#include "Controls.r" #include "Dialogs.r" #include "Finder.r" #include "MacTypes.r" #include "Processes.r" #include "resources.h" resource 'ALRT' (rAlrtError, purgeable) { { 40, 40, 141, 360 }, 128, /* DITL ID */ { OK, visible, sound1, OK, visible, sound1, OK, visible, sound1, OK, visible, sound1, }, centerMainScreen }; /* See Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines (1992) p. 197 "Basic Dialog Box Layout" */ /* Note that there are an extra 3px of margin for "free" on the dialog border. */ resource 'DITL' (128, purgeable) {{ /* Quit button: 13px margin */ { 71, 240, 91, 310 }, Button { enabled, "Quit" }, /* Error text: 13px margin, 3 lines @ 16px line height */ { 10, 75, 58, 310 }, StaticText { enabled, "^0" }, /* Icon: 13px vertical, 23px horizontal */ { 10, 20, 42, 52 }, Icon { enabled, 0 }, }}; resource 'DLOG' (rDLOG_OpenFolder, purgeable) { /* Height += 31 */ {0, 0, 197, 344}, dBoxProc, invisible, noGoAway, 0, 129, "", noAutoCenter, }; /* Open Folder, based on system -6042 */ resource 'DITL' (129, purgeable) {{ /* Standard file (do not change, see IM: Files 3-18) */ {135, 252, 155, 332}, Button {enabled, "Open"}, {104, 252, 124, 332}, Button {enabled, "Cancel"}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, HelpItem {disabled, HMScanhdlg {-6042}}, {8, 235, 24, 337}, UserItem {enabled}, {32, 252, 52, 332}, Button {enabled, "Eject"}, {60, 252, 80, 332}, Button {enabled, "Desktop"}, {29, 12, 159, 230}, UserItem {enabled}, {6, 12, 25, 230}, UserItem {enabled}, {91, 251, 92, 333}, Picture {disabled, 11}, /* Additions */ {166, 252, 186, 332}, Button {enabled, "Choose"}, {166, 12, 186, 230}, Button {enabled, "Choose Current Directory"}, }}; #ifdef MPW resource 'SIZE' (-1) { dontSaveScreen, acceptSuspendResumeEvents, enableOptionSwitch, canBackground, multiFinderAware, backgroundAndForeground, dontGetFrontClicks, ignoreChildDiedEvents, is32BitCompatible, notHighLevelEventAware, onlyLocalHLEvents, notStationeryAware, dontUseTextEditServices, notDisplayManagerAware, reserved, reserved, 60 * 1024, 60 * 1024 }; #endif type kCreator as 'STR '; resource kCreator (0, purgeable) { APPNAME " 0.1 ©2022 Dietrich Epp" }; resource 'vers' (1) { 0x00, 0x01, development, 0x00, verUS, "0.1", "0.1, Copyright ©2021 Dietrich Epp" }; resource 'FREF' (128, purgeable) {'APPL', 0, ""}; resource 'FREF' (129, purgeable) { kTypeProject, 1, ""}; resource 'BNDL' (128, purgeable) { kCreator, 0, { 'ICN#', {0, 128, 1, 129}, 'FREF', {0, 128, 1, 129}, }, }; resource 'STR#' (rSTRS_Errors) {{ "An unknown error occurred.", "An internal error occurred.", "Out of memory.", "Could not save project “^1”.", }}; resource 'WIND' (rWIND_Project, preload, purgeable) { {32, 32, 256, 32 + 128*3}, documentProc, invisible, goAway, 0, "Untitled Project", staggerMainScreen, }; resource 'CNTL' (rCNTL_ChooseFolder, preload, purgeable) { {10, 10, 30, 90}, 0, visible, 1, 0, pushButProc, 0, "Choose…", };