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synced 2025-03-03 17:29:15 +00:00
1790 lines
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1790 lines
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From: Horst Beepmanh <>
Subject: Brave attempt
diff --git a/AmphibianDNA/Beep.lib b/AmphibianDNA/Beep.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fc2443acab9236d465e4cd840eee8b61c35090a
GIT binary patch
literal 6
literal 0
diff --git a/AmphibianDNA/Beep.lib.idump b/AmphibianDNA/Beep.lib.idump
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AmphibianDNA/Beep.lib.idump
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AmphibianDNA/PPCDsp.c.o b/AmphibianDNA/PPCDsp.c.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fc2443acab9236d465e4cd840eee8b61c35090a
GIT binary patch
literal 6
literal 0
diff --git a/AmphibianDNA/PPCDsp.c.o.idump b/AmphibianDNA/PPCDsp.c.o.idump
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/AmphibianDNA/PPCDsp.c.o.idump
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/AmphibianDNA/SoundMgr.lib b/AmphibianDNA/SoundMgr.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fc2443acab9236d465e4cd840eee8b61c35090a
GIT binary patch
literal 6
literal 0
diff --git a/AmphibianDNA/SoundMgr.lib.idump b/AmphibianDNA/SoundMgr.lib.idump
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AmphibianDNA/SoundMgr.lib.idump
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/AmphibianDNA/StartTest.lib b/AmphibianDNA/StartTest.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fc2443acab9236d465e4cd840eee8b61c35090a
GIT binary patch
literal 6
literal 0
diff --git a/AmphibianDNA/StartTest.lib.idump b/AmphibianDNA/StartTest.lib.idump
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/AmphibianDNA/StartTest.lib.idump
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/DeclData/DeclVideo/ATI/ATI.h b/DeclData/DeclVideo/ATI/ATI.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeclData/DeclVideo/ATI/ATI.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#ifdef _ATI_H_
+#define _ATI_H_
+#include "Diamond.h"
+void ATIReset68800 (void);
+void ATISetSyncRegisters (void);
+#define k4MegAperture 0
+#define kADVFUNC_CNTL 0
+#define kAPERTURE_CNTL 0
+#define kATIDeviceID 0
+#define kATIVendorID 0
+#define kATIVRAMAddr 0
+#define kBT485Reg0 0
+#define kBT485Reg1 0
+#define kBT485Reg2 0
+#define kBT485Reg3 0
+#define kCLOCK_SEL 0
+#define kCLOCK_SELECT 0
+#define kCLOCK_SELECT_DIV_2 0
+#define kCLOCK_SELECT_ENABLE_8514 0
+#define kCOLOR_SRC_FG 0
+#define kConfigAddressReg 0
+#define kConfigDataReg 0
+#define kCPUIDReg 0
+#define kCRT_OFFSET_HIGH 0
+#define kCRT_OFFSET_LOW 0
+#define kCRT_PITCH 0
+#define kDAC_DATA 0
+#define kDAC_MASK 0
+#define kDAC_R_INDEX 0
+#define kDAC_W_INDEX 0
+#define kDEST_CMP_FN 0
+#define kDiamondDeviceID 0
+#define kDiamondDrawMode 0
+#define kDiamondFBBase 0
+#define kDiamondHorzBlankFallingEdge 0
+#define kDiamondHorzBlankRisingEdge 0
+#define kDiamondHorzCounterPreload 0
+#define kDiamondHorzLength 0
+#define kDiamondHorzSyncRisingEdge 0
+#define kDiamondInterruptEnable 0
+#define kDiamondIOAddr 0
+#define kDiamondMemConfig 0
+#define kDiamondPlaneMask 0
+#define kDiamondRasMax 0
+#define kDiamondRefreshPeriod 0
+#define kDiamondScreenRepaintTiming 0
+#define kDiamondSysConfig 0
+#define kDiamondVendorID 0
+#define kDiamondVertBlankFallingEdge 0
+#define kDiamondVertBlankRisingEdge 0
+#define kDiamondVertCounterPreload 0
+#define kDiamondVertLength 0
+#define kDiamondVertSyncRisingEdge 0
+#define kDiamondVRAMAddr 0
+#define kDiamondWindowMaximum 0
+#define kDiamondWindowMaximum 0
+#define kDiamondWindowMinimum 0
+#define kDISP_CNTL 0
+#define kDP_CONFIG 0
+#define kDP_CONFIG_DATA_WIDTH_16 0
+#define kDP_CONFIG_WRITE 0
+#define kEXT_FIFO_STATUS 0
+#define kEXT_GE_CONFIG 0
+#define kFRGD_MIX 0
+#define kGE_BUSY 0
+#define kGE_OFFSET_HIGH 0
+#define kGE_OFFSET_LOW 0
+#define kGE_PITCH 0
+#define kGE_STAT_BUSY 0
+#define kH_DISP 0
+#define kH_SYNC_STRT 0
+#define kH_SYNC_WID 0
+#define kH_TOTAL 0
+#define kLOCAL_CNTL 0
+#define kMEM_CFG 0
+#define kMISC_OPTIONS 0
+#define kMIX_FN_S 0
+#define kMULTIFUNC_CNTL 0
+#define kNORMAL_GE 0
+#define kPCIBaseReg1Offset 0
+#define kPCIBaseReg2Offset 0
+#define kPCICommandOffset 0
+#define kPCIVendorIDOffset 0
+#define kPixelMask 0
+#define kRamWrite 0
+#define kRESET_GE 0
+#define kSCISSOR_BOTTOM 0
+#define kSCISSOR_LEFT 0
+#define kSCISSOR_RIGHT 0
+#define kSCISSOR_TOP 0
+#define kSecondPCISlot 0
+#define kSHADOW_CTL 0
+#define kSHADOW_SET 0
+#define kSRC_Y_DIR 0
+#define kSUBSYS_CNTL 0
+#define kV_DISP 0
+#define kV_SYNC_STRT 0
+#define kV_SYNC_WID 0
+#define kV_TOTAL 0
+#define kWRT_MASK 0
+#define NEGATIVE 0
+#define PCI_CNTL 0
+#define POSITIVE 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DeclData/DeclVideo/ATI/ATI.h.idump b/DeclData/DeclVideo/ATI/ATI.h.idump
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeclData/DeclVideo/ATI/ATI.h.idump
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interfaces/AIncludes/Sound.a b/Interfaces/AIncludes/Sound.a
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interfaces/AIncludes/Sound.a
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+; Version: 3.24
; Created: Friday, October 20, 1989 at 9:54:13 PM
; File: Sound.a
; Assembler Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1991
; All Rights Reserved
IF &TYPE('__IncludingSound__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN
__IncludingSound__ SET 1
; _______________________________________________________________________
; Sound Driver
; _______________________________________________________________________
swMode EQU -1
ftMode EQU 1
ffMode EQU 0
mode DS.W 1
count DS.L 1
waveBytes DS.B 30001
count DS.W 1
amplitude DS.W 1
duration DS.W 1
toneRecSize EQU *
mode DS.W 1
triplets DS.B 5001*Tone.toneRecSize
duration DS.W 1
sound1Rate DS.L 1
sound1Phase DS.L 1
sound2Rate DS.L 1
sound2Phase DS.L 1
sound3Rate DS.L 1
sound3Phase DS.L 1
sound4Rate DS.L 1
sound4Phase DS.L 1
sound1Wave DS.L 1
sound2Wave DS.L 1
sound3Wave DS.L 1
sound4Wave DS.L 1
mode DS.W 1
sndRec DS.L 1
; _______________________________________________________________________
; Sound Manager constants
; _______________________________________________________________________
synthCodeRsrc EQU 'snth'
soundListRsrc EQU 'snd '
rate22khz EQU $56EE8BA3 ; 22254.54545
rate11khz EQU $2B7745D1 ; 11127.27273
; synthesizer numbers for SndNewChannel
squareWaveSynth EQU 1 ; square wave synthesizer
waveTableSynth EQU 3 ; wave table synthesizer
sampledSynth EQU 5 ; sampled sound synthesizer
; Command Numbers
nullCmd EQU 0
initCmd EQU 1
freeCmd EQU 2
quietCmd EQU 3
flushCmd EQU 4
reInitCmd EQU 5
waitCmd EQU 10
pauseCmd EQU 11
resumeCmd EQU 12
callBackCmd EQU 13
syncCmd EQU 14
emptyCmd EQU 15
tickleCmd EQU 20
requestNextCmd EQU 21
howOftenCmd EQU 22
wakeUpCmd EQU 23
availableCmd EQU 24
versionCmd EQU 25
totalLoadCmd EQU 26
loadCmd EQU 27
scaleCmd EQU 30
tempoCmd EQU 31
freqDurationCmd EQU 40
restCmd EQU 41
freqCmd EQU 42
ampCmd EQU 43
timbreCmd EQU 44
getAmpCmd EQU 45
waveTableCmd EQU 60
phaseCmd EQU 61
soundCmd EQU 80
bufferCmd EQU 81
rateCmd EQU 82
continueCmd EQU 83
doubleBufferCmd EQU 84
getRateCmd EQU 85
sizeCmd EQU 90
convertCmd EQU 91
stdQLength EQU 128
dataOffsetFlag EQU $8000
waveInitChannelMask EQU $07
waveInitChannel0 EQU $04
waveInitChannel1 EQU $05
waveInitChannel2 EQU $06
waveInitChannel3 EQU $07
; channel initialization parameters
initPanMask EQU $0003 ; mask for right/left pan values
initSRateMask EQU $0030 ; mask for sample rate values
initStereoMask EQU $00C0 ; mask for mono/stereo values
initCompMask EQU $FF00 ; mask for compression IDs
initChanLeft EQU $0002 ; left stereo channel
initChanRight EQU $0003 ; right stereo channel
initSRate22k EQU $0020 ; 22k sampling rate
initMono EQU $0080 ; monophonic channel
initStereo EQU $00C0 ; stereo channel
initNoInterp EQU $0004 ; no linear interpolation
initNoDrop EQU $0008 ; no drop-sample conversion
initMACE3 EQU $0300 ; MACE 3:1
initMACE6 EQU $0400 ; MACE 6:1
initChan0 EQU $0004 ; channel 0 - wave table only
initChan1 EQU $0005 ; channel 1 - wave table only
initChan2 EQU $0006 ; channel 2 - wave table only
initChan3 EQU $0007 ; channel 3 - wave table only
stdSH EQU $0
notCompressed EQU 0
twoToOne EQU 1
eightToThree EQU 2
threeToOne EQU 3
sixToOne EQU 4
outsideCmpSH EQU 0
insideCmpSH EQU 1
aceSuccess EQU 0
aceMemFull EQU 1
aceNilBlock EQU 2
aceBadComp EQU 3
aceBadEncode EQU 4
aceBadDest EQU 5
aceBadCmd EQU 6
sixToOnePacketSize EQU 8
threeToOnePacketSize EQU 16
stateBlockSize EQU 64
leftOverBlockSize EQU 32
firstSoundFormat EQU 1
secondSoundFormat EQU 2
dbBufferReady EQU $00000001
dbLastBuffer EQU $00000004
sysBeepDisable EQU $0000
sysBeepEnable EQU $0001
unitTypeNoSelection EQU $FFFF
unitTypeSeconds EQU $0000
noneCompType EQU 'NONE' ; use no compression on samples
MACE3CompType EQU 'MAC3' ; use MACE 3:1 compression on samples
MACE6CompType EQU 'MAC6' ; use MACE 6:1 compression on samples
; _______________________________________________________________________
; Sound Manager structures
; _______________________________________________________________________
SndCommand RECORD 0
cmd DS.W 1 ; INTEGER
param1 DS.W 1 ; INTEGER
param2 DS.L 1 ; LONGINT
sndCSize EQU * ; size of SndCommand
SndChannel RECORD 0
nextChan DS.L 1 ; ^SndChannel
firstMod DS.L 1 ; Ptr
callBack DS.L 1 ; ProcPtr
userInfo DS.L 1
; The following is for internal Sound Manager use only.
wait DS.L 1 ; Time [LONGINT]
cmdInProgress DS SndCommand
flags DS.W 1 ; INTEGER
qLength DS.W 1 ; INTEGER
qHead DS.W 1 ; INTEGER
qTail DS.W 1 ; INTEGER
queue DS.B stdQLength*SndCommand.sndCSize
sndChSize EQU * ; size of SndChannel
SoundHeader RECORD 0
samplePtr DS.L 1 ; Ptr - if NIL then samples are in sampleArea
length DS.L 1 ; LONGINT
sampleRate DS.L 1 ; Fixed
loopStart DS.L 1 ; LONGINT
loopEnd DS.L 1 ; LONGINT
baseFrequency DS.W 1 ; INTEGER
sampleArea EQU * ; PACKED ARRAY [0..0] OF Byte
smMaxCPULoad DS.W 1
smNumChannels DS.W 1
smCurCPULoad DS.W 1
scStartTime DS.L 1
scEndTime DS.L 1
scCurrentTime DS.L 1
scChannelBusy DS.B 1
scChannelDisposed DS.B 1
scChannelPaused DS.B 1
scUnused DS.B 1
scChannelAttributes DS.L 1
scCPULoad DS.L 1
AudioSelection RECORD 0
unitType DS.L 1
selStart DS.L 1 ; Fixed;
selEnd DS.L 1 ; Fixed;
SndDoubleBuffer RECORD 0
dbNumFrames DS.L 1
dbFlags DS.L 1
dbUserInfo DS.L 2
dbSoundData EQU *
SndDoubleBufferHeader RECORD 0
dbhNumChannels DS.W 1
dbhSampleSize DS.W 1
dbhCompressionID DS.W 1
dbhPacketSize DS.W 1
dbhSampleRate DS.L 1
dbhBufferPtr DS.L 2
dbhDoubleBack DS.L 1
SndDoubleBufferHeaderSz EQU *
; _______________________________________________________________________
; MACE structures
; _______________________________________________________________________
LeftOverBlock RECORD 0
count DS.L 1
sampleArea DS.B leftOverBlockSize
CmpSoundHeader RECORD 0
samplePtr DS.L 1 ; if NIL then samples are in sampleArea
numChannels DS.L 1 ; number of channels mono = 1
sampleRate DS.L 1 ; sample rate in Apples Fixed point representation
loopStart DS.L 1 ; loopStart of sound before compression
loopEnd DS.L 1 ; loopEnd of sound before compression
encode DS.B 1 ; data structure used , stdSH, extSH, or cmpSH
baseFrequency DS.B 1 ; same meaning as regular SoundHeader
numFrames DS.L 1 ; length in frames ( packetFrames or sampleFrames
AIFFSampleRate DS.B 10 ; IEEE sample rate EXTENDED number
markerChunk DS.L 1 ; sync track
futureUse1 DS.L 1 ; reserved by Apple
futureUse2 DS.L 1 ; reserved by Apple
stateVars DS.L 1 ; pointer to State Block
leftOverSamples DS.L 1 ; used to save truncated samples between compression calls
compressionID DS.W 1 ; 0 means no compression, non zero means compressionID
packetSize DS.W 1 ; number of bits in compressed sample packet
snthID DS.W 1 ; Resource ID of Sound Manager snth that contains NRT C/E
sampleSize DS.W 1 ; number of bits in non-compressed sample
sampleArea EQU * ; space for when samples follow directly
ExtSoundHeader RECORD 0
samplePtr DS.L 1 ; if NIL then samples are in sampleArea
numChannels DS.L 1 ; number of channels mono = 1
sampleRate DS.L 1 ; sample rate in Apples Fixed point representation
loopStart DS.L 1 ; loopStart of sound before compression
loopEnd DS.L 1 ; loopEnd of sound before compression
encode DS.B 1 ; data structure used , stdSH, extSH, or cmpSH
baseFrequency DS.B 1 ; same meaning as regular SoundHeader
numFrames DS.L 1 ; length in total number of frames
AIFFSampleRate DS.B 10 ; IEEE sample rate
markerChunk DS.L 1 ; sync track
instrumentChunks DS.L 1
AESRecording DS.L 1
sampleSize DS.W 1 ; number of bits in sample
futureUse1 DS.W 1 ; reserved by Apple
futureUse2 DS.L 1 ; reserved by Apple
futureUse3 DS.L 1 ; reserved by Apple
futureUse4 DS.L 1 ; reserved by Apple
sampleArea EQU * ; space for when samples follow directly
; _______________________________________________________________________
; Sound Input
; _______________________________________________________________________
siDeviceIsConnected EQU 1 ; input device is connected and ready for input
siDeviceNotConnected EQU 0 ; input device is not connected
siDontKnowIfConnected EQU -1 ; can't tell if input device is connected
; Info Selectors for the SPBGetDeviceInfo and SPBSetDeviceInfo calls
siDeviceConnected EQU 'dcon' ; input device connection status
siAGCOnOff EQU 'agc ' ; automatic gain control state
siPlayThruOnOff EQU 'plth' ; playthrough state
siTwosComplementOnOff EQU 'twos' ; two's complement state
siLevelMeterOnOff EQU 'lmet' ; level meter state
siRecordingQuality EQU 'qual' ; recording quality
siVoxRecordInfo EQU 'voxr' ; VOX record parameters
siVoxStopInfo EQU 'voxs' ; VOX stop parameters
siNumberChannels EQU 'chan' ; current number of channels
siSampleSize EQU 'ssiz' ; current sample size
siSampleRate EQU 'srat' ; current sample rate
siCompressionType EQU 'comp' ; current compression type
siCompressionFactor EQU 'cmfa' ; current compression factor
siCompressionHeader EQU 'cmhd' ; return compression header
siDeviceName EQU 'name' ; input device name
siDeviceIcon EQU 'icon' ; input device icon
siDeviceBufferInfo EQU 'dbin' ; size of interrupt buffer
siSampleSizeAvailable EQU 'ssav' ; sample sizes available
siSampleRateAvailable EQU 'srav' ; sample rates available
siCompressionAvailable EQU 'cmav' ; compression types available
siChannelAvailable EQU 'chav' ; number of channels available
siAsync EQU 'asyn' ; asynchronous capability
siOptionsDialog EQU 'optd' ; display options dialog
siContinuous EQU 'cont' ; continous recording
siActiveChannels EQU 'chac' ; active channels
siActiveLevels EQU 'lmac' ; active meter levels
siInputSource EQU 'sour' ; input source selector
siInitializeDriver EQU 'init' ; reserved for internal use only
siCloseDriver EQU 'clos' ; reserved for internal use only
siPauseRecording EQU 'paus' ; reserved for internal use only
siUserInterruptProc EQU 'user' ; reserved for internal use only
; Quality Selectors for the SndRecord and SndRecordToFile calls
siBestQuality EQU 'best'
siBetterQuality EQU 'betr'
siGoodQuality EQU 'good'
; Sound Input Parameter Block (SPB)
inRefNum DS.L 1 ; pointer to Application Reference Block
count DS.L 1 ; the # of bytes to read
milliseconds DS.L 1 ; the # of ms of sound to read
bufferLength DS.L 1 ; length of input buffer
inputBuffer DS.L 1 ; pointer to input buffer
completionRoutine DS.L 1 ; procPtr to the user completion routine
interruptRoutine DS.L 1 ; procPtr to the user interrupt routine
userLong DS.L 1 ; reserved for user data
error DS.W 1 ; OSErr will be returned to asynch routines
unused1 DS.L 1 ; reserved for future expansion - must be zero
SInPARAMSize EQU * ; size of SInParam
ENDIF ; ...already included
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interfaces/AIncludes/Sound.a.idump b/Interfaces/AIncludes/Sound.a.idump
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interfaces/AIncludes/Sound.a.idump
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Interfaces/CIncludes/Sound.h b/Interfaces/CIncludes/Sound.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interfaces/CIncludes/Sound.h
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+Created: Monday, December 2, 1991 at 5:07 PM
+ Sound.h
+ C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
+ Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1991
+ All rights reserved
+#ifndef __SOUND__
+#define __SOUND__
+#ifndef __TYPES__
+#include <Types.h>
+#ifndef __FILES__
+#include <Files.h>
+enum {
+ swMode = -1, /* Sound Driver modes */
+ ftMode = 1,
+ ffMode = 0,
+#define synthCodeRsrc 'snth' /* Resource types used by Sound Manager */
+#define soundListRsrc 'snd '
+#define twelfthRootTwo 1.05946309434
+ rate22khz = 0x56EE8BA3, /* 22254.54545 in fixed-point */
+ rate11khz = 0x2B7745D1, /* 11127.27273 in fixed-point */
+/* synthesizer numbers for SndNewChannel */
+ squareWaveSynth = 1, /*square wave synthesizer*/
+ waveTableSynth = 3, /*wave table synthesizer*/
+ sampledSynth = 5, /*sampled sound synthesizer*/
+/* old Sound Manager MACE synthesizer numbers */
+ MACE3snthID = 11,
+ MACE6snthID = 13,
+/* command numbers for SndDoCommand and SndDoImmediate */
+ nullCmd = 0,
+ initCmd = 1,
+ freeCmd = 2,
+ quietCmd = 3,
+ flushCmd = 4,
+ reInitCmd = 5,
+ waitCmd = 10,
+ pauseCmd = 11,
+ resumeCmd = 12,
+ callBackCmd = 13
+enum {
+ syncCmd = 14,
+ emptyCmd = 15,
+ tickleCmd = 20,
+ requestNextCmd = 21,
+ howOftenCmd = 22,
+ wakeUpCmd = 23,
+ availableCmd = 24,
+ versionCmd = 25,
+ totalLoadCmd = 26,
+ loadCmd = 27,
+ scaleCmd = 30,
+ tempoCmd = 31,
+ freqDurationCmd = 40,
+ restCmd = 41,
+ freqCmd = 42,
+ ampCmd = 43,
+ timbreCmd = 44,
+ getAmpCmd = 45,
+ volumeCmd = 46, /*sound manager 3.0 or later only*/
+ getVolumeCmd = 47, /*sound manager 3.0 or later only*/
+ clockComponentCmd = 50, /*sound manager 3.2.1 or later only*/
+ getClockComponentCmd = 51, /*sound manager 3.2.1 or later only*/
+ scheduledSoundCmd = 52, /*sound manager 3.3 or later only*/
+ linkSoundComponentsCmd = 53, /*sound manager 3.3 or later only*/
+ waveTableCmd = 60,
+ phaseCmd = 61
+enum {
+ soundCmd = 80,
+ bufferCmd = 81,
+ rateCmd = 82,
+ continueCmd = 83,
+ doubleBufferCmd = 84,
+ getRateCmd = 85,
+ rateMultiplierCmd = 86,
+ getRateMultiplierCmd = 87,
+ sizeCmd = 90,
+ convertCmd = 91,
+ stdQLength = 128,
+ dataOffsetFlag = 0x8000,
+ waveInitChannelMask = 0x07,
+ waveInitChannel0 = 0x04,
+ waveInitChannel1 = 0x05,
+ waveInitChannel2 = 0x06,
+ waveInitChannel3 = 0x07,
+/* channel initialization parameters */
+ initPanMask = 0x0003, /* mask for right/left pan values */
+ initSRateMask = 0x0030, /* mask for sample rate values */
+ initStereoMask = 0x00C0, /* mask for mono/stereo values */
+ initCompMask = 0xFF00, /* mask for compression IDs */
+ initChanLeft = 0x0002 /* left stereo channel */
+enum {
+ initChanRight = 0x0003, /* right stereo channel */
+ initNoInterp = 0x0004, /* no linear interpolation */
+ initNoDrop = 0x0008, /* no drop-sample conversion */
+ initMono = 0x0080, /* monophonic channel */
+ initStereo = 0x00C0, /* stereo channel */
+ initMACE3 = 0x0300, /* MACE 3:1 */
+ initMACE6 = 0x0400, /* MACE 6:1 */
+ initChan0 = 0x0004, /* channel 0 - wave table only */
+ initChan1 = 0x0005, /* channel 1 - wave table only */
+ initChan2 = 0x0006, /* channel 2 - wave table only */
+ initChan3 = 0x0007, /* channel 3 - wave table only */
+ stdSH = 0x00, /* Standard sound header encode value */
+ extSH = 0xFF, /* Extended sound header encode value */
+ cmpSH = 0xFE, /* Compressed sound header encode value */
+ notCompressed = 0, /* compression ID's */
+ twoToOne = 1,
+ eightToThree = 2,
+ threeToOne = 3,
+ sixToOne = 4,
+ outsideCmpSH = 0 /* MACE constants */
+enum {
+ insideCmpSH = 1,
+ aceSuccess = 0,
+ aceMemFull = 1,
+ aceNilBlock = 2,
+ aceBadComp = 3,
+ aceBadEncode = 4,
+ aceBadDest = 5,
+ aceBadCmd = 6,
+ sixToOnePacketSize = 8,
+ threeToOnePacketSize = 16,
+ stateBlockSize = 64,
+ leftOverBlockSize = 32,
+ firstSoundFormat = 0x0001, /* general sound format */
+ secondSoundFormat = 0x0002, /* special sampled sound format (HyperCard) */
+ dbBufferReady = 0x00000001, /* double buffer is filled */
+ dbLastBuffer = 0x00000004, /* last double buffer to play */
+ sysBeepDisable = 0x0000, /* SysBeep() enable flags */
+ sysBeepEnable = 0x0001,
+ unitTypeNoSelection = 0xFFFF, /* unitTypes for AudioSelection.unitType */
+ unitTypeSeconds = 0x0000
+/* Structures for Sound Driver */
+typedef unsigned char FreeWave[30001];
+struct FFSynthRec {
+ short mode;
+ Fixed count;
+ FreeWave waveBytes;
+typedef struct FFSynthRec FFSynthRec;
+typedef FFSynthRec *FFSynthPtr;
+struct Tone {
+ short count;
+ short amplitude;
+ short duration;
+typedef struct Tone Tone;
+typedef Tone Tones[5001];
+struct SWSynthRec {
+ short mode;
+ Tones triplets;
+typedef struct SWSynthRec SWSynthRec;
+typedef SWSynthRec *SWSynthPtr;
+typedef unsigned char Wave[256];
+typedef Wave *WavePtr;
+struct FTSoundRec {
+ short duration;
+ Fixed sound1Rate;
+ long sound1Phase;
+ Fixed sound2Rate;
+ long sound2Phase;
+ Fixed sound3Rate;
+ long sound3Phase;
+ Fixed sound4Rate;
+ long sound4Phase;
+ WavePtr sound1Wave;
+ WavePtr sound2Wave;
+ WavePtr sound3Wave;
+ WavePtr sound4Wave;
+typedef struct FTSoundRec FTSoundRec;
+typedef FTSoundRec *FTSndRecPtr;
+struct FTSynthRec {
+ short mode;
+ FTSndRecPtr sndRec;
+typedef struct FTSynthRec FTSynthRec;
+typedef FTSynthRec *FTSynthPtr;
+typedef pascal void (*SndCompletionProcPtr)(void);
+/* Structures for Sound Manager */
+struct SndCommand {
+ unsigned short cmd;
+ short param1;
+ long param2;
+typedef struct SndCommand SndCommand;
+typedef long Time; /* in half milliseconds */
+typedef struct SndChannel SndChannel;
+typedef SndChannel *SndChannelPtr;
+typedef pascal void (*SndCallBackProcPtr)(SndChannelPtr chan, SndCommand cmd);
+struct SndChannel {
+ struct SndChannel *nextChan;
+ Ptr firstMod; /* reserved for the Sound Manager */
+ SndCallBackProcPtr callBack;
+ long userInfo;
+ Time wait; /* The following is for internal Sound Manager use only.*/
+ SndCommand cmdInProgress;
+ short flags;
+ short qLength;
+ short qHead; /* next spot to read or -1 if empty */
+ short qTail; /* next spot to write = qHead if full */
+ SndCommand queue[stdQLength];
+/* MACE structures */
+struct StateBlock {
+ short stateVar[stateBlockSize];
+typedef struct StateBlock StateBlock;
+typedef StateBlock *StateBlockPtr;
+struct LeftOverBlock {
+ unsigned long count;
+ char sampleArea[leftOverBlockSize];
+typedef struct LeftOverBlock LeftOverBlock;
+typedef LeftOverBlock *LeftOverBlockPtr;
+struct ModRef {
+ unsigned short modNumber;
+ long modInit;
+typedef struct ModRef ModRef;
+struct SndListResource {
+ short format;
+ short numModifiers;
+ ModRef modifierPart[1]; /*This is a variable length array*/
+ short numCommands;
+ SndCommand commandPart[1]; /*This is a variable length array*/
+ char dataPart[1]; /*This is a variable length array*/
+typedef struct SndListResource SndListResource;
+typedef SndListResource *SndListPtr;
+struct SoundHeader {
+ Ptr samplePtr; /* if NIL then samples are in sampleArea */
+ unsigned long length; /* length of sound in bytes */
+ Fixed sampleRate; /* sample rate for this sound */
+ unsigned long loopStart; /* start of looping portion */
+ unsigned long loopEnd; /* end of looping portion */
+ unsigned char encode; /* header encoding */
+ unsigned char baseFrequency; /* baseFrequency value */
+ char sampleArea[1];
+typedef struct SoundHeader SoundHeader;
+typedef SoundHeader *SoundHeaderPtr;
+struct CmpSoundHeader {
+ Ptr samplePtr; /* if nil then samples are in sample area */
+ unsigned long numChannels; /* number of channels i.e. mono = 1 */
+ Fixed sampleRate; /* sample rate in Apples Fixed point representation */
+ unsigned long loopStart; /* loopStart of sound before compression */
+ unsigned long loopEnd; /* loopEnd of sound before compression */
+ unsigned char encode; /* data structure used , stdSH, extSH, or cmpSH */
+ unsigned char baseFrequency; /* same meaning as regular SoundHeader */
+ unsigned long numFrames; /* length in frames ( packetFrames or sampleFrames ) */
+ extended80 AIFFSampleRate; /* IEEE sample rate */
+ Ptr markerChunk; /* sync track */
+ Ptr futureUse1; /* reserved by Apple */
+ Ptr futureUse2; /* reserved by Apple */
+ StateBlockPtr stateVars; /* pointer to State Block */
+ LeftOverBlockPtr leftOverSamples; /* used to save truncated samples between compression calls */
+ unsigned short compressionID; /* 0 means no compression, non zero means compressionID */
+ unsigned short packetSize; /* number of bits in compressed sample packet */
+ unsigned short snthID; /* resource ID of Sound Manager snth that contains NRT C/E */
+ unsigned short sampleSize; /* number of bits in non-compressed sample */
+ char sampleArea[1]; /* space for when samples follow directly */
+typedef struct CmpSoundHeader CmpSoundHeader;
+typedef CmpSoundHeader *CmpSoundHeaderPtr;
+struct ExtSoundHeader {
+ Ptr samplePtr; /* if nil then samples are in sample area */
+ unsigned long numChannels; /* number of channels, ie mono = 1 */
+ Fixed sampleRate; /* sample rate in Apples Fixed point representation */
+ unsigned long loopStart; /* same meaning as regular SoundHeader */
+ unsigned long loopEnd; /* same meaning as regular SoundHeader */
+ unsigned char encode; /* data structure used , stdSH, extSH, or cmpSH */
+ unsigned char baseFrequency; /* same meaning as regular SoundHeader */
+ unsigned long numFrames; /* length in total number of frames */
+ extended80 AIFFSampleRate; /* IEEE sample rate */
+ Ptr markerChunk; /* sync track */
+ Ptr instrumentChunks; /* AIFF instrument chunks */
+ Ptr AESRecording;
+ unsigned short sampleSize; /* number of bits in sample */
+ unsigned short futureUse1; /* reserved by Apple */
+ unsigned long futureUse2; /* reserved by Apple */
+ unsigned long futureUse3; /* reserved by Apple */
+ unsigned long futureUse4; /* reserved by Apple */
+ char sampleArea[1]; /* space for when samples follow directly */
+typedef struct ExtSoundHeader ExtSoundHeader;
+typedef ExtSoundHeader *ExtSoundHeaderPtr;
+struct ConversionBlock {
+ short destination;
+ short unused;
+ CmpSoundHeaderPtr inputPtr;
+ CmpSoundHeaderPtr outputPtr;
+typedef struct ConversionBlock ConversionBlock;
+typedef ConversionBlock *ConversionBlockPtr;
+struct SMStatus {
+ short smMaxCPULoad;
+ short smNumChannels;
+ short smCurCPULoad;
+typedef struct SMStatus SMStatus;
+typedef SMStatus *SMStatusPtr;
+struct SCStatus {
+ Fixed scStartTime;
+ Fixed scEndTime;
+ Fixed scCurrentTime;
+ Boolean scChannelBusy;
+ Boolean scChannelDisposed;
+ Boolean scChannelPaused;
+ Boolean scUnused;
+ unsigned long scChannelAttributes;
+ long scCPULoad;
+typedef struct SCStatus SCStatus;
+typedef SCStatus *SCStatusPtr;
+struct AudioSelection {
+ long unitType;
+ Fixed selStart;
+ Fixed selEnd;
+typedef struct AudioSelection AudioSelection;
+typedef AudioSelection *AudioSelectionPtr;
+struct SndDoubleBuffer {
+ long dbNumFrames;
+ long dbFlags;
+ long dbUserInfo[2];
+ char dbSoundData[1];
+typedef struct SndDoubleBuffer SndDoubleBuffer;
+typedef SndDoubleBuffer *SndDoubleBufferPtr;
+typedef pascal void (*SndDoubleBackProcPtr) (SndChannelPtr channel,
+ SndDoubleBufferPtr doubleBufferPtr);
+struct SndDoubleBufferHeader {
+ short dbhNumChannels;
+ short dbhSampleSize;
+ short dbhCompressionID;
+ short dbhPacketSize;
+ Fixed dbhSampleRate;
+ SndDoubleBufferPtr dbhBufferPtr[2];
+ SndDoubleBackProcPtr dbhDoubleBack;
+typedef struct SndDoubleBufferHeader SndDoubleBufferHeader;
+typedef SndDoubleBufferHeader *SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+pascal OSErr SndDoCommand(SndChannelPtr chan,const SndCommand *cmd,Boolean noWait)
+ = 0xA803;
+pascal OSErr SndDoImmediate(SndChannelPtr chan,const SndCommand *cmd)
+ = 0xA804;
+pascal OSErr SndNewChannel(SndChannelPtr *chan,short synth,long init,SndCallBackProcPtr userRoutine)
+ = 0xA807;
+pascal OSErr SndDisposeChannel(SndChannelPtr chan,Boolean quietNow)
+ = 0xA801;
+pascal OSErr SndPlay(SndChannelPtr chan,Handle sndHdl,Boolean async)
+ = 0xA805;
+pascal OSErr SndAddModifier(SndChannelPtr chan,ProcPtr modifier,short id,
+ long init)
+ = 0xA802;
+pascal OSErr SndControl(short id,SndCommand *cmd)
+ = 0xA806;
+pascal void SetSoundVol(short level);
+#pragma parameter GetSoundVol(__A0)
+pascal void GetSoundVol(short *level)
+ = {0x4218,0x10B8,0x0260};
+pascal void StartSound(const void *synthRec,long numBytes,SndCompletionProcPtr completionRtn);
+pascal void StopSound(void);
+pascal Boolean SoundDone(void);
+pascal NumVersion SndSoundManagerVersion(void)
+ = {0x203C,0x000C,0x0008,0xA800};
+pascal OSErr SndStartFilePlay(SndChannelPtr chan,short fRefNum,short resNum,
+ long bufferSize,void *theBuffer,AudioSelectionPtr theSelection,ProcPtr theCompletion,
+ Boolean async)
+ = {0x203C,0x0D00,0x0008,0xA800};
+pascal OSErr SndPauseFilePlay(SndChannelPtr chan)
+ = {0x203C,0x0204,0x0008,0xA800};
+pascal OSErr SndStopFilePlay(SndChannelPtr chan,Boolean async)
+ = {0x203C,0x0308,0x0008,0xA800};
+pascal OSErr SndChannelStatus(SndChannelPtr chan,short theLength,SCStatusPtr theStatus)
+ = {0x203C,0x0010,0x0008,0xA800};
+pascal OSErr SndManagerStatus(short theLength,SMStatusPtr theStatus)
+ = {0x203C,0x0014,0x0008,0xA800};
+pascal void SndGetSysBeepState(short *sysBeepState)
+ = {0x203C,0x0018,0x0008,0xA800};
+pascal OSErr SndSetSysBeepState(short sysBeepState)
+ = {0x203C,0x001C,0x0008,0xA800};
+pascal OSErr SndPlayDoubleBuffer(SndChannelPtr chan,SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr theParams)
+ = {0x203C,0x0020,0x0008,0xA800};
+pascal OSErr GetSysBeepVolume(long *level)
+ = {0x203C,0x0224,0x0018,0xA800};
+pascal NumVersion MACEVersion(void)
+ = {0x203C,0x0000,0x0010,0xA800};
+pascal void Comp3to1(const void *inBuffer,void *outBuffer,unsigned long cnt,
+ const void *inState,void *outState,unsigned long numChannels,unsigned long whichChannel)
+ = {0x203C,0x0004,0x0010,0xA800};
+pascal void Exp1to3(const void *inBuffer,void *outBuffer,unsigned long cnt,
+ const void *inState,void *outState,unsigned long numChannels,unsigned long whichChannel)
+ = {0x203C,0x0008,0x0010,0xA800};
+pascal void Comp6to1(const void *inBuffer,void *outBuffer,unsigned long cnt,
+ const void *inState,void *outState,unsigned long numChannels,unsigned long whichChannel)
+ = {0x203C,0x000C,0x0010,0xA800};
+pascal void Exp1to6(const void *inBuffer,void *outBuffer,unsigned long cnt,
+ const void *inState,void *outState,unsigned long numChannels,unsigned long whichChannel)
+ = {0x203C,0x0010,0x0010,0xA800};
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Interfaces/CIncludes/Sound.h.idump b/Interfaces/CIncludes/Sound.h.idump
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interfaces/CIncludes/Sound.h.idump
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interfaces/CIncludes/Sound.h.rdump b/Interfaces/CIncludes/Sound.h.rdump
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interfaces/CIncludes/Sound.h.rdump
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#if 0
+data '????' (0, "Header as fake resource (not for Rez)") {
+ $"0002 0031 0032 0002 0031 005A 000F 0061" /* ...1.2...1.Z...a */
+ $"6D70 436D 6420 4551 5520 3433 2000 0055" /* mpCmd EQU 43 ..U */
+ $"0753 6F75 6E64 2E68 0200 0000 5445 5854" /* .Sound.h....TEXT */
+ $"4D50 5320 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 014D" /* MPS ...........M */
+ $"0000 5445 5854 4D50 5320 0000 0000 0000" /* ..TEXTMPS ...... */
+ $"0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" /* ................ */
+ $"0000 A664 D9C0 0000 0000 0000 021B 0000" /* ...d............ */
+ $"0000 01C0 4341 5244 0000 3B1E 0000 0000" /* ....CARD..;..... */
+ $"0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" /* ................ */
+ $"0000 202A 0000 122E 0000 0000 0000 0000" /* .. *............ */
+ $"001A 0000 0160 0009 0011 0031 322F 3131" /* .....`.....12/11 */
+ $"2F38 3720 353A 3533 2041 4D00 0002 0006" /* /87 5:53 AM..... */
+ $"0053 6F75 6E64 0003 000A 0074 696D 6272" /* .Sound.....timbr */
+ $"6543 6D64 0004 0003 0034 3400 0005 0006" /* eCmd.....44..... */
+ $"0024 3030 3332 000C 000C 0052 6F6E 204D" /* .$0032.....Ron M */
+data 'vers' (1) {
+ $"0321 8000 0000 0533 2E32 2E31 2833 2E32" /* .!.....3.2.1(3.2 */
+ $"2E31 2C20 A920 4170 706C 6520 436F 6D70" /* .1, . Apple Comp */
+ $"7574 6572 2C20 496E 632E 2031 3938 352D" /* uter, Inc. 1985- */
+ $"3139 3932 2E" /* 1992. */
+data 'vers' (2, purgeable) {
+ $"0330 8000 0000 0333 2E33 074D 5057 2033" /* .0.....3.3.MPW 3 */
+ $"2E33" /* .3 */
+data 'MPSR' (1005) {
+ $"0009 4D6F 6E61 636F 00FF 001F 01E1 01E2" /* ..Monaco........ */
+ $"7FFF 015E 0009 000A 7FFF 015F 000A 01E2" /* ...^......._.... */
+ $"7FFF 0006 0004 0031 000A 015D 01E0 0031" /* .......1...]...1 */
+ $"000A 015D 01E0 A664 D9C0 0000 0000 0000" /* ...]...d........ */
+ $"0000 0000 0000 0100" /* ........ */
+data 'MPSR' (1008) {
+ $"0031 000A 015D 01E0 0031 000A 015D 01E0" /* .1...]...1...].. */
+ $"0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" /* .............. */
diff --git a/Interfaces/PInterfaces/Sound.p b/Interfaces/PInterfaces/Sound.p
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interfaces/PInterfaces/Sound.p
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+Created: Monday, December 2, 1991 at 5:09 PM
+ Sound.p
+ Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
+ Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1991
+ All rights reserved
+{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
+{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
+{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
+ UNIT Sound;
+{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingSound}
+{$SETC UsingSound := 1}
+{$SETC SoundIncludes := UsingIncludes}
+{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
+{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingTypes}
+{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p}
+{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingFiles}
+{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Files.p}
+{$SETC UsingIncludes := SoundIncludes}
+swMode = -1; { Sound Driver modes }
+ftMode = 1;
+ffMode = 0;
+synthCodeRsrc = 'snth'; { Resource types used by Sound Manager }
+soundListRsrc = 'snd ';
+twelfthRootTwo = 1.05946309434;
+rate22khz = $56EE8BA3; { 22254.54545 in fixed-point }
+rate11khz = $2B7745D1; { 11127.27273 in fixed-point }
+{ synthesizer numbers for SndNewChannel }
+squareWaveSynth = 1; {square wave synthesizer}
+waveTableSynth = 3; {wave table synthesizer}
+sampledSynth = 5; {sampled sound synthesizer}
+{ old Sound Manager MACE synthesizer numbers }
+MACE3snthID = 11;
+MACE6snthID = 13;
+{ command numbers for SndDoCommand and SndDoImmediate }
+nullCmd = 0;
+initCmd = 1;
+freeCmd = 2;
+quietCmd = 3;
+flushCmd = 4;
+reInitCmd = 5;
+waitCmd = 10;
+pauseCmd = 11;
+resumeCmd = 12;
+callBackCmd = 13;
+syncCmd = 14;
+emptyCmd = 15;
+tickleCmd = 20;
+requestNextCmd = 21;
+howOftenCmd = 22;
+wakeUpCmd = 23;
+availableCmd = 24;
+versionCmd = 25;
+totalLoadCmd = 26;
+loadCmd = 27;
+scaleCmd = 30;
+tempoCmd = 31;
+freqDurationCmd = 40;
+restCmd = 41;
+freqCmd = 42;
+ampCmd = 43;
+timbreCmd = 44;
+getAmpCmd = 45;
+waveTableCmd = 60;
+phaseCmd = 61;
+soundCmd = 80;
+bufferCmd = 81;
+rateCmd = 82;
+continueCmd = 83;
+doubleBufferCmd = 84;
+getRateCmd = 85;
+sizeCmd = 90;
+convertCmd = 91;
+stdQLength = 128;
+dataOffsetFlag = $8000;
+waveInitChannelMask = $07;
+waveInitChannel0 = $04;
+waveInitChannel1 = $05;
+waveInitChannel2 = $06;
+waveInitChannel3 = $07;
+{ channel initialization parameters }
+initPanMask = $0003; { mask for right/left pan values }
+initSRateMask = $0030; { mask for sample rate values }
+initStereoMask = $00C0; { mask for mono/stereo values }
+initCompMask = $FF00; { mask for compression IDs }
+initChanLeft = $0002; { left stereo channel }
+initChanRight = $0003; { right stereo channel }
+initNoInterp = $0004; { no linear interpolation }
+initNoDrop = $0008; { no drop-sample conversion }
+initMono = $0080; { monophonic channel }
+initStereo = $00C0; { stereo channel }
+initMACE3 = $0300; { MACE 3:1 }
+initMACE6 = $0400; { MACE 6:1 }
+initChan0 = $0004; { channel 0 - wave table only }
+initChan1 = $0005; { channel 1 - wave table only }
+initChan2 = $0006; { channel 2 - wave table only }
+initChan3 = $0007; { channel 3 - wave table only }
+stdSH = $00; { Standard sound header encode value }
+extSH = $FF; { Extended sound header encode value }
+cmpSH = $FE; { Compressed sound header encode value }
+notCompressed = 0; { compression ID's }
+twoToOne = 1;
+eightToThree = 2;
+threeToOne = 3;
+sixToOne = 4;
+outsideCmpSH = 0; { MACE constants }
+insideCmpSH = 1;
+aceSuccess = 0;
+aceMemFull = 1;
+aceNilBlock = 2;
+aceBadComp = 3;
+aceBadEncode = 4;
+aceBadDest = 5;
+aceBadCmd = 6;
+sixToOnePacketSize = 8;
+threeToOnePacketSize = 16;
+stateBlockSize = 64;
+leftOverBlockSize = 32;
+firstSoundFormat = $0001; { general sound format }
+secondSoundFormat = $0002; { special sampled sound format (HyperCard) }
+dbBufferReady = $00000001; { double buffer is filled }
+dbLastBuffer = $00000004; { last double buffer to play }
+sysBeepDisable = $0000; { SysBeep() enable flags }
+sysBeepEnable = $0001;
+unitTypeNoSelection = $FFFF; { unitTypes for AudioSelection.unitType }
+unitTypeSeconds = $0000;
+{ Structures for Sound Driver }
+FreeWave = PACKED ARRAY [0..30000] OF Byte;
+FFSynthPtr = ^FFSynthRec;
+FFSynthRec = RECORD
+ mode: INTEGER;
+ count: Fixed;
+ waveBytes: FreeWave;
+ END;
+Tone = RECORD
+ count: INTEGER;
+ amplitude: INTEGER;
+ duration: INTEGER;
+ END;
+Tones = ARRAY [0..5000] OF Tone;
+SWSynthPtr = ^SWSynthRec;
+SWSynthRec = RECORD
+ mode: INTEGER;
+ triplets: Tones;
+ END;
+Wave = PACKED ARRAY [0..255] OF Byte;
+WavePtr = ^Wave;
+FTSndRecPtr = ^FTSoundRec;
+FTSoundRec = RECORD
+ duration: INTEGER;
+ sound1Rate: Fixed;
+ sound1Phase: LONGINT;
+ sound2Rate: Fixed;
+ sound2Phase: LONGINT;
+ sound3Rate: Fixed;
+ sound3Phase: LONGINT;
+ sound4Rate: Fixed;
+ sound4Phase: LONGINT;
+ sound1Wave: WavePtr;
+ sound2Wave: WavePtr;
+ sound3Wave: WavePtr;
+ sound4Wave: WavePtr;
+ END;
+FTSynthPtr = ^FTSynthRec;
+FTSynthRec = RECORD
+ mode: INTEGER;
+ sndRec: FTSndRecPtr;
+ END;
+{ Structures for Sound Manager }
+ cmd: INTEGER;
+ param1: INTEGER;
+ param2: LONGINT;
+ END;
+Time = LONGINT; { in half milliseconds }
+SndChannelPtr = ^SndChannel;
+ nextChan: SndChannelPtr;
+ firstMod: Ptr; { reserved for the Sound Manager }
+ callBack: ProcPtr;
+ userInfo: LONGINT;
+ wait: Time; { The following is for internal Sound Manager use only.}
+ cmdInProgress: SndCommand;
+ flags: INTEGER;
+ qLength: INTEGER;
+ qHead: INTEGER; { next spot to read or -1 if empty }
+ qTail: INTEGER; { next spot to write = qHead if full }
+ queue: ARRAY [0..stdQLength - 1] OF SndCommand;
+ END;
+{ MACE structures }
+StateBlockPtr = ^StateBlock;
+StateBlock = RECORD
+ stateVar: ARRAY [0..stateBlockSize - 1] OF INTEGER;
+ END;
+LeftOverBlockPtr = ^LeftOverBlock;
+LeftOverBlock = RECORD
+ count: LONGINT;
+ sampleArea: PACKED ARRAY [0..leftOverBlockSize - 1] OF Byte;
+ END;
+ModRef = RECORD
+ modNumber: INTEGER;
+ modInit: LONGINT;
+ END;
+SndListPtr = ^SndListResource;
+SndListResource = RECORD
+ format: INTEGER;
+ numModifiers: INTEGER;
+ modifierPart: ARRAY [0..0] OF ModRef; {This is a variable length array}
+ numCommands: INTEGER;
+ commandPart: ARRAY [0..0] OF SndCommand; {This is a variable length array}
+ dataPart: PACKED ARRAY [0..0] OF Byte; {This is a variable length array}
+ END;
+SoundHeaderPtr = ^SoundHeader;
+SoundHeader = PACKED RECORD
+ samplePtr: Ptr; { if NIL then samples are in sampleArea }
+ length: LONGINT; { length of sound in bytes }
+ sampleRate: Fixed; { sample rate for this sound }
+ loopStart: LONGINT; { start of looping portion }
+ loopEnd: LONGINT; { end of looping portion }
+ encode: Byte; { header encoding }
+ baseFrequency: Byte; { baseFrequency value }
+ sampleArea: PACKED ARRAY [0..0] OF Byte;
+ END;
+CmpSoundHeaderPtr = ^CmpSoundHeader;
+CmpSoundHeader = PACKED RECORD
+ samplePtr: Ptr; { if nil then samples are in sample area }
+ numChannels: LONGINT; { number of channels i.e. mono = 1 }
+ sampleRate: Fixed; { sample rate in Apples Fixed point representation }
+ loopStart: LONGINT; { loopStart of sound before compression }
+ loopEnd: LONGINT; { loopEnd of sound before compression }
+ encode: Byte; { data structure used , stdSH, extSH, or cmpSH }
+ baseFrequency: Byte; { same meaning as regular SoundHeader }
+ numFrames: LONGINT; { length in frames ( packetFrames or sampleFrames ) }
+ AIFFSampleRate: Extended80; { IEEE sample rate }
+ markerChunk: Ptr; { sync track }
+ futureUse1: Ptr; { reserved by Apple }
+ futureUse2: Ptr; { reserved by Apple }
+ stateVars: StateBlockPtr; { pointer to State Block }
+ leftOverSamples: LeftOverBlockPtr; { used to save truncated samples between compression calls }
+ compressionID: INTEGER; { 0 means no compression, non zero means compressionID }
+ packetSize: INTEGER; { number of bits in compressed sample packet }
+ snthID: INTEGER; { resource ID of Sound Manager snth that contains NRT C/E }
+ sampleSize: INTEGER; { number of bits in non-compressed sample }
+ sampleArea: PACKED ARRAY [0..0] OF Byte; { space for when samples follow directly }
+ END;
+ExtSoundHeaderPtr = ^ExtSoundHeader;
+ExtSoundHeader = PACKED RECORD
+ samplePtr: Ptr; { if nil then samples are in sample area }
+ numChannels: LONGINT; { number of channels, ie mono = 1 }
+ sampleRate: Fixed; { sample rate in Apples Fixed point representation }
+ loopStart: LONGINT; { same meaning as regular SoundHeader }
+ loopEnd: LONGINT; { same meaning as regular SoundHeader }
+ encode: Byte; { data structure used , stdSH, extSH, or cmpSH }
+ baseFrequency: Byte; { same meaning as regular SoundHeader }
+ numFrames: LONGINT; { length in total number of frames }
+ AIFFSampleRate: Extended80; { IEEE sample rate }
+ markerChunk: Ptr; { sync track }
+ instrumentChunks: Ptr; { AIFF instrument chunks }
+ AESRecording: Ptr;
+ sampleSize: INTEGER; { number of bits in sample }
+ futureUse1: INTEGER; { reserved by Apple }
+ futureUse2: LONGINT; { reserved by Apple }
+ futureUse3: LONGINT; { reserved by Apple }
+ futureUse4: LONGINT; { reserved by Apple }
+ sampleArea: PACKED ARRAY [0..0] OF Byte; { space for when samples follow directly }
+ END;
+ConversionBlockPtr = ^ConversionBlock;
+ConversionBlock = RECORD
+ destination: INTEGER;
+ unused: INTEGER;
+ inputPtr: CmpSoundHeaderPtr;
+ outputPtr: CmpSoundHeaderPtr;
+ END;
+SMStatusPtr = ^SMStatus;
+ smMaxCPULoad: INTEGER;
+ smNumChannels: INTEGER;
+ smCurCPULoad: INTEGER;
+ END;
+SCStatusPtr = ^SCStatus;
+SCStatus = RECORD
+ scStartTime: Fixed;
+ scEndTime: Fixed;
+ scCurrentTime: Fixed;
+ scChannelBusy: BOOLEAN;
+ scChannelDisposed: BOOLEAN;
+ scChannelPaused: BOOLEAN;
+ scUnused: BOOLEAN;
+ scChannelAttributes: LONGINT;
+ END;
+AudioSelectionPtr = ^AudioSelection;
+AudioSelection = PACKED RECORD
+ unitType: LONGINT;
+ selStart: Fixed;
+ selEnd: Fixed;
+ END;
+SndDoubleBufferPtr = ^SndDoubleBuffer;
+SndDoubleBuffer = PACKED RECORD
+ dbNumFrames: LONGINT;
+ dbFlags: LONGINT;
+ dbUserInfo: ARRAY [0..1] OF LONGINT;
+ dbSoundData: PACKED ARRAY [0..0] OF Byte;
+ END;
+SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr = ^SndDoubleBufferHeader;
+SndDoubleBufferHeader = PACKED RECORD
+ dbhNumChannels: INTEGER;
+ dbhSampleSize: INTEGER;
+ dbhCompressionID: INTEGER;
+ dbhPacketSize: INTEGER;
+ dbhSampleRate: Fixed;
+ dbhBufferPtr: ARRAY [0..1] OF SndDoubleBufferPtr;
+ dbhDoubleBack: ProcPtr;
+ END;
+FUNCTION SndDoCommand(chan: SndChannelPtr;cmd: SndCommand;noWait: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
+ INLINE $A803;
+FUNCTION SndDoImmediate(chan: SndChannelPtr;cmd: SndCommand): OSErr;
+ INLINE $A804;
+FUNCTION SndNewChannel(VAR chan: SndChannelPtr;synth: INTEGER;init: LONGINT;
+ userRoutine: ProcPtr): OSErr;
+ INLINE $A807;
+FUNCTION SndDisposeChannel(chan: SndChannelPtr;quietNow: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
+ INLINE $A801;
+FUNCTION SndPlay(chan: SndChannelPtr;sndHdl: Handle;async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
+ INLINE $A805;
+FUNCTION SndAddModifier(chan: SndChannelPtr;modifier: ProcPtr;id: INTEGER;
+ init: LONGINT): OSErr;
+ INLINE $A802;
+FUNCTION SndControl(id: INTEGER;VAR cmd: SndCommand): OSErr;
+ INLINE $A806;
+PROCEDURE SetSoundVol(level: INTEGER);
+PROCEDURE StartSound(synthRec: Ptr;numBytes: LONGINT;completionRtn: ProcPtr);
+FUNCTION SndSoundManagerVersion: NumVersion;
+ INLINE $203C,$000C,$0008,$A800;
+FUNCTION SndStartFilePlay(chan: SndChannelPtr;fRefNum: INTEGER;resNum: INTEGER;
+ bufferSize: LONGINT;theBuffer: Ptr;theSelection: AudioSelectionPtr;theCompletion: ProcPtr;
+ async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
+ INLINE $203C,$0D00,$0008,$A800;
+FUNCTION SndPauseFilePlay(chan: SndChannelPtr): OSErr;
+ INLINE $203C,$0204,$0008,$A800;
+FUNCTION SndStopFilePlay(chan: SndChannelPtr;async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
+ INLINE $203C,$0308,$0008,$A800;
+FUNCTION SndChannelStatus(chan: SndChannelPtr;theLength: INTEGER;theStatus: SCStatusPtr): OSErr;
+ INLINE $203C,$0010,$0008,$A800;
+FUNCTION SndManagerStatus(theLength: INTEGER;theStatus: SMStatusPtr): OSErr;
+ INLINE $203C,$0014,$0008,$A800;
+PROCEDURE SndGetSysBeepState(VAR sysBeepState: INTEGER);
+ INLINE $203C,$0018,$0008,$A800;
+FUNCTION SndSetSysBeepState(sysBeepState: INTEGER): OSErr;
+ INLINE $203C,$001C,$0008,$A800;
+FUNCTION SndPlayDoubleBuffer(chan: SndChannelPtr;theParams: SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr): OSErr;
+ INLINE $203C,$0020,$0008,$A800;
+FUNCTION MACEVersion: NumVersion;
+ INLINE $203C,$0000,$0010,$A800;
+PROCEDURE Comp3to1(inBuffer: Ptr;outBuffer: Ptr;cnt: LONGINT;inState: Ptr;
+ outState: Ptr;numChannels: LONGINT;whichChannel: LONGINT);
+ INLINE $203C,$0004,$0010,$A800;
+PROCEDURE Exp1to3(inBuffer: Ptr;outBuffer: Ptr;cnt: LONGINT;inState: Ptr;
+ outState: Ptr;numChannels: LONGINT;whichChannel: LONGINT);
+ INLINE $203C,$0008,$0010,$A800;
+PROCEDURE Comp6to1(inBuffer: Ptr;outBuffer: Ptr;cnt: LONGINT;inState: Ptr;
+ outState: Ptr;numChannels: LONGINT;whichChannel: LONGINT);
+ INLINE $203C,$000C,$0010,$A800;
+PROCEDURE Exp1to6(inBuffer: Ptr;outBuffer: Ptr;cnt: LONGINT;inState: Ptr;
+ outState: Ptr;numChannels: LONGINT;whichChannel: LONGINT);
+ INLINE $203C,$0010,$0010,$A800;
+{$ENDC} { UsingSound }
+{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
+ END.
diff --git a/Interfaces/PInterfaces/Sound.p.idump b/Interfaces/PInterfaces/Sound.p.idump
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interfaces/PInterfaces/Sound.p.idump
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internal/Asm/SoundPrivate.a b/Internal/Asm/SoundPrivate.a
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/Asm/SoundPrivate.a
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ASCMODE equ 0
+RATE11025HZ equ 0
diff --git a/Internal/Asm/SoundPrivate.a.idump b/Internal/Asm/SoundPrivate.a.idump
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/Asm/SoundPrivate.a.idump
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Make/MainCode.Make b/Make/MainCode.Make
--- a/Make/MainCode.Make
+++ b/Make/MainCode.Make
@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ MainCodeLibs = ∂
# Vectorization
"{LibDir}MainCode.Lib" ƒ {MainCodeLibs} "{ObjDir}VectorTablePatch.a.o"
- "{ToolDir}Vectorize" -w -v "{ObjDir}VectorTablePatch.a.o" -log "{TextDir}MainCode.Sym" {StdVOpts} -o "{Targ}" {MainCodeLibs}
+ Lib -o "{Targ}".blob {MainCodeLibs}
+ "{ToolDir}Vectorize" -w -v "{ObjDir}VectorTablePatch.a.o" -log "{TextDir}MainCode.Sym" {StdVOpts} -o "{Targ}" "{Targ}".blob
"{ObjDir}VectorTablePatch.a.o" ƒ "{Sources}Make:VectorTable.a" "{IntAIncludes}VectorTablePatch.a"
Asm -case on {StdAOpts} -o "{Targ}" "{IntAIncludes}VectorTablePatch.a" -d &VectorTable="∂'{Sources}Make:VectorTable.a∂'" -d ROMBASE={RomBase}
diff --git a/Make/RISC.make b/Make/RISC.make
--- a/Make/RISC.make
+++ b/Make/RISC.make
@@ -270,50 +270,9 @@ Features = hasRISCV0ResMgrPatches ∂
-ResourceFiles = "{RsrcDir}ATBoot.RSRC" ∂
- "{MiscDir}AppleTalk.ROM.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}AppleEventMgr.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}CQD.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}ColorPicker.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}CommToolbox.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}ControlMgr.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}DataAccessMgr.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}DictionaryMgr.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}DeclData" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}EDisk.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}EditionMgr.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}Gibbly.rsrc" ∂
- "{MiscDir}GoNativeResources" ∂
- "{MiscDir}EmulatorAccelerations.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}HelpMgr.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}InSane.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}I2CC.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}I2CT.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}ListMgr.rsrc" ∂
+ResourceFiles = "{RsrcDir}DeclData" ∂
"{RsrcDir}MainCode.Rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}MenuMgr.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}MiscROMRsrcs.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}NetBoot.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}PDMENET.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}PPC.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}PictUtilities.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}ROMApple2Fonts.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}ROMFonts.rsrc" ∂
"{RsrcDir}RomLayout.Rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}SCCIOP.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}SWIMIOP.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}InSaneNFPU.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}Sane.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}Serial.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}SerialDMA.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}Sony.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}SoundMgr.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}StandardFile.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}VDigC.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}VDigT.rsrc" ∂
- "{MiscDir}VM.RSRC" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}WindowMgr.rsrc" ∂
- "{RsrcDir}kbd.rsrc"
RomMondo ƒ FeatureSet "{ImageDir}RomMondo"
diff --git a/OS/IoPrimitives/ImmgPrimitives.a b/OS/IoPrimitives/ImmgPrimitives.a
--- a/OS/IoPrimitives/ImmgPrimitives.a
+++ b/OS/IoPrimitives/ImmgPrimitives.a
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
INCLUDE 'IntModemMgrPrivEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'PowerPrivEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'Sound.a'
+ INCLUDE 'SoundPrivate.a'
MACHINE MC68020 ; <H3>