; ; File: MagicData.a ; ; Contains: This file is used to include the data used by Magic when Magic ; is enabled in a ROM. ; ; (Nice Ricardo.) Actually, this file contains ; strings of *some* of the contributors to SuperMario. ; ; Written by: Ricardo Batista ; ; Copyright: © 1982-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 9/29/93 SAM From mc900ftjesus ; 9/27/93 SAM Moved MagicName outside the conditional for non magic builds. ; 9/27/93 SAM Changed this file to more accurately reflect the contributions ; of the people listed. Removed the conditional include of ; Ricardo's secret files. ; 9/13/93 pdw Adding natives. ; 6/15/93 RC adding PDM names to list ; <3> 5/14/93 RB I missed a couple of names last time. Sorry about that. ; <2> 4/28/93 RB Updated some of the names ; <1> 7/20/92 RB first checked in ; ; Magic PROC EXPORT EXPORT MagicName MagicName IF hasMagic THEN STRING PASCAL lea @Names,a0 rts @Names dc.b 'The original SuperMario System 7 to ROM porting team:' dc.b ' ' dc.b 'Central: Ricardo Batista, Rich Biasi, Philip Nguyen, Roger Mann' dc.b '         Kurt Clark, Chas Spillar, Paul Wolf, Clinton Bauder' dc.b '         Giovanni Agnoli and Debbie Lockett' dc.b 'Cyclone: Tony Leung, Greg Schroeder, Mark Law, Fernando Urbina' dc.b '         Dan Hitchens, Jeff Boone, Craig Prouse, Eric Behnke' dc.b '         Mike Bell, Mike Puckett, William Sheet, Robert Polic' dc.b '         and Kevin Williams' dc.w 0 ; <<--- Used to mark the end of the strings (two empty strings) ; Use option-space between the group name and people to keep mono spacing ENDP ENDIF END