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2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
; Hacks to match MacOS (most recent first):
; <Sys7.1> 8/3/92 Reverted <SM1> by putting back the "ROM" prefixes.
; 9/2/94 SuperMario ROM source dump (header preserved below)
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; File: FileIDs.a
; Contains: This file contains the high level calls for FileIDs. It sets up calls for the
; low level file (FileIDsSvcs.a) after going through the proper HFS async queuing,
; and checking for volume legality (i.e., online, writable, TFS vol, exists). See
; doc preceeding each call for more details.
; Registers A0-A1, D0-D2 are assumed trashable by calling convention.
; Copyright: © 1989-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM4> 8/27/93 BH Removed <SM3>. The flushing stuff is now in CmdDone.
; <SM3> 8/3/93 BH Flushing critical volume info when changed for a volume in a
; manual-eject drive.
; <SM2> 5/19/92 CS Integrated changes from Reality:
; <14> 4/4/92 gs Fixed bug# 1021960 : BNE.S should be to @Exit1, NOT @Exit after
; the JSRs to DtrmV3 and ExtOffLinCk. 'bugz' bit
; gestaltResolveFileIDRefFix should be set when this is fixed.
; <SM1> 4/15/92 kc Removed the "ROM" prefix from the RomBind routines.
; • Pre-SuperMario comments follow •
; <13> 9/13/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <12> 4/16/91 KST bb and dnf, #KSCT20: Fixing a bug in ExchangeFile which leaves
; cache buffers in an inconsistent state.
; <11> 4/12/91 dnf bb,#86775: Have ExchangeFiles call FClose (the standard File
; Manager fork flushing path) to ensure that information in the
; FCB array is synchronized to disk.
; <10> 3/19/91 dnf dba, #84908: Allow ExchangeFiles to exchange locked files. Since
; ExchangeFiles uses the same permissions rules as CatMove, we use
; the same rule as CatMove here, and dont bother to respect the
; file locked bits.
; <9> 1/14/91 KST Documentation change.
; <8> 9/22/90 dnf (bb/dnf) Fix PB-trashing bug in ExchangeFiles.
; <7> 9/10/90 KST Fixing a bug in EXCHANGEFILE which saved/restored only the LS Word
; of A1 <5>. Also we free the cache buffers only, not trashing them.
; <6> 8/29/90 KST Fixing a bug in DeleteFileIDRef which BSR to CmdDone (should be JMP).
; <5> 8/28/90 dnf Fix file flushing code in ExchangeFiles.
; <4> 8/6/90 dnf Make it impossible to exchange a file with itself.
; <3> 7/30/90 dnf Rename rom references and use jsrROM macro.
; <2> 2/4/90 DNF Remove include of HFS70equ.a
; <1.9> 11/15/89 EKN Tweeks from 2nd code review + ResolveID,DeleteID use ioNamePtr
; for vol spec.
; 11/14/89 EKN Tweeks from 2nd code review + ResolveID, DeleteID use ioNamePtr.
; <1.8> 10/13/89 EKN CreateID should get the ID if it exists on a locked volume.
; 10/12/89 EKN CreateID will get the ID even if the volume is locked, but will
; bypass the create.
; <1.7> 9/29/89 EKN Exchange on Open Files AND Little twiddles for stylish stuff
; from code review.
; 9/28/89 EKN Exchange work on closed and open files! Little twiddles for
; stylish stuff from code review. (ie, take out saving of
; registers)
; <1.6> 8/29/89 EKN PBHResolveID had BNE errors reversed for TFSVCBTst and
; ExtOffLinChk.
; <1.5> 7/24/89 EKN PBHExchangeFiles <= closed files. New errors fidFileOpen,
; fidDiffVol. Pass catHints. Error if not TFS vol.
; 7/21/89 EKN Change PBHExchangeFiles to work on closed (vs open) files AGAIN.
; Enumerate fcbs to enforce closed files in PBHExchangeFiles (err
; fidFileOpen) Enforce same volumes with pathnames in
; PBExchangeFiles (err fidDiffVol) Added passing of catHints in
; PBHExchangeFile for better enforcing of closed-ness. Add
; TFSVCBTst to all calls. Use A6 stack to save names instead of A7
; in CreateID and Exchange... Pretty up: Capitalize all "bsr"s;
; Change JSRs to BSRs;fix comments.
; <1.4> 7/6/89 dnf Change all references to ExtOffLinCh to ExtOffLinCk to match ROM
; names
; <1.3> 5/30/89 dnf Getting more kinks out
; <1.2> 5/30/89 dnf Changes to support HFS7.0 Enhancements ptch
; 5/29/89 EKN Created file.
; <1.1> 5/24/89 rwh include inc.sum.a to fix build problems
; <1.0> 5/15/89 EKN Get the FileIDs facility into the system build for the first
; time.
; External
; Routines: PBHCreateID - Creates a file thread to an HFS existing file.
; PBHDeleteID - Destroys the file thread to the HFS File.
; PBHResolveID - Given a fileID, returns the parID and cname of the file.
; PBHExchangeFiles - Exchanges the data of the files. For doing "safe saves".
BLANKS ON ; need semicolons to separate comments now
STRING ASIS ; strings are the way they look
PRINT OFF ; don't send lines to assembly listing file
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
PRINT ON ; okay, send the lines for the listing
PRINT NOGEN ; don't show the macro expansions
EXPORT CreateFileIDRef, DeleteFileIDRef, ResolveFileIDRef, PBHExchangeFiles
IMPORT FIDCreateID, FIDDeleteID, FIDGetID, FIDResolveID, FIDExchangeFiles
; Routine: CreateFileIDRef
; Function: Sets up the call to FIDCreateID. But first, it queues us for async calls,
; converts pathnames, and checks volumes legality (exists, online, writable, and TFS).
; Also, if the volume is locked, the existance of a fileID is checked and returned,
; but not created!
; Note: There is a decrepancy between FndFilName and PushCName. FndFilName returns a
; long length for name, while pushCname uses a word length for name.
; Input: A0.L -- pointer to HParamBlockRec parameter block of type FIDParam, uses
; ioVRefNum, ioFileName, ioSrcDirID
; Output: A0.L -- pointer to HParamBLockRec parameter block of type FIDParam, uses
; ioFileID, ioResult
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMFSQUEUE ; first wait our turn ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMFNDFILNAME ; parse pathname(IN: A0=prmblk OUT: D0=err D2.L=namLen D6=dirID ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; D7=cathint A1=volBuffer A2=vcb A3=WDCB A4=cname A5=fileDirEntry)
BNE.S @Exit
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMEXTOFFLINCK ; is the volume online and used by us (not ExtFS)? (IN: A2=vcb OUT: D0=err) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE.S @Exit
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMTFSVCBTST ; it better be an HFS volume (IN: A2=vcb) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
MOVEA.L A0, A3 ; sure paramblock ptr for later
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMPUSHCNAME ; Put name on A6 stack (IN: A4=name D2.W=len OUT: A0=name D2=len) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
MOVE.W D2,-(A6) ; Save rounded source name length
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMCVFLGS ; is the volume writable? (IN: A2=vcb OUT: D0=err) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BEQ.S @DoCreate
MOVE.W D0, D7 ; save the error
MOVE.L D6, D0 ; dirID or parent dirID
JSR FIDGetID ; get the ID (IN: A0=cname D0=dirID A2=vcb OUT: D0=err D1=fthd)
MOVE.W (A6)+,D2 ; Recover rounded source length
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMPOPCNAME ; Remove dest. name string (IN: A6=string D2=rndLen OUT: D2=len) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
MOVE.L D1, ioFileID(A3) ; set the fileID back in the paramblock ptr
BEQ.S @existsErr ; the fileID exists on the locked volume
CMP.W #cmFThdGone, D0
BNE.S @nxtErrChk
MOVE.W D7, D0 ; the fileID doesn't exist, so pass back LOCKED status
BRA.S @Exit
@DoCreate MOVE.L D6, D0 ; dirID or parent dirID
JSR FIDCreateID ; and do it (IN: A0=cname D0=dirID A2=vcb OUT: D0=err D1=fthd)
MOVE.W (A6)+,D2 ; Recover rounded source length
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMPOPCNAME ; Remove dest. name string (IN: A6=string D2=rndLen OUT: D2=len) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
MOVE.L D1, ioFileID(A3) ; set the fileID back in the paramblock ptr
BEQ.S @Exit ; no errors, get out
CMP.W #CMExists, D0 ; Convert "Cnode exists" to "File ID exists"
BNE.S @nxtErrChk
@existsErr MOVE.W #fidExists, D0
BRA.S @Exit
@nxtErrChk CMP.W #cmFThdDirErr, D0
BNE.S @nxtErrChk1
MOVE.W #NotAFileErr, D0
BRA.S @Exit
@nxtErrChk1 CMP.W #CMNotFound, D0
BNE.S @Exit
MOVEQ #fnfErr, D0
BRA.S @Exit
@NotHFSErr MOVEQ #wrgVolTypErr, D0
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
@Exit jmpROM ROMCMDDONE ; will also put the D0 result in ioResult(A0) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; Routine: DeleteFileIDRef
; Function: Sets up the call to FIDDeleteID. But first, it queues us for async calls,
; and checks volumes legality (exists, online, writable, and TFS).
; Input: A0.L -- pointer to HParamBlockRec parameter block of type FIDParam, uses
; ioVRefNum, ioFileID, ioFileName
; Output: A0.L -- pointer to HParamBLockRec parameter block of type FIDParam, uses
; ioResult
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMFSQUEUE ; first wait our turn ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMDTRMV3 ; get the vcb by vrefnum or name(IN: A0=prmblk OUT:A2=vcb D0=err) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE.S @Exit ; D2=nameLen? D3=volName? A3=WDCB A4=pathName)
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMCVFLGS ; is the volume writable? (IN: A2=vcb OUT: D0=err) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE.S @Exit
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMEXTOFFLINCK ; is the volume online and used by us (notExtFS)? (IN: A2=vcb OUT: D0=err) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE.S @Exit
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMTFSVCBTST ; it better be an HFS volume (IN: A2=vcb) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
MOVE.L ioFileID(A0), D0 ; file id
JSR FIDDeleteID ; and do it (IN: A2=vcb D0=fThd OUT: D0=err)
BEQ.S @Exit
CMP.W #cmFThdGone, D0
BNE.S @nxtErrChk
MOVE.W #fidNotFound, D0
BRA.S @Exit
@nxtErrChk CMP.W #CMNotFound, D0
BNE.S @nxtErrChk1
MOVE.W #fnfErr, D0
BRA.S @Exit
@nxtErrChk1 CMP.W #cmFThdDirErr, D0
BNE.S @Exit
MOVE.W #NotAFileErr, D0
BRA.S @Exit
@NotHFSErr MOVEQ #wrgVolTypErr, D0
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
@Exit jmpROM ROMCMDDONE ; will also put the D0 result in ioResult(A0) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; Routine: ResolveFileIDRef
; Function: Sets up the call to FIDResolveID. But first, it queues us for async calls,
; and checks volumes legality (exists, online, and TFS).
; Input: A0.L -- pointer to HParamBlockRec parameter block of type FIDParam, uses
; ioVRefNum, ioFileID, ioFileName
; Output: A0.L -- pointer to HParamBLockRec parameter block of type FIDParam, uses
; ioResult, ioFileName, ioSrcDirID
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMFSQUEUE ; first wait our turn ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMDTRMV3 ; get the vcb by vrefnum or name (IN: A0=prmblk OUT:A2=vcb D0=err) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE.S @Exit1 ; <SM2> CSS D2=nameLen? D3=volName? A3=WDCB A4=pathName?)
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMEXTOFFLINCK ; is the volume online and used by us (notExtFS)? (IN: A2=vcb OUT: D0=err) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE.S @Exit1 ; <SM2> CSS
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMTFSVCBTST ; it better be an HFS volume (IN: A2=vcb) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
MOVEA.L A0, A3 ; save paramblock ptr for later
MOVE.L ioFileID(A0), D0 ; file id
MOVEA.L ioFileName(A0), A0; empty storage provided by client to put name in
JSR FIDResolveID ; and do it (IN: A2=vcb D0=fThd OUT: A0=cname D1=dirID D0=err)
BEQ.S @Exit
CMP.W #CMNotFound, D0
BNE.S @nxtErrChk
MOVE.W #fidNotFound, D0
BRA.S @Exit1
@nxtErrChk CMP.W #cmFThdDirErr, D0
BNE.S @Exit
MOVE.W #NotAFileErr, D0
BRA.S @Exit1
@NotHFSErr MOVEQ #wrgVolTypErr, D0
BRA @Exit1
@Exit MOVE.L D1, ioSrcDirID(A3) ; put it back in paramblock
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
@Exit1 jmpROM ROMCMDDONE ; will also put the D0 result in ioResult(A0) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; Routine: PBHExchangeFiles
; Function: Sets up the call to FIDExchangeFiles. But first, it queues us for async calls,
; converts pathnames, checks volumes legality (exists, online, writable, and TFS),
; makes sure the two files are on the same volume (in case pathnames were used),
; and flushes any cached blocks for open forks on either file by enumerating all fcbs.
; Input: A0.L -- pointer to HParamBlockRec parameter block of type FIDParam, uses
; ioVRefNum, ioFileName, ioSrcDirID, ioDestNamePtr, ioDestDirID
; Output: A0.L -- pointer to HParamBLockRec parameter block of type FIDParam, uses
; ioResult
; the use of registers end up to be as follows after some initial manipulation:
; A2 = vcb, A3 = destName, A4 = cmvars/scratch, A5 = srcName
; D2 = srcCatHint, D3 = destCatHint, D4 = destFileNum, D5 = srcFileNum, D6 = destDirID, D7 = srcDirID
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMFSQUEUE ; first wait our turn ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMFNDFILNAME ; parse pathname(IN: A0=prmblk OUT: D0=err D2.L=namLen D6=dirID ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE @Exit ; D7=cathint A1=volBuffer A2=vcb A3=WDCB A4=cname A5=fileDirEntry)
MOVE.L D6, D1 ; save src dirID for later
MOVE.L D2, D5 ; save the rounded source name length for later
MOVE.L A4, -(A6) ; save the name for later
MOVE.L A2, -(A6) ; hold onto vcb for a while
move.l ioFileName(a0), -(a6) ; save caller's ioFileName value <bb/dnf 8>
move.l ioSrcDirID(a0), -(a6) ; save caller's ioSrcDirID value <bb/dnf 8>
MOVE.L ioDestNamePtr(A0), ioFileName(A0)
MOVE.L ioDestDirID(A0), ioSrcDirID(A0)
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMFNDFILNAME ; parse pathname(IN: A0=prmblk OUT: D0=err D2.L=namLen D6=dirID ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; D7=cathint A1=volBuffer A2=vcb A3=WDCB A4=cname A5=fileDirEntry)
move.l (a6)+, ioSrcDirID(a0) ; restore caller's ioSrcDirID value <bb/dnf 8>
move.l (a6)+, ioFileName(a0) ; restore caller's ioFileName value <dd/dnf 8>
MOVE.L (A6)+, A3 ; pop the vcb a little early, in case we exit next
TST.W D0 ; set the Z status again
BNE @PopAndErr
MOVE.L D1, D7 ; move the src dirID to someone safe
CMP.L A2, A3 ; better be the same volumes if specified by pathnames
BNE @difVolErr
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMCVFLGS ; is the volume writable? (IN: A2=vcb OUT: D0=err) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE @PopAndErr ; no ->
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMEXTOFFLINCK ; is the volume online and used by us (notExtFS)? (IN: A2=vcb OUT: D0=err) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE @PopAndErr
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMTFSVCBTST ; and it better be an HFS volume (IN: A2=vcb) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; set up the names properly
MOVE.L (A6)+, A5 ; get the src name off the A6 stack before it changes
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMPUSHCNAME ; Put dest name on A6 stack (IN: A4=name D2.W=len OUT: A0=name D2=len) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
MOVE.L A0, A3 ; save the dest name
MOVE.L A5, A4 ; get the src name
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save dest rounded name length
MOVE.L D5, D2 ; get the src name length
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMPUSHCNAME ; Put src name on A6 stack (IN: A4=name D2.W=len OUT: A0=name D2=len) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save rounded name length
; grab the File ID numbers to use later for fcb searching on open files
SUB #lenCMVars, A6 ; LocCRec expects some storage from A6 pointed to by A4
MOVEA.L A0, A5 ; keep the src name
MOVE.L D7, D0 ; set the src dir ID
MOVEQ #0, D2 ; no cat hint
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMLOCCREC ; search the catalog (IN: A2=vcb A4=cmvars A0=name D0=dirID D2=catHInt ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE @ExchErr ; OUT: D0=err D1=size D2=catHint A0=ckr A1=cdr)
MOVE.L D2, D4 ; save the src cat hint
MOVE.L filFlNum(A1), D5 ; save src file ID
MOVEA.L A3, A0 ; set the dest name
MOVE.L D6, D0 ; set the dest dir ID
MOVEQ #0, D2 ; no cat hint
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMLOCCREC ; search the catalog (IN: A2=vcb A4=cmvars A0=name D0=dirID D2=catHInt ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BNE @ExchErr ; OUT: D0=err D1=size D2=catHint A0=ckr A1=cdr)
MOVE.L D2, D3 ; save the dest cat hint
MOVE.L D4, D2 ; put the src cat hint where it belongs (dest cat hint is in D3)
MOVE.L filFlNum(A1), D4 ; save dest file ID
cmp.l d4, d5 ; are we trying to exchange a file with itself? <dnf 4>
bne.s @NotTheSameFile ; if not, just keep going <dnf 4>
move.l #sameFileErr, d0 ; if so, we don't have to do anything <dnf 4>
bra @PopAndExit ; optimize, optimize, optimize... <dnf 4>
@NotTheSameFile: ; <dnf 4>
; Flush any open paths with the files in question! (release cache buffers) <KSCT>
; Note: The cache takes fcb refnum as an argument for flushing. The only way to get
; this value is to walk the fcb array and find matches of the file number. If a match
; is found, that fcb refnum can be used for flushing. BUT, the fcb walk continues, since
; there can be more than one open path per file.
; FINE TUNING: Flag if either file is open. THEN after FidExchangeFiles, if none, skip fcb walking.
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMGT1STFCB ; get the first fcb (uses A1, D1) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
@loop CMP.L fcbVPtr(A1, D1), A2 ; better be correct volume
CMP.L fcbFlNm(A1, D1), D5
BNE.S @tstDestID
BRA.S @flushAndNxt
@tstDestID CMP.L fcbFlNm(A1, D1), D4
st FlushOnly ; only flush, please <11>
jsrROM FClose ; sync the FCB info w/catalog file entry <11>
bne @PopAndExit ; bail at the slightest hint of trouble <11>
movem.L a1/d1, -(a6) ; save refnum and FCBSptr around flush <dnf 5>
MOVE.W D1, D0 ; set it up for flush (fcb index = refnum)
MOVEQ #kFCTrash, D1 ; must trash them because exchangefiles will not <16Apr91 #12>
; update the file number in the buffer header after the exchange
MOVE.L VCBBufAdr(A2), A1
ST CacheFlag ; really flush
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMFLUSHCACHE ; release the buffers to free buffer pool ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
movem.L (a6)+, a1/d1 ; restore refnum and FCBSPtr after flush <dnf 5>
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
@nxtFCB jsrROM ROMGTNXTFCB ; ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BCS.S @loop ; loop thru them all
; we are almost ready to roll...FINALLY!...
; (future enhancement: flush the catalog and extents file from the caches in case of ioErrors)
; (future enhancement: trash/flush the catalog and extents file from the caches if ioErrors upon return)
MOVEA.L A5, A0 ; the src CName
MOVEA.L A3, A1 ; the dest CName
MOVE.L D6, D1 ; the dest dir id
;; valid buffer in the free queue has a file number tag to it in the header, however,
;; after FIDExchangeFiles the file number is no longer valid. So we have to call TrashFBlocks
;; to invalidate all the buffer associated with the files. <16Apr91 #12 ksct>
;; A2.L = VCBptr, D4,D5 = file numbers we want to trash <16Apr91 #12>
MOVE.L D4,D0 ; D0 = file number <16Apr91 #12>
BSR trashFileBlocks ; trash one file <16Apr91 #12>
MOVE.L D5,D0 ; D0 = file number <16Apr91 #12>
BSR trashFileBlocks ; trash the other file <16Apr91 #12>
MOVE.L D7, D0 ; the src dir id <16Apr91 #12>
JSR FIDExchangeFiles ; and do it (IN: A0=srcName A1=destName A2=vcb D0=srcDID
BNE.S @ExchErr ; D1=destDID D2=srcCatHint D3=destCatHint OUT: D0=err)
; exchange fcb info (file number, file name, and file parID only!)
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMGT1STFCB ; get the first fcb (uses A1, D1) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
@loop1 CMP.L fcbVPtr(A1, D1), A2 ; better be correct volume
BNE.S @nxtFCB1
CMP.L fcbFlNm(A1, D1), D5
BNE.S @tstDestID1
MOVE.L #0, FcbCatPos(A1, D1)
MOVE.L D4, fcbFlNm(A1, D1)
MOVE.L D6, fcbDirID(A1, D1)
MOVEA.L A3, A0 ; move dest name into fcbCName of src file
MOVEA.L A1, A4 ; Save A1 across _BlockMove
LEA FCBCName(A1, D1),A1 ; fcb spot to move to
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; Clear upper bytes in D0, add length byte
ADD.B (A0),D0 ; Pick up number of bytes to copy
_BlockMove ; Copy the filename
MOVEA.L A4, A1 ; Restore A1
BRA.S @nxtFCB1
@tstDestID1 CMP.L fcbFlNm(A1, D1), D4
BNE.S @nxtFCB1
MOVE.L #0, FcbCatPos(A1, D1)
MOVE.L D5, fcbFlNm(A1, D1)
MOVE.L D7, fcbDirID(A1, D1)
MOVEA.L A5, A0 ; move src name into fcbCName of dest file
MOVEA.L A1, A4 ; Save A1 across _BlockMove
LEA FCBCName(A1, D1),A1 ; fcb spot to move to
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; Clear upper bytes in D0, add length byte
ADD.B (A0),D0 ; Pick up number of bytes to copy
_BlockMove ; Copy the filename
MOVEA.L A4, A1 ; Restore A1
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
@nxtFCB1 jsrROM ROMGTNXTFCB ; ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
BCS.S @loop1 ; loop thru them all
BRA.S @PopAndExit
; if we had errors....
@ExchErr CMP.W #CMNotFound, D0
BNE.S @nxtErrChk1
MOVEQ #fnfErr, D0
BRA.S @PopAndExit
@nxtErrChk1 CMP.W #cmFThdDirErr, D0
BNE.S @PopAndExit
MOVE.W #NotAFileErr, D0
BRA.S @PopAndExit
@difVolErr MOVE.W #DiffVolErr, D0
BRA.S @PopAndExit
@NotHFSErr MOVEQ #wrgVolTypErr, D0
@PopAndErr ADDQ #4, A6 ; pop the name off the stack
BRA.S @Exit
; YIPPIE! we're done!
@PopAndExit ADD #lenCMVars, A6 ; get the temp storage back needed by LocCRec
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Recover rounded length
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMPOPCNAME ; Remove src name string (IN: A6=string D2=rndLen OUT: D2=len) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Recover rounded length
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
jsrROM ROMPOPCNAME ; Remove dest name string (IN: A6=string D2=rndLen OUT: D2=len) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
2020-03-22 08:44:21 +00:00
@Exit jmpROM ROMCMDDONE ; will also put the D0 result in ioResult(A0) ex<SM1><Sys7.1> Put back "ROM"
2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; trashFileBlocks (trash all cache things of the file), Entry to the TrashFBlocks.
; Input: D0.L - file number
; A2.L - VCB ptr
trashFileBlocks ; all registers preserved <16Apr91 #12>
MOVEM.L D0-D6/A0-A4,-(SP) ; jTBStartSearch needs these on the stack <16Apr91 #12>
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; file number <16Apr91 #12>
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; zero means trash all blocks <16Apr91 #12>
MOVE.L jTrashBlocks,-(SP) ; go start the search <16Apr91 #12>
RTS ; jTrashBlocks restores d0-d6/a0-a4 <16Apr91 #12>
; this actually jumps to cache's TBStartSearch <16Apr91 #12>