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; File: forXO.a
; Copyright: © 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 11/5/92 SWC Changed INCLUDEs to a LOAD of StandardEqu.d.
; <2> 3/9/90 PWD merge from xo split-off; fixes to opt-cmd pram setting and open
; code
; <1> 2/20/90 PWD first checked in
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'Slots.a' ; Slot equates
INCLUDE 'ROMequ.a' ; Slot ROM declarations
INCLUDE 'NetBootEQU.a' ; netBoot defs
InstallNetBoot PROC EXPORT
IMPORT netBoot
movem.l d1-d7/a0-a7, -(sp) ; save most regs
; see if we are enabled
clr -(sp) ; make read area for _ReadXPram
move.l sp,a0 ; place to read
move.l #$00010007, d0 ; one byte, location 7 (forth net booting byte)
_ReadXPRam ; trashes D0, puts byte in (a0)
move (sp)+, d0 ; "pop" the return value
and #BOOT_ENABLE<<8, d0 ; mask for enabled bit but in high byte
beq @done ; punt if not enabled
; CheckForResetPRAM: Checks for the Cmd-Option-N-B keys down, resets our byte if so
; stolen from startinit.a
lea @Keys,a1 ; keys to check for
lea KeyMap,a0 ; compare to the Key Down Map
moveq.l #4-1,d0 ; compare loop count
@loop cmpm.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; check for exactly this combo
dbne d0,@loop ; examine the entire key map
bne @ok ; if not equal, keep going
; otherwise, reset pram and go home
clr -(sp) ; make read area for _WriteXPram
move sp,a0 ; place to read for write
move.l #$00010007, d0 ; one byte, location 7 (forth net booting byte)
_ReadXPRam ; pick up existing flags byte
andi.w #$7FFF, (sp) ; clear boot enabled flag
move.l sp,a0 ; reset a0 for the next call
move.l #$00010007, d0 ; one byte, location 7 (forth net booting byte)
tst (sp)+ ; pop stack
bra @done ; go home
@Keys dc.l $00080000 ; I just looked at keymap in macsbug, I have no idea
dc.l $00208004 ; which bit is which
dc.l $00000000
dc.l $00000000
; We are enabled! Open the netBoot driver.
@ok lea netBoot, a3 ; point to driver to install
move #49, d3 ; set the refnum
bsr DoDrvrOpen
tst d0 ; set ccr's
@done movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a7 ; restore most regs
; First, find an empty unit table entry using d3 as a starting place.
lsl #2, d3 ; turn index into offset
move.l UTableBase, a0 ; pick up unit table
@10 tst.l 0(a0,d3.w) ; anybody home?
beq.s @20
addq.w #4, d3 ; bump refnum
bra.s @10
; setup a param block for _DrvrInstall
@20 lsr #2, d3 ; turn offset into index
sub #ioQElSize,sp ; allocate ioQElement
move.l SP,a0 ; a0 -> ioQElement
clr.b ioPermssn(a0) ; clear permission byte
move d3,d0 ; d0 = driver number
add #1, d0 ; add one and...
neg d0 ; amke it a refnum
move d0,ioRefnum(a0) ; Set in PB
_DrvrInstall ; Make DCE
bne.s @Error ; Branch if error
move.l UTableBase,A1 ; A1 -> base of unit table
move d3,d0 ; pick up driver number
lsl #2, d0 ; multiply by four for long word table
move.l 0(A1,d0.w),a2 ; a2 = handle to DCE
move.l a2,a0 ; set up for lock
_HLock ; Lock it down
move.l (a2),A1 ; A1 -> DCE
move.l a3,a2 ; a2 -> driver
move.l a2,DCtlDriver(A1) ; Set in DCE (pretend ROM-based)
move (a2)+,DCtlFlags(A1) ; Set flags from driver
clr.b DCtlFlags+1(A1) ; Say it's ROM-based
move.l (a2)+,DCtlDelay(A1) ; Set delay
move (a2)+,DCtlMenu(A1) ; Set menu
bset #DOpened,DCtlFlags+1(A1) ; Set flags to opened
move DrvrOpen(a3),d1 ; d1 = offset to open routine
move.l sp, a0 ; pick up that param block
moveq #0,d0 ; Assume no errors
jsr 0(a3,d1) ; Call open routine
move ioRefNum(sp),d1 ; d1 = driver refNum to return
@Error add #ioQElSize,sp ; deallocate the IOQEl
tst d0
; DoATBootOpen
; This routine overrides the default open for XO, opening the driver in a pc-relative
; manner.
; 4(sp) -> param block (ignored)
CASE OBJ ; c case for the linker
movem.l d1-d7/a0-a7, -(sp) ; save most regs
lea ATBoot, a3 ; pick up driver
move #50, d3 ; driver number
lsl #2, d3 ; turn index into offset
move.l UTableBase, a0 ; pick up unit table
move.l 0(a0,d3.w), d0 ; anybody home?
beq.s @10
move.l d0,a0 ; put in address reg
move.l (a0), a0 ; dereference (point to dce)
cmp.l DCtlDriver(a0), a3 ; compare to atboot driver entry
bne.s @10 ; do real open if not
move #-51, d1 ; fake refnum
bra.s @ok
@10 move #50,d3
bsr DODRVROPEN ; do that open
beq.s @ok
clr d0 ; return refnum=0 if error
bra @done
@ok move d1,d0 ; return refnum
@done movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a7 ; restore most regs