBPtr pb)
UserEntry *theUserEntry;
OSErr err;
Str255 message;
short selectedItem;
Boolean createdNewRefNum;
createdNewRefNum = false;
if (method == 1) // Do we attempt to log in as a guest?
pb->userRefNum = 0;
err = PPCStart(pb,false);
else if (name[0]) // Use this else for CubeE
if (!(theUserEntry = FindUserByNameAndPassword(name,password)))
if (!(theUserEntry = GetFreeEntry ()))
pb->ioResult = noUserRefErr;
return 0;
else // Create a new UserEntry
createdNewRefNum = true;
scramble (kNameKey, name, theUserEntry->name);
scramble (kPassWordKey, password, theUserEntry->password);
pb->userRefNum = theUserEntry->ref;
err = PPCStart(pb,false);
if(err && createdNewRefNum)
else // User didn't fill in the user name.
goto GetName;
if (err == authFailErr)
selectedItem = 7;
GetIndString(message, ppcErrStrings, 1);
else if(err == userRejectErr || err == noUserNameErr)
selectedItem = 5;
GetIndString(message, ppcErrStrings, 2);
return(noErr); // This is not necessarly the error in the startPB.
ParamText(message, nil, nil, nil);
StopAlert( rPPCAlert, nil);
return selectedItem;
UserRefNumCompare is compares a userreference number and a UserEntry->ref to see if they are the
STATIC Boolean UserRefNumCompare(UserEntryPtr theUserEntry,unsigned long userRef)
return(theUserEntry->ref == userRef);
ppcDeleteUser, deletes a user by his reference number. It returns the result of the operation,
either noErr or noUserRecErr. This is the entry point to DeleteUserIdentity.
OSErr ppcDeleteUser (unsigned long *userRef)
PPCGlobalParamsPtr ppcglobPtr;
UserEntryPtr theUserEntry;
ppcglobPtr = getGlobal();
if(theUserEntry = DeleteFromQueue(&ppcglobPtr->UserEntryQueue,*userRef,UserRefNumCompare))
ppcGetDefaultUser returns the user reference number, and the machine owners name if it alread
exists. This is the entry point to GetDefaultUser.
OSErr ppcGetDefaultUser (GetDefaultParam *pu)
PPCGlobalParamsPtr ppcglobPtr;
Handle userName;
UserEntryPtr theUserEntry;
OSErr result;
char UserPassword[9];
if ((result = checkInit()) == noErr)
ppcglobPtr = getGlobal();
if (!(userName = GetResource('STR ', -16096)))
result = noDefaultUserErr;
{ // The following block of code is just to get the password out.
BTioParam btPb; // PB for B-Tree calls
UserAcRecord theUserRecord;
BTKey theKey;
BldFSKey(0,*userName,(Ptr) &theKey); // make the key
btPb.ioBTKeyPtr = (Ptr)&theKey;
btPb.ioBuffer= (Ptr)&theUserRecord; // set pointer to record
btPb.ioReqCount = sizeof (UserAcRecord);
btPb.ioRefNum= ppcglobPtr->ugFile.refNum;
btPb.ioBTHint1= 0; // zero Hint field
result = BTSEARCHPPC(&btPb,false); // dispatch the call
mixupPswd (theUserRecord.Password, theUserRecord.UserID, 0); // unscramble the password.
BlockMove(theUserRecord.Password,UserPassword,8); // Copy the password.
UserPassword[8] = 0; // Force Termination.
c2pstr(UserPassword); // Convert it to a pascal string.
if (!(theUserEntry = FindUserByNameAndPassword(*userName,UserPassword)))
result = notLoggedInErr;
*pu->userRef = theUserEntry->ref;
return result;
FindUserByNameAndPassword will locate a user by his name and password. If NULL is passed as the
password, the search is only done by name.
STATIC UserEntryPtr FindUserByNameAndPassword(StringPtr userName,StringPtr password)
PPCGlobalParamsPtr ppcglobPtr;
UserEntryPtr theUserEntry;
Str32 unscrambledName;
char unscrambledpassword[9];
ppcglobPtr = getGlobal();
scramble(kNameKey,theUserEntry->name,unscrambledName); // unscramble the users name.
if (EqualString(unscrambledName,userName,false,true))
scramble(kPassWordKey,theUserEntry->password,unscrambledpassword); // unscramble the password.
findUserByRef will locate a user by his reference number.
UserEntryPtr findUserByRef (unsigned long ref)
PPCGlobalParamsPtr ppcglobPtr;
UserEntryPtr theUserEntry;
ppcglobPtr = getGlobal();
if(theUserEntry->ref == ref)
GetFreeEntry allocates a new user entry
STATIC UserEntryPtr GetFreeEntry(void)
PPCGlobalParamsPtr ppcglobPtr;
UserEntryPtr theUserEntry;
ppcglobPtr = getGlobal();
if(theUserEntry = NewMem(sizeof(UserEntry)))
theUserEntry->ref = ppcglobPtr->nextUserRef++;
if (ppcglobPtr->nextUserRef == 0)
Scramble is used to mutate a string in such a way as to be unrecognizable in memory. This
procedure is not the most secure, but it should work just fine.
void scramble( unsigned char key, StringPtr pSrc, StringPtr pDest)
short len;
if(pDest) // make sure it is not a null pointer.
len = *pSrc++;
*pDest++ = len;
while (len)
*pDest++ = *pSrc++ ^ key;