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; File: DPInstaller.a
; Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
; Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
; Copyright: © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <2> 3/16/90 BBH made it compile
; <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in
; <61+> 2/20/90 BBH
; To Do:
; note that we have jammed the dispatch code resource ID to be the same for
; bit and little models. we will want to fix this when we put in 6.x
; compatibility again.
; ~@~Projector~@~ Copyright © 1987, 1988, 1989 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; ~@~Projector~@~ File: DPInstaller.a,39+ (3/27/89 9:30:39 AM)
; File : DPInstaller.a
; The following assembler code installs ComToolBox trap dispatcher as called
; from the Mac boot process as an external ptch resource.
; Written by Dean Wong May 1988
; (c) 1988 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Major modifications Byron Han, February 1-3, 1989 to do dynamic patching, etc.
; SHIFT during boot will cause toolbox to NOT be installed
; COMMAND key will cause SMALL MEMORY DISPATCHER to be installed
; Otherwise, one machines with 1 Meg or less, SMALL MEMORY DISPATCHER is installed
; Machines with more than 1 Meg, LARGE MEMORY DISPATCHER is installed
; Changed 2/17/89 from INIT-31 mechanism to external patch file.
; Only major changes are to change makefile from INIT to ptch
; Also forcing into the system heap this INIT because we will dynamically
; resize the system heap (by moving the application heap up by the amount
; in sysz.
; Modification History
; <1.1> BBH Added clearing of A1 before checking if manager loaded
; so that we wouldn't install an garbage manager vector into the
; table if the manager did not exist
; 5/11/89 BBH Changed startup code because INIT 31 used to put handle into A0
; now since we are pre INIT-31, need to RecoverHandle on
; entry point. Also eliminate DetachResource call
; 5/24/89 BBH Changed baseID from -10240 to -10176
; 7/20/89 BBH Change some BRA's to BRA.S's
; 7/27/89 BBH Changed ctbz ID from 0 to baseID
; Chain runs ctb∂'s from baseID, baseID+1, etc...
; Added comments on bigModel
; Changed ctbd from 3 to baseID
; load cmtb (manager code) from baseID on up
; BadID and OldID were reversed in the constants area
; 10/13/89 BBH Added compiler directive around ShowInit call
; If compiling for WHEATIES/BILL then do not ShowInit
; 10/30/89 BBH WHEATIES/BILL build defaults to no Shift override on install
; no Command override on memory model
; large memory model ONLY
; 2/5/90 BBH >= 3meg == large memory model for wheaties
; > 1 meg == large memory model for specialk
; Actually, we always use the small memory model now
INCLUDE 'Traps.a'
INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'CommToolboxPriv.a'
IF (&TYPE('Debugging') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN ; start <BBH>
Debugging: EQU 0
ENDIF ; end <BBH>
DISPATCHSIZE EQU 16 ; # of managers supported
Installer MAIN
IMPORT Dispatcher, EndDisp, MiniDispatcher, EndMiniDisp, LoadCMTB, ShowINIT, Chain, MiniPreflight
IF Debugging THEN
MOVEM.L D3-D5/A1-A2, -(SP) ; save registers
; use to just take A0 and HLock it since Init 31 put handle
; into A0. but since we are now installed before Init 31
; A0 contains the master pointer to the handle
; so we get the pointer to start of the code, and do
; a recover handle. the hlock it. this is just safety
; since the init should be built with the resLocked bit set
LEA Installer,A0 ; get pointer to start of code
_RecoverHandle ; recover the handle
_HLock ; Init31 places my init handle in A0 (lock just in case)
; MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push A0 onto stack
; _DetachResource ; removed 5/11/89 BBH
; keyboard handling
; ====================================================
; 10 kcode 55 56 57 58 59
; hx 37 38 39 3A 3B
; key cmd shf cap opt ctl
; dm 17A 8000 0001 0002 0004 0008
; ====================================================
; check to see if trap already initialized
MOVE.W #$A08B, D0 ; get the comm toolbox trap
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ; get location
MOVE.L A0,A1 ; save it
MOVE.W #UNUSED, D0 ; unimplemented trap
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ;
CMP.L A1,A0 ; compare trap with uninstalled trap
BNE @Chain ; trap is already initialized
; dont need to install managers and traps
; so go to chain
;-------Install the Macintosh Communications Toolbox now----------------------------------
; Do a machine check for top of memory. Note that we can futz with this here to
; force tiny or large machine installation…
@GoOn MOVE.L #MemTop, A0 ; find out how big the machine is
MOVE.L (A0),A0
; Less than or equal to 1Meg, so install tiny dispatcher
MOVE.L #CTB_DispatcherID,A2 ; use universal dispatcher
CLR.L -(SP) ; make space for handle
MOVE.L #CTB_DispatcherType,-(SP) ; resource type for dispatcher
MOVE.W A2,-(SP) ; push id version
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the resource handle
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; testing
BNE.S @TinyOK ; ok
BRA @Cleanup ; reset the trap vector
@TinyOK _HUnlock ; unlock it
_MoveHHi ; move it high
_HLock ; lock it down
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save handle
IF Debugging THEN
BRA @DoDetach ; load minidispatcher and go on
BRA.S @DoDetach ; load minidispatcher and go on
; detach dispatcher code into system heap
; at this point we need to place the appropriate
; value into the Big field ...
MOVE.L (SP),A0 ; get the handle
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; dereference
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'about to stuff the table'
MOVE.W #0,dispatchBig(A0);
MOVE.W #0,80(A0) ; small
MOVE.L (SP),A0 ; get A0 (handle to resource) back
_HUnlock ; unlock it
_MoveHHi ; move it high
_HLock ; lock it down
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push onto stack
_DetachResource ; detach it - res mgr calls trash D0/A0
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; retrieve A0 (see @DoDetach)
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get pointer to dispatch code
MOVE.W #$A08B, D0 ; ComToolBox trap number
_SetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ; setup my trap dispatcher
BRA.S @Chain ; go for chaining
; Cleanup resets the trap vector and jumps to display code
@Cleanup MOVE.W #UNUSED, D0 ; unimplemented trap
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ; get location
MOVE.W #$A08B, D0 ; unimplemented trap
_SetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ; setup my trap dispatcher
BRA.S @BYEBYE ; go do deepshit icon
; skip chaining
; Chain will eecut ctb patch resources in numerical order
@Chain JSR Chain ; execute ctb∂ resources in order
; Display will show the icon
MOVEM.L (SP)+, D3-D5/A1-A2 ; restore registers
; CHAIN will execute all resources of type ctb∂ starting with ID
; baseID, baseID+1, baseID+2, ... ...
; If CHAIN fails to load a resource, it terminates. In other words,
; if the resources with ID baseID, baseID+1, baseID+2, baseID+4, baseID+5 exist
; only the first three will be executed
MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ; save ALL registers
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'Enterring Chains'
MOVE.W #CTB_Patch1,D1 ; set up counter
@TopOfLoop CLR.L -(SP) ; space for the handle
MOVE.L #CTB_PatchType,-(SP) ; push resource type
MOVE.W D1,-(SP) ; push index
_Get1Resource ; Get1Resource
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; retrieve the handle
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; for testing
BEQ.S @Exit ; NIL so exit
MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; get pointer
MOVEM.L D1/A0,-(SP) ; save registers
JSR (A1)
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1/A0 ; D1 is the index, A0 is the resource handle
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push resource
_ReleaseResource ; release the resource
ADDQ #1,D1 ; increment the counter
BRA.S @TopOfLoop ; go to top
@Exit MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 ; restore ALL registers
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'Look at a7 for return address and handle'
MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ; save the registers
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'After MOVEMing'
; stack is now
; theHandle 17*4
; return address 16*4
; d0
; d1
; d2
; d3
; d4
; d5
; d6
; d7
; a0
; a1
; a2
; a3
; a4
;SP -->
MOVE.L 64(SP),A0 ; get the handle
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'A0 should have the handle'
MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; dereference
JSR (A1) ; jsr to it
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 ; restore registers
MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; pop return address over theHandle
RTS ; back to normal space
; stack frame
; return value (word)
; table base (long)
; return address (long)
; old A6
rval EQU 12 ; stack frame offsets to get to pushed values
abase EQU 8
raddr EQU 4
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'Enterring newLoadCMTB'
LINK A6,#0 ; make a stack frame
MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A4,-(SP) ; save registers
MOVE.L raddr(A6),A4 ; return address
MOVE.L abase(A6),A3 ; address of base of dispatch table
MOVE.W rval(A6),D6 ; get return space
CLR.W D6 ; optimism (this is the return value)
CLR.W -(SP) ; make space for resource
MOVE.L #CTB_ConnectionMgrType,-(SP) ; push onto stack
BNE.S @Clear
MOVE.W #1,D6 ; return 1 in D6
BRA @Exit
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'clearing'
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; get a copy of the base of dispatch table
MOVE.L #1,D7 ; index
@ClearTop CLR.L (A2)+ ; clear out the table
ADDQ #1,D7
BLE.S @ClearTop
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'getting'
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; get a copy of the base of dispatch table
MOVE.W #1,D7 ; start manager # from 1
CLR.L -(SP) ; make space for resource
MOVE.L #CTB_ConnectionMgrType,-(SP) ; push onto stack
MOVE.W D7,D5 ; calculate the actual resource ID
SUB.W #1,D5 ; which starts from baseID, baseID+1, ...
ADD.W #CTB_ConnectionMgrID,D5 ; instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; push resource ID
_Get1Resource ; get the resource - this trashes D0 and A0
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the resource
MOVE.L A0,D5 ; make a copy
MOVE.L #0,A1 ; clear pointer to manager code <1.1>
TST.L D5 ; for testing if NIL
BEQ.S @BottomOfLoop ; none with this ID
_GetHandleSize ; get size of handle
TST.L D0 ; test result code
BLT.S @Aborting
MOVE.L D5,A1 ; get the saved handle
MOVE.L D0,D1 ; save size
_NewPtr ,SYS ; size is in D0
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; test the handle
BNE.S @Copy ; NIL so we couldn't allocate it
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'failure'
MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push the resource onto stack
_ReleaseResource ; and release the mutherf*****
; this will pop off the resource
BRA.S @Aborting
@Copy ; lock it down
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'make another'
MOVE.L A0,A1 ; deference the memory handle
MOVE.L D5,A0 ; get the resource handle
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; dereference it once
MOVE.L D1,D0 ; get the count
MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push the resource onto stack
_ReleaseResource ; and release the mutherf*****
; this will pop off the resource
MOVE.L A1,(A2)+ ; put into the table
ADD.W #1,D7 ; increment the counter
BGT.S @Exit
BRA.S @GetNext
@Aborting MOVE.W #2,D6 ; return 2 (bad memory condition)
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'Aborting'
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; make a copy
MOVE.L #1,D7 ; index
@AbortTop MOVE.L (A2),A1 ; clear out the table
CLR.L (A2)+
MOVE.L A1,D0 ; do we have an entry?
BEQ.S @AbortEnd
ADDQ #1,D7
BLE.S @AbortTop
@Exit MOVE.W D6,rval(A6) ; push return value
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A4 ; restore registers
UNLK A6 ; destroy stack frame
MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; pop return address over handle