{************************************************************ ConnectionTools.p Pascal Interface to the CommToolBox connection tools Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1988-1991 All rights reserved This file is used in these builds: BigBang Change History (most recent first): <5> 8/28/91 CH Updated interface headers for consistency. <4> 7/25/91 JL Checked in database generated file from DSG. Reordered file to match C file. <3> 6/18/91 BH move ctb 1.1 stuff here <2> 11/27/90 kaz Moving CMExtensions tool messages to Internal <jng> <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in To Do: ************************************************************} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 0} {$ENDC} {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} UNIT ConnectionTools; INTERFACE {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingConnectionTools} {$SETC UsingConnectionTools := 1} {$I+} {$SETC ConnectionToolsIncludes := UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 1} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingDialogs} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Dialogs.p} {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingConnections} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Connections.p} {$ENDC} {$SETC UsingIncludes := ConnectionToolsIncludes} CONST { messages for DefProc } cmInitMsg = 0; cmDisposeMsg = 1; cmSuspendMsg = 2; cmResumeMsg = 3; cmMenuMsg = 4; cmEventMsg = 5; cmActivateMsg = 6; cmDeactivateMsg = 7; cmIdleMsg = 50; cmResetMsg = 51; cmAbortMsg = 52; cmReadMsg = 100; cmWriteMsg = 101; cmStatusMsg = 102; cmListenMsg = 103; cmAcceptMsg = 104; cmCloseMsg = 105; cmOpenMsg = 106; cmBreakMsg = 107; cmIOKillMsg = 108; cmEnvironsMsg = 109; { new connection tool messages for ctb 1.1 } cmNewIOPBMsg = 110; cmDisposeIOPBMsg = 111; cmGetErrorStringMsg = 112; cmPBReadMsg = 113; cmPBWriteMsg = 114; cmPBIOKillMsg = 115; { messages for validate DefProc } cmValidateMsg = 0; cmDefaultMsg = 1; { messages for Setup DefProc } cmSpreflightMsg = 0; cmSsetupMsg = 1; cmSitemMsg = 2; cmSfilterMsg = 3; cmScleanupMsg = 4; { messages for scripting defProc } cmMgetMsg = 0; cmMsetMsg = 1; { messages for localization defProc } cmL2English = 0; cmL2Intl = 1; { private data constants } cdefType = 'cdef'; { main connection definition procedure } cvalType = 'cval'; { validation definition procedure } csetType = 'cset'; { connection setup definition procedure } clocType = 'cloc'; { connection configuration localization defProc } cscrType = 'cscr'; { connection scripting defProc interfaces } cbndType = 'cbnd'; { bundle type for connection } cverType = 'vers'; TYPE CMDataBufferPtr = ^CMDataBuffer; CMDataBuffer = RECORD thePtr: Ptr; count: LONGINT; channel: CMChannel; flags: CMFlags; END; CMCompletorPtr = ^CMCompletorRecord; CMCompletorRecord = RECORD async: BOOLEAN; completionRoutine: ProcPtr; END; { Private Data Structure } CMSetupPtr = ^CMSetupStruct; CMSetupStruct = RECORD theDialog: DialogPtr; count: INTEGER; theConfig: Ptr; procID: INTEGER; { procID of the tool } END; {$ENDC} { UsingConnectionTools } {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} END. {$ENDC}