; ; File: SecondaryInit.a ; ; Written by: Mike Puckett, October 3, 1991 ; ; Copyright: © 1988-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 12/13/93 PN Roll in KAOS and Horror to add support for Malcom and AJ ; 08-03-93 jmp Updated sources to reflect necessary changes from HORROR. ; 01-11-93 jmp Updated various BoxFlag names. ; 10/28/92 SWC Changed VideoEqu.a->Video.a and ShutdownEqu.a->Shutdown.a. ; <1> 10/6/92 GDW New location for ROMLink tool. ; 09-03-92 jmp (jmp,H9) Corrected .s vs. non-.s branches and odd-alignment ; problems. ; (ag,H8) Change to use new power manger calling convention. ; (jmp,H7) Needed to add Wombat-class CPUs to those that need to ; run the Sound-Input VBL-killer code. ; 6/4/92 KW (djw,H6) moved power mgr code to after EndSecondaryInit label so ; the code would be called. (ag,H5) Added call to power dispatch ; to allow power manager code execution at secondary init time. ; 5/16/92 kc Roll in Horror Changes. Comments follow: ;

01/29/92 jmp (jmp,Z4) Added in some code that eliminates the System 7 Tuner’s ; secure-mode unfriendly keyboard patches. ; <2> 3/31/92 JSM Rolled this file into Reality. ;

01/27/92 jmp (BG,Z3) Added miscellaneous Zydeco-specific SoundMgr fixes. ;

01/22/92 jmp (jmp,Z2) Added a way to temporarily disable the altsense code. ;

10/24/91 jmp first checked in ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- STRING C PRINT OFF LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' INCLUDE 'DockingEqu.a' INCLUDE 'EgretEqu.a' INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a' INCLUDE 'GestaltPrivateEqu.a' INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' INCLUDE 'IOPrimitiveEqu.a' INCLUDE 'PowerPrivEqu.a' INCLUDE 'ROMEqu.a' INCLUDE 'Video.a' INCLUDE 'SlotMgrEqu.a' INCLUDE 'ShutDown.a' INCLUDE 'SonicEqu.a' INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' INCLUDE 'DepVideoEqu.a' PRINT ON SEG '_sSecondaryInitRec' MACHINE MC68020 LSecondaryInit PROC ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Header ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- Dc.b sExec2 ; code revision Dc.b sCPU68020 ; CPU type is 68020 Dc.w 0 ; reserved DC.L BeginSecondaryInit-* ; offset to code ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Local variables, definitions, etc.... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- SInitStackFrame Record {A6Link},Decrement Return Ds.l 1 ; Return address. A6Link Ds.l 1 ; Saved A6. spBlk Ds SpBlock ; SpBlock for generic use. sPRAMBlk Ds.b SizesPRAMRec ; SpRAMRec for generic use. theDrHwID Ds.w 1 ; The DrHwID in use. theBoardID Ds.b 1 ; The boardID in use. Ds.b 1 ; SInitStackSize Equ * Endr GestaltSelectorFrame Record {A6Link},Decrement Result Ds.w 1 ; The Gestalt OSErr result. GSFStartParams Equ * Selector Ds.l 1 ; Selector, OSType. ResponsePtr Ds.l 1 ; Response, VAR-type. GSFParamSize Equ GSFStartParams-* Return Ds.l 1 ; Return address. A6Link Ds.l 1 ; Save A6. Org GSFSize Equ * ENDR ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Data ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This is the VBL from System 7.0.1 ({SoundMgr}SoundMgrPatch.a) that is unnecessary ; on the Quadra 950. SndVBLTask ; 7.0.1 System Disk Sound VBL Task (stored as data here) dc.w $317C, $001E, $000A ; MOVE.W #$001E,$000A(A0) dc.w $2278, $0CC0 ; MOVEA.L $0CC0,A1 dc.w $40E7 ; MOVE SR,-(A7) dc.w $007C, $0700 ; ORI.W #$0700,SR dc.w $4A29, $0F09 ; TST.B $0F09(A1) dc.w $6706 ; BEQ.S *+$0008 dc.w $4A29, $0F29 ; TST.B $0F29(A1) dc.w $661A ; BNE.S *+$001C dc.w $137C, $0001, $0F09 ; MOVE.B #$01,$0F09(A1) dc.w $137C, $0001, $0F29 ; MOVE.B #$01,$0F29(A1) dc.w $4229, $0F09 ; CLR.B $0F09(A1) dc.w $4229, $0F29 ; CLR.B $0F29(A1) dc.w $317C, $0001, $000A ; MOVE.W #$0001,$000A(A0) dc.w $46DF ; MOVE (A7)+,SR dc.w $4E75 ; RTS SndVBLSize equ *-SndVBLTask ; ; The System 7.0 Tuner is not secure-switch friendly. So, we need to tell it to not apply the ; “putter” keyboard fixes. This routine is installed into the System heap as a Gestalt proc; it ; is not executed from within this file. ; With GestaltSelectorFrame FixKBFix Link A6,#GSFSize ; Set up a Gestalt-style stackframe. Move.l ResponsePtr(A6),A0 ; Get a pointer to the response variable. Move.l #(1<. Clr.l spParamData(A0) ; Look only for enabled sRsrcs. _GetTypeSRsrc ; If we didn’t find ourselves, Bne.s @EndScrn ; then just go on. ; Check to see if there’s an 'scrn' resource available… ; Clr.l -(Sp) ; Make room for the function result. Move.l #'scrn',-(Sp) ; Push desired resource type. Clr.w -(Sp) ; Resource ID = 0. _GetResource ; Get the resource. Move.l (Sp)+,D0 ; Get the resource handle. Beq.s @EndScrn ; If nil, then just go on. Move.l D0,-(Sp) ; Save Handle for _ReleaseResource call. Movea.l D0,A2 ; Save it for easy access later on. Movea.l D0,A0 ; Set up to lock it down for now. _HNoPurge ; Make it non-purgeable and… _HLock ; …lock it down. ; Check to see if we’re in the 'scrn' resource… ; Movea.l (A0),A0 ; Get a pointer to the 'scrn' resource. Move.w (A0)+,D0 ; Get the number of 'scrn' records to search. Subq #1,D0 ; Make it zero-based. @ScrnLoop Tst.w srSlot(A0) ; If this entry is for Slot 0, Beq.s @ChkDrHwID ; then check the drHwID. Adda.w #ScrnRecSize,A0 ; Otherwise, point A0 at the next entry. Dbra D0,@ScrnLoop ; Loop until done. Bra.s @EndScrnChk ; We couldn’t find our 'scrn' entry, so just go on. @ChkDrHwID Move.w theDrHwID(A6),D0 ; Get our drHwID back into D0. Cmp.w srDrvrHW(A0),D0 ; If the drHwIDs don’t match, Bne.s @EndScrnChk ; then just go on. ; Make sure the depth (mode) setting is correct… ; Lea sPRAMBlk(A6),A1 ; Point to our sPRAM block. Moveq #0,D0 ; Clear D0 for good measure. Move.b SP_Depth(A1),D0 ; Get the mode we’d like to be at. Cmp.w srMode(A0),D0 ; If the modes match, Beq.s @EndScrnChk ; then just go on. Move.w D0,srMode(A0) ; Otherwise, write out what we want. Move.l A2,-(Sp) ; Set up to mark our change. _ChangedResource ; Do it. Move.l A2,-(Sp) ; Set up to write our change out. _WriteResource ; Do it. ; Clean up and go home… ; @EndScrnChk _ReleaseResource ; Release the ‘scrn’ resource. @EndScrn Rts ; And return home. Endwith ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Main ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- With SInitStackFrame,SEBlock,SpBlock BeginSecondaryInit Link A6,#SInitStackSize ; Allocate some space on the stack. Move.w #seSuccess,seStatus(A0) ; No reason to fail here. ; Perform some generic intializations. Clr.b spBlk.spSlot(A6) ; This is always a slot 0 SecondaryInit. Clr.b spBlk.spExtDev(A6) ; Don’t ask why, always clear this guy. With ProductInfo,VideoInfo,SP_Params Lea spBlk(A6),A0 ; Point to our spBlock. Lea sPRAMBlk(A6),A2 ; Point to a sPRAM block. Move.l A2,spResult(A0) ; Set up read buffer. _sReadPRAMRec ; Read Slot 0’s pRAM. Movea.l UnivInfoPtr,A0 ; Point to the ProductInfo record. Adda.l VideoInfoPtr(A0),A0 ; Point to the VideoInfo record. Move.w DrvrHwID(A0),D0 ; Get the DrHwID. Move.w D0,theDrHwID(A6) ; Remember it for later. Move.b BoardSRsrcID(A0),theBoardID(A6) ; Remember the board ID. Endwith ; For built-in video’s that support it, go seek out and cleanse the 'scrn' resource if it is ; invalid. Note: This is generally used to prevent family-mode swapping from forcing the ; screen back to 1bpp due to a historical oversight on the part of the Monitors control ; panel. ; Bsr.s ChkScrn ; D0.w contains theDrHwID. ; We can’t read the keyboard without lots of non-generic stuff during PrimaryInit, so we do that ; here. The reason we are doing this is to temporarily disable the type-6 multimode support. ; To be consistent with the System, we use the shift key to disable. ; With SP_Params,SpBlock Cmpi.w #drHwDAFB,theDrHwID(A6) ; If we’re using the DAFB driver, Beq.s @AltSense ; then do the AltSense stuff. Cmpi.w #drHwSonora,theDrHwID(A6) ; If we’re using the Sonora driver, Beq.s @AltSense ; then do the AltSense stuff. Bra.s @EndAltSense ; Otherwise, keep going. @AltSense Lea sPRAMBlk(A6),A2 ; Point to a sPRAM block. Lea spBlk(A6),A0 ; Point to our spBlock. Move.b SP_AltSense(A2),D0 ; Get the alternate senseID pRAM byte into D0. Move.b D0,D4 ; Save it for later. Andi.b #spAltSenseValidMask,D0 ; If the alternate senseID is not valid, Beq.s @ChkForRestore ; just go on. Movem.l KeyMap,D0-D3 ; Get the KeyMap. Bclr #7,D3 ; Clear off the power key. Bclr #1,D1 ; Clear off capslock key. Bclr #0,D1 ; Clear off and test the shift key. Beq.s @EndAltSense ; Don’t disable if shift key is not held down. Or.l D1,D0 ; Also, don’t disable if Or.l D2,D0 ; various other stray Or.l D3,D0 ; keys are being. Bne.s @EndAltSense ; held down Move.b D4,D0 ; Get the alternate senseID pRAM byte again. Andi.b #spAltSenseMask,D0 ; Strip off the validation code. Ori.b #spAltSenseDisable,D0 ; Temporarily disable the alternate senseID. Move.b D0,SP_AltSense(A2) ; Move.l A2,spsPointer(A0) ; Set up parameter block. _sPutPRAMRec ; Write pRAM out. _SDRestart ; Restart the machine. @ChkForRestore Move.b D4,D0 ; Get the alternate senseID pRAM byte again. Andi.b #spAltSenseDisable,D0 ; If it is not the temporary disable code, Beq.s @EndAltSense ; then just go on. Move.b D4,D0 ; Get the alternate senseID pRAM byte again. Andi.b #spAltSenseMask,D0 ; Strip off the validation bits. Ori.b #spAltSenseValidMask,D0 ; Re-validate the alternate senseID byte. Move.b D0,SP_AltSense(A2) ; Move.l A2,spsPointer(A0) ; Set up parameter block. _sPutPRAMRec ; Write pRAM out. EndWith @EndAltSense ; We only want the following to execute on CPUs with caboose keyswitches. We are telling the ; System 7 Tuner to not load it’s secure-mode unfriendly version of the Keyboard fixes. ; ; Note: The method used below to “fix” the System 7 Tuner is actually incomplete. We really ; should check to see if the gestaltBugFixAttrs selector actually exists, and if so, use ; _ReplaceGestalt to OR-in the fact that we don’t want the keyboard fix (gestaltKeyboardFix) ; to be applied. Instead, we “know” that if the gestaltBugFixAttrs does exist, then the ; problem we are addressing here must have already been fixed. Move.l #KeySwMask,D0 ; Get isolation mask ready. <4> And.l UnivROMFlags,D0 ; Grab keyswitch bits in UnivROMFlags. <4> Sub.l #KeyswCaboose,D0 ; Do we have a Keyswitch? <4> Bne.s @EndKBFixes ; No, skip keyboard fixes. <4> Move.l #gestaltBugFixAttrs,D0 ; Setup to load the bug-fix selector. _Gestalt ; Try to load it. Beq.s @EndKBFixes ; If it’s there, assume it’s okay. Lea FixKBFix,A1 ; Point to the beginning of the keyboard fix. Lea EndKBFix,A0 ; Point to the end of the keyboard fix. Sub.l A1,A0 ; Determine the keyboard fix size. Move.l A0,D0 ; Set up for _NewPtr (size in D0). Move.l D0,D1 ; Save the size for BlockMove. _NewPtr Sys ; Attempt to get a block in the System heap. Bne.s @EndKBFixes ; If failed, just go on. Lea FixKBFix,A1 ; Otherwise, point back at keyboard fix. Exg A0,A1 ; Set up for BlockMove (A0=Src,A1=Dest). Move.l D1,D0 ; D0 is size of block to move. _BlockMove ; Do it. Move.l A1,D2 ; Save System heap address for later if necessary. Move.l #gestaltBugFixAttrs,D0 ; Setup to install bug-fix selector. Exg A1,A0 ; Point to keyboard fix in System heap. _NewGestalt ; Do it. @ChkForErr Beq.s @EndKBFixes ; If the call worked, just go on. Movea.l D2,A0 ; Otherwise, point to System heap code. _DisposPtr ; And throw it away. @EndKBFixes ; There are two parts to the following pieces of code. For the first piece, we want to execute on the ; Quadra 950 and the Wombat-class machines running the System 7.0.1 version of the Sound Manager. ; Supposed, the problem that this code addresses will be fixed in Cube-E. For the second piece, ; we only want to run on the Qudara 950. ; kSndMgrVersion EQU $02018000 ; System 7.0.1 Version of the Sound Manager. TestFor djMEMCChipBit ; If we’re on a Wombat-class CPU, then Bne.s @StrtSndFix ; apply this fix. cmpi.b #boxQuadra950,BoxFlag ; are we a Quadra 950? Bne.s @EndSoundFixes ; nope ... we're outta here @StrtSndFix clr.l -(sp) ; make room for PASCAL return value _SndSoundManagerVersion ; get current soundMgr version move.l (sp)+,d0 ; retrieve returned value cmpi.l #kSndMgrVersion,d0 ; are we the 7.0.1 soundmgr? bne.s @EndSoundFixes ; nope ... we're outta here ; ; This will go and hunt down the Sound VBL Task and kill it. The reason for that is ; that in the Zydeco ROM, the "problem" this attempted to fix is fixed for real, so ; this VBL is no longer needed. move sr,-(a7) ; save the status register ori.w #$0100,sr ; mask off vbl interrupts lea VBLQueue,a1 ; A1 points to the queue lea qHead-vblink(a1),a0 ; setup to fetch head of list @VBLloop move.l vblink(a0),d0 ; advance to next block beq.s @VBLDone ; if queue is empty, exit movea.l d0,a0 ; get pointer to next VBL control block move.l vblAddr(a0),a1 ; get pointer to their code lea SndVBLTask,a2 ; get pointer to our code move.w #(SndVBLSize/2-1),d0 ; size of code @checkLoop cmp.w (a1)+,(a2)+ ; compare source bytes dbne d0,@checkLoop ; until not equal or out of bytes to check bne.s @VBLloop ; not found - keep looking _VRemove ; REMOVE the VBL @VBLDone move (a7)+,sr ; restore interrupts ; We also want to UNpatch the InputSelect routine for the Quadra 950, since it ; shouldn't have been patched out in 7.0.1 ANYWAY, and we fixed a problem in the ; Q950 ROM routine, so we should use that one. cmpi.b #boxQuadra950,BoxFlag ; are we a Quadra 950? bne.s @EndSoundFixes ; nope ... we're outta here With ExpandMemRec,ProductInfo Move.l UnivInfoPtr,A0 ; Point to the ProductInfo table. Adda.l SndControlPtr(A0),A0 ; Point to the sound primitives. Adda.l sndInputSelect*4(A0),A0 ; Point to the input-select routine. Move.l A0,D0 ; Save pointer. movea.l expandMem,a0 ; get base of ExpandMemRec movea.l emSndPrimitives(a0),a0 ; get base of SoundMgr Primitives Tbl move.l D0,sndInputSelect*4(a0) ; replace input select mechanism with ROM one Endwith @EndSoundFixes ; The Standard WDEF that shipped in the gybly for the Darts and DBLite had a fix which explicitely ; looked for the GSC hardware and then for a particular kind of screen. We’re replacing that ; kind of thing with a Gestalt call that returns whether or not the screen sucks. We do that ; here. Since the Darts and DBLite have already shipped, we don’t include them here. ; ; Note: If we’re on an Escher/Yeager and we’re docked to an Atlantis or DuoDock, then we’ve already ; shut the CSC down at this point, and we’ll get a bus error if we try to talk to it. So, ; we first check to see if the CSC has been reset or not. If it hasn’t, then we just skip ; all this. ; With ProductInfo,DecoderInfo Cmpi.w #drHwCSC,theDrHwID(A6) ; If we’re not using the CSC driver, Bne @EndScreenSucks ; then just leave. Movea.l UnivInfoPtr,A0 ; Point to the ProductInfo table. Adda.l DecoderInfoPtr(A0),A0 ; Point to the base address table. TestFor MSCChipBit ; If we have an MSC, Bne.s @MSC ; then hop to it. TestFor PrattExists ; If we have a Pratt, Bne.s @Pratt ; then hop to it. Bra.s @EndScreenSucks ; Otherwise, just leave. @MSC Movea.l RBVAddr(A0),A1 ; Point to the MSC’s base address. Btst #MSCLCDReset,MSCClkCntl(A1) ; If CSC hasn’t been reset, Beq.s @EndScreenSucks ; then just leave. Movea.l VDACAddr(A0),A1 ; Point to the CSC base address. Move.b CSCPanelID(A1),D0 ; Read the panel ID. Cmpi.b #isG_D_STN_640x400,D0 ; If we’re are using the sucky screen, Beq.s @FixIt ; then say so. Bra.s @EndScreenSucks ; Otherwise, just leave. @Pratt Movea.l VDACAddr(A0),A1 ; Point to the CSC base address. Move.b CSCPanelID(A1),D0 ; Read the panel ID. Cmpi.b #isG_D_STN_640x480,D0 ; If we aren’t using the sucky screen, Bne.s @EndScreenSucks ; then just leave. @FixIt Moveq #0,D2 ; Assume we won’t be replacing the selector. Move.l #gestaltGraysFlicker,D0 ; Setup to load the sucky-screen selector. _Gestalt ; If it’s not already loaded, then Bne.s @AddInNew ; just add it in. Lea OldGraysFlicker,A1 ; Point to the old-response value holder. Move.l A0,(A1) ; Fill it up with the old response. Moveq #1,D2 ; Remember that we’ll be replacing. @AddInNew Lea NewGraysFlicker,A1 ; Point to the beginning of the flicker code. Lea EndNewGraysFlicker,A0 ; Point to its end. Sub.l A1,A0 ; Determine the size. Move.l A0,D0 ; Set up for _NewPtr (size in D0). Move.l D0,D1 ; Save the size for BlockMove. _NewPtr Sys ; Attempt to get a block in the System heap. Bne.s @EndScreenSucks ; If failed, just go on. Lea NewGraysFlicker,A1 ; Otherwise, point back at the code. Exg A0,A1 ; Set up for BlockMove (A0=Src,A1=Dest). Move.l D1,D0 ; D0 is size of block to move. _BlockMove ; Do it. Move.l A1,D3 ; Save System heap address for later if necessary. Move.l #gestaltGraysFlicker,D0 ; Setup to install the new/replacement selector. Exg A1,A0 ; Point to the code in the System heap. Tst.l D2 ; If we’re supposed to be replacing, Bne.s @ReplaceIt ; then call the replacement trap. _NewGestalt ; Otherwise, call new. Bra.s @ChkForErr ; See if there was an error. @ReplaceIt _ReplaceGestalt ; Call replace. @ChkForErr Beq.s @EndScreenSucks ; If the call worked, just go on. Movea.l D3,A0 ; Otherwise, point to System heap code. _DisposPtr ; And throw it away. @EndScreenSucks Endwith ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;
Call Powermanager Secondary Init. Power manager uses this entry point ; to execute code which MUST be run after patches. ; IF hasPwrControls THEN PowerMgr2Init IF isUniversal THEN TestFor hwCbPwrMgr ; check for power manager beq.s @exitPwrMgr ; if no pmgr skip ENDIF With PowerDispRec,PMgrHookDispRec moveq #((PSecondaryInit << 16) | \; secondary init selector (PMgrHookDisp << 0)),d0 ; call pmgr hook _PowerDispatch ; call power manager Endwith @exitPwrMgr ENDIF Unlk A6 ; Restore link. Rts ; Go home. _EndsSecondaryInitRec ENDP END