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; File: FileMgrPrivate.a
; Contains: Truly private equates for the file manager
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <22> 10/28/92 DTY In FSVars record, use the defined size of a deferred task queue
; element instead of hardcoding the size at 20 bytes.
; <21> 4/4/92 FM #1021881,<DTY>: Add two new calls to turn the ProcessMgr's file
; tracking on and off. SuspendFileTracking and ResumeFileTracking.
; These wil be internal calls for a while. Also added macro for
; FSpGetCatInfo Because I couldn't find it in any header file.
; <20> 11/25/91 DTY Add macro for _ParallelFCBFromRefNum.
; <19> 8/22/91 JSM Clean up header.
; <18> 2/26/91 dnf gbm,bbm,#83780: Define a new equate for the size of the file
; system stack.
; <17> 2/25/91 dnf dty, #Don'tBeABoneHead: Comments work better with semicolons.
; <16> 2/25/91 dnf dfh, #80720,#82672: Add globals for the FCB fix.
; <15> 2/7/91 dnf kst, #79676: Add dsRecoverVCBPtr to FSVars to store the volume
; we're attempting to do a disk switch recovery on.
; <14> 1/16/91 dnf (kst) Add cacheAdvise and fsNoAllocate bits. Move FSControl,
; SetupWDCB, SetupDef and ReadWDCB back into traps.a
; <13> 1/4/91 KST With dnf: Adding FSM hook in FSVar (fsSelector).
; <12> 12/16/90 dnf Add a field to FSVars to hold the nextVRefnum value.
; <11> 12/15/90 dnf <gbm> Add another flag bit to FSBusy
; <10> 11/12/90 dnf Move FSVars into this truly private file
; <9> 10/30/90 dnf dnf/(tim harrington) change xFFFilAttrLockMask to a byte to
; match new definition of FXInfo. Add macro for _FSUprString.
; <8> 9/15/90 dnf Add an _FSCompareString macro so we'll never have to guess again
; on case and marks.
; <7> 8/10/90 KST Renaming NuLenBTH and NuLenBTCB.
; <6> 7/2/90 dnf Add xFFFilAttrLockMask (defined somewhere off in afp land, too)
; <4> 3/17/90 dnf Move _SetPMSP back to traps.a
; <3> 2/22/90 dnf Delete selectDTClose
; <2> 2/4/90 DNF Move some stuff in from FSPrivate.a
; <1> 2/1/90 DNF first checked in
IF &TYPE('__IncludingFileMgrPrivate__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN
__IncludingFileMgrPrivate__ SET 1
; File System busy flag:
; Bit zero of FSBusy (lomem $360) is true when the file system is running.
; The word at $360 is cleared when the file system is exited. The
; bits defined here are for additional flags in the FSBusy word that are
; valid only when the file system is running.
fsBusyBit equ 0 ; file system is running; other FSBusy bits are valid
fsSCSIDefer equ 1 ; file system is waiting for SCSI transaction to complete
fsIntMaskDefer equ 2 ; file system is waiting until the interrupt mask is lowered
; HFS and friends low memory block <10>
; This block is pointed to by FSVars and is set up at linked patch time
; XFS depends on its pointer being at offset 6. Yuck.
; FileShare depends on dtOwnCall being at offset $38.
FSVarsPtr equ $bb8 ; lomem that points to file system variable block
FSVars record 0, increment
length ds.w 1 ; length (bytes) of FSVars
obsolete ds.l 1 ; no longer used
XFS ds.l 1 ; pointer to XFS's storage (must be at offset 6!)
BTMgr ds.l 1 ; pointer to BTree manager's storage
DTDBMgr ds.l 1 ; pointer to DTDBase manager's storage
FSMgr ds.l 1 ; pointer to File System Manager's storage
QMgr ds.l 1 ; pointer to internal Queue Manager's storage
fcbPBuf ds.l 1 ; fcb parallel array
wdcbPBuf ds.l 1 ; wdcb parallel array
reserve1 ds.w 1 ; reserved/alignment fodder
fsDefer ds.b dtQElSize ; a deferred task pb <15 in private.a>
dtOwnCall ds.l 1 ; pointer to pb of call coming from within the dtdb mgr
FSMHook ds.l 1 ; called after every un-answered call down toExtFSHook
fsSelector ds.w 1
fsFlags ds.b 1 ; holds interesting flags
reserve2 ds.b 1 ; reserved/alignment fodder
dsRecoverVCBPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to VCB of volume we're doing a disk switch for <14>
dsRecoverNamePtr ds.l 1 ; points to name of volume we're doing a disk switch for <14>
fsFCBBurst ds.w 1 ; # of FCBs that we'd like to keep free <38>
fsFCBGrow ds.w 1 ; # of FCBs to make free when we grow the array <38>
fsFCBMax ds.w 1 ; max # of FCBs to allow <38>
fsFCBCounter ds.w 1 ; counts down as files are opened <38>
later ds.l 8 ; and a few more for later
size equ *-FSVars ; so we know how long FSVars is
; private bit for ioPosMode
fsCacheAdvise equ 4 ; set in ioPosMode indicates request for extra caching
; fsFlags bit values
fsNoAllocate equ 0 ; true when allocating memory is a very bad idea
fsNeedFCBs equ 1 ; true when a local FCB couldn't be found <38>
fsNoFCBExpansion equ 2 ; true if no FCB expansion logic is desired <38>
; some private equates
selectGetParallelFCBFromRefnum equ $50
selectFSCleanUp EQU $62
selectAllocateFCBs EQU $63 ; <38>
; <18>
; Define a new equate for the size of the file system stack.
; HFSStkLen (in FSPrivate.a) used by the ROM, so we won't change it so
; as to keep consistency between the ROM header files and the ROM objects.
; Note that the file system stack is HFSStkLen+HFSTmpSize in
; length until linked patch time when we grow it to fsLargerStackLength+HFSTempSize.
; Although there is code in TFS.a to check for stack overflow, it was not included
; in any ROM build to date (i.e. IIci-class ROMs).
fsLargerStackLength equ HFSStkLen+512 ; give us more breathing room
; specific param block fields for AllocateFCBs
ioFCBBurst EQU $20 ; requested burst headroom [input, word] <38>
ioFCBGrow EQU $22 ; requested free if allocation triggered [input, word] <38>
ioTotalFCBs EQU $24 ; returns number of FCBs present [ouput, word] <38>
ioTotalFreeFCBs EQU $26 ; returns number of free FCBs [output, word] <38>
ioFCBsAdded EQU $2A ; returns number allocated this time [output, word] <38>
; Private calls currently implemented only in AppleShare or FileShare
selectShare equ $42
selectUnshare equ $43
selectGetUGEntry equ $44
selectServerControl equ $45
selectServerStartup equ $46
_GetParallelFCBFromRefnum &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectGetParallelFCBFromRefnum,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_FSCleanUp &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectFSCleanUp,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
macro ; <38>
_AllocateFCBs &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectAllocateFCBs,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_Share &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectShare,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_Unshare &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectUnshare,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_GetUGEntry &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectGetUGEntry,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_ServerControl &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectServerControl,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_ServerStartup &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectServerStartup,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
; These two little macros are so we'll never get paranoid about the right
; modifier bits for file system-style string comparison.
; a macro for the right way to upper strings
_UprString marks
; Internal calls on HighLevelDispatch that will hopefully <21>
; be public someday! <21>
selectFSpGetCatInfo EQU $10 ;<21>
selectSuspendProcessMgrFileTracking EQU $11 ;<21>
selectResumeProcessMgrFileTracking EQU $12 ;<21>
macro ;<21>
_FSpGetCatInfo ;<21>
DoDispatch _HighLevelFSDispatch,selectFSpGetCatInfo ;<21>
endm ;<21>
macro ;<21>
_SuspendProcessMgrFileTracking ;<21>
DoDispatch _HighLevelFSDispatch,selectSuspendProcessMgrFileTracking ;<21>
endm ;<21>
macro ;<21>
_ResumeProcessMgrFileTracking ;<21>
DoDispatch _HighLevelFSDispatch,selectResumeProcessMgrFileTracking ;<21>
endm ;<21>
; mask bits for afp's three inhibit bits which live in fdXFlags in xFndrInfo <9>
xFFFilAttrLockMask equ $70
; the base (static) set of attributes for local hfs volumes
localvMAttribs equ (1<<bHasCatSearch)|(1<<bHasFileIDs)|(1<<bHasBtreeMgr)
localVolGrade equ 0
;; Addition for system 7.0 <KST 1/22/90>
;; the general structure of the WDCB/FCB parallel array:
; --+--
; | Buf Count
; --+--
; | Unit Length
; --+--
; | PID1 (data starts)
; --+--
; | PID2
; --+--
; | .....more PIDs
; --+--
cbPBufCount EQU 0 ; number of FCBs
cbPBufULen EQU 2 ; each Ext FCB unit size
;; addition to FCB:
fcbPBufData EQU 4 ; fcb parallel array data starts
ExtFCBLen EQU 8 ; extended FCB unit size.
L2ExtFCBLen EQU 3 ; log2 of ExtFCBLen.
;; each of the FCB extension: ; only PID for now
xFCBPid1 EQU 0
xFCBPid2 EQU 4
;; addition to WDCB: (currently it is the same as FCB extension)
wdcbPBufData EQU 4 ; wdcb parallel array data starts
ExtWDCBLen EQU 8 ; extended WDCB unit size.
L2ExtWDCBLen EQU 3 ; log2 of ExtWDCBLen.
;; each of the WDCB extension:
fsDesiredFCBBurst equ 20 ; we'd like to allow for this many burst async _Opens <38>
fsDesiredFCBFree equ 2*fsDesiredFCBBurst ; we'll grow to this many free when we do grow <38>
fsWDCBExtendCount equ 8 ; # of WDCB's to add when we run out <38>
ioWDCreated equ 24 ; unused field in the ioWDPB
fscpbLen equ 28 ; param length used for cleanup
;; addition to BTHeader: (KST for B*Tree Manager)
bthResv1 EQU 30 ;(2 bytes) => btcType related (reserved)
bthClumpSize EQU 32 ;(long) => up to this long are copied into BTCB
bthBTType EQU 36 ;(byte)
lenMemBTH70 EQU 36 ; copy 36 bytes (memory resident portion of BTH)
;; addition to BTCB: (KST for B*Tree Manager)
btcType EQU 1 ;(byte) Btree type => bthBTType related
btcResv1 EQU 54 ;(2 bytes) (reserved)
btcClump EQU 56 ;(long) => up to this long are copied from BTH
btcWCount EQU 60 ;(long) => write count
btcKDPtr EQU 64 ;(long) => key descriptor pointer
btcRCount EQU 68 ;(byte) => reference count
btcL2NSize EQU 69 ;(byte) => log2 of node size
btcRsrvUID EQU 70 ;(long) => for access control <1/4/90>
lenBTCB70 EQU 74 ;total new length for 7.0
WCSigLong EQU $04B5400 ; write count starts
ENDIF ; ...already included |