2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

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; File: SlotMgrPatch.a
; Contains: Routines in this file install the slot manager as a RAM patch. This file
; currently supports 3 different patches: a 'ptch' as part of the 32 bit
; QuickDraw INIT, a system patch, and an object module for A/UX. There are
; 3 conditional assembly flags which apply: forAUX, SeparateFile, and forROM.
; The following table shows how the flags should be set for the different
; builds:
; forAUX SeparateFile forROM
; ------ ------------ ------
; ROM x
; A/UX x x
; 32 bit CQD x
; Written by: David J. Wong, September 17, 1989
; Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 5/16/92 kc Remove ROMPrivateEqu include.
; <14> 9/16/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <13> 6/12/91 LN added #include 'ROMPrivateEqu.a'
; <12> 6/12/91 LN Removed #includes for private interfaces from public interfaces.
; Changed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' to 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
; <11> 3/8/91 djw <dnf>(BRC #83516) Add linked patch on IIci to fix GetCString
; where in 32 bit mode reg d0 was set to 1 and caused an
; off-by-one count to be returned.
; <10> 12/8/90 dba <djw> Get rid of SlotMgrPatchHead.a.o completely for linked
; patches, by installing the Slot Manager patch completely with
; this file.
; <9> 8/29/90 KON fix 32BitQD build
; <8> 8/17/90 DTY Converted to a linked patch. (Greg said that Darin said I could
; check it in.)
; <7> 7/11/90 gbm get rid of multiply defined stuff
; <6> 6/29/90 djw Modify how SecondaryInit's are executed to support A/UX, and the
; new boot block scheme. Moved ReconfigVideo to SlotMgrInit.a. If
; 7.0 patch, copy SecondaryInit code into handle block.
; <5> 3/15/90 djw Moved some InitJmpTbl code toInstallSlot since it is only needed
; for installing the patch. Added support for A/UX patch.
; <4> 2/20/90 djw Removed patch macros I screwed up for JSR to FROVideo. Just JSR
; to hard address.
; <3> 1/17/90 djw Modifications to build slot mgr with 32bit QD INIT using BBS
; sources. Deleted MapUnit routine (no longer used)
; <2> 1/4/90 DF Corrected a ScrnBase calculation in ReConfigVideo
; <1.0> 10/10/89 djw slot manager patch for system 7.0
; separateFile indicates whether we are building for 32-Bit QD INIT or as a system patch
; forAUX indicates whether we are building for an A/UX patch
If &Type('separateFile') = 'UNDEFINED' Then
separateFile: Equ 0
If &Type('forAUX') = 'UNDEFINED' Then
forAUX: Equ 0
Machine MC68020
String Asis
load 'StandardEqu.d'
Include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
Include 'RomEqu.a'
Include 'UniversalEqu.a'
Include 'SlotMgrEqu.a'
Include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
if Not forAUX and separateFile then
include 'PatchMacros.a' ;for 32-bit QD INIT
; Tail - patch mechanism tail section
; This section contains the slot manager's patch installation code. The slot manager's
; initialization code is cutback in the RAM patch.
Export CutBackPt
EntryTable 0 ; install slot mgr trap ourselves <3>
EndIf ; Not forAUX <4>
; InstallSlot - main installation routine for slot mgr patch
; Input: none
; Output: reg D0 = negative if error
; Registers are not preserved
InstallSlot InstallProc (II,notAUX) ; Remove this name when we get a new assembler
Import SlotManager
Import InitJmpTbl
Import RestartSlotMgr
Import Secondary_Init
Import SecondaryEnd
With spBlock
move.w sr,-(sp) ; save current interrupt level
ori.w #hiIntMask,sr ; mask out all interrupts
; Copy all the current slot manager data structures into high RAM. This frees up low
; system heap space. Get the sInfo array and SRT. Leave all the slot interrupt queues
; for now.
movea.l sInfoPtr,a0 ; get a0 = ptr to sInfo array
bsr CopyBlock ; copy sinfo array to app heap - return A0 = handle
movea.l a0,a2 ; save reg a2 = handle to copied sInfo array
movea.l SRsrcTblPtr,a0 ; get a0 = ptr to slot resource table
bsr.s CopyBlock ; copy to app heap
movea.l a0,a3 ; save reg A3 = handle to copied SRT
; Now that the old data structures are copied, free the memory
MOVEA.L sInfoPtr,A0 ; free sInfo array
MOVE.L MinusOne,sInfoPtr ; null out low mem ptr
MOVEA.L SRsrcTblPtr,A0 ; free slot resource table
MOVE.L MinusOne,SRsrcTblPtr
MOVEA.L SDMJmpTblPtr,A0 ; free slot manager dispatch jump table
; Free the existing slot manager jump table and re-initialize the jump table
movea.l SDMJmpTblPtr,a0
_DisposPtr ; free jmp tbl
bsr InitJmpTbl ; initialize a new jump table
; Install the new slot manager trap
leaResident SlotManager,a0 ; addr of slot mgr dispatch routine <10>
move.w #$6e,d0 ; trap number
_SetTrapAddress newOS
; Re-run the slot manager initialization, but skip over the cards which were initialized
; by the old slot manager.
; Reg A2 = handle to old sInfo array, reg A3 = handle to old slot resource table
bsr RestartSlotMgr
MOVE.W (SP)+,SR ; restore interrupts
if separateFile or forAUX then ; <6>
; Now execute the secondary init records with interrupts enabled
SUBA.W #spBlockSize,SP
MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; A0 = ptr to spBlock
BSET #fWarmStart,spFlags(A0) ; Set Warm Start flag
_SecondaryInit ; no errors possible
ADDA.W #spBlockSize,SP ; free spBlock
endif ; <6>
RTS ; installation complete
; CopyBlock - Copy a ptr block to a handle block
; Given a pointer to a block, get the size of the block, allocate a handle on the
; app heap, copy the contents of the ptr block to the handle block.
; Input: reg A0 = source pointer
; Output: reg A0 = handle to moved block
If Not forAUX Then ; not needed under a/ux <4>
MOVEM.L D1/A1-A3,-(SP)
_GetPtrSize ; get size of source block
MOVE.L D0,D1 ; save reg D1 = size of source block
MOVE.L A0,A3 ; save reg A3 = ptr to source block
_NewHandle ,SYS,CLEAR ; alloc new block to copy source block to
_HLock ; let's lock it since we will be using a ptr to it
MOVE.L D1,D0 ; restore D0 = size of source
MOVEA.L A0,A2 ; save reg A2 = handle to destination block
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; get source ptr in A0
MOVEA.L (A2),A1 ; deref handle - A1 = ptr to destination
_BlockMove ; copy source block data to high in heap
MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; return A0 = handle to moved block
@Error MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1/A1-A3 ; done
Endif ; <Not forAUX> <4>
; RestartSlotMgr - re-initialize the slot declaration manager
; Go through the slot manager initialization again and re-allocate all the data
; structures. Skip over the cards that have been initialized by the old slot
; manager, but convert all their addresses to 32 bit. Merge the information in
; the old sInfo array and old SRT into the new sInfo array and new SRT.
; Input : reg A2 = handle to old sInfo array
; A3 = handle to old SRT
; Output : none
; Registers are not preserved
EXPORT RestartSlotMgr
Import InitSlotMgr,InitsRsrcTable,InitPRAMRecs,Primary_Init
IMPORT SRTMerge,ChkSlotZero
WITH spBlock,sInfoRecord
suba.w #spBlockSize,sp
movea.l sp,a0 ; a0 = ptr to spBlock
; Initialize the new slot manager data structures - scan the slots again and verify
; their configuration ROM's (makes all the addresses 32 bit addresses).
bsr InitSlotMgr
; If there is a bad slot zero at this point, then copy the default slot zero
; configuration ROM. Copy it into the system heap and do the sInfoRecord intialization
; again. This covers 1.0 ROMs, which have no config ROM.
bsr ChkSlotZero
; Copy the status and state fields from the old sInfo array to the new sInfo
; data structures.
bsr.s sInfoMerge ; reg A2 = hdl to old sInfo array, ret D1 = bitmask
; Rebuild the slot resource table
bsr InitsRsrcTable
; Restore info from the old SRT back into the new SRT
bsr SRTMerge ; reg A3 = hdl to old SRT
; Init the sPRAM records
bsr InitPRAMRecs
; Execute the primary init records
If forAUX Then ; a/ux needs primaryInits run at cold start <4>
bclr.b #fWarmStart,spFlags(a0) ; execute as cold start <4>
Else ; <4>
bset.b #fWarmStart,spFlags(A0) ; Set Warm Start flag
Endif ; <forAUX> <4>
bsr Primary_Init ; no errors possible
@Error adda.w #spBlockSize,SP
rts ; done
; sInfoMerge - merge old sInfo array information with new sInfo records
; Merge information from the old sInfo array into the new sInfo records. Specifically,
; for all old sInfo array records with a zero, positive, or temporarily disabled
; status field, copy the siInitStatusA, siInitStatusV, siState, and siStatusFlags fields.
; Input : reg A2 = handle to old sInfo array
; Output : none
If Not forAUX Then ; not needed under a/ux <4>
MOVEM.L D2/A1/A3-A4,-(SP) ; save registers
; Loop through old sInfo array (6 entries), and copy data from good slots
MOVEA.L (A2),A4 ; dereference handle to old sInfo array
ADDA.W #sInfoRecSize,A4 ; first entry in old sInfo array used for bus errors
MOVE.B #sFirstSlot,D2 ; D2 = slot cntr (starting at slot 9 for Mac II)
MOVE.W siInitStatusA(A4),D0 ; get D0 = card status
BPL.S @GoodSlot ; zero or positive status means good slot
CMP.W #smInitStatVErr,D0 ; error from primary init?
BNE.S @EndLoop ; no - slot status must be bad, go to next slot
CMP.W #svDisabled,siInitStatusV(A4) ; vendor temp slot disable error range?
BGT.S @EndLoop ; no - slot status bad, go to next slot
; The slot has what seems to be a "temporarily disabled" error from when the old slot
; manager ran its primary init. Because so many slot manager routines check a slot's
; error status before doing anything, we will clear the error in the siInitStatusA field,
; but leave the error in the siInitStatusV field. We will also set a flag in the
; siFlags field to indicate that this card is was "temporarily bad". If there is no
; secondary init to clear this error, then the card will be marked bad again.
clr.w siInitStatusA(a4) ; clear in old slot manager sInfo entry
bset.b #fTempEnabled,siStatusFlags(a4) ; set flag indicating temp enabled state
@GoodSlot MOVE.B D2,spSlot(A0) ; set slot number
_sFindsInfoRecPtr ; get pointer to sInfo record
MOVEA.L spResult(A0),A1 ; A1 = ptr to new sInfo record
cmpi.w #smEmptySlot,siInitStatusA(a1) ; new slotmgr think its an empty slot ?
beq.s @EndLoop ; empty - do not update status
tst.w siInitStatusA(a1) ; new slot mgr think slot is bad ?
bmi.s @EndLoop ; yes - do not update
MOVE.W siInitStatusA(A4),siInitStatusA(A1) ; not empty - copy data from old slot mgr
move.w siInitStatusV(a4),siInitStatusV(A1)
MOVE.B siState(A4),siState(A1)
MOVE.B siStatusFlags(A4),siStatusFlags(A1)
@EndLoop ADDA.W #sInfoRecSize,A4 ; inc to next record in old sInfo array
ADDQ.B #1,D2 ; inc slot cntr
CMPI.B #sLastSlot,D2 ; done all slots yet?
BLE.S @Loop ; not yet - continue
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D2/A1/A3-A4 ; restore registers
Endif ; <Not forAUX> <4>
RTS ; done
; SRTMerge - merge the old SRT with the new one
; Merge the old SRT with the new SRT. The new SRT has been built by executing
; _InitsRsrcTable again. This had the effect of destroying fields in the srrBlock
; which may have been updated after being built by the old slot manager. So this
; routine calls _sUpdateSRT with the old SRT entry's srrRefNum and srrIOReserved
; fields to restore them. The other fields in the srrBlock cannot be modified
; after being initially added into the SRT.
; If a slot number has sResources in the old SRT, then they completely replace the
; new SRT entries for that slot, unless the new entry is marked disabled.
; ***** There may be a problem with SRT entries with non-zero extdev fields. It may
; ***** be possible to have more than one SRT entry with the same <slot><id>, but
; ***** different <extdev> fields. I don't know how to deal with those yet.
; ***** Currently, these would cause unmatched entry errors.
; Input : reg A0 = ptr to spBlock
; A3 = hdl to old SRT
; Output : none
export SRTMerge
; Partial definition of old SRT entry definition
oldsrrBlock RECORD 0 ;Slot Resource Table Record.
oldsrrHWDev DS.B 1 ; Hardware device id
oldsrrSlot DS.B 1 ; Slot
oldsrrId DS.B 1 ; Id
oldsrrExtDev DS.B 1 ; External Device
oldsrrRefNum DS.W 1 ; RefNum of driver
oldsrrIOReserved DS.W 1 ; Reserved
oldpadding DS.L 3 ; rest of old srr block - not interesting for this routine
oldSRTRecSize EQU * ; Size
with spBlock,srrBlock,oldsrrBlock
If Not forAUX Then ; not needed under a/ux <4>
MOVEM.L D1-D3/A3,-(SP)
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ; deref hdl to SRT - reg A3 = ptr to old SRT
MOVEQ #0,D3 ; set a good return status
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; clear current slot number
; Walk down the old SRT and match entries to the new SRT. When the slot number
; changes in the old SRT, start searching the new SRT entries from id=0.
@NextSlot CMP.B #$FF,oldsrrSlot(A3) ; end of old SRT ?
BEQ.S @Done ; done
; If there is an unmatched entry in the old SRT, then for some reason, the new slot
; manager did not see it (perhaps the declaration ROM only appears in the
; 24 bit addr space). Ignore them.
@ChkOld CMP.B oldsrrSlot(A3),D2 ; is there an unmatched old entry ?
bne.s @NewSlot ; no - inc slot number
adda.w #oldSRTRecSize,a3 ; inc old SRT pointer to next old entry
bra.s @ChkOld ; skip any unmatched entries
@NewSlot MOVE.B oldsrrSlot(A3),D2 ; set D2 = new current slot number
MOVE.W oldsrrSlot(A3),D1 ; set D1 = new current <slot><id>
MOVE.B D2,spSlot(A0) ; set slot number to search for to current slot
CLR.B spId(A0) ; clear the sRsrc id to start from the beginning
; For the current slot, update entries in the new SRT which match entries in the
; old SRT. New SRT entries which do not match, are deleted.
@Loop BSET.B #fall,spParamData+3(A0) ; search all SRT entries
BSET.B #fnext,spParamData+3(A0) ; get "next" entry
BSET.B #foneslot,spParamData+3(A0) ; only look in one slot
_FindSRTRec ; get an entry from the new SRT
BNE.S @NextSlot ; no more new entries for this slot - try next
MOVEA.L spsPointer(A0),A1 ; A1 = ptr to SRT entry to update
MOVE.B srrSlot(A1),spSlot(A0) ; update <slot><id> - FindSRTRec does not
MOVE.B srrId(A1),spId(A0)
CMP.W srrSlot(A1),D1 ; compare new <slot><id> to old
BEQ.S @Update ; new matches old entry - update info in new
_sDeleteSRTRec ; new <> old - delete the new entry
BRA.S @Loop ; continue looping
; Found a match between an old and new SRT entry. Update the new entry and increment
; the old SRT pointer to the next entry. ***** If the <slot><id> are the same as the
; last old entry, but the <extdev> field is different, we should do an InsertSRT to
; the new SRT. *****
@Update MOVE.W oldsrrRefNum(A3),srrRefNum(A1) ; restore refnum
MOVE.W oldsrrIOReserved(A3),srrIOReserved(A1) ; restore ioReserved field
ADDA.W #oldSRTRecSize,A3 ; inc old SRT pointer to next old entry
CMP.B #$FF,oldsrrSlot(A3) ; end of old SRT ?
BEQ.S @Loop ; continue deleting any more new entries
CMP.B oldsrrSlot(A3),D2 ; still in the same slot ?
BNE.S @Loop ; not same slot - continue deleting new entries
MOVE.B oldsrrId(A3),D1 ; same slot - update sRsrc id in <slot><id>
BRA.S @Loop ; try to match this one
@Done MOVE.W D3,D0 ; return status in D0
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D3/A3
Endif ; <Not forAUX> <4>
; Default declaration rom
MACRO ; <1.1>
dc.b '&SYSDATE'
sRsrc_Board EQU 1 ;Board sResource
;Data Structure
; Directory
_sRsrcDir OSLstEntry sRsrc_Board,_sRsrc_Board ;<sRsrc_Board> <Board sRsrc List offset>
DatLstEntry EndOfList,0 ;<EndOfList> <0>
; sRsrc_Board List
_sRsrc_Board OSLstEntry sRsrcType,_BoardType ;<sRsrc_Type> <Board Type offset>
OSLstEntry sRsrcName,_BoardName ;<sRsrc_Name> <Name of Board offset>
DatLstEntry BoardId,MIIBoardId ;<BoardId> <MIIBoardId>
OSLstEntry VendorInfo,_VendorInfo ;<VendorInfo> <_VendorInfo record offset>
DatLstEntry EndOfList,0 ;<EndOfList> <0>
_BoardType DC.W CatBoard ;Board sResource : <Category> <C742>
DC.W TypBoard ; <Type> <C742>
DC.W 0 ; <DrvrSw> <C742>
DC.W 0 ; <DrvrHw> <C742>
_BoardName DC.B 'Macintosh II' ;Name of Board <1.1>
; Vendor Info record
_VendorInfo OSLstEntry VendorId,_VendorId ;<VendorId> <VendorId offset>
OSLstEntry RevLevel,_RevLevel ;<RevLevel> <RevLevel offset>
OSLstEntry Date,_Date ;<ROMDate> <Date offset>
DatLstEntry EndOfList,0 ;<EndOfList> <0>
_VendorId DC.B 'Apple Computer' ;Vendor Id <1.1>
_RevLevel DC.B 'Rev 1.4' ;Revision Level <1.1>
_Date DateStr ;Date <1.1>
; Format/Header Block
DC.L (_sRsrcDir-*)**$00FFFFFF ;Offset to sResource directory
DC.L DeclSize ;Length of declaration data
DC.L 0 ;CRC {Patched by crcPatch}
DC.B 1 ;Revision level
DC.B AppleFormat ;Format
DC.L TestPattern ;Test pattern
DC.B 0 ;Reserved byte
DC.B $0F ;ByteLanes: 0000 1111
DeclSize equ *-_sRsrcDir ; size of cnfg data
String asis
; ChkSlotZero - check if slot zero config rom is good
; Check if the slot zero configuration rom is good. If not, then copy a default
; declaration rom into the system heap and fixup the sInfoRecord. Mac II 1.0 roms
; didn't have a declaration rom for slot zero. One is needed to do RAM sResources.
Export ChkSlotZero
With spBlock,sInfoRecord
movem.l d1/a0-a3,-(sp)
suba.w #spBlockSize,sp
movea.l sp,a0 ; a0 = ptr to spblock
clr.b spSlot(a0) ; set slot number
_sFindsInfoRecPtr ; get ptr to slot 0 sInfo record
movea.l spResult(a0),a1
tst.w siInitStatusA(a1) ; test slot status
beq.s @Done ; slot cnfg rom is good
; The declaration rom is bad - allocate space on the system heap and copy a new one
move.l #DeclSize,d0 ; size of cnfg rom
_NewPtr ,sys
movea.l a0,a3 ; save ptr to beginning of blk
lea _sRsrcDir,a2 ; a2 = beginning of decl rom
move.w #DeclSize-1,d0 ; size adjusted for debra
@Loop move.b (a2)+,(a0)+ ; copy cnfg rom to sys heap
dbra d0,@Loop
; Setup sInfoRecord
clr.w siInitStatusA(a1) ; clear the error status
suba.l #1,a0 ; dec a0 back to end of decl rom
move.l a0,siROMAddr(a1) ; set addr to top of "rom"
move.l a3,siDirPtr(a1) ; set ptr to directory
move.b #$0F,siCPUByteLanes(a1) ; set byte lanes field to all
@Done adda.w #spBlockSize,sp
movem.l (sp)+,d1/a0-a3
;_______________________________________________________________________________________ <11> djw
; PatchGetCString - install GetCString patch on IIci
; In 32 bit mode, GetCString was doing a "slotjsr InstallBus" which trashed d0 (it was
; set to the returned mmu mode). In 32 bit mode, instead on d0=0, d0=1. This caused
; an off by one error on names returned by sReadDrvrName.
PatchGetCString InstallProc (IIci,notAUX)
Import GetCStringPatch
leaResident GetCStringPatch,a0
move.l a0, ([SDMJmpTblPtr],sGetCString*4) ; patch into vector table
; Here is the routine to replace until we jump back to ROM
BackToGetCString ROMBind (IIci,$0592c)
TheDoneLabel ROMBind (iiCi,$05972)
Export GetCStringPatch
with spBlock
movem.l a2-a3,-(sp)
move.l spsPointer(a0),-(sp) ; save ptr to the sList
move.b spSlot(a0),-(sp) ; save the slot
_sFindStruct ; get the ptr to the string
bne.s @Done
movea.l spsPointer(a0),a3 ; a3 = ptr to the string
; Calculate the step register
bset.b #fConsecBytes,spFlags(a0) ; calc for consecutive bytes
bne.s @Done
move.l spResult(a0),d1 ; d1 = step register
; Loop and count all the chars in the string so we know how big a block to allocate.
moveq #0,d2 ; clear temp reg for NextStep macro
movea.l a3,a1 ; a1 = ptr to the string in the decl rom
lea @Done,a2 ; set address to jump to if bus error
slotjsr InstallBus ; replace sys bus excptn and 32 bit mode
moveq #0,d0 ; d0 = length cntr *** THE FIX ***
jmpROM BackToGetCString ; continue in ROM
; This jumps back to the @Done label in ROM
jmpROM TheDoneLabel ; continue in ROM