// Copyright 2022 Dietrich Epp. // This file is part of SyncFiles. SyncFiles is licensed under the terms of the // Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. See LICENSE.txt for details. /* convert_1r.c - Reverse conversion from UTF-8 to extended ASCII. */ #include "convert/convert.h" #include "lib/defs.h" enum { /* Maximum length of encoded character. */ kMaxEncodedLength = 8, /* Initial number of nodes to allocate when building the tree. */ kInitialTableAlloc = 8 }; struct TEntry { /* The output character, or zero if no output. */ UInt8 output; /* The next node, or zero if no next node. */ UInt8 next; }; /* A node for building the converter. */ struct TNode { struct TEntry entries[256]; }; struct TTree { struct TNode **nodes; int count; }; static ErrorCode CreateTree(struct TTree *tree, Handle data, Size datasz) { struct TNode **nodes, *node; int i, j, dpos, enclen, encend, state, cur, nodecount, nodealloc; unsigned ch; /* Create a tree with a root node mapping all the ASCII characters except NUL, CR, and LF. NUL won't map because an output of 0 is interpreted as no output. CR and LF are removed so they can be handled specially be the decoder. */ nodes = (struct TNode **)NewHandle(kInitialTableAlloc * sizeof(struct TNode)); if (nodes == NULL) { return kErrorNoMemory; } nodecount = 1; nodealloc = kInitialTableAlloc; node = *nodes; MemClear(node, sizeof(struct TNode)); for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { node->entries[i].output = i; } node->entries[kCharLF].output = 0; node->entries[kCharCR].output = 0; /* Parse the table data and build up a tree of TNode. */ dpos = 1; /* For each high character (128..255). */ for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { /* For each encoding of that character. */ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (dpos >= datasz) { goto bad_table; } enclen = (UInt8)(*data)[dpos++]; if (enclen != 0) { if (enclen < 2 || enclen > datasz - dpos || enclen > kMaxEncodedLength) { goto bad_table; } /* Iterate over all but last byte in encoding, to find the node which will produce the decoded byte as output. */ state = 0; node = *nodes; for (encend = dpos + enclen - 1; dpos < encend; dpos++) { ch = (UInt8)(*data)[dpos]; cur = state; state = node->entries[ch].next; if (state == 0) { if (nodecount >= nodealloc) { nodealloc *= 2; if (!ResizeHandle( (Handle)nodes, nodealloc * sizeof(struct TNode))) { DisposeHandle((Handle)nodes); return kErrorNoMemory; } node = *nodes + cur; } state = nodecount++; node->entries[ch].next = state; node = (*nodes) + state; MemClear(node, sizeof(*node)); } else { node = *nodes + state; } } ch = (UInt8)(*data)[dpos++]; if (node->entries[ch].output != 0) { goto bad_table; } node->entries[ch].output = i | 0x80; } } } if (!ResizeHandle((Handle)nodes, nodecount * sizeof(struct TNode))) { DisposeHandle((Handle)nodes); return kErrorNoMemory; } tree->nodes = nodes; tree->count = nodecount; return 0; bad_table: DisposeHandle((Handle)nodes); return kErrorBadData; } struct NodeInfo { UInt8 min; UInt8 max; UInt16 offset; }; struct CEntry { UInt16 output; UInt16 next; }; /* A compressed table node. Followed by an array of centry. */ struct CNode { /* First byte in table. */ UInt8 base; /* Number of entries in table, minus one. */ UInt8 span; }; static ErrorCode CompactTree(Handle *out, struct TNode **nodes, int nodecount) { Handle ctree; struct TNode *node; struct NodeInfo **infos, *info; struct CNode *cnode; struct CEntry *centry; int i, j, min, max, count, next; unsigned offset; /* Figure out where each compacted node will go. */ infos = (struct NodeInfo **)NewHandle(sizeof(struct NodeInfo) * nodecount); if (infos == NULL) { return kErrorNoMemory; } offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < nodecount; i++) { node = *nodes + i; min = 0; while (node->entries[min].output == 0 && node->entries[min].next == 0) { min++; } max = 255; while (node->entries[max].output == 0 && node->entries[max].next == 0) { max--; } info = *infos + i; info->min = min; info->max = max; info->offset = offset; count = max - min + 1; offset += sizeof(struct CNode) + count * sizeof(struct CEntry); } /* Create the compacted tree. */ ctree = NewHandle(offset); if (ctree == NULL) { DisposeHandle((Handle)infos); return kErrorNoMemory; } for (i = 0; i < nodecount; i++) { node = *nodes + i; info = *infos + i; min = info->min; max = info->max; offset = info->offset; cnode = (void *)(*ctree + offset); cnode->base = min; cnode->span = max - min; centry = (void *)(*ctree + offset + sizeof(struct CNode)); for (j = min; j <= max; j++) { centry->output = node->entries[j].output; next = node->entries[j].next; if (next != 0) { next = (*infos)[next].offset; } centry->next = next; centry++; } } DisposeHandle((Handle)infos); *out = ctree; return 0; } ErrorCode Convert1rBuild(Handle *out, Handle data, Size datasz) { struct TTree table; ErrorCode err; err = CreateTree(&table, data, datasz); if (err != 0) { return err; } err = CompactTree(out, table.nodes, table.count); DisposeHandle((Handle)table.nodes); return err; } struct Convert1rState { UInt8 lastch; UInt8 output; UInt16 tableoffset; }; void Convert1rRun(const void *cvtptr, LineBreakConversion lc, struct ConverterState *stateptr, UInt8 **optr, UInt8 *oend, const UInt8 **iptr, const UInt8 *iend) { struct Convert1rState *state = (struct Convert1rState *)stateptr; const struct CNode *node; const struct CEntry *entry; UInt8 *opos = *optr; const UInt8 *ipos = *iptr, *savein; unsigned ch, lastch, chlen, output, saveout, toffset, savetoffset; ch = state->lastch; savein = ipos; saveout = state->output; toffset = state->tableoffset; savetoffset = toffset; if (oend - opos < 2) { goto done; } goto resume; next_out: if (oend - opos < 2) { goto done; } /* Follow state machine to the end. */ savein = ipos; saveout = 0; toffset = 0; savetoffset = 0; resume: for (;;) { if (ipos >= iend) { goto done; } lastch = ch; ch = *ipos++; node = (const void *)((const UInt8 *)cvtptr + toffset); ch -= node->base; if (ch > node->span) { toffset = 0; goto bad_char; } entry = (const void *)((const UInt8 *)cvtptr + toffset + sizeof(struct CNode) + ch * sizeof(struct CEntry)); output = entry->output; toffset = entry->next; if (toffset == 0) { /* Reached end of tree. */ if (output == 0) { goto bad_char; } *opos++ = output; goto next_out; } if (output != 0) { /* Can produce output here, or can consume more input. We try consuming more input, but save the state to rewind if that fails. */ savein = ipos; saveout = output; savetoffset = toffset; } } bad_char: /* Bad character. Back up and try again. */ ipos = savein; if (saveout != 0) { /* Produce saved output. */ *opos++ = saveout; ch = 0; } else { /* No saved output, this really is a bad character. Consume one UTF-8 character, emit it as a fallback, and continue. */ ch = *ipos++; if ((ch & 0x80) == 0) { /* ASCII character: either NUL, CR, or LF, because only these characters will result in a transition to state 0. */ if (ch == 0) { *opos++ = ch; } else if (ch == kCharLF && lastch == kCharCR) { if (lc == kLineBreakKeep) { *opos++ = ch; } } else { switch (lc) { case kLineBreakKeep: *opos++ = ch; break; case kLineBreakLF: *opos++ = kCharLF; break; case kLineBreakCR: *opos++ = kCharCR; break; case kLineBreakCRLF: *opos++ = kCharCR; *opos++ = kCharLF; break; } } } else { if ((ch & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { chlen = 1; } else if ((ch & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { chlen = 2; } else if ((ch & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { chlen = 3; } else { chlen = 0; } for (; chlen > 0; chlen--) { if (ipos == iend) { goto done; } ch = *ipos; if ((ch & 0xc0) != 0x80) { break; } ipos++; } *opos++ = kCharSubstitute; } } goto next_out; done: state->lastch = ch; state->output = saveout; state->tableoffset = savetoffset; *optr = opos; *iptr = savein; }