2019-06-29 22:17:03 +08:00

47 lines
1.1 KiB

# BuildCommands - show build commands
# Usage:
# BuildCommands program [options…] > commands
# The BuildCommands script writes the build commands for the specified
# program (or target) to standard output.
# Make is used to generate the build commands. If file <program>.make
# exists it is used as the makefile. If not, file MakeFile is used.
# The options specified are passed directly to Make, and control the
# generation of the build commands.
# Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987 - 1990
# All rights reserved.
# Find the program parameter.
Unset program
For i In {"Parameters"}
If "{i}" !~ /-≈/
Set program "{i}"
If "{program}" == ""
Echo "### {0} - Specify a program to build." > Dev:StdErr
Echo "# Usage - {0} program [options…]" > Dev:StdErr
Exit 1
# Select the makefile.
Set makefile `(Files -t TEXT "{program}".make || ∂
Files -t TEXT MakeFile || Echo '""') ≥ Dev:Null`
If "{makefile}" == ""
Echo "### {0} - No makefile exists for {program}." > Dev:StdErr
Exit 1
# Run Make.
Echo "# `Date -t` ----- Build commands for {program}."
Make {"Parameters"} -f "{makefile}"