2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

454 lines
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; File: NetBootlmgr.a
; Written by: Pat Dyson
; Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 10/28/92 SWC Changed the INCLUDEs to a LOAD of StandardEqu.d. Changed
; ATalkEqu.a->AppleTalk.a and ShutdownEqu.a->Shutdown.a.
; <9> 10/14/91 JSM Remove unneeded include of ATalkEqu2.a, add comment about things
; we need to do.
; <7> 6/12/91 LN removed include 'HardwareEqu.a'
; <6> 6/12/91 LN removed INCLUDE 'rtmpdefs.a'
; <5> 5/21/91 gbm Nail a couple of warnings
; <4> 1/19/91 mbs Include ATalkPrivateEQU.a to get some non-public equates that
; were moved out of ATalkEQU.a
; <3> 2/20/90 PWD Removed Include dependency for XO build.
; <2> 12/19/89 PD Adding to bbs.
; <1.2> 12/12/89 PWD Added support for self-authenticating images
; <1.1> 11/1/89 PWD Fixed bug on Elsie with old AppleTalk.
; <1.8> 10/27/89 PWD Changed to be included in the ATBoot Driver, work with net
; Booting
; To Do:
; This file uses includes copied from the AppleTalk sources into :OS:NetBoot:ATIncludes.
; We need a better place to keep these files, preferably getting them from the AppleTalk
; source tree itself. (JSM 10/14/91)
; lmgr.a
; This file creates the LAP Manager initialization resource 'lmgr', located in the
; AppleTalk file. It is loaded by INIT (18) and executed. It initializes the LAP manager,
; and loads .MPP and .ATP via DrvrInstall.
INCLUDE 'mppflags2.a'
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'ShutDown.a'
INCLUDE '802Equ.a'
INCLUDE 'AppleTalk.a' ; AppleTalk equates
INCLUDE 'ATalkPrivateEqu.a' ; non-public AppleTalk equates
INCLUDE 'ENETEqu.a' ; Ethernet driver equates
INCLUDE 'AARPEqu.a' ; AARP equates
INCLUDE 'vardefs2.a' ; Definitions of MPP local variables
INCLUDE 'LapVars2.a'
INCLUDE 'LAPMgrEqu.a' ; LAP manager equates
; The following pieces are loaded at startup for AppleTalk:
; INIT18 gets loaded by the system INIT processing. That process inserts the ROM resource
; map and performs a _GetResource. Thus looking both in ROM and the System File. To over-
; ride INIT18 then, one only needs to place a ROVR for it and its replacement resource in
; the System file.
; LMGR (this code) gets loaded by whatever technique INIT18 uses. It may be loaded out of
; ROM or the AppleTalk file depending on the INIT18. As a general rule, if INIT18 is in ROM,
; LMGR is loaded from ROM, and if INIT18 is in the system file, LMGR is loaded from the
; AppleTalk file.
; .MPP/.ATP drivers are loaded from ROM or the AppleTalk file. For each one, the ROM resource
; map is inserted and a _Get1Resource is performed. If that finds the driver AND it's version
; is acceptable, it is used from ROM, otherwise a _Get1Resource is performed on the AppleTalk
; file and another version check is made. If neither yields a driver resource, an initial-
; zation error is assumed.
; Built-in ATLK is searched for in ROM and the system file by inserting the ROM resource map
; and using _GetResource. To overide it, one needs to provide a ROVR and replacement resource
; in the System File. A file version of the code is NEVER used.
; ALL other ATLK files are searched for first in ROM then in an ADEV file in the System folder.
; Any alternate ROM ATLK is overidden in the same manner as the Built-in ATLK.
; The actual INIT code - this code allocates our variables and
; installs us in the LAPWrite hook. The LAP manager code
; starts at the address pointed to by the hook, plus 2.
BSR InstallDRVRs ; install .MPP and .ATP (don't _Open)
BNE InitRTS ; could not do it
BSR ReadPRAM ; D1 = logical AppleTalk info
MOVEQ #1,D2 ; Assume just one port
MOVEQ #PESize,D0 ; size for ONE port entry
ADD #PETblStart,D0 ; Add in room for rest of variables
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; A0 -> our variables
BNE InitRTS ; If can't get, go away
MOVE D2,NumPorts(A0) ; Set number of ports we support
MOVEA.L ExpandMem,A1 ; A1 -> expanded memory
LEA ExpandMemRec.emLMgrGlobals(A1),A1 ; A1 -> our variable pointer
MOVE.L A0,(A1) ; Save it
MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; Save D1 (PRAM value)
; <1.8> BSR LoadSTRs ; load strings for alerts
MOVEA.L ExpandMem,A0 ; A0 -> expanded memory
MOVEA.L ExpandMemRec.emLMgrGlobals(A0),A0 ; A0 -> our variables
LEA ATalkHk2,A1 ; A1 -> LAP write hook
MOVEA.L UTableBase,A2 ; A2->unit table
MOVEQ #MPPUnitNum*4,D1 ; D1=offset to .MPP DCE
MOVEA.L (A2,D1.W),A2 ; A2=MPP DCE handle
MOVEA.L (A2),A2 ; deref
MOVEA.L dCtlDriver(A2),A2 ; A2=.MPP pointer
MOVE.W drvrOpen(A2),D1 ; D1=offset to .MPP open code
MOVE.W -2(A2,D1.W),D1 ; D1=offset to LAP Manager code
LEA (A2,D1.W),A3 ; A3 -> the LAP mgr code
_StripAddress ; get real address
MOVE.L D0,(A1) ; Set in LAPWrite hook
MOVEQ #LInit,D0 ; init run time
JSR LAPMgrCall(A3)
MOVEA.L ExpandMem,A3 ; A3 -> expanded memory
MOVEA.L ExpandMemRec.emLMgrGlobals(A3),A3 ; A3 -> our variables
; <1.8>
; PEA BrdgName(A3) ; Push where to put name
; MOVE #BridgeSTR,-(SP) ; Push STR# resource ID
; MOVE #BridgeNameSTR,-(SP) ; Push index for file name
; JSR GetIndString ; Get it (nil if not found)
; <1.8>
MOVE.L (SP)+,D1 ; Restore D1
TST.B D1 ; Printer port AppleTalk?
BNE.S DoAltATlk ; no, this is alternate atlk
BSR InstallPrintAtlk ; Go get proper Printer Port AppleTalk
BRA.S FinishUp
BSR ATlkInit ; Otherwise initialize the alternate
LEA PETblStart(A3),A3 ; A3->port rec
TST.L PEpRAM(A3) ; using built-in?
BNE.S @useAtlk ; no
BSET #LWSrvrWks,PEOurFlags(A3) ; localtalk honors server/wks addresses
RTS ; That's it
; ATlkInit - not built-in AppleTalk. Install alternate.
; <1.8> If an error occurs, default to the built in and reopen
; D1 = pRAM value
; A3 -> our variables
ATlkInit MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; Save some registers
; CMP.B #BridgeAtlk,D1 ; Are we configured for a bridge?
; BEQ.S BridgeInit ; If so, do different initialization
MOVEQ #-1,D4 ; Indicate install is for non-bridge
BSR InstallADEV ; Install AppleTalk indicated by D1
MOVE.L D1,PETblStart+PEpRAM(A3) ; Save our pRAM value
@5 TST D0 ; Installed ok?
BEQ.S ATlkIDone ; <1.8>
BSR InstallE ; <1.8> process error - reset to built-in
; <1.8> and reopen
ATlkIDone MOVE.L (SP)+,D4 ; Restore registers
RTS ; And return
; InstallE - process an installation error
; Uses:
; D0-D1,A3
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; Set pRAM back to zero
BSR WritePRAM ; Write it
BSR InstallPrintAtlk ; Go install proper Printer Port AppleTalk
MOVEA.L ExpandMem,A3 ; A3 -> expanded memory
MOVEA.L ExpandMemRec.emLMgrGlobals(A3),A3 ; A3 -> our variables
CLR.L PETblStart+PEpRAM(A3) ; Set port 0 pRAM value
MOVE #1,NumPorts(A3) ; We can only support one port
RTS ; Return
; InstallADEV - perform alternate AppleTalk installation
; Call:
; A3 -> our variables
; D1 (long) = pRAM value (low byte is atlk resource ID)
; D4 (word) = port number to install on (-1 for non-bridge)
; Return:
; D0 = error code
; D1 = new pRAM value (if bridge, must be same as old one)
; D2 = 0 if couldn't find adev file; otherwise error was from AInstall
; Uses D3,A0-A2
; NOTE: trashes the application heap
move.w #LAPPrinter,d0 ; Printer atlk ID
bsr.s GetRomAtlk ; get ROM atlk resource handle
move.l a0,d0 ; is there a ROM atlk?
beq.s @Xit ; no, leave it to Builtin
move.l #'SC ',d1 ; set up printer port atlk special value in d1
move.w #$101,d1 ; includes LAPPrinter value in low byte
move.w #-1,d4 ; Builtin => non-Router
bsr.s InstallTheAtlk ; go install atlk
; GetRomAtlk - try to load ROM 'atlk' resource
; Call:
; D0 (word) = atlk resource ID
; Return:
; A0 (long) = handle returned by GetResource
move.l d2,-(sp) ; save d2
move.w #mapTrue,RomMapInsert ; map ROM into Resource Chain
subq #4,sp ; Make room for handle
move.l #'atlk',-(sp) ; Push resource type
move.w d0,-(sp) ; Push resource ID
_GetResource ; get atlk from ROM or from System file
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get result
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; restore d2
; InstallTheAtlk - make install call to atlk
; Call:
; a0 (long) = handle to atlk
; d1 (long) = value from parameter RAM with Resource ID in low byte
; d4 (word) = port number to install on (-1 for non-bridge)
; Return:
; d0 (word) = result
; noErr => atlk installed successfully
; negative => error
; condition codes reflect result in D0
movem.l a0/a2/a3/d2-d4,-(sp) ; Save registers
movea.l a0,a3 ; Pass handle in a3
move.l (a0),a0 ; A0 -> atlk code
tst.w d4 ; is this a router?
bpl.s @installIt ; yes, d4 is proper port
moveq #0,d4 ; no, indicate port 0
moveq #AInstall,d0 ; Set code to do installation
jsr atlkCall(a0) ; Call it (returns D1 = pRAM value)
movem.l (sp)+,a0/a2/a3/d2-d4 ; Restore registers
tst.w d0 ; Set Condition Codes
; InstallADEV - perform alternate AppleTalk installation
; Call:
; A3 -> our variables
; D1 (long) = pRAM value (low byte is atlk resource ID)
; D4 (word) = port number to install on (-1 for non-bridge)
; Return:
; D0 = error code
; D1 = new pRAM value (if bridge, must be same as old one)
; D2 = 0 if couldn't find adev file; otherwise error was from AInstall
; Uses D3,A0-A2
; NOTE: trashes the application heap
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; init part of return code
CLR.W D0 ; Prepare word for atlk Resource ID
MOVE.B D1,D0 ; Resource ID of atlk is low byte of PRAM
BSR.S GetRomAtlk ; Try to get from ROM
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; Did we get it?
BEQ.S @done ; <1.8> no, punt
MOVE.L D1,D3 ; D3 = current pRAM value
BSR.S InstallTheAtlk ; an atlk was in ROM, use it
BEQ.S @checkRomAtlk ; installation was successful
MOVE.W D0,D2 ; indicate installation failed
BRA.S @done ; and exit
BSR.S CheckPramVal ; go check pRam value
BNE.S @installFailed ; pRam changed when it shouldn't have been
CMP.L D1,D3 ; Changed pRAM value?
BEQ.S @okRomAtlk ; Branch if not
BSR WritePRAM ; Write it out
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Indicate no error
TST.W D0 ; Set condition codes
RTS ; That's it
; CheckPramVal - If running Router don't allow atlk to change PRAM value
; Call:
; D1 = value returned by atlk install
; D3 = current PRAM value
; D4 = port number to install (-1 for non-bridge)
; Return:
; D0 = error code
; Condition codes set for value in D0
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Assume successful completion code
MOVE.B D3,D1 ; Low pRAM byte must be resource ID
TST D4 ; For a non-bridge?
BMI.S @letsRts ; If so no need to check
CMP.L D1,D3 ; Did atlk change pRAM?
BEQ.S @letsRts ; Branch if not
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; A0 -> atlk code again
BSR DoAShutdown ; Shut it down
MOVEQ #ChangedPRAMErr,D0 ; Set error code
TST.W D0 ; Set condition codes
RTS ; And return result
; DoAShutdown - issue a shutdown call. A0 -> atlk code.
DoAShutdown MOVEM.L A0-A3/D0-D3,-(SP) ; Save registers
MOVEQ #AShutdown,D0 ; D0 = code for shutdown
JSR atlkCall(A0) ; Make the shutdown call
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A3/D0-D3 ; Restore registers
RTS ; And return
; Load and lock .MPP and .ATP drivers and setup DCE entries.
MOVEQ #-(ATPUnitNum+1),D3
BSR.S @LoadAndLock ; load .ATP
BNE.S @BadInstall
MOVEQ #-(MPPUnitNum+1),D3 ; D3=refnum
BSR.S @LoadAndLock ; load .MPP
BNE.S @BadInstall ; failed
RTS ; good install
; <1.8> BSR CloseAppleTalk ; close down AppleTalk
MOVEQ #-1,D0
@LoadAndLock ; D3=refnum
MOVE.W #mapTrue,RomMapInsert ; map ROM into Resource Chain
SUBQ #4,SP ; Make room for handle
MOVE.L #'DRVR',-(SP) ; Push resource type
MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; Push resource ID
NOT.W (SP) ; id
_GetResource ; get atlk only from ROM
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get result
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; Keep on stack
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; Did we get ROM resource?
BEQ.S @IError ; no, check file load
DC.W $A43D ; _DrvrInstall,LOCK - make a DCE
MOVEA.L UTableBase,A0 ; A0->unit table
NOT.W D3 ; convert D3 to unit number
LSL.W #2,D3 ; convert to offset
MOVEA.L (A0,D3.W),A0 ; A0=DCE handle
MOVEA.L (A0),A0 ; A0->DCE
MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; A1 is handle to driver resource
; Set a pointer and keep ram bit clear even if we are in RAM due to unlocking of MPP by IOcore.
MOVE.L (A1),dCtlDriver(A0) ; set POINTER to DRVR in DCE
MOVEA.L dCtlDriver(A0),A1 ;A1->driver code
MOVE.B drvrFlags(A1),dCtlFlags(A0) ; copy flag byte from driver
BCLR #dRAMBased,dCtlFlags+1(A0) ; simulate being in ROM
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; good return
; ReadPRAM - read from our PRAM
; D1 = value of PRAM
; Uses A0, D0
CLR.L -(SP) ; Allocate room for read
BTST #14,HWCfgFlags ; New clock chip?
BEQ.S @10 ; Assume built-in if not
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; A0 -> where to read PRAM
MOVE.L #4*256*256+ATalkPRAM,D0 ; D0 = read length and offset
_ReadXPRam ; Do the read
@10 MOVE.L (SP)+,D1 ; D1 = value from parameter RAM
; WritePRAM - write to our PRAM
; D1 = value to write
; Uses D0
WritePRAM MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; Save A0
MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; Set value on stack
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; A0 -> where to write from
MOVE.L #4*256*256+ATalkPRAM,D0 ; D0 = count and offset
_WriteXPRam ; Write to PRAM
ADDQ #4,SP ; Pop word written
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; Restore A0
@10 RTS ; That's it