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; File: ShowINIT.a
; Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
; Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
; Copyright: © 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <1> 1/4/93 ejb first checked in
; File: ShowINIT.a
; Last Modified: Monday, December 21, 1992 1:17:00 PM
; # after any modification, please execute the following giberish to update the dates in this file
; find ∞ "{active}"; replace \(([∂"∂'])®0Version of )®1≈\ "®1`date -d -s`®0" "{active}"
; find • "{active}"; replace /(Last∂ Modified: )®0≈/ "®0`date`" "{active}"
; INIT notification routine
; by Paul Mercer, Darin Adler, Paul Snively, Frédéric Miserey, Alex Rosenberg,
; and François Grieu, from an idea by Steve Capps
; The whole thing is for drawing an extension's icon during the boot process;
; this code has had a complicated life cycle: there are dozens of different
; versions around in the wilderness.
; François Grieu, latest offender of this code, is on AppleLink FRA0003
; the internet address is: FRA0003@AppleLink.Apple.COM
; This particular variation :
; - knows how to wrap around the screen, for thoose with many inits; this only
; works with cooperating ShowINITs
; - draw from ICN#/icl4/icl8 combos, now the standard for icons; the best
; source is choosen according to main screen pixel depth and available resources
; - does NOT support the ‘old’ cicn resources
; - displays a nice empty square if no valid ICN# is present (new feature)
; - has been rewritten for extreme compactness: shrinked from 964 to 500 bytes,
; while lot of error prevention and checking was added.
; - is heavily commented, hopefuly compensating much of the obfuscation introduced.
; as supplied, the programming interface is :
; extern pascal void ShowINIT(short iconID, short moveX);
; iconID: resource ID of an ICN#, and (optionaly) of an icl4 and/or icl8
; moveX: horizontal displacement for next icon; legitimate values are
; -1 or 40 standard 40 pixels displacement
; 0 no displacement (for animation purproses)
; a typical INIT with a small animation looks like :
; ShowINIT(128,0); /* draw first icon, don't move */
; doMyOwnjob(); /* do some usefull stuff */
; ShowINIT(129,-1); /* draw second icon, advance for next */
; (FRG: My first idea was to remove the moveX parameter entirely, since I never use it;
; later I realised it meant others could not just use my code as a drop-in replacement,
; and precluded animations; thus, I introduced an assembly option to control what moveX
; does, and if it exists; see below under moveX_option)
; Revision history
; 6/7/87 PM - Created First version.
; 6/15/87 PM - Changed to standard (Pascal) calling conventions.
; 6/20/87 PM - Fixed color & Finder bug on Mac II.
; 6/22/87 DBA - Improved handling of QuickDraw.
; 6/29/87 DBA - Used scratch8 to avoid conflict with “Easy Access”.
; 6/30/87 DBA - Changed to a 4-byte scheme with “checksum”.
; 6/30/87 PFS - Separated into ShowINIT and InnerShowINIT.
; 7/1/87 DBA - Fixed stack bug and switched to CurApName.
; 7/2/87 PM - Added check for old signature in ApplScratch for backword compatibility
; (TMON Startup).
; 7/3/87 PM - Removed _SysBeep in ErrorExit since it causes a crash.
; - Also changed ICN# plotter to srcOr mode for Blinker.
; 7/13/87 PM - Fixed A3 trashing bug in InnerShowINIT - exit code left word on stack
; (reported by D. Dunham).
; 7/21/87 PM - Due to popular demand, InitGraf is no longer being called.
; This avoids the gamma correction problem with Startupscreens getting
; “washed out” by ShowINIT, though someone else is still bound to call
; InitGraf sooner or later (i.e. InitWindows).
; 7/29/87 PM - Put InitGraf back in; this is required (reported by C. Derossi at Apple
; Tech Support).
; - Took out GetPort/SetPort.
; 10/6/87 PM - Set CurrentA5 properly. Rearranged myVars.
; 12/28/87 PM - Major revision to accomodate future INIT31 based ShowINIT.
; 7/14/88 PM - Major revision to get rid of above 'accomodations'.
; - Added color icon 'cicn' support and fixed beep crash.
; - Removed support for old signature.
; 11/25/89 PM - Added Y dimension support, icl4/8 support to get rid of 'obsolete' cicns.
; 3/27/90 AMR - 'cicn's were not being drawn in their native size
; 11/30/91 FRG - Started from source found on ‘Lord of the Files’, dev. CD Vol VII.
; - Removed cicn support - these are obsolete and may cause palette problems
; - Introduced a right margin (causes wraparound sooner on a few sreens).
; - Simplified A5 world allocation; all variables now A5-based
; - Initialized more fields in the PixMap.
; - Added a check that ICN#/icl4/icl8 resources are at least the expected size;
; blockmoved these into variables and disposed the Resource immediately;
; default drawing if no ICN# can be loaded; many other sanity cheks.
; - Rather than disposing the Color Map of the PixMap returned by _NewPixMap and
; later manufacturing an empty Color Map before disposing the PixMap, we now
; save the original Color Map, and restore it before disposing the PixMap.
; 12/3/91 FRG - Introduced moveX_option for backward link-level compatibility.
; - Spread subroutines to use short branchs where possible.
; - Firmly decided to stop shrinking the code - maybe it's too late.
; 12/4/91 FRG - Did extensive tests on many configurations and monitor stiings, including
; - Plus and SE under 6.0.7 and 3.2
; - II under System 6.0.7 and 3.2
; - IIcx under System 7
; - IIci under 6.0.7 and 7.0.1
; - IIfx under 7.0 and two Apple 13" monitors
; - IIfx under 6.0.7 and 32 bits color (RasterOps card & monitor)
; not a single crash; the INIT adapts well to the environment and draws using
; the right resource and colors; however, there are quite a few visual
; glitches with old INITs, when drawing past the first line. Many keep drawing
; on the bottom line; some will allow only two or three lines.
; All in all, the method implemented seems to be the ‘official’ one, and
; reasonably compatible with what's around.
; - AppleLink relase.
; 12/21/92 - Call LoadResource after GetResource <rb>
; 3/26/93 chp - Change QuickEqu.a to QuickDraw.a for new AIncludes.
INCLUDE 'Traps.a'
INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'QuickDraw.a'
; Assembly-time option for moveX parameter treatment. Allowable values for moveX_option are :
; 0 ; original : negative value -> 40, other taken as is
; 1 ; enforce standard : zero -> no move, others -> 40 pixels right
; 2 ; no moveX parameter - function name changed to ShowINIT_EZ
; if necessay, moveX_option can be set up from the command line, for example:
; ASM -d moveX_option=2 ShowINIT.a
; with moveX_option=2, the programming interface becomes :
; extern pascal void ShowINIT_EZ(short iconID);
IF &TYPE('moveX_option') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN
moveX_option SET 0 ; default to old behaviour
IF moveX_option <> 2 THEN ; option 2 supresses the moveX parameter and change name
EXPORT (ShowINIT):CODE ; keep standard name
EXPORT (ShowINIT_EZ):CODE ; name when no moveX parameter
; other constants
iconSize EQU 32 ; X & Y size of icons (don't even think to change this…)
iconSpacer EQU 8 ; X & Y spacing, and top/left/bottom/right sreen margin
checksumConst EQU $1021 ; constant used for computing checksum
minColorDepth EQU 4 ; minimum bits/pixel for drawing color icons
iconRowBytes EQU 32/8 ; 32/8 bits
hasCQDBit EQU 6 ; this bit in ROM85 is cleared if Color QuickDraw is available
; remanent low mem variables; CurApName+32-8 is a GREAT place to store 8 bytes (it was Darin's idea)
myVCheck EQU CurApName+32-8 ; a simple checksum of myV to determine first-timeness
myV EQU myVCheck+2 ; current vertical position
myH EQU myV+2 ; current horizontal position
myHCheck EQU myH+2 ; a simple checksum of myH to determine first-timeness
; our register list: D7 and A6 are still for rent !!
savedRegList REG D3-D6/A2-A5 ; registers used - adjust savedRegCnt accordingly
savedRegCnt EQU 8 ; count of saved registers
; our variables and buffers; allocated on the stack, making an A5 world
; insert new fields only as advertised; do not reorder
stackFrame RECORD {A5Link},DECR ; build a stack frame record
paramBegin EQU * ; start parameters after this point
iconID DS.W 1 ; resource ID of the ICN#/icl4/icl8 combo
IF moveX_option <> 2 THEN ; option 2 supresses the moveX parameter
moveX DS.W 1 ; horizontal move parameter
; insert additionnal parameters here
paramSize EQU paramBegin-* ; size of all the passed parameters
DS.L 1 ; place holder for return address
DS.L savedRegCnt ; place holder for saved registers
A5Link DS.L 1 ; QuickDraw will stuff a pointer to his variables here
; possible location for additionnal variables
thePort DS.L 1 ; QuickDraw globals
DS.B grafSize-4 ; other QuickDraw globals (except thePort)
; prefered location for additionnal variables
myPort DS.B portRec ; a private port
myBitMap DS.B bitmapRec ; private bitMap record for our ICN# offscreen
; possible location for additionnal variables
buf_iclx DS.B 1024 ; room for an icl8 (also hold the icl4)
; possible location for additionnal variables
buf_mask DS.B 128 ; ICN# mask
buf_icon DS.B 128 ; ICN# icon
dstRect DS.B 8 ; the rectangle we draw to - must be last
varsSize EQU *
WITH stackFrame ; cover our local stack frame
; the entry point : this is to be kept on the first instruction of the module, for compatibility
; only one of the two label is realy exported, depending on moveX_option
; first we build an A5 world on the stack. This why we save the registers before the LINK An,#
MOVEM.L savedRegList,-(A7) ; save registers, including A5
LINK A5,#varsSize ; allocate our variables & A5 world
MOVE.L A7,A2 ; points to dstRect - used later
; initialise QuickDraw gear
; we open a new port to get fresh information, and isolate the screen port from our messing
PEA thePort(A5)
_InitGraf ; fixes color bug as per DA@ICOM
LEA myPort(A5),A4 ; will later move into myBitMap
MOVE.L A4,-(A7) ; _ClosePort parameter (done in cleanup)
MOVE.L A4,-(A7) ; _OpenPort parameter
; setup myBitMap to refer to the ICN# mask (not yet loaded)
MOVE.L #(iconSize<<16)+iconSize,D6 ; D6 constant from now on
MOVE.L D6,-(A4) ;bounds.botRight
CLR.L -(A4) ;bounds.topLeft ; 0-0-32-32 standard icon bounds
MOVE.W #iconRowBytes,-(A4) ;rowBytes
LEA buf_mask(A5),A0 ; pointer to Mask
MOVE.L A0,-(A4) ;baseAddr ; A4 is ptr to myBitMap from now on
; (11/30/91 FRG) build drawing coordinates and update the remanent variables
; First we calculate the rightmost position allowable.
; There is, purprosely, a small deviation from the original : we have a 7 pixels right margin.
; Also note that the moveX parameter is always ignored for wraparound calculation, as in the original,
; else it would ruin animation on the rightmost position
MOVEQ #iconSize+iconSpacer,D2 ; (horizontal spacing) added in valid_coord
MOVE.W myPort+portBounds+right(A5),D1 ; horizontal screen size
SUB.W D2,D1 ; maximum in valid_coord (right margin)
IF moveX_option = 0 THEN ; original
MOVE.W moveX(A5),D2 ; prescribed horizontal spacing
BPL.S more ; must be non-negative
MOVEQ #iconSize+iconSpacer,D2 ; default horizontal spacing
ELSEIF moveX_option = 1 THEN ; enforce regular icon spacing
TST.W moveX(A5) ; flag for horizontal spacing
BNE.S more ; non-zero means default
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; zero means no move
more MOVEQ #0,D3 ; nothing yet to be substracted in valid_coord
MOVEQ #iconSpacer,D4 ; default (for valid_coord)
MOVE.L myH,D0 ; get myH & myHCheck
SWAP D0 ; myHCheck <-> myH (reversed for historical reasons)
BSR.S valid_coord ; build left coordinate
SWAP D0 ; myH <-> myHCheck (reversed for historical reasons)
MOVE.L D0,myH ; save updated myH & myHCheck
MOVEQ #-(iconSize+iconSpacer),D4
ADD.W myPort+portBounds+bottom(A5),D4 ; vertical default
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; nothing to be added
MOVE.W D4,D1 ; maximum (same as default)
MOVE.L myVCheck,D0 ; get myVCheck/myV
BSR.S valid_coord ; build top coordinate
MOVE.L D0,myVCheck ; store myVCheck/myV
; result (topLeft of our location on the screen) is in D5. A2 points to dstRect
MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ;topLeft ; save the resulting X/Y coordinate
ADD.L D6,D5 ; compute the botRight (no overflow can occur)
MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ;botRight ; make an icon-sized rect
; load the ICN#
MOVEQ #256/128,D3 ; size for DATA+MASK
MOVE.L #'ICN#',D4 ; note that here A2 points to buf_icon
BSR.S load_rsrc ; load the icon and mask
BEQ.S got_mask ; ICN# loaded ok
; (11/30/91 FRG) no resource loaded; draw a simple light gray rect with black border
PEA ltGray+thePort(A5)
_BackPat ; set background pattern to light gray
PEA dstRect(A5) ; _FrameRect parameter
MOVE.L (A7),-(A7) ; _EraseRect parameter
_EraseRect ; make the inside
_FrameRect ; and the border
BRA.W cleanup
; (11/30/91 FRG) coordinate validator; called two times to process the H then V coordinates; trashes A0
; reg *** on entry *** *** on exit ***
; D0 lo:coordinate hi:alleged checksum lo: result coordinate hi:updated checksum
; D1 maximum value unchanged
; D2 post-offset (added for horizontal shift) unchanged
; D3 pre-offset (substracted for vertical offset) set to iconSize+iconSpacer if maximum exceeded
; D4 default when invalid checksum or out of bound unchanged
; D5 lo:ignored hi:previous result lo: previous result hi:result coordinate
valid_coord BSR.S adj_chksum ; adjust high word of D0
CMP.L A0,D0 ; a copy of D0 was kept in A0
BEQ.S useD0a ; D0's checksum was OK
MOVE.W D4,D0 ; revert to default
useD0a SUB.W D3,D0 ; on vertical pass : move up if previous overflow
CMP.W #iconSpacer,D0 ; check against minimum
BLO.S useDefault ; too left/high, use default & no line change
BLS.S useD0b ; check for overflow
MOVEQ #iconSize+iconSpacer,D3 ; (vertical spacing) remember the overflow
useDefault MOVE.W D4,D0
useD0b MOVE.W D0,D5 ; store left / top
SWAP D5 ; build the top point
ADD.W D2,D0 ; add after
adj_chksum MOVE.L D0,A0 ; fix D0's high byte
ROL.W #1,D0
EOR.W #checksumConst,D0
; (11/30/91 FRG) load an ICN#/icl4/icl8 resource
; on entry : A2 = destination; unchanged
; D4 = resource type; unchanged
; D3 = expected length/128 (either or 2,4,8). Is returned multiplied by 128
; on exit D0 = 0 if OK, and -1 if error; flags are set accordingly
load_rsrc ASL.W #7,D3 ; D3 *= 128
SUBQ.L #4,A7 ; _GetResource result
MOVE.L D4,-(A7) ; type
MOVE.W iconID(A5),-(A7) ; id
MOVE.L (A7)+,D0
BEQ.S baderr ; nil handle
_LoadResource ; load resource
MOVE.L (A0),D2
BEQ.S baderr ; purged handle
MOVE.L A0,-(A7) ; parameter for _ReleaseResource
BLO.S miderr ; not the expected size
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; len for _BlockMove
MOVE.L D2,A0 ; src for _BlockMove
MOVE.L A2,A1 ; dst for _BlockMove
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; mark OK
miderr _ReleaseResource
baderr MOVEQ #-1,D0 ; mark err
; try to draw in color; if anything fails, revert to ShowINIT1Bit
got_mask BTST.B #hasCQDBit,ROM85 ; does CQD exists ?
BNE.S ShowINIT1Bit ; no, we'll do it one bit
MOVE.L MainDevice,D5 ; get handle to main device
BSR.S safe_deref_D5
MOVE.L gdPMap(A3),D5 ; get its pixmap handle
BSR.S safe_deref_D5
MOVE.L #'icl8',D4 ; icl8 as first choice
CMPI.W #minColorDepth,pmPixelSize(A3) ; test main screen depth
BLT.S ShowINIT1Bit ; not deep enough for us to draw in color
BEQ.S is_4bits ; screen is 4 bits deep, first use icl4
SUBQ.B #4,D4 ; icl8->icl4
is_4bits LEA buf_iclx(A5),A2 ; storage pointer for load_rsrc
MOVEQ #1,D5 ; try to load the appropriate iclx, else try the other
two_times_max MOVEQ #$0C,D3 ; note : high word of D3 is 0 from now on
EOR.W D3,D4 ; alternates icl4 and icl8
AND.W D4,D3 ; 4 or 8; after load_rsrc will become 512 or 1024
BSR.S load_rsrc ; load eiter the icl4 or icl8 (D3 multiplied by 128)
DBEQ D5,two_times_max
BEQ.S ShowINITxBit ; found a resource, go draw in color
; draw the B&W ICN#
ShowINIT1Bit MOVEQ #srcBic,D0 ; mode for Mask
BSR.S doCopyBits
MOVEQ #-128,D0
ADD.L D0,baseAddr(A4) ; now move myBitMap to the ICON
MOVEQ #srcOr,D0 ; mode for the ICON
BSR.S doCopyBits
BRA.S cleanup ; all done
; (12/02/91 FRG) checks for handle just loaded in D5; if invalid, revert to ShowINIT1Bit
; returns the handle in A0, the dereferenced handle in A3 and D0; destroys A1
safe_deref_D5 MOVE.L (A7)+,A1 ; pop return address, keep flags
BEQ.S ShowINIT1Bit ; error - nil handle (in D5)
MOVE.L (A0),D0
BEQ.S ShowINIT1Bit ; error - purged handle
JMP (A1)
; (11/30/91 FRG) a subroutine to CopyBits myBitMap to the dstRect in said (D0) mode
doCopyBits MOVE.L A4,-(A7) ; source bitmap (is myBitMap)
PEA myPort+portBits(A5) ; dst bitmap
PEA myBitMap+bounds(A5) ; srcRect
PEA dstRect(A5) ; dstRect
MOVE.W D0,-(A7) ; mode
CLR.L -(A7) ; no clip region
_CopyBits ; draw it
; draw on icl4 or icl8; we need to manufacture an offsceen pixmap
ShowINITxBit SUBQ.L #4,A7
_NewPixMap ; make a new PixMap
MOVE.L (A7)+,D5 ; D5 keeps the PixMap till we dispose it
BSR.S safe_deref_D5
_HLock ; lock the new PixMap
; while we point here, prepare the bitMaps/pixMaps for the _CopyMask
MOVE.L A3,-(A7) ; srcBits (is the new PixMap)
MOVE.L A4,-(A7) ; maskBits (is myBitMap)
PEA myPort+portBits(A5) ; dst bitmap
; now fill in the PixMap fields, in ascending order (so we save code, and won't forget anything)
MOVE.L A2,(A3)+ ;pmBaseAddr ; address where the icl4/icl8 was _BlockMoved
MOVE.B #$80,(A3)+ ;pmNewFlag ; mark as new style PixMap
LSR.W #7-2,D3 ; depth in bit (8 or 4) multiplyed by 4
MOVE.B D3,(A3)+ ;pmRowBytes+1 ; set Row Width in bytes (either 32 or 16)
; while we point here, prepare the Rect parameters for the _CopyMask
MOVE.L A3,-(A7) ; srcRect is pmBounds
MOVE.L A3,-(A7) ; maskRect is same
PEA dstRect(A5) ; dstRect
CLR.L (A3)+ ;pmBounds.topLeft ; set the pmBounds
MOVE.L D6,(A3)+ ;pmBounds+botRight ; D6 = (iconSize<<16) + iconSize
CLR.L (A3)+ ;pmVersion/pmPackType ; standard
CLR.L (A3)+ ;pmPackSize ; standard
ADDQ.L #pmPixelType-pmHRes,A3 ; let pmHRes & pmVRes unchanged
LSR.W #2,D3 ; depth in bit (8 or 4)
MOVE.L D3,(A3)+ ;pmPixelType/pmPixelSize (pmPixelType zeroed=>chunky)
MOVE.W #1,(A3)+ ;pmCmpCount ; components in pixel, 1 for chunky
MOVE.W D3,(A3)+ ;pmCmpSize ; same as pmPixelSize
CLR.L (A3)+ ;pmPlaneBytes ; 0 for chunky
SUBQ.L #4,A7 ; get the clut appropriate for our depth
MOVE.L #'clut',-(A7)
MOVE.W D3,-(A7) ; resource id = either (8 or 4)
_RGetResource ; hopefully can't fail on a color machine
MOVE.L (A3),D4 ;pmTable ; keep the original color map around
MOVE.L (A7)+,(A3)+ ;pmTable ; stuff the ROM clut
CLR.L (A3) ;pmReserved ; ‘must be set to 0 for future compatibility’
; now do the much awaited drawing
_CopyMask ; do the drawing
; cleanly dispose the PixMap
MOVE.L D4,-(A3) ;pmTable ; restore the original color map
MOVE.L D5,-(A7) ; original new PixMap Handle
; about all done
cleanup _ClosePort ; parameter for this one pushed long ago
; *** (DBA) I think that QuickDraw leaves handles around. Too bad we can't get rid of them…
UNLK A5 ; de-allocate our variables - does NOT restore A5
MOVEM.L (A7)+,savedRegList ; restore standard registers, including A5
MOVE.L (A7)+,A0 ; pop return address
ADDA #paramSize,A7 ; discard parameters (optimized into ADDQ.W)
JMP (A0) ; all done
; ShowINITCredits
DC.W 'ShowINIT by Paul Mercer'
DC.W 'Copyright 1987-1991'
DC.W 'Version of 12/21/92'