{ File: MenuMgrPriv.p Contains: The MenuMgrPriv unit is a unit shell. Written by: Kevin S. MacDonell Copyright: © 1989-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <5> 6/14/91 JL Moved SavedBits here from the Public Interface File: Menus.p. <4> 1/28/91 JAL (LN) Adding SaveBits,RestoreBits, and DiscardBits from Menus.p <3> 1/21/91 DFH (KSM) Adding System Menu constants from MenuMgrPriv.a. <2> 6/8/90 KSM Add IsSystemMenu call. <1> 5/14/90 KSM New today. <0> 3/16/90 KSM New Today. To Do: } {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 0} {$ENDC} {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} UNIT MenuMgrPriv; INTERFACE {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingMenuMgrPriv} {$SETC UsingMenuMgrPriv := 1} {$I+} {$SETC MenuMgrPrivIncludes := UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 1} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingMemory} {$I Types.p} {$I Menus.p} {$ENDC} {$SETC UsingIncludes := MenuMgrPrivIncludes} { System Menu IDs as we know them } CONST kLoSystemMenuRange = $B000; { This is -20480 (the lowest value) } kHiSystemMenuRange = $BFFF; { This is -16385 (the highest value) } kApplicationMenuID = $BF97; { -16489: The application menu ID } kHelpMenuID = $BF96; { -16490: The help menu ID } kScriptMenuID = $BF95; { -16491: The keyboard menu ID } TYPE SavedBits = LONGINT; { For Save/Restore/Discard Bits calls } { The MenuDispatch calls } FUNCTION GetMenuTitleRect(menuID: INTEGER; VAR theRect: Rect): OSErr; INLINE $303C, $04FF, $A825; FUNCTION GetMBARRect(VAR theRect: Rect): OSErr; INLINE $303C, $04FE, $A825; FUNCTION GetAppMenusRect(VAR theRect: Rect): OSErr; INLINE $303C, $04FD, $A825; FUNCTION GetSysMenusRect(VAR theRect: Rect): OSErr; INLINE $303C, $04FC, $A825; FUNCTION DrawMBARString(bannerMsg: StringPtr; scriptID: INTEGER; teJust: INTEGER): OSErr; INLINE $303C, $08FB, $A825; FUNCTION IsSystemMenu(menuID: INTEGER; VAR isSys: BOOLEAN): OSErr; INLINE $303C, $03FA, $A825; FUNCTION SaveBits(saveRect: Rect; purgeable: BOOLEAN; VAR bits: SavedBits): OSErr; INLINE $303C, $0501, $A81E; FUNCTION RestoreBits(bits: SavedBits): OSErr; INLINE $303C, $0202, $A81E; FUNCTION DiscardBits(bits: SavedBits): OSErr; INLINE $303C, $0203, $A81E; {$ENDC} { UsingMenuMgrPriv } {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} END. {$ENDC}