/************************************************************ CTBTypes.r Resource types for the Communications Toolbox Written by: Byron Han Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1988-1992 All rights reserved Change History (most recent first): <12> 6/24/92 DCL Changed #ifndef __CTBTYPES.R__ to __CTBTYPES_R__ at the request of the MPW team (3.2.3 rez broke on the periods) <11> 8/28/91 CH Updated interface headers for consistency. <10> 8/20/91 BH added XTI definition for caps <9> 7/3/91 BH added faps and taps resources <8> 6/26/91 BH fixed typo. sorry <7> 6/26/91 BH oops - i messed up the cbnd definition. now fixed. sorry <6> 6/26/91 BH move caps here and include new extensions to caps <5> 1/10/91 kaz Moving 'caps' resource definition to Internal. <4> 7/2/90 kaz Fixed 'flst' definition to even out the structure for odd-length font names. <3> 5/22/90 kaz Updated 'flst' to include a textMode <2> 3/16/90 BBH add flst resource type <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in to BBS To Do: ************************************************************/ #ifndef __CTBTYPES_R__ #define __CTBTYPES_R__ /*----------------------------cbnd • Tool resource bundle list ------------------*/ /*----------------------------fbnd • Tool resource bundle list ------------------*/ /*----------------------------tbnd • Tool resource bundle list ------------------*/ type 'cbnd' { integer = $$CountOf(TypeArray) - 1; array TypeArray { literal longint; /* Type */ integer = $$CountOf(IDArray) - 1; wide array IDArray { integer; /* Local ID */ integer; /* Actual ID */ }; }; }; type 'fbnd' as 'cbnd'; type 'tbnd' as 'cbnd'; /*----------------------------flst • Font Family List----------------------------*/ type 'flst' { integer = $$CountOf(Fonts); /* # of fonts */ array Fonts { pstring; /* Font NAME */ align word; unsigned hex integer plain; /* Font Style */ integer; /* Font Size */ integer; /* Font Mode */ }; }; /*----------------------------caps • Connection tool capabilities list-----------*/ /* Define flags for "Channels" field of 'caps' resource */ #define cmData (1 << 0) #define cmCntl (1 << 1) #define cmAttn (1 << 2) #define cmDataNoTimeout (1 << 4) #define cmCntlNoTimeout (1 << 5) #define cmAttnNoTimeout (1 << 6) #define cmDataClean (1 << 8) #define cmCntlClean (1 << 9) #define cmAttnClean (1 << 10) // for end of message field of caps resource #define cmFlagsEOM (1 << 0); /* Connection tool capabilities resource */ type 'caps' { integer = $$CountOf (PairsArray); array PairsArray { switch { case Abort: key literal longint = 'ABRT'; literal longint supported = 1, notSupported = 0; case AppleTalkBased: key literal longint = 'ATLK'; longint appletalkBased = 1, notAppletalkBased = 0; case Break: key literal longint = 'BRK '; literal longint synchronousOnly = 'SYNC', asynchronousOnly = 'ASYN', both = 'BOTH', notSupported = 0; case Channels: key literal longint = 'CHAN'; hex longint; case Close: key literal longint = 'CLOS'; literal longint synchronousOnly = 'SYNC', asynchronousOnly = 'ASYN', both = 'BOTH', notSupported = 0; case EndOfMessage: key literal longint = 'EOM '; hex longint; case Kill: key literal longint = 'KILL'; literal longint supported = 1, notSupported = 0; case Listen: key literal longint = 'LSTN'; literal longint synchronousOnly = 'SYNC', asynchronousOnly = 'ASYN', both = 'BOTH', notSupported = 0; case LowLevelIO: key literal longint = 'LLIO'; literal longint supported = 1, notSupported = 0; case MinimumMemory: key literal longint = 'MEMM'; hex longint; case Open: key literal longint = 'OPEN'; literal longint synchronousOnly = 'SYNC', asynchronousOnly = 'ASYN', both = 'BOTH', notSupported = 0; case Order: key literal longint = 'ORDR'; longint guaranteed = 1, notGuaranteed = 0; case Protocol: key literal longint = 'PROT'; literal longint ISDN = 'ISDN', TCP = 'TCP ', ADSP = 'ADSP', NSP = 'NSP ', LAT = 'LAT ', NSPg = 'NSPg', LATg = 'LATg', Serial = 'SERD', Modem = 'MODM', MacPAD = 'PAD '; case Read: key literal longint = 'READ'; literal longint synchronousOnly = 'SYNC', asynchronousOnly = 'ASYN', both = 'BOTH', notSupported = 0; case RecommendedMemory: key literal longint = 'MEMR'; hex longint; case Reliability: key literal longint = 'RELY'; longint guaranteed = 1, notGuaranteed = 0; case Service: key literal longint = 'SERV'; literal longint Datagram = 'DGRM', Stream = 'STRM'; case Timeout: key literal longint = 'TOUT'; literal longint supported = 1, notSupported = 0; case Write: key literal longint = 'WRIT'; literal longint synchronousOnly = 'SYNC', asynchronousOnly = 'ASYN', both = 'BOTH', notSupported = 0; case XTI: /* reserved for Apple for now… */ key literal longint = 'XTI '; literal longint notSupported = 0; }; }; }; /*----------------------------faps • File Transfer tool capabilities list-----------*/ type 'faps' { integer = $$CountOf (PairsArray); array PairsArray { switch { case BatchTransfers: /* i.e. support for FTSend/FTReceive */ key literal longint = 'BXFR'; literal longint supported = 1, notSupported = 0; case FileTypesSupported: /* types of files that can be transferred */ key literal longint = 'TYPE'; literal longint textOnly = 'TEXT', allTypes = '????'; case TransferModes: /* send/receive or both */ key literal longint = 'MODE'; literal longint sendOnly = 'SEND', receiveOnly = 'RECV', sendAndReceive = 'BOTH', notSupported = 0; }; }; }; /*----------------------------taps • Terminal tool capabilities list-----------*/ type 'taps' { integer = $$CountOf (PairsArray); array PairsArray { switch { case TerminalSearching: /* i.e. support for TMAddSearch */ key literal longint = 'SRCH'; literal longint supported = 1, notSupported = 0; case TerminalType: /* types of files that can be transferred */ key literal longint = 'TYPE'; literal longint graphicsTerminal = 'GRFX', textTerminal = 'TEXT', both = 'BOTH'; }; }; }; #endif __CTBTYPES_R__