2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

1984 lines
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; File: MaceEnet.a
; Contains: Ethernet Data Link level driver for builtin MACE Ethernet on Cyclone.
; Written by: Mark A. Law ,3-March-92
; Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: Mac32
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM9> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW4> 5/1/93 mal #1082434 Changed GetMem/FreeMem so extra memory is grabbed, then
; some of it deleted, when locking down pages so we don't lock
; memory that doesn't belong to us. Also changed snmp stat
; 'ifType' to indicate we're and Ethernet, not 802.3, link to
; match current Quadra drvrs.
; <LW3> 3/21/93 mal Added back 'eadr' support.
; <2> 1/27/93 mal Added MACEecfg rsrc support. Changed promiscuous mode support to
; lower main codepath risk.
; <SM8> 12/4/92 mal Turned off debug code; stopped using time mgr task for xmit
; deferrals; Promiscuous mode changes to EtherRecv().
; <SM7> 11/19/92 mal Added Promiscous mode support; check for VM correctly; install
; VBL and TimeMgr rtns before loopback; correct addr size in SNMP
; stats.
; <SM6> 10/30/92 mal Translate/Get/Free mem error condition improvement and made
; exported; 32BIT clean conditionally asm out; misc globals
; cleanup; misc comment cleanup.
; <SM5> 10/28/92 SWC Changed the INCLUDEs to a LOAD of StandardEqu.d.
; <SM4> 10/26/92 mal Updated to ESD's latest SNMP stats equs.
; <SM3> 10/26/92 mal Updated 2 and added 1 SNMP statistics control calls.
; <SM2> 10/13/92 mal -changed status that is recv'd in EtherRecv to lw and ignore
; pkts with bad status; -added debug code to get/free mem rtns.
; <SM7> 9/14/92 mal -fixed SNMP var storage and retrieval
; <SM6> 8/24/92 PN Take out CycloneboxEVT1 stuff
; <SM5> 7/25/92 mal Added support so # of recv chains can be changed via 'ebfr'.
; Removed _Debugger statements from LoopBack tests failure path.
; <SM4> 6/26/92 mal Fixed GetStats so it returns correct stats.
; <SM3> 6/23/92 mal Added runtime check so we'll always fail the open on PSC1 (EVT1)
; systems.
; <SM2> 6/22/92 mal New drvr to support PSC2's (EVT2) Ethernet DMA receive model.
; <SM1> 5/21/92 RB Removed the inclusion of VMCalls.a
; <P10> 5/5/92 mal Removed unused global vars.
; <P9> 4/30/92 mal Expanded interface between with Mace.a: now pass ptrs to
; TranslateAddress, GetMemory, and Blockmove rtns via MaceInit.
; Replaced XmitDone with rtn called via TimeMgr task.
; <P8> 4/28/92 mal Moved Mace specific tasks to Mace.a
; <P7> 3/26/92 mal Changed WriteLAF algorithm, now flush MACE and PSC FIFOs and
; drop packet(s) if packets present in MACE FIFO.
; <P6> 3/23/92 mal Added Multicast Add/Delete support; Removed TWISTER conditional
; sections; Cleaned up src.
; <P5> 3/5/92 mal Now get Ethernet Address from Prom if no 'eadr' resource in
; system file.
; <P4> 3/4/92 mal For no free recv buffs case; clear int. in DoRecv and added code
; in EtherRecv to reprime reg sets.
; <P3> 3/3/92 mal Made "DEBUG" conditional false.
; <P2> 3/3/92 mal Removed debug statements for non-error conditions.
; To Do:
; Notes:
; -based on Ethernet driver for Eclipse/Spike by Sean Findley, January 1990
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'Slots.a' ; Slot interrupt equates
INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' ; lowmem global records
INCLUDE 'ATalkMacros.a' ; Nifty Macros
; Conditional compile equates
BIT24 EQU 0 ; SuperMario always 32-bit
PROM EQU 1 ; Promiscous mode support
PRIMEDEFER EQU 0 ; Use Time Mgr for xmit defferals
INCLUDE 'MaceEqu.a' ; Mace definitions
INCLUDE 'PSCEqu.a' ; Mace definitions
INCLUDE 'ENETEqu.a' ; Driver definitions
INCLUDE 'SNMPLAP.a' ; SNMP definitions
NumTxBuffers EQU 8 ; "optimal" number of xmit buffers
NumRxBuffers EQU 16 ; "optimal" number of recv buffers
NumRxChains EQU 4 ; "optimal" number of recv buffer chains
OurV RECORD 0 ; our variables
OurDCE DS.l 1 ; Offset to our DCE pointer in variables
PromiscRHA DS.l 1 ; Contains status lw when in promiscuous mode
; ••• WARNING: do not separate from RHA!
RHA DS.b EHdrSize ; Read Header Area
; The LAP protocol handler table starts here. Format:
; .BYTE InUseFlag1,..., InUseFlagN ; Entry in use flag
; .wORD ProtCode1, ..., ProtCodeN ; Protocol type codes
; .lONG PHAddr1, ..., PHAddrN ; Protocol handler addresses
; .lONG RdQueueHd1, ..., RdQueueHdN ; Read queue heads
LAPTblSz EQU 16 ; Size of LAP protocol handler table (even)
InUseFlag DS.b LAPTblSz ; Entry in use flag
Protocols DS.w LAPTblSz ; List of active protocols
Handlers DS.l LAPTblSz ; List of handler addresses
RdQueueHd DS.l LAPTblSz ; Read queue heads
LAPTblEnd EQU * ; End of LAP table
; Multicast address table. Entry format:
; Ethernet address (6 bytes)
; Use count (1 byte). Zero means entry free.
; Unused (1 byte)
MTblSz EQU 16 ; Size (in entries) of multicast address table
MEntrySz EQU 8 ; Size of an entry (power of 2)
MUseCount EQU EAddrSz ; Offset to use count in entry
MultiCTbl DS.b MTblSz*MEntrySz ; A list of valid addresses
XmitWait DS.b 1 ; non-zero = DoWrite waiting for buffers
Promiscflg DS.b 1 ; non-zero = Promiscuous operation mode
deferCtl DS.b 1 ; non-zero = deferring control call
VBLQEL DS.b 14 ; VBL for control call deferrals
DoWriteQEL DS.b tmQSize ; TimeMgr task for DoWrite deferrals
AddrMask DS.l 1 ; 32 bit mask for addresses
MemMove DS.l 1 ; trap address of block move
EtherRcvCnt DS.l 1 ; # of times Deferred Recv Task called
XmitPend DS.l 1 ; Cnt of DoWrite calls from TimeMgr task
XmtDnActive DS.l 1
MCfg DS MACECfg ; MACE config data from config rsrc
InfoStart EQU * ; Old "GetInfo" network statistics start
OurAddr DS.b EAddrSz ; Our Ethernet address
DS.l 3 ; fill for compatibility with old getinfo
EtherStats DS NetStats
InfoEnd EQU * ; End of returned info
MultiRecvd DS.l 1 ; # of multicast pkts received
BcastRecvd DS.l 1 ; # of broadcast pkts received
; SNMP vars
LAPStats DS LAPMIBStats ; SNMP MIB stats for any link access protocol
Dt3Entry DS Dot3Entry ; SNMP status info and control vars
Dt3Stats DS Dot3StatsEntry ; SNMP stats for an 802.3 link
OurVarSz EQU * ; End of variables
; Other definitions
AMaxDataSz EQU 768-EHdrSize ; Maximum data size for AppleTalk mode
INTLockOut EQU $0700 ; SR value to disable ALL interrupts
DMALockOut EQU $0400 ; SR value to disable PSC DMA interrupts
BlockMoveTrap EQU $A02E ; trap value for _BlockMove
Promiscuous EQU 1 ; Bit #1 of Open()'s paramblk->ioFlags
EXPORT TranslateAddress, GetMemory, FreeMemory
WITH LAPMIBStats,Dot3StatsEntry,Dot3Entry
; *****************************************
; * *
; * Start of ENET driver *
; * *
; *****************************************
; Driver header
DC.w $4400 ; Control, Locked, no Goodbye
DC.w 0,0 ; No time, no events
DC.w 0 ; No menu
; Entry points offset table
DC.w Open-ENET
DC.w Control-ENET
DC.w Close-ENET
DC.w '.ENET' ; Driver name
INCLUDE 'VersionMaceEnet.a'
; Open - initialize the ENET driver
; Call:
; D0 = 0
; A0 -> queue element
; A1 -> DCE
; Return:
; D0 = 0, no error
; D0 != 0, if error
OpenRec RECORD {A6Link}
LinkSz EQU *
pbblkptr DS.l 1 ; copy of parameter block ptr
A6Link DS.l 2 ; link and return addr
Link A6,#OpenRec.LinkSz ; mark the stack for easy exit
Move.l A0,OpenRec.pbblkptr(A6) ; Save paramblock ptr for later access
Move.l #gestaltVMAttr,D0 ; see if VM is running
Bne.s @noVM ; it is'nt if call failed
Move.l A0,D0
Btst #gestaltVMPresent,D0
Beq.s @noVM ; zero result means no VM running
BSet #VMImmuneBit,dCtlFlags+1(A1) ; tell VM to leave our calls alone
Lea OurVarPtr,A3 ; A3 -> variable pointer
; Allocate our variables
Move.l #OurVarSz,D0 ; variables size
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; get memory for our variables
Bne OpenError
Move.l A0,(A3) ; save variable pointer
MoveA.l A0, A2 ; A2 -> our vars
Move.b MaceEnet,DCtlQueue+1(A1) ; Version number goes here
Move.l A1,D0
Move.l D0,OurDCE(A2) ; Save our DCE address
Move.l A1,OurDCE(A2) ; Save our DCE address
Move.w #BlockMoveTrap,D0
Move.l A0,MemMove(A2) ; save trap address in our vars
; Look for a MACE configuration resource for this CPU
Move.l #gestaltMachineType,D0
_Gestalt ; get our machine type
Tst D0 ; any errors?
Bne OpenError ; yes, return with error
Move A0,D3 ; save our machine ID
SubQ #4,SP ; Make room for handle
Move.l #Configrsrc,-(SP) ; Push resource type
Move D3,-(SP) ; Set machine ID as resource ID
_GetResource ; Get it from system file
Move.l (SP)+,D0 ; D0 = handle to config resource
Bne.S @21 ; Bra if we found it
SubQ #4,SP ; Make room for handle
Move.l #Configrsrc,-(SP) ; Push resource type
Move D3,-(SP) ; Set machine ID as resource ID
Move #MapTrue,ROMMapInsert ; Look for resource in sys ROM
_GetResource ; Get it from ROM
Move.l (SP)+,D0 ; D0 = handle to config resource
Bne.S @21
MoveQ #-23,D0 ; return with generic error (D0=-1)
Bra OpenError ; return, config rsrc not found
@21 MoveA.l D0, A3 ; Save handle to resource
MoveA.l (A3), A0 ; A0-> config resource
Lea MCfg(A2), A1 ; A1-> space in our vars
Move.l #MACECFG.CfgSize, D0
_BlockMove ; Copy data from rsrc to our vars
Move.l A3, -(SP) ; push handle
_ReleaseResource ; We're thru with config resource
Lea MCfg.EnetAddr(A2), A0 ; A0-> alternate ethernet address
Tst.l (A0) ; Check address
Bne.s @22
Tst 4(A0)
Beq.s @23 ; Ignore if all zeros
BTst #0, (A0) ; Make sure it's not a multicast addr
Bne.s @23 ; Ignore it if it is
Move.l (A0)+, OurAddr(A2) ; Move four bytes to our address
Move (A0)+, OurAddr+4(A2) ; Move the last two bytes
; Look for an alternate address resource for this slot
SubQ #4,SP ; Make room for handle
Move.l #EAddrRType, -(SP) ; Push resource type
MoveQ #0,D0 ; Clear out D0
MoveA.l OurDCE(A2),A1 ; A1 -> our DCE
Move.b dCtlSlot(A1),D0 ; D0 = slot
Move D0,-(SP) ; Set slot number as resource ID
_GetResource ; Get it
Move.l (SP)+,D0 ; D0 = handle to resource
Beq.s @25 ; Branch if not there
Move.l D0,A0 ; A0 = handle to resource
Move.l (A0),A0 ; A0 = pointer to resource
BTst #0,(A0) ; Make sure it's not a multicast addr
Bne.s @24 ; Ignore it if it is
Move.l (A0)+,OurAddr(A2) ; Move four bytes to our address
Move (A0)+,OurAddr+4(A2) ; Move the last two bytes
@24 Move.l D0, -(SP) ; push handle
_ReleaseResource ; We're thru with alternate address resource
; Determine our Ethernet Address from Address Prom, if address not provided
; via 'ecfg' or 'eadr' resource
Lea OurAddr(A2), A1 ; A1-> storage for address
Tst.l (A1) ; Do we already have an address?
Bne.s @45 ; yes, ignore address prom
Tst 4(A1)
Bne.s @45 ; yes, ignore address prom
MoveA.l MCfg.EnetPROM(A2), A0 ; Address of Ethernet Address PROM
MoveQ #0, D1 ; Setup to checksum the PROM address
MoveQ #7, D0 ; Do 8 bytes
MoveQ #1, D3 ; Offset to address byte
; Checksum the addresss PROM
@Xor Move.b (A0,D3.w), D2 ; get byte to XOR
Eor.b D2, D1
AddI #$10, D3 ; Inc offset to next byte
DBra D0, @Xor ; do them all
CmpI.b #$FF, D1 ; end result should be $FF
Bne OpenError ; return with generic error (D0=-1)
; Get our Ethernet addresss from the PROM
AddQ #EAddrSz, A1 ; go from last to first
MoveQ #EAddrSz-1, D2 ; Get 6 addr bytes
MoveQ #$51, D3 ; Offset to last address byte
@35 Move.b (A0,D3.w), D0 ; D0=inverted address
Bsr NormAddr ; Normalize it
Move.b D0, -(A1) ; Store in our vars
SubI #$10, D3 ; Dec offset to previous byte
DBra D2, @35
MoveQ #-1,D0
Move.l D0,AddrMask(A2) ; save cached 32 bit address mask
SubA #IPSize, SP ; make room for parms
Pea EtherRecv ; addr of packet reception rtn
Move.l (SP)+, RecvRtn(SP)
Move.l A2, RecvPrms(SP)
Move.l #0, A0 ; no xmit completion rtn
Lea XmitBuffAvail, A0 ; xmit completion rtn
Move.l A0, XmitRtn(SP)
Move.l A2, XmitPrms(SP)
Pea MCfg(A2)
Move.l (SP)+, MACECfgPtr(SP) ; ptr to MACE config record
Pea Dt3Stats(A2)
Move.l (SP)+, Dot3NetStats(SP) ; where to store 802.3 stats
Pea LAPStats(A2)
Move.l (SP)+, LAPMIBNetStats(SP) ; where to store LAP MIB stats
Pea OurAddr(A2)
Move.l (SP)+, EnetAddr(SP) ; ptr to our Ethernet address
Move.l MemMove(A2), FastMoveRtn(SP) ; addr of fast move memory rtn
Bsr MACEInit
Bne OpenError
AddA #IPSize, SP ; Strip parms
Move #vType,vblType(A0)
Pea ControlDefer
Move.l (SP)+,vblAddr(A0)
Move #32767,vblCount(A0) ; setup control call deferral timer
Lea DoWriteQEL(A2),A0
Move #0, tmCount(A0)
Pea XmitBuffAvail
Move.l (SP)+, tmAddr(A0)
_InsTime ; setup xmit buffer full deferral
; Perform 3 MACE loopback tests, if any fails, return an open error
Move.l #MaceEnetLongStrEnd-MaceEnetLongStr-1, -(SP) ; pass size of loopback
; data, minus 1 since pascal string
Pea MaceEnetLongStr+1 ; pass ptr to loopback data
Pea OurAddr(A2) ; pass ptr to our address
MoveA.l OurDCE(A2),A1 ; get ptr to DCE
Move dCtlRefNum(A1),D0
Move.l D0,-(SP) ; pass our refnum for ctl calls
MoveA.l MCfg.MACEBase(A2),A3 ; MACE base address
; Perform Internal, no MENDEC, Lpbk
; Note: network packet reception disabled
Move.b #INTLPB, MACE_USER_TEST_REG(A3) ; set user test reg
Bsr LOOPBACKTEST ; D0 ≠ 0 if passed
Beq LoopError ; failed
; Perform Internal, with MENDEC, Lpbk
; Note: network packet reception disabled
Move.b #MENDECLPB, MACE_USER_TEST_REG(A3) ; set user test reg
Bsr LOOPBACKTEST ; D0 ≠ 0 if passed
Beq LoopError ; failed
Move.b #EXTLPB, MACE_USER_TEST_REG(A3) ; perform external loopback
Bsr LOOPBACKTEST ; D0 ≠ 0 if passed
Beq LoopError ; failed
Move.b #NOLPB, MACE_USER_TEST_REG(A3) ; disable loopback
Bsr.s InitSNMP
; Check if we're opened in promiscuous mode
Move.l OpenRec.pbblkptr(A6), A0 ; Restore paramblock ptr
BTst.b #Promiscuous, ioFlags+1(A0) ; Are we being opened in Promiscuous mode?
Beq.s @notprm
ST Promiscflg(A2) ; Yes, indicate we're in promiscuous mode
Pea EtherRecvProm
Bsr MACESetProm ; turn on promiscuous in hw drvr
AddQ #4, SP ; clean up parms
MoveQ #noErr,D0 ; Indicate no error
Unlk A6
Rts ; And return
; Loopback test error - 1 of 3 loopback tests failed
AddQ #8,SP ; strip loopback test parms
Bsr Close ; shut down MACE
MoveQ #-1,D0
Bra.s OpenErrDone ; return with open error
; Open error - clear out variable pointer for next try
Move.w D0,D3 ; Save error code
Lea OurVarPtr, A3
Tst.l (A3) ; Our variable pointer
Beq.s @56 ; Mem not allocated
MoveA.l (A3), A0
_DisposPtr ; Free it up
Clr.l (A3) ; Clear it out
Move.w D3,D0
CmpI.w #-1,D0 ; Translate generic error
Bne.s @60
MoveQ #openErr,D0
Tst.w D0
Unlk A6
Rts ; Return with error
Align 2
; Strings used when building LAPStats.ifdescr string
RevStrStart Equ *
RevStr DC.B '. Hardware Revision: '
RevStrEnd Equ *
RevStrLen Equ RevStrEnd-(RevStrStart+1) ; str length, minus length byte
Align 2
; Initialize SNMP statistic arrays
; Call: A2 - globals
; Return: none
; Destroys: A0,A1,D0,D3
; Initialize LAPStats
; Copy Pascal String MaceEnetLongStr
Lea LAPStats.ifDescr(A2), A1 ; A1 -> ifDescr
Lea MaceEnetLongStr, A0 ; A0 -> where to move from
MoveQ #0, D3 ; Init for BlockMove
Move.b (A0), D3 ; D0.B = strlen of MaceEnetLongStr
Cmp #255, D3 ; is str be greater than 255?
Bls @doit ; no
Move #255, D3 ; yes, move what we can
@doit AddQ #1, D3 ; move len byte too
Move.l D3, D0
_BlockMove ; Move it
Add.l D3, A1 ; A1 -> new end of ifDescr
Add.l #RevStrLen, D3 ; ifDescr + RevStr
Cmp #255, D3 ; would new str be greater than 255?
Bgt.s @cont ; yes, done with ifDescr
; get MACE Chip ID and convert to ascii
Lea RevStrEnd, A0
MoveA.l MCfg.MACEBase(A2), A3 ; MACE base address
MoveQ #0, D0
Move.b MACE_CHIP_ID_HIGH(A3), D0 ; get high byte MACE Chip ID
Ror.l #4, D0 ; get high nibble
Add.b #$30, D0 ; convert to ascii
Move.b D0, -4(A0) ; save it in RevStr
Clr.b D0
Rol.l #4, D0 ; get low nibble
Add.b #$30, D0 ; convert to ascii
Move.b D0, -3(A0) ; save it in RevStr
Move.b MACE_CHIP_ID_LOW(A3), D0 ; get low byte MACE Chip ID
Ror.l #4, D0 ; get high nibble
Add.b #$30, D0 ; convert to ascii
Move.b D0, -2(A0) ; save it in RevStr
Clr.b D0
Rol.l #4, D0 ; get low nibble
Add.b #$30, D0 ; convert to ascii
Move.b D0, -1(A0) ; save it in RevStr
; Append RevStr, minus len byte, to ifDescr
Lea RevStrStart+1, A0 ; A0 -> where to move from, will skip length byte
; A1 -> current end of ifDescr
Move.l #RevStrLen, D0 ; D0.l = strlen of RevStr
_BlockMove ; Move it
Lea LAPStats.ifDescr(A2), A1 ; A1 -> ifDescr
Add.b #RevStrLen, (A1) ; Set final string length
Move.l #SNMPVersion, LAPStats.ifVersion(A2) ; Set version to 1.0.0
Move.l #ethernet_csmacd, LAPStats.ifType(A2) ; indicate we're an Ethernet link
Move.l #EMaxDataSz, LAPStats.ifMaxMTU(A2)
Move.l #ESpeed, LAPStats.ifSpeed(A2)
Move.b #EAddrSz, LAPStats.ifPhysAddress(A2) ; set len of ifPhyAddr to #6
Move.l OurAddr(A2), LAPStats.ifPhysAddress+1(A2) ; copy first 4 bytes of address
Move OurAddr+4(A2), LAPStats.ifPhysAddress+5(A2) ; copy last 2 bytes of address
Move.l #ifStatusUp, LAPStats.ifAdminStatus(A2)
Move.l #ifStatusUp, LAPStats.ifOperStatus(A2)
Move.l Ticks, LAPStats.ifLastChange(A2)
; Initialize Dt3Stats
Move.l #SNMPVersion, Dt3Stats.dot3StatsVersion(A2) ; Set version to 1.0.0
Move.l #0, Dt3Stats.dot3StatsIndex(A2) ; Set index to 0
; Initialize Dt3Entry
Move.l #SNMPVersion, Dt3Entry.dot3Version(A2) ; Set version = 1.0.0
Move.l #$0, Dt3Entry.dot3Index(A2)
Move.l #2, Dt3Entry.dot3InitializeMac(A2)
Move.l #1, Dt3Entry.dot3SubLayerStatus(A2)
Move.l #1, Dt3Entry.dot3MulticastReceiveStatus(A2)
Move.l #1, Dt3Entry.dot3TxEnabled(A2)
Move.l #0, Dt3Entry.dot3TestTdrValue(A2)
; Translate Logical to Physical Address Routine
; Call:
; 8(A6).l -> logical address
; 12(A6).l -> logical size
; Return:
; D0.w < 0 -> ERROR
; D0.l = physical address
; CC's are set
; Ptr TranslateAddress(laddr,lsize) ; translate logical to physical addrs
address DS.l 1
count DS.l 1
TraAdd RECORD {A6Link}
LinkSz EQU *
logical DS MemBlk
physical DS MemBlk
A6Link DS.l 2 ; link and return addr
laddr DS.l 1 ; logical address
lsize DS.l 1 ; logical size
Link A6,#LinkSz
Move.l laddr(A6),logical.address(A6)
Move.l lsize(A6),logical.count(A6)
Lea logical(A6),A0 ; A0->translation table
Lea 1,A1 ; A1=count to translate
MoveQ #5,D0 ; GetPhysical
Beq.s @cont ; success
_Debugger ; failure ?!?
Blt.s @exit ; error, exit
Move.l physical.Address(A6),D0 ; return lowest physical address
@exit Unlk A6
; GetMemory - Get mem and then, optionally, make it contiguous & locked &
; non-cacheable
; Call:
; 8(A6).l -> mem size requested
; 12(A6).l -> mem options requested
; 16(A6).l -> address of storage for memory mgr block ptr (a handle)
; 20(A6).l -> address of storage for aligned memory region ptr (a handle)
; 24(A6).l -> address of storage for aligned memory region size (a ptr)
; Return:
; (16(A6)).l -> memory mgr block ptr
; (20(A6)).l -> aligned block of memory ptr
; (24(A6)).l -> aligned block of memory size
; D0.w < 0 -> ERROR, couldn't get mem or couldn't lockmemcontig it
; CC's are set
GetMemPs RECORD {A6Link}
LinkSz EQU *
A6Link DS.l 2 ; link and return addr
GMparms DS GetMem ; passed in parms
kDefaultPageSize EQU $2000 ; default page size = 32k (same as Gestalt's)
WITH GetMemPs,GMparms
Link A6,#LinkSz
Movem.l A0-A1/D1-D4, -(SP) ; save registers
Move.l memsize(A6), D2 ; D2 = requested memory size
Move.l memoptions(A6), D1 ; D1 = requested memory options
; want mem locked, contiguous, or non-cacheable?
AndI.l #(1<<Locked)+(1<<Contig)+(1<<CacheOff), D1
Beq.s @doneal ; if not, then branch
; Compute the actual memory to be acquired
; actual memory size = x + (2 * PageSize)
Move.l #kDefaultPageSize, D3 ; D3 = Default Page Size
Move.l #gestaltLogicalPageSize, D0 ; Get the logical page size
Tst D0 ; error on Gestalt call?
Bne.s @useDefaultPSize ; if so, then leave page size at default value
Move.l A0, D3 ; D3 = new Page Size
Add.l D3, D2 ; add page size
Add.l D3, D2 ; add page size. D2 = req mem size + (2 * PageSize)
Move.L D2, D0
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; get the memory
Blt @exit ; if error, exit
Move.l A0, ([memhndl,A6]) ; save ptr to new memory block
Tst.l D1 ; want mem locked, contiguous, or non-cacheable?
Beq.s @done ; no, so leave
; Create a page aligned mem region of page aligned size inside the non page aligned memory mgr blk.
; Do this 'cuz once we lockmemcontig it, we've potentially locked more than we want 'cuz
; lockmemcontig rounds down the start and up the end to page boundaries.
; Algorthm:
; a = requested block size
; b = a + alignment slop
; c = newptr(count=b)
; d = "c" aligned up to next page
; e = "a" aligned up to next page
; lockmemorycontiguous(address=d, count=e)
; setptrsize(address=c, count=(b - (top of mmgr blk - top of aligned region)))
; Return:
; mmgr blk ptr = c
; page aligned mem region ptr = d
; page aligned mem region size = e
; Expect:
; A0 -> new memory block
; A1 = scratch register
; D2 = memory block size
; D3 = Logical Page Size
; D4 = scratch register
Move.l A0, D1 ; D1 = address of new memory block to be aligned
Move.l D3, D4 ; D4 = Page Size
SubQ.l #1, D4 ; D4 = (Page Size - 1)
Add.l D4, D1 ; D1 = starting address + (Page Size - 1)
EorI.l #$FFFFFFFF, D4 ; Compute mask
And.l D4, D1 ; mask out lower bits to get page boundary
Move.l D1, ([memhndla,A6]) ; save aligned ptr
MoveA.l D1, A0 ; A0 -> ptr to aligned buffer
Move.l memsize(A6), D1 ; D1 = req. buffer len
Move.l D3, D4 ; D4 = Page Size
SubQ.l #1, D4 ; D4 = Page Size - 1
Add.l D4, D1 ; add to req buffer len
EorI.l #$FFFFFFFF, D4 ; Compute mask
And.l D4, D1 ; mask out lower bits to get page boundary
Move.l D1, ([memhndlasz,A6]) ; save aligned memory size
MoveA.l D1, A1 ; A1 -> length of buffer to Lock, A0 -> start address to Lock
MoveQ #4, D0 ; LockMemoryContiguous
Beq.s @donelock ; if no errors, then branch
; LockMemoryContiguous failed, so try to get rid of the memory block and leave with error
MoveA.l ([memhndl,A6]), A0 ; A0 -> memory block allocated
Move D0, -(SP) ; save err code
_DisposPtr ; failure, get rid of memory block
Move.l #0, ([memhndl,A6]) ; zero out addr
Move.l #0, ([memhndla,A6]) ; zero out addr
Move.l #0, ([memhndlasz,A6]) ; zero out size
Move (SP)+, D0 ; restore err code
Bra.s @exit ; return err
MoveA.l ([memhndl,A6]), A0 ; A0 -> memory block
Move.l D2, D0 ; D0 = saved memory block size
Add.l A0, D2 ; D2 = addr of top of memory blk
Add.l ([memhndla,A6]), D1 ; D1 = addr of top of aligned mem region
Sub.l D1, D2 ; get unused space at top of mmgr blk
Sub.l D2, D0 ; get new mmgr blk size
_SetPtrSize ; decrease mmgr blk size
@done MoveQ #0, D0 ; set no error
@exit Movem.L (SP)+, A0-A1/D1-D4 ; restore registers
Unlk A6
; FreeMemory - Free mem and then, optionally, UN-make it contiguous & locked &
; non-cacheable
; Call:
; 8(A6).l -> memory options
; 12(A6).l -> memory mgr block ptr to free
; 16(A6).l -> aligned memory region ptr to unlock
; 20(A6).l -> size of aligned memory region
; Return:
; D0 = noErr
; CC's are set
FreeMemPs RECORD {A6Link}
LinkSz EQU *
A6Link DS.l 2 ; link and return addr
FMparms DS FreeMem ; passed in parms
WITH FreeMemPs,FMparms
Link A6,#LinkSz
Move.l memoptions(A6), D1 ; get mem options
; was mem locked,contiguous,or non-cacheable?
AndI.l #(1<<Locked)+(1<<Contig)+(1<<CacheOff), D1
Beq.s @free ; no
MoveA.l memptra(A6), A0 ; address of buffer
MoveA.l memptrasz(A6), A1 ; length of buffer
MoveQ #3, D0 ; UnLockMemory
Beq @ok ; success
_Debugger ; failure ?!?
@free MoveA.l memptr(A6), A0 ; address of buffer
_DisposPtr ; free the memory
Tst D0
Beq @ok1 ; success
_Debugger ; failure ?!?
MoveQ #0, D0 ; no error
Unlk A6
; Control - control requests to driver - all ENET calls come in here.
; Call:
; A0 -> I/O queue element
; A1 -> device control entry
ControlDefer ; task to complete a deferred control call
Move.w #32767,vblCount(A0) ; next task is a long time maybe
_StackSpace ; D0 = avail. stack space
Tst.l D0
Bmi.s @defer ; defer if negative space
CmpI.l #512,D0 ; is there a little room?
Bhs.s @doControl ; yes
Move.w #1,VBLCount(A0) ; restart fast timer
Rts ; and get out
Lea -VBLQEL(A0),A2 ; A2->our vars
BClr #0,deferCtl(A2)
Beq.s @exit ; return to VBL if not really deferring
MoveA.l OurDCE(A2),A1 ; A1->our DCE
MoveA.l dCtlQHead(A1),A0 ; A0->param block in use
Bra.s doControl
Move.w ioTrap(A0),D0 ; get trap word that called us
BTst #asyncTrpBit,D0 ; is this a synchronous call?
Beq.s doControl ; yes, bypass stack check
_StackSpace ; D0 = avail. stack space
Tst.l D0
Bmi.s @defer ; defer if negative space
CmpI.l #512,D0 ; is there a little room?
Bhs.s doControl ; yes
MoveA.l OurVarPtr,A2 ; A2->our vars
BSet #0,deferCtl(A2) ; indicate we are deferring
Move.w #1,vblCount+VBLQEL(A2) ; set next vbl to tick fast
MoveQ #noErr,D0 ; good return for now
Rts ; get out and get stack back
Move.l OurVarPtr,A2 ; A2 -> our variables
Move.w CSCode(A0),D2 ; Pickup control code
SubQ #KillCode,D2 ; Check for OS kill I/O call
Beq.s CRts ; return if so
MoveQ #ControlErr,D0 ; Assume a control error
Move.l OurVarPtr,A2 ; A2 -> our variables
Sub #FirstENET-KillCode,D2 ; Subtract off lowest command
Blt ENETDone ; Return error if too low
Cmp #LastENET-FirstENET,D2 ; Make sure not too high
Bgt ENETDone ; Return error if too high
Move CSParam(A0),D1 ; D1 = 1st parameter word
Move.l CSParam+2(A0),D3 ; D3 = 1st parameter longword
; Pick up routine address for this command and jump to routine
Move.w (ControlTable,D2.w*2),D2 ; get offset of routine
Jmp (ControlTable,D2.w) ; go do the call
; Control dispatch table - must be in the same order as the ENET commands.
; Specifies offsets to the command-handling routines.
DC.w LapGetDot3Entry-ControlTable ; 238
DC.w ENETDONE-ControlTable ; 239 LapSetDot3Entry
DC.w LapDot3Stats-ControlTable ; 240
DC.w ENETDONE-ControlTable ; 241 LapDot3CollStats
DC.w LapGetLinkStatus-ControlTable ; 242
DC.w ENETOK-ControlTable ; 243 CloseSAP
DC.w ENETOK-ControlTable ; 244 OpenSAP
DC.w DoDelMulti-ControlTable ; 245
DC.w DoAddMulti-ControlTable ; 246
DC.w DoAttachPH-ControlTable ; 247
DC.w DoDetachPH-ControlTable ; 248
DC.w DoWrite-ControlTable ; 249
DC.w DoRead-ControlTable ; 250
DC.w DoRdCancel-ControlTable ; 251
DC.w DoGetInfo-ControlTable ; 252
DC.w ENETOK-ControlTable ; 253 DoSetGeneral
; LapGetDot3Entry - Get Dt3Entry
; Call:
; A0 -> queue element
; A2 -> our variables
; D3 = Link Stats Pointer
; Return:
; D0 = noErr
; EBuffSize(A0) = bytes returned
Move.l #0, D0 ; Clear out D0
Move EBuffSize(A0), D0 ; D0 = # of bytes to move
Cmp #Dot3EntrySz, D0 ; Asking for more than we have?
Bls.s @OKsize ; no
Move #Dot3EntrySz, D0 ; yes, just return what we have
Move D0, EDataSize(A0) ; Return eDataSize
Move.l D3, A1 ; A1 -> user's Dot3Entry buffer
LEA Dt3Entry(A2), A0
; LapGetLinkStatus - Return LAPMIBStats record info
; Call:
; A2 -> our variables
; D3 = Link Stats Pointer
; Return:
; D0 = noErr
; EBuffSize(A0) = bytes returned
Move.l MultiRecvd(A2), D0
Add.l BcastRecvd(A2), D0
Move.l D0, LAPStats.ifInNUcastPkts(A2) ; update non-unicast cnt
Move.l #0, D0 ; Clear out D0
Move EBuffSize(A0), D0 ; D0 = # of bytes to move
Cmp #LAPMIBStatsSz, D0 ; Asking for more than we have?
Bls.s @OKsize ; no
Move #LAPMIBStatsSz, D0 ; yes, just return what we have
Move D0, EDataSize(A0) ; Return eDataSize
MoveA.l D3, A1 ; A1 -> user's LAPMIBStats buffer
Lea LAPStats(A2), A0
; LapDot3Stats - return Dot3Stats record info
; Call:
; A2 -> our variables
; D3 = 802.3 Stats Pointer
; Return:
; D0 = noErr
; EBuffSize(A0) = bytes returned
Move.l #0, D0 ; Clear out D0
Move EBuffSize(A0), D0 ; D0 = # of bytes to move
Cmp #Dot3StatsEntrySz, D0 ; Asking for more than we have?
Bls.s @OKsize ; no
Move #Dot3StatsEntrySz, D0 ; yes, just return what we have
Move D0, EDataSize(A0) ; Return eDataSize
MoveA.l D3, A1 ; A1 -> user's Dot3Stats buffer
Lea Dt3Stats(A2), A0
; DoAddMulti - add a multicast address to the list
; Call:
; A2 -> our variables
; D1 = first two bytes of address
; D3 = last four bytes of address
; Return:
; D0 = error code
; Finds a free entry in the Multicast Table, stores the multicast address,
; and increments the use count. Calls Mace rtn to update Mace Logical
; Address Filter (LAF).
MoveQ #eMultiErr,D0 ; Assume invalid address or table full
BTst #8,D1 ; Make sure multicast bit is set
Beq ENETDone ; Return error if invalid multicast address
Bsr FindMEntry ; D2 = entry number for this address
Bpl.s @40 ; Branch if found it
; Look for the first free one
MoveQ #MTblSz-1,D2 ; D2 = no. of entries in multicast table
@30 Tst.b (MultiCTbl+MUseCount,A2,D2*MEntrySz)
; This one free?
DBeq D2,@30 ; Loop until checked them all or got one
@35 Bne ENETDone ; Error if none free
; Set in table, then compute and set hash bit in Logical Address Filter (LAF)
@40 Move.l D3,(MultiCTbl+2,A2,D2*MEntrySz)
; Set second part of address
Move D1,(MultiCTbl,A2,D2*MEntrySz)
; Set first part of address
AddQ.b #1,(MultiCTbl+MUseCount,A2,D2*MEntrySz)
Bsr.l MACEAddMulti ; Let Mace update LAF
; DoDelMulti - delete a multicast address from the list
; Call:
; A2 -> our variables
; D1 = first two bytes of address
; D3 = last four bytes of address
; Return:
; D0 = error code
; Finds the multicast address in the Multicast Table and decrements the use
; count. Calls Mace rtn to update Mace Logical Address Filter (LAF).
DoDelMulti MoveQ #eMultiErr,D0 ; Assume address not found
Bsr.s FindMEntry ; D2 = entry number in table
Bmi ENETDone ; Return error if not found
SubQ.b #1,(MultiCTbl+MUseCount,A2,D2*MEntrySz) ; Decrement use count
Bsr.l MACEDelMulti ; Let Mace update LAF
; FindMEntry - find this address's entry in the multicast table
; Call:
; D1 = high two bytes of address
; D3 = low four bytes of address
; A2 -> our variables
; Return:
; D2 = entry number within table (minus if not found). CCR set.
FindMEntry MoveQ #MTblSz-1,D2 ; D2 = no. of entries in multicast table
@10 Tst.b (MultiCTbl+MUseCount,A2,D2*MEntrySz)
; Is this entry in use?
Beq.s @20 ; Branch if not
Cmp (MultiCTbl,A2,D2*MEntrySz),D1
; This it?
Bne.s @20 ; Branch if not
Cmp.l (MultiCTbl+2,A2,D2*MEntrySz),D3
; Is it?
Beq.s @30 ; Branch if got it
@20 DBra D2,@10 ; Loop until checked them all
@30 Tst D2 ; Set CCR
Rts ; And return
; DoAttachPH - attach protocol handler control call
; Call:
; A2 -> our variables
; D3.l = address of protocol handler's packet-receive code or zero
; D1.w = protocol type code
; Return:
; D0 = error code
And.l AddrMask(A2),D3 ; 32 bit clean
MoveQ #LAPProtErr,D0 ; Assume an invalid protocol error
Tst.B Promiscflg(A2) ; Are we in Promiscuous mode?
Beq.S @10 ; No, Note: not set until pass lpbk test
Tst.w D1
Bne.s ENETDone ; Force attach to ONLY prot type 0
; Read down the active protocol table, searching for a match
Bsr.s GetProt ; See if it's there
Bpl.s ENETDone ; Return error if protocol already active
; Now scan for the first free one . . .
MoveQ #LAPTblSz-1,D2 ; Index into active protocols list
@20 Tst.b InUseFlag(A2,D2) ; Check this entry
DBeq D2,@20 ; Loop until get one or end
Bne.s ENETDone ; Error if none
Move.l D3,(Handlers,A2,D2*4) ; Fill Handlers in first (in case of interrupt)
Clr.l (RdQueueHd,A2,D2*4) ; Clear out read queue head
Move D1,Protocols(A2,D2*2)
; Fill protocol type in
ST InUseFlag(A2,D2) ; Indicate in use
ENETOK Clr D0 ; Indicate no error
Move.l OurDCE(A2),A1 ; Make sure A1 has DCE address
MoveA.l JIODone,A0
Jmp (A0) ; all done now
; Lookup D1 in the protocol table. Return D2 = index to protocol (negative = error).
GetProt MoveQ #LAPTblSz-1,D2 ; Index into active protocols list
@10 Tst.b InUseFlag(A2,D2) ; In use?
Beq.s @20 ; Branch if not
Cmp Protocols(A2,D2*2),D1 ; Match?
Beq.s @30 ; Branch if so
@20 DBra D2,@10 ; Keep going until got one
@30 Tst D2 ; Set CCR to D2
Rts ; Return (BPL for match)
; DoDetachPH - detach protocol handler control call
; Call:
; A2 -> our variables
; D1.w = protocol type code
; Return:
; D0 = error code
MoveQ #LAPProtErr,D0 ; Assume no such protocol active
Tst.B Promiscflg(A2) ; Are we in Promiscuous mode?
Beq.S @5 ; No, Note: not set until pass lpbk test
Tst.w D1
Bne.s ENETDone ; Force deattach to ONLY prot type 0
Bsr.s GetProt ; D2 = index to protocol
Bmi.s ENETDone ; Return error if at end of table
Clr.b InUseFlag(A2,D2) ; Indicate entry free
Tst.l (Handlers,A2,D2*4) ; Default handler?
Bne.s @10 ; All done if not
Bsr.s AbortAll ; Abort all active reads
@10 Bra.s ENETOK ; Complete this call
; AbortAll - abort all active read requests.
; Call:
; A2 -> our variables
; D2 = flag offset into protocol table
; Uses D1,A0
; Assumes InUseFlag(A2,D2) cleared out already so no interrupts
AbortAll Move.l (RdQueueHd,A2,D2*4),D1 ; D1 -> first read, if any
Beq.s @10 ; Branch if none
Move.l D1,A0 ; A0 -> queue element
Move.l (A0),(RdQueueHd,A2,D2*4) ; Remove from queue
Move #reqAborted,D0 ; Set error code
Bsr CompleteReq ; Return error
Bra.s AbortAll ; And loop
@10 Rts
; DoWrite - write out a packet on Ethernet
; Called:
; A2 -> our variables
; D3 = WDS pointer
; Return:
; D0 = error code; nobuff => chip drvr out of xmit buffers
; eLenErr => sum of data in WDS > max. pkt size
; noErr => chip drvr gave pkt to chip or put pkt
; in xmit queue for transmission
; Notes: Depends on MACEXmit to check maximum WDS length
Tst.b Promiscflg(A2) ; Are we in promiscuous mode?
Bne.s WritePromisc ; yes, only do promiscuous writes
MoveQ #eLenErr, D0 ; Assume length error
Clr.b XmitWait(A2) ; Clear waiting flag
Move.l D3,A0 ; A0 -> WDS
Cmp #EHdrSize,(A0) ; First entry must have whole header
Blo ENETDone ; Error if not
Move.l 2(A0),A0 ; A0 -> first WDS entry
Move.l OurAddr(A2),ESrcAddr(A0) ; Set our address in it
Move OurAddr+4(A2),ESrcAddr+4(A0)
Move.l D3, -(SP) ; Push WDS ptr
Bsr MACEXmit ; send the packet
AddQ #4, SP ; Strip parms
Tst.l D0 ; Error?
Bne.s @xmitfail ; yes, check it
Bra ENETDone ; no, complete write req. w/no error
@xmitfail Cmp.l #nobuff, D0 ; temporarily out of xmit buffs?
Bne.s @chklenerr ; no, it must be a len err; lets chk
Bne ENETDone ; no, its a len err; return err
ST XmitWait(A2) ; yes, set waiting flag
Lea DoWriteQEL(A2), A0 ; A0-> TimeMgr task element
Move.l #-200, D0 ; delay 200 microseconds
_PrimeTime ; install task to try again later
MoveQ #noErr,D0
Rts ; Return, don't complete write yet
@chklenerr Cmp.l #eLenErr, D0 ; WDS length error?
Beq.s @ok ; yes
_Debugger ; no, what the heck?
@ok Bra ENETDone ; complete write req. w/error
; WritePromisc - write out a packet on Ethernet when DIRECTLY from user buffer
; •••• user buffer MUST BE locked, contiguous, non-cached
; •••• user MUST fully specify Ethernet Header
; •••• FCS generation controlled via Xmit Frame Cntrl register
; •••• which is changeable via 'ecfg' rsrc
; Called:
; A2 -> our variables
; D3 = SINGLE entry WDS ptr
; Return:
; noErr
; Notes:
Move.l D3, A0 ; user WDS ptr
Move (A0), -(SP) ; Push user buffer len
Move.l 4(A0), -(SP) ; Push user buffer ptr
Bsr MACEXmitProm ; send the packet
AddQ #6, SP ; Strip parms
Bra ENETOK ; complete write req. w/no error
; XmitBuffAvail - IF PRIMEDEFER, transmit deferral routine
; ELSE, xmit completion routine
; Call:
; A1 - time manager queue element
; Return:
; no return value/status
; Notes: called via time manager after DoWrite gets no buff available error
; from MACEXmit call.
TxParm DS.l 1 ; my xmitdone parm
TxPrmSz EQU *
MoveA.l OurVarPtr, A0 ; get ptr to our vars
AddQ.l #1, XmtDnActive(A0)
CmpI.l #1, XmtDnActive(A0)
Beq.s @ok
_Debugger ; oooppppsss!
Tst.b XmitWait(A0) ; waiting for xmit buffs?
Beq.s @exit ; no
AddQ.l #1, XmitPend(A0)
MoveM.l A0/A2/A3/D3, -(SP) ; save C regs
MoveA.l A0, A2 ; A2->our vars
MoveA.l OurDCE(A2), A1 ; A1->our DCE
MoveA.l dCtlQHead(A1), A0 ; A0->waiting write param blk
Move.l CSParam+2(A0), D3 ; D3 = 1st parameter longword (e.g. WDSP)
Bsr DoWrite ; process the write
MoveM.l (SP)+, A0/A2/A3/D3 ; restore C regs
SubQ.l #1, XmtDnActive(A0)
@exit Rts
; DoRead - read a packet off the Ethernet
; Call:
; A0 -> queue element
; A1 -> our DCE
; A2 -> our variables
; D1 = protocol type code
; Return:
; D0 = error code
DoRead MoveQ #LAPProtErr,D0 ; Assume an error
Bsr GetProt ; D2 = index into PH table
Bmi ENETDone ; Error if not there
Tst.l (Handlers,A2,D2*4) ; Is it the default?
Bne ENETDone ; Error if not
Move #buf2SmallErr,D0 ; Assume buffer not big enough
Cmp #EHdrSize,EBuffSize(A0) ; Must hold at least header
Blo ENETDone ; Return error if not
; Dequeue the request from the system queue and queue it on ours (in order)
Lea (RdQueueHd,A2,D2*4),A3 ; A3 -> queue head
Move SR,-(SP) ; Save interrupt status
Move #DMALockOut, D1
@10 Tst.l (A3) ; Is there a next element?
Beq.s @20 ; Branch if not
Move.l (A3),A3 ; Point to it if so
Bra.s @10 ; And keep going until end
Exg D0,A0
And.l AddrMask(A2),D0
Exg D0,A0 ; 32 bit clean
Move.l A0,(A3) ; Put queue element on our queue
BClr #DrvrActive,DCtlFlags+1(A1)
; Clear driver active flag
Move.l IOLink(A0),DCtlQHead(A1) ; Set next element addr in head
Bne.s @30 ; Branch if there is none
Clr.l DCtlQTail(A1) ; Clear tail if not
@30 Clr.l IOLink(A0) ; Indicate it's last one on our queue
Move.l DCtlQHead(A1),D0 ; Any more requests?
Beq.s @40 ; Branch if not
BSet #DrvrActive,DCtlFlags+1(A1)
; We're active again
Move (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupt state
Move.l D0,A0 ; A0 -> new queue element
MoveQ #0,D0 ; D0 should be clear
Bsr Control ; Call ourselves
MoveQ #0,D0 ; Return no error for previous call
Rts ; Return
@40 Move (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupt state
Rts ; Return
; DoRdCancel - abort a pending read call
; Call:
; A2 -> our variables
; D3 = pointer to queue element to abort
; Return:
; D0 = error code
DoRdCancel Move #CBNotFound,D0 ; Assume an error
And.l AddrMask(A2),D3 ; 32 bit clean
Move.l D3,A1 ; A1 -> queue element
Move EProtType(A1),D1 ; D1 = protocol type
Bsr GetProt ; D2 = index into PH table
Bmi.s @60 ; Error if not there
Tst.l (Handlers,A2,D2*4) ; Is it the default?
Bne.s @60 ; Error if not
Lea (RdQueueHd,A2,D2*4),A3 ; A3 -> queue head
Move SR,-(SP) ; Save interrupt status
Move #DMALockOut, D1
@30 Move.l (A3),D3 ; D3 -> next element in queue
And.l AddrMask(A2),D3 ; 32 bit clean
Beq.s @50 ; Error if no more
Sub.l A1,D3 ; Subtract out desired one
Beq.s @40 ; Branch if it's the one
Move.l (A3),A3 ; A3 -> next in queue
Bra.s @30 ; Keep looking
@40 Move.l (A1),(A3) ; Point previous to next
Move (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupts
; Complete the ERead with an error, then the ERdCancel
Move.l A1,A0 ; A0 -> ERead queue element
Move #ReqAborted,D0 ; D0 = aborted error
Bsr.s CompleteReq ; Complete it with error
Bra ENETOk ; Return no error for RdCancel
@50 Move (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupt state
@60 Bra ENETDone ; Return not found error
; CompleteReq - this code basically executes the parts of IODone necessary to
; complete the user's request (sets result code and executes the user's
; completion routine)
; Call:
; D0 = result code
; A0 -> I/O queue element
CompleteReq Move.w D0,IOResult(A0) ; Set the result code
MoveM.l D1-D3/A0-A3,-(SP) ; Save registers
Move.l IOCompletion(A0),D1 ; Check if there's a completion routine
Beq.s @10 ; Branch if not - just return
Move.l D1,A1 ; Get it if so
Tst.w D0 ; IODone does this
Jsr (A1) ; Call completion routine
@10 MoveM.l (SP)+,D1-D3/A0-A3 ; Restore registers
Rts ; Return
; DoGetInfo - return stats in the following form:
; Our address, 3 lw's of 0's, Netstats record
; Call:
; A0 -> queue element
; A2 -> our variables
; D3 -> buffer for response
; Return:
; D0 = error code
And.l AddrMask(A2),D3 ; 32 bit clean
Move #buf2SmallErr,D0 ; Assume buffer not big enough
Cmp #6,EBuffSize(A0) ; Must hold at least address
Blo ENETDone ; Return error if not
MoveQ #0, D0
Move EBuffSize(A0),D0 ; D0 = buffer size
Cmp #InfoEnd-InfoStart,D0 ; Asking for more than we have?
Bls.s @10 ; no, branch
MoveQ #InfoEnd-InfoStart,D0 ; yes, just return what we have
@10 Move.l D3,A1 ; A1 -> where to move to
Lea InfoStart(A2),A0 ; A0 -> where to move from
; Copy netstat info from Dot2stat and LAPMIBstat areas to "old" getinfo area
Move.l (LAPStats.ifOutUcastPkts,A2), D1
Add.l (LAPStats.ifOutNUcastPkts,A2), D1
Move.l D1, (EtherStats.TxOK,A2)
Move.l (Dt3Stats.dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,A2), (EtherStats.sCollFrame,A2)
Move.l (Dt3Stats.dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,A2), (EtherStats.mCollFrame,A2)
; EtherStats.CollFrame doesn't make sense and is left 0
Move.l (Dt3Stats.dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,A2), (EtherStats.DefTx,A2)
Move.l (Dt3Stats.dot3StatsLateCollisions,A2), (EtherStats.LateColl,A2)
Move.l (Dt3Stats.dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,A2), (EtherStats.ExcessColl,A2)
Move.l (Dt3Stats.dot3StatsExcessiveDeferrals,A2), (EtherStats.ExcessDef,A2)
Move.l (Dt3Stats.dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,A2), (EtherStats.InMACTxErr,A2)
Move.l (LAPStats.ifInUcastPkts,A2), (EtherStats.RxOK,A2)
Move.l MultiRecvd(A2), (EtherStats.MultiRxOK,A2)
Move.l BcastRecvd(A2), (EtherStats.BroadRxOK,A2)
Move.l (Dt3Stats.dot3StatsFCSErrors,A2), (EtherStats.FCSerr,A2)
Move.l (Dt3Stats.dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,A2), (EtherStats.FAerr,A2)
Move.l (LAPStats.ifInErrors,A2), (EtherStats.MPerr,A2)
_BlockMove ; Move it
Bra ENETOK ; Return no error
; EtherRecv - .ENET packet receive routine
; Call:
; Received packet(s) pointed to by buffer(s) on InUse Queue
; Return:
; Empty InUse Queue
; Destroys:
; Notes:
; EtherRecv is called by the MACE since we passed a ptr to EtherRecv
; as the RecvRtn in the MACEInit call.
; Calls:
; Upper layer handler, or Default Handler, to receive packet.
WITH RcvParms
Link A6, #Size
Move.l Stat(A6), D0 ; get packet status
AndI.w #(1<<RcvCLSN)+(1<<RcvFRAM)+(1<<RcvFCS), D0 ; packet with error?
Bne @86 ; ignore packet with error
MoveM.l A2-A5/D3,-(SP) ; save used C regs
MoveA.l Parm(A6), A2 ; Our variables
AddQ.l #1, EtherRcvCnt(A2)
Move Len(A6),D1 ; D1=size of packet, including FCS
Sub #EHdrSize+4,D1 ; Subtract out header & FCS bytes from total
; Copy the Ethernet header from the packet into the RHA
Lea RHA(A2), A3 ; A3 -> RHA
MoveA.l Pkt(A6), A0 ; A0 -> packet data
Move.l (A0)+, (A3)+ ; Move header into buffer
Move.l (A0)+, (A3)+ ; Hard code for speed
Move.l (A0)+, (A3)+
Move (A0)+, (A3)+ ; A3 -> buffer after header
; Check if dest. addr. a broadcast or one of our multicasts
Move RHA(A2), D3 ; D3 = first 2 bytes of dest address
BTst #8, D3 ; Is it a broadcast or multicast?
Beq.s @45 ; Branch if not, it must be our physical address
MoveQ #-1, D2 ; D2 = $FFFFFFFF
Cmp D2, D3 ; Is packet a broadcast?
Beq.s @last4 ; Maybe, check last 4 bytes of dest address
Move.l RHA+2(A2), D3 ; No, D3 = last 4 bytes of dest address
Bra @120 ; Go check if one of our registered multicasts
@last4 Move.l RHA+2(A2), D3 ; D3 = last 4 bytes of dest address
Cmp.l D2, D3 ; Is packet a broadcast?
Bne @120 ; No, go check if one of our registered multicasts
AddQ.l #1, BcastRecvd(A2) ; Yes, inc. broadcast pkt cntr
Bra.s @50
@45 AddQ.l #1, (LAPStats.ifInUcastPkts,A2) ; inc. non-multi/bcast pkt cntr
; Search the protocol handler table for this protocol
@50 Move EType-EHdrSize(A3),D0 ; D0 = protocol type or 802.3 length
Cmp.w #EMaxDataSz,D0 ; is it an 802.3?
Bhi @110 ; if not, try other protocols
Clr D0 ; Handler will be for type zero
Exg D0,D1 ; D1 = protocol type, D0 = old D1
Bsr GetProt ; D2 = offset in table
Exg D0,D1 ; Restore D0, D1
Bmi.s @90 ; Branch if not found
; Move EType-EHdrSize(A3),D0 ; D0 = protocol type
@70 Lea EReadPacket,A4 ; A4 -> our ReadPacket routine
Lea DefaultPH,A5 ; use default maybe
Move.l (Handlers,A2,D2*4),D3 ; get the protocol handler
Beq.s @80 ; use default
MoveA.l D3,A5 ; use table entry's protocol handler
Jsr (A5) ; Call protocol handler
@85 MoveM.l (SP)+, A2-A5/D3 ; Restore registers
@86 Unlk A6
Rts ; That's it
@90 AddQ.l #1, LAPStats.ifInUnknownProtos(A2)
Bra.s @85
; Find Protocol handler for non 802.3 packet
Exg D0,D1 ; D1 = protocol type, D0 = old D1
Bsr GetProt ; D2 = offset in table
Exg D0,D1 ; Restore D0, D1
Bmi.s @90 ; Branch if not found
Bra.s @70 ; Process it
; Packet is a multicast. Check if it matches one of our multicast addresses.
; Call:
; A2 -> our variables
; D3 = last 4 bytes of destination address
@120 Move D1,D0 ; Save length in case packet's for us
Move RHA(A2),D1 ; D1 = high two bytes of address
Bsr FindMEntry ; D2 = entry within multicast table
Bmi.s @150 ; Ignore it if not found
AddQ.l #1, MultiRecvd(A2) ; Inc count of multicast pkts recv'd
Move D0,D1 ; Restore packet length
Bra @50 ; And process packet
@150 AddQ.l #1, LAPStats.ifInDiscards(A2) ; Increment count of packets not for us
Bra.s @85 ; Ignore this packet
; EtherRecvProm - Promiscuous .ENET packet receive routine
; Call:
; Received packet(s) pointed to by buffer(s) on InUse Queue
; Return:
; Empty InUse Queue
; Destroys:
; Notes:
; EtherRecvProm is called by the MACE since we passed a ptr to it
; as the RecvRtn in the MACEInit call.
; Calls:
; Upper layer handler, or Default Handler, to receive packet.
WITH RcvParms
Link A6, #Size
MoveM.l A2-A5/D3,-(SP) ; save used C regs
MoveA.l Parm(A6), A2 ; Our variables
AddQ.l #1, EtherRcvCnt(A2)
Move Len(A6), D1 ; D1=size of packet, including FCS
Sub #EHdrSize, D1 ; Subtract header from, leave 4 FCS in total
; Copy the Ethernet header from the packet into the RHA
Lea PromiscRHA(A2), A3 ; A3 -> PromiscRHA
Move.l Stat(A6), D0 ; get packet status
Move.l D0, (A3)+ ; Put pkt status at -4(RHA(A2))
MoveA.l Pkt(A6), A0 ; A0 -> packet data
Move.l (A0)+, (A3)+ ; Move header into buffer
Move.l (A0)+, (A3)+ ; Hard code for speed
Move.l (A0)+, (A3)+
Move (A0)+, (A3)+ ; A3 -> buffer after header
AndI.w #(1<<RcvCLSN)+(1<<RcvFRAM)+(1<<RcvFCS), D0 ; packet with error?
Bne.s @50 ; yes, go try to deliver it
; Check if dest. addr. a broadcast or one of our multicasts
Move RHA(A2), D3 ; D3 = first 2 bytes of dest address
BTst #8, D3 ; Is it a broadcast or multicast?
Beq.s @45 ; Branch if not, it must be our physical address
MoveQ #-1, D2 ; D2 = $FFFFFFFF
Cmp D2, D3 ; Is packet a broadcast?
Bne @30 ; No, go inc. cntr
Move.l RHA+2(A2), D3 ; D3 = last 4 bytes of dest address
Cmp.l D2, D3 ; Is packet a broadcast?
Beq @40 ; Yes, go inc. cntr
@30 AddQ.l #1, MultiRecvd(A2) ; No, inc. multicast pkt cntr
Bra.s @50 ; go try to deliver pkt
@40 AddQ.l #1, BcastRecvd(A2) ; Yes, inc. broadcast pkt cntr
Bra.s @50 ; go try to deliver pkt
@45 AddQ.l #1, (LAPStats.ifInUcastPkts,A2) ; inc. non-multi/bcast pkt cntr
; Search the protocol handler table for this protocol
@50 MoveQ #LAPTblSz-1,D2 ; Index to promiscuous LAP table entries
Tst.b InUseFlag(A2,D2) ; In use?
Beq.s @85 ; no, ignore pkt
Lea EReadPacket,A4 ; A4 -> our ReadPacket routine
Lea DefaultPH,A5 ; use default maybe
Move.l (Handlers,A2,D2*4),D3 ; get the protocol handler
Beq.s @80 ; use default
MoveA.l D3,A5 ; use table entry's protocol handler
Jsr (A5) ; Call protocol handler
@85 MoveM.l (SP)+, A2-A5/D3 ; Restore registers
Unlk A6
Rts ; That's it
;@90 AddQ.l #1, LAPStats.ifInUnknownProtos(A2)
; EReadPacket - read in the specified number of bytes into the specified
; buffer. Asking for more than there is is an error.
; EReadRest - read in the rest of the packet, putting the specified number
; of bytes into the specified buffer, and ignoring the rest.
; Call:
; A0 -> current location in card memory
; A1 -> card registers
; A3 -> buffer to read into
; A4 -> start of ReadPacket
; D1 = number of bytes left to come in (caller may decrease)
; D3 = byte count to read
; Return:
; D0 = error byte (Z bit set in CCR)
; D1 updated (ReadPacket)
; D2 saved
; D3 = 0 if exact number of bytes requested were read
; > 0 indicates number of bytes requested but not read
; (packet smaller than requested maximum)
; < 0 indicates number of extra bytes read but not returned
; (packet larger than requested maximum)
; A0,A1 preserved by ReadPacket, modified by ReadRest
; A2 saved
; A3 -> one past where last character went
; A4,A5 saved (until packet's all in or error)
EReadPacket Bra.s EDoRP ; Need this for two entry points
EReadRest Move D3,D0 ; D0 = number of bytes to return
Sub D1,D0 ; D0 = remainder count
Tst D3 ; Check for zero
Beq.s @10 ; If so, don't waste our time
Bsr.s MoveBytes ; Move the bytes in
@10 Move D0,D3 ; D3 = remainder count
MoveQ #0,D0 ; No error no matter what
Cmp.w D3,D1
Blo.s @5 ; error in request
Bsr.s MoveBytes ; Move in the bytes
Tst D3 ; Moved them all?
Beq.s @10 ; Branch if moved all ok
@5 MoveQ #eLenErr,D0 ; Set length error
@10 Rts ; Return
; DefaultPH - default protocol handler - complete an ERead call if there
; Call:
; A0,A1: preserve until ReadRest
; A2 -> local variables
; A4 -> EReadPacket
; A5 usable until ReadRest
; D0 = protocol type
; D2 = index into protocol table
; Notes: Interrupts are off
Move.l (RdQueueHd,A2,D2*4),D0 ; D0 -> first ERead on queue
Beq.s @20 ; Skip packet if none
Move.l D0,A5 ; A5 -> ERead queue element
Move.l (A5),(RdQueueHd,A2,D2*4) ; Remove from queue
Move.l D0,D2 ; D2 = queue element pointer
Move.l EBuffPtr(A5),A3 ; A3 -> buffer to read into
Move EBuffSize(A5),D3 ; D3 = maximum size to read
Sub #EHdrSize,D3 ; Adjust for header
Tst.B Promiscflg(A2) ; Are we in Promiscuous mode?
Beq.S @5 ; No, Note: not set until pass lpbk test
Lea PromiscRHA(A2), A5 ; A5 -> header info including pkt status lw
Move.l (A5)+,(A3)+ ; Move pkt status into buffer
Bra.s @6
@5 Lea RHA(A2),A5 ; A5 -> header info
Lea RHA(A2),A5 ; A5 -> header info
Move.l (A5)+,(A3)+ ; Move header into buffer
Move.l (A5)+,(A3)+ ; Hard code for speed
Move.l (A5)+,(A3)+ ; (AssumeEq?)
Move (A5)+,(A3)+ ; A3 -> buffer after header
Jsr 2(A4) ; Read in the whole thing (D0=0)
Move.l D2,A0 ; A0 -> queue element again
Move EBuffSize(A0),D1 ; D1 = original request size
Sub D3,D1 ; D1 = total packet size
Move D1,EDataSize(A0) ; Set in queue element
Tst D3 ; Check for buffer overflow
Bpl.s @10 ; Branch if no overflow
Move #buf2SmallErr,D0 ; Set error
@10 Bra CompleteReq ; Complete request and return
@20 MoveQ #0,D3 ; Indicate no buffer
Jmp 2(A4) ; Ignore packet and return
; MoveBytes - move bytes from card memory to desired place
; Call:
; A0 -> current location in card memory
; A3 -> place to move bytes to
; D1 = number of bytes left in packet
; D3 = number of bytes to move
; Return:
; A0 adjusted
; A3 adjusted past bytes moved in
; D1 adjusted
; D3 = zero if all could be moved, remainder otherwise
MoveM.l D0/D2/A1/A2,-(SP) ; Save registers
Move.l OurVarPtr,A2 ; A2 -> our variables
Exg D0,A3
And.l AddrMask(A2),D0
Exg D0,A3 ; 32 bit clean
Move.l A3,A1 ; A1 -> where to move to
MoveQ #0,D0 ; D0 = number of bytes to move
Move D3,D0 ; Assume we can move all asked for
Cmp D1,D3 ; Can we move all asked for?
Bls.s @10 ; Branch if so
Move D1,D0 ; Else move all we can
@10 Sub D0,D1 ; Adjust count left to come in
Sub D0,D3 ; D3 = bytes not moved
AddA.w D0,A3
Move.l D1,-(SP) ; save this one
Move.l A0,-(SP)
Move.l D0,-(SP)
Jsr ([MemMove,A2]) ; call block move routine
MoveA.l (SP)+,A0
AddA.l (SP)+,A0 ; adjust pointer
Move.l (SP)+,D1
@30 MoveM.l (SP)+,D0/D2/A1/A2 ; Restore registers
Rts ; That's it
; Close - close the ENET driver.
; Call:
; A1 -> DCE
; This code is only called if one of the LoopBack tests failed. Closing is
; not a supported function since there is no way for me to know how many
; clients are using the driver; ie. AppleTalk using 802.3 and MacTCP using
; Ethernet. If the Device Manager passed all open calls to the driver a
; use-count could be implemented and I could truely support Close.
MoveA.l OurVarPtr, A2 ; A2 -> our variables
Bsr MACEHalt ; stop MACE
MoveQ #LAPTblSz-1,D2 ; D2 = Index into active protocols list
@10 Tst.b InUseFlag(A2,D2) ; Active?
Beq.s @20 ; Branch if not
Tst.l (Handlers,A2,D2*4) ; Default handler
Bne.s @20 ; Branch if not
Bsr AbortAll ; Abort all requests
@20 DBra D2,@10 ; On to next
Tst.l vblAddr(A0) ; did we launch ctl call VBL?
Beq.s @50
_VRemove ; remove VBL task if so
Lea DoWriteQEL(A2),A0
Tst.l tmAddr(A0) ; did we install xmit buff full deferral?
Beq.s @60 ; no, do nothing
Tst.b XmitWait(A2) ; have we prime'd task?
Beq.s @55 ; no, remove task
_Debugger ; rmvtime doesn't really remove an active task ?!?
; need method to handle this case
_RmvTime ; remove TimeMgr task if so
MoveA.L OurVarPtr,A0
_DisPosPtr ; free our var mem
Lea OurVarPtr,A2 ; A2 -> variable pointer
Clr.l (A2) ; Clear it out (no variables)
MoveQ #0,D0 ; Indicate no error
AnRts Rts ; And return
; Variable storage
OurVarPtr DC.l 0 ; Pointer to our variables