; ; Hacks to match MacOS (most recent first): ; ; 8/3/92 Reverted , slimming CTBBlock back down ; 9/2/94 SuperMario ROM source dump (header preserved below) ; ; Clean diff against SuperMario ; ; ; File: CommToolboxPriv.a ; ; Contains: Assembly Privates for CTB ; ; Written by: Byron Han ; ; Copyright: © 1988-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 7/7/92 CSS Roll-in from Reality. ; <20> 2/7/92 BH ResourceMapRecord removed, use ResourceMgrPriv.a instead ; 7/6/92 PN Add CommToolBoxTable into CTBBlock ; <19> 8/21/91 JSM Clean up header. ; <18> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the ‘already including this file’ variable to ; all uppercase (for security reasons) ; <17> 1/14/91 CP Moved gestalt EQU's to GestaltPrivateEqu.a ; <16> 1/9/91 kaz Changing ModemStringType and PrinterStringType to STR# to ; include driver names. Changing ChooseIDStrID from -32512 to ; -32510. ; <15> 12/10/90 kaz Fixing Gestalt typo ; <14> 11/1/90 fjs add equates for color icon types ; <13> 10/2/90 kaz Adding CRMAppRec to keep track of the processes that init the ; Term, FT, or Conn Mgrs; renamed reserved to appList to CTBBlock; ; added bitfields for initialized mgrs. ; <12> 9/10/90 JNG Have ResFileRec contain canonical form of file name; Add in new ; resources for choose ; <11> 8/6/90 BBH add back gestalt constants that are now private ; <9> 4/11/90 BBH added CTBBlockSize to determine size of the CTBBlock data ; structure ; <8> 3/17/90 BBH changed gestaltVersion to funcVersion to avoid duplicate symbol ; conflict with gestaltEqu.a ; <7> 3/17/90 BBH added gestalt function header for better stuffing of the version ; into the gestalt function resource ; <6> 3/16/90 BBH removed CTB_SysHeapType and replaced it with CTB_VersionType ; <5> 3/15/90 BBH fix typo ; <4> 3/14/90 BBH add constants for DITL entry ; <3> 3/14/90 BBH fix case for CTB_sysHeapMinID ; <2> 3/14/90 BBH added resource for minimum system heap size and merge in ; CommResourcesPriv.a, CTBPrivate.a, and CTBCoreIntf.a ; <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in ; IF &TYPE('__INCLUDINGCOMMTOOLBOXPRIV__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN __INCLUDINGCOMMTOOLBOXPRIV__ SET 1 INCLUDE 'FSEqu.a' ; ;=============================================================================== ;NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE ; ;Any changes made here MUST be reflected also in ; CommToolboxPriv.p ; CommToolboxPriv.a ; CommToolboxPriv.h ; CommToolboxPriv.r ;NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE ;=============================================================================== ; ; This file contains the resource types and resource ID's to be used by the CommToolbox ; the following 7 resources are temporary to be merged into ptch code CTB_InstallType EQU 'INIT' CTB_InstallID EQU 29 CTB_DispatcherType EQU 'proc' ; this used to be ctbd -32512 CTB_DispatcherID EQU -32509 CTB_GestaltProcType EQU 'proc' ; this used to be ctbg -32510 CTB_GestaltProcID EQU -32508 CTB_PatchType EQU 'ctbp' ; this used to be type ctb∂ CTB_Patch1 EQU -32512 ; allocate low memory CTB_Patch2 EQU -32511 ; register builtin ports CTB_Patch3 EQU -32510 ; perform gestalt installation ; end temporary CTB_ConnectionMgrType EQU 'cmtb' CTB_FileTransferMgrType EQU 'cmtb' CTB_TerminalMgrType EQU 'cmtb' CTB_CTBUtilitiesType EQU 'cmtb' CTB_CommResourceMgrType EQU 'cmtb' CTB_ConnectionMgrID EQU -32512 CTB_FileTransferMgrID EQU -32511 CTB_TerminalMgrID EQU -32510 CTB_CTBUtilitiesID EQU -32509 CTB_CommResourceMgrID EQU -32508 CTB_VersionType EQU 'ctb ' ; used to be ctbv -32512 CTB_VersionID EQU -32512 CTB_KeyclickType EQU 'snd ' ; this used to be ctb$ -32511 CTB_KeyclickID EQU -32512 CTB_ChooseType EQU 'proc' ; this used to be choo -32512 CTB_ChooseID EQU -32512 CTB_DITLPackType EQU 'proc' ; this used to be ditl -32512 CTB_DITLPackID EQU -32511 CTB_NuLookupType EQU 'proc' ; this used to be nlup -32510 CTB_NuLookupID EQU -32510 CTB_NuLookupParmsType EQU 'flst' ; this used to be parm -32510 CTB_NuLookupParmsID EQU -32510 CTB_ModemIconType EQU 'ICN#' ; this used to be ctbi -32512 CTB_Modem4ColorIconType EQU 'icl4' CTB_Modem8ColorIconType EQU 'icl8' CTB_ModemIconID EQU -32512 CTB_PrinterIconType EQU 'ICN#' ; this used to be ctbi -32511 CTB_Printer4ColorIconType EQU 'icl4' CTB_Printer8ColorIconType EQU 'icl8' CTB_PrinterIconID EQU -32511 CTB_ModemStringType EQU 'STR#' ; this used to be ctbs -32512 CTB_ModemStringID EQU -32512 CTB_PrinterStringType EQU 'STR#' ; this used to be ctbs -32511 CTB_PrinterStringID EQU -32511 CTB_CommFolderNameType EQU 'STR ' ; this used to be ctbs -32510 CTB_CommFolderNameID EQU -32510 CTB_MarkerType EQU 'ctb ' ; lets CTB6 installer scripts know CTB7 is installed CTB_CTB6MarkerID EQU 0 CTB_CTB7MarkerID EQU 1 CTB_ChooseDLOGID EQU -32512 CTB_ChoosehdlgID EQU -32512 CTB_ChoosedctbID EQU -32512 CTB_ChooseDITLID EQU -32512 CTB_ChooseSTRsID EQU -32510 CTB_ChooseLDEFID EQU -32512 CTB_ChoosehmnuID EQU -32512 CTB_ChoosefinfID EQU -32512 CTB_ChooseflstID EQU -32512 ; preferred over finf CTB_ChooseCNTLID EQU -32512 CTB_ChooseMENUID EQU -32512 CTB_ChooseConfirmDLOGID EQU -32511 CTB_ChooseConfirmDITLID EQU -32511 CTB_ChooseUnavailableDLOGID EQU -32509 CTB_ChooseUnavailableDITLID EQU -32509 CTB_NulookuphdlgID EQU -32510 CTB_NulookupDLOGID EQU -32510 CTB_NulookupdctbID EQU -32510 CTB_NulookupDITLID EQU -32510 CTB_NulookupSTRsID EQU -32510 CTB_NulookupLDEFID EQU -32510 CTB_PopupCDEFType EQU 'CDEF' CTB_PopupCDEFID EQU 63 ; added since CTB6 CTB_PopupTriangleType EQU 'PICT' CTB_PopupTriangleID EQU -8224 ; owned by cdef 63 CTB_PopupExpandType EQU 'proc' ; this expands menuwidth CTB_PopupExpandID EQU -8224 ; owned by cdef 63 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; Begin CommToolboxUtilites privates ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AppendMsg EQU 1 CountMsg EQU 2 ShortenMsg EQU 3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; Begin Installer privates ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; partial resource map description dispatchBranch EQU 0 dispatchTable EQU 2 dispatchRefnum EQU 78 dispatchBig EQU 80 ; gestalt function description header funcBranch EQU 0 funcType EQU 2 funcVersion EQU 6 funcID EQU 8 funcCTBV EQU 10 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; Begin CommResourceMgr privates ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; removed in <20> - use ResourceMgrPriv.a ; ; partial resource map description ;ResourceMapRecord RECORD 0 ;theHeader DS.L 4 ;next DS.L 1 ;refNum DS.W 1 ; ENDR ; description of CommResourceMgr structures for resource map manipulation CRMToolContext RECORD 0 ; NOTE::: If you change anything here, make sure CRMToolPreflight ; tool postflight get changed as well. oldProcID DS.W 1 oldHidden DS.L 1 toolProcID DS.W 1 wasBelow DS.B 1 ENDR ; CommResourceMgr structures for resource file management ResFileRec RECORD 0 theName DS FSSpec ; Canonical File name refNum DS.W 1 ; resource file reference number resMap DS.L 1 ; handle to master resource map pZone DS.L 1 ; zone where resource map resides useCount DS.L 1 ; use count in the current heap special DS CRMToolContext ; context saved for setup reserved DS.L 1 next DS.L 1 ; next in the chain size EQU * ENDR ; CRMResourceCount to track individual resources CRMResourceCount RECORD 0 next DS.L 1 ; next in the chain theHandle DS.L 1 ; the resource to track useCount DS.L 1 ; use count for this resource refnum DS.W 1 ; god only knows ENDR ; CRM App bits values for the cmtbFlags below cmInUse EQU 1 tmInUse EQU 2 ftInUse EQU 4 ; CRMAppRec to track processes that have called InitTM, InitFT, and InitCM CRMAppRec RECORD 0 aProcess DS.L 2 ; unique id for each process (not in Processes.a) cmtbFlags DS.W 1 ; bit field for InitXX calls reserved DS.L 1 ; next DS.L 1 ; next in chain ENDR ; CommToolbox globals CTBBlockVersion EQU 1 CTBBlock RECORD 0 version DS.W 1 ; CTBBlockVersion CRMQueue DS.L 1 ; QHdrPtr; resList DS.L 1 ; LONGINT; private DS.W 1 ; INTEGER; appList DS.L 1 ; CRMAppRecPtr; resFiles DS.L 1 ; ResFileRecHdl; toolResChain DS.L 1 ; ResourceMapHandle; ; ex secret DS.L 16 ; LONGINT CTBBlockSize EQU * ENDR ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Core routines ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; manager selectors CMSel EQU 0 TMSel EQU 1 FTSel EQU 2 ; common error codes CTBNoTools EQU 8 ; Common Tool Messages CTBInitMsg EQU 0 CTBDisposeMsg EQU 1 CTBSuspendMsg EQU 2 CTBResumeMsg EQU 3 CTBMenuMsg EQU 4 CTBEventMsg EQU 5 CTBActivateMsg EQU 6 CTBDeactivateMsg EQU 7 CTBGetErrorStringMsg EQU 8 ; except for connection manager since I BBH f*cked up CTBIdleMsg EQU 50 CTBResetMsg EQU 51 CTBAbortMsg EQU 52 CTBValidateMsg EQU 0 CTBDefaultMsg EQU 1 CTBPreflightMsg EQU 0 CTBSetupMsg EQU 1 CTBItemMsg EQU 2 CTBFilterMsg EQU 3 CTBCleanupMsg EQU 4 CTBGetMsg EQU 0 CTBSetMsg EQU 1 CTB2EnglishMsg EQU 0 CTB2IntlMsg EQU 1 ; core data structures CTBProcID EQU 0 ;INTEGER; CTBFlags EQU CTBProcID+2 ;LONGINT; CTBerrCode EQU CTBFlags+4 ;OSErr; CTBRefCon EQU CTBerrCode+2 ;LONGINT CTBUserData EQU CTBRefCon+4 ;LONGINT; CTBDefProc EQU CTBUserData+4 ;ProcPtr; CTBConfig EQU CTBDefProc+4 ;Ptr; CTBOldConfig EQU CTBConfig+4 ;Ptr; CTBReserved0 EQU CTBOldConfig+4 ;LONGINT; CTBReserved1 EQU CTBReserved0+4 ;LONGINT; CTBReserved2 EQU CTBReserved1+4 ;LONGINT; ; macros for invoking managers from assembler ; macros for including macsbug symbols MACRO _CTBTrap &selector MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; Get the return address MOVE.W &selector,-(SP) ; Push the selector MOVE.L SP,A0 ; Save off the record flag MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; Put RA back onto stack _CommToolboxDispatch ; Trap ENDM ; macro for invoking core routines ; note that this differs from ExternalCore macros in that there is an ; additional manager selector field to be passed ; MACRO _RealExternalCore &selector,&mgrsel MOVE.W &mgrsel,D0 ; Set the MgrSelector MOVE.W (A0),-(SP) ; Save the selector MOVE.W &selector,(A0) ; Replace with new selector _CommToolboxDispatch ; Trap MOVE.W (SP)+,(A0) RTS ENDM Macro EndCTBTrap &parmsize,&returnsize=0 MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; Get RA ADDA.W &parmsize,SP ; Clear parameters If (&UC(&returnsize) = 'W') Then MOVE.w D0,(SP) ; Stuff Return value ElseIf (&UC(&returnsize) = 'B') Then MOVE.B D0,(SP) ElseIf (&UC(&returnsize) = 'L') Then Move.L D0,(SP) Endif JMP (A0) ; Return to caller ENDM * ----------- DEBUGGING INFORMATION ------------- * This is used as a global switch to turn off the generation of debugging information. * The MACRO "DbgInfo" will generate this debugging information if set to 1. IF (&TYPE('DebuggerInfo') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN IF (&TYPE('RAID') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN RAID EQU 0 ENDIF IF RAID THEN DebuggerInfo EQU 1 ELSE DebuggerInfo EQU 0 ENDIF ENDIF * ------------- GENERATE DEBUGGER SYMBOL INFORMATION ------------- * This Macro will generate information for the debugger to read and display * as its module name. This aids in debugging Asm code while looking at it * in the debugger. This macro can only work if called at the end of stack * frame. The appearance of the Macro statement in the source code must occur * immediately after the final "JMP (A0)" or "RTS" instruction following the UNLINK. * Spaces may be included in the name, but no quotes are allowed. * {Form #1} DbgInfo ModName * {Form #2} DbgInfo.New Really Long Module Name For MacsBug 6.0 * There are now two naming conventions used in MacsBug, Form #1 is the older MacsBug, * or TMON, and Form #2 is the newer MacsBug 6.0. The older method would only * allow for a fixed length of eight characters. If a shorter name is passed to * this Macro, it will extend the length to 8 chars with trailing spaces. * MacsBug 6.0 will now allow for a variable length C type string. This Macro will * create the proper DC statements and takes into account word alignment issues. MACRO DbgInfo.&Opt &ModName# ; the name to be used in the Debugger PRINT Push,NoMDir ; Only list generated code LCLC &DbgName# ; name to generate for MacsBug LCLC &DbgTemp ; temporary name variable LCLC &New ; variable used to test old vs. new LCLC &S ; variable used to save PRINT state IF DebuggerInfo THEN ; do we want debugging info? IF &ModName# ≠ '' THEN ; did we get a module name? &New: SETC &UpCase(&Opt) ; make option all upper case IF (&New = 'NEW') THEN ; do we want new style? .* Create the new MacsBug naming convention * ----------------------------------------------- &DbgTemp: SETC &ModName# ; generate new type symbols IF &Len(&ModName#) < 32 THEN ; if module name < 32 chars IF &Len(&ModName#) // 2 = 0 THEN ; add space if even so that... &DbgTemp: SETC &Concat(&ModName#,' ') ; string length plus length byte... ENDIF ; will align to word boundary &DbgName#: SETC &Concat(&Chr($80 + &Len(&ModName#)), &DbgTemp) ELSE ; Length > 32 characters IF &Len(&ModName#) // 2 = 1 THEN ; add space if length is odd &DbgTemp: SETC &Concat(&ModName#,' ') ENDIF &DbgName#: SETC &Concat(&Chr($80), &Chr(&Len(&ModName#)), &DbgTemp) ENDIF ELSE ; make it the older style .* Create the older MacsBug naming convention * ----------------------------------------------- IF &Len(&ModName#) < 8 THEN ; if module name < 8 chars &DbgName#: SETC &Concat(&ModName#,' ') ; add at least 7 spaces &DbgName#: SETC &Concat(&Chr($80 + &ORD(&SubStr(&DbgName#,1,1))), &SubStr(&DbgName#,2,7)) ELSE ; there are at least 8 chars &DbgName#: SETC &Concat(&Chr($80 + &ORD(&SubStr(&ModName#,1,1))), &SubStr(&ModName#,2,7)) ENDIF ENDIF .* Create the DC.B with the debugger name, and include the NULs if new MacsBug option * ----------------------------------------------- &S: SETC &Setting('STRING') ; preserve STRING status IF &S ≠ 'ASIS' THEN ; only change it if not already ASIS STRING ASIS DC.B '&DbgName#' IF (&New = 'NEW') THEN DC.W 0 ; fake literal size for new MacsBug ENDIF STRING &S ELSE DC.B '&DbgName#' IF (&New = 'NEW') THEN DC.W 0 ; fake literal size for new MacsBug ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF PRINT Pop ; restore original print status ENDM ENDIF ; ...already included