; ; File: AARPequ.a ; ; Contains: xxx put contents here (or delete the whole line) xxx ; ; Written by: xxx put name of writer here (or delete the whole line) xxx ; ; Copyright: © 1987-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <1> 10/14/91 JSM first checked in ; <1.1> 9/8/89 jhl Phase 2 AppleTalk with final mods and VM rolled in. ; <1.0> 6/14/89 WTO Adding AppleTalk 2.0 for first time. ; ; ;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file “AARPequ.a” ; 1.1 jhl 09/08/1989 Phase 2 AppleTalk with final mods and VM rolled in. ; 1.0 WTO 06/14/1989 Adding AppleTalk 2.0 for first time. ; END EASE MODIFICATION HISTORY ;___________________________________________________________________________ ; ; AARPEqu.a - Apple Address Resolution Protocol Equates ; ; Alan Oppenheimer ; February 1987 ; ; Version 1.1a1 12/7/87 Up AARP retries. ; Version 1.0d4 5/13/87 Add retransmission equates ; Version 1.0d1 2/23/87 ; ; COPYRIGHT (C) 1987 APPLE COMPUTER ;___________________________________________________________________________ ; ; AARP protocol type ; AARP EQU $80F3 ; ; Offsets in packet ; AAHardware EQU 0 ; Hardware Type AAProtocol EQU AAHardware+2 ; Protocol Type AAHLength EQU AAProtocol+2 ; Hardware Length AAPLength EQU AAHLength+1 ; Protocol Length AACommand EQU AAPLength+1 ; AARP command AAData EQU AACommand+2 ; Data start ; ; AARP commands ; AARPReq EQU 1 ; Request AARPResp EQU 2 ; Response AARPProbe EQU 3 ; Probe ; ; EtherTalk specifics ; H_Ethernet EQU 1 ; Hardware type for Ethernet HL_Ethernet EQU 6 ; Ethernet address length P_AppleTalk EQU $809B ; Protocol type for AppleTalk PL_AppleTalk EQU 4 ; AppleTalk address length AAESrcPhys EQU AAData ; Source Physical Address offset AAESrcLog EQU AAESrcPhys+HL_Ethernet ; Source Logical Address AAEDstPhys EQU AAESrcLog+PL_AppleTalk ; Dest Physical Address AAEDstLog EQU AAEDstPhys+HL_Ethernet ; Dest Logical Address AAEEnd EQU AAEDstLog+PL_AppleTalk ; End of packet ; ; Retransmission equates ; APrbTicks EQU 12 ; Number of ticks between probes AReqTicks EQU 6 ; Number of ticks between requests (1.1) AReqTries EQU 10 ; Number of tries on requests (1.1)