; ; Hacks to match MacOS (most recent first): ; ; 8/3/92 Elliot make this change ; 9/2/94 SuperMario ROM source dump (header preserved below) ; ; ; File: UserAlerts.a ; ; Contains: deep shit alerts (for after booting) ; ; Copyright: © 1984-1991, 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; This file is used in these builds: BigBang ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <18> 6/12/91 LN removed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' ; <17> 3/4/91 dba dty: get rid of SysVers conditionals ; <16> 2/7/91 dnf kst, #79676: Use dsRecoverVCBPtr to draw the name of the volume ; that we're attempting disk recovery on. ; <15> 1/14/91 stb & mda; Add culprit name to generic crash dialog ; <14> 1/14/91 stb & PKE; tweak error messages; restore A5, SR, and SP for forced ; exits and clear MacJmp to prevent reentrancy ; <13> 12/15/90 stb & KSM; improve the dsBufPtrTooLow message. add a change to ; DoExitToShell to clear debugger flag. add a template for ; dsMemFullErr which show INIT or app name. ; <12> 11/21/90 csd & gbm; Remove the conditionals around the non-Shutdown manager ; code because we still need it for errors that happen before the ; Shutdown Manager is installed. ; <11> 11/15/90 stb & JDR; add alert for dsBufPtrTooLow ; <10> 9/6/90 DTY changed the wording of the shutdown messages. The old message ; seemed to imply that there was a safe and an unsafe way to turn ; off a Macintosh. ; <9> 6/11/90 DDG NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Fixed previous comment. ; <8> 6/11/90 DDG NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Fixed the dsNoFPU error to not spill over the ; end of the dialog. ; <7> 6/1/90 PKE DARIN IS A BAD DOG. In <5>, he changed the symbol name ; UImpTrapNumber to UnimplementedTrapNumber, but didn’t change the ; reference to it, thus breaking the SixPack build. Fixed it. ; <6> 5/31/90 DDG Added a generic system error (dsNoFPU) for ericksons and elsies ; that don’t have floating point chips. ; <5> 5/30/90 dba add alert for forced quit ; <4> 1/30/90 dba get rid of warnings when assembling; put in fancier messages; ; fix bug #34819 by reaching down the stack to restore the value ; of CurMap for the convenience of applications with ResumeProcs ; <3> 1/12/90 CCH added include of “HardwarePrivateEqu.a” ; <2> 12/28/89 dba changed PROC to MAIN so we get dead code stripping; got rid of ; the grayed resume button ; <1.4> 10/11/89 dba reformatted file; added new ShutDown Manager “user choice” ; alerts; improved icons ; <1.3> 8/15/89 dba OK FOR 6.0.4: get rid of Resume button in “can’t load the ; application: Finder” ; <1.2> 8/11/89 dba NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: changed text for alerts; improved ShutDown ; code used when ShutDown Manager is not present; added duplicate ; button lists to handle case where ResumeProc is not NIL; added ; system version to text of some alerts ; <1.1> 5/15/89 CCH Added alert for memory parity error. (#101) ; <1.0> 11/16/88 CCH Added to EASE. ; 8/16/88 dba changed procs 98 and 99 to avoid collision with errors 98 and 99 ; proc 98 is now proc 1098; proc 99 is now proc 1099 this caused a ; crash after “force-launching” a document from the Finder ; 3/20/88 EKH Added SysErr #98 (dsNoPatch) for RomNoPatch, so it has it's very ; own SysErr number. ; 1/7/88 EKH Added Alert for "needed resource can't be loaded" error at boot ; time (SysErr #99). This error is generated by PTCH id -1, and ; anyone else who can not load a "do or die" resource from the ; system file. ; 3/30/87 jdt Moved HD20 startup alert here from the boot alert table. ; 3/5/87 LAK Launch errors (System Error ID 26) modified to explain ; that the application could not be opened and allow return to ; Finder. Specifically, added Alert 26, Text 47, Icon 39, Procs ; 98-99, Button List 74, and String 81. Changed ShutDown alert ; text from “power off your machine” to “turn off your Macintosh”; ; it now shares icon 39 with launch fail alert. This file may now ; be built as an INIT 31 file for testing (see below for sample ; build code). ; 12/1/86 jdt Removed the installation code as this is now a DSAT resource. ; 9/9/86 DLD Changed the PowerOff Icon's bits. ; 9/3/86 DLD Made Reset call ShutDown if Possible. ; 9/3/86 DLD Added the ShutDown Alert ; 9/2/86 DLD Added Align 0 before ResumeString to avoid word alignment on new ; assembler. ; 8/4/86 DLD Converted source to MPW. ; 4/14/84 SC mercilessly chopped out stuff, added RESET ; 2/23/84 AJH tweaked disk switch alert ; ; NOTE: UserAlerts is loaded before PTCHs on Mac Plus and SE ROMs ($75 and $276). ; (BootAlerts is active while PTCHs are loaded on all other ROMs.) ; string asis load 'StandardEqu.d' include 'ShutDownEqu.a' include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' include 'GestaltEqu.a' ; <14> include 'FileMgrPrivate.a' ShutDownTrapNumber equ $95 ; _ShutDown UnimplementedTrapNumber equ $9F ; _Unimplemented ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UserAlerts main export ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; Icon numbering: ; ; The internal icon numbers are also used as resource IDs for color icons, ; so they must be assigned like all other reserved resource IDs. ; Also, like all the other numbers below, they must steer clear of system errors. ; For this reason we use negative numbers lower than -10000. dsiBomb equ -16397 dsiStop equ -16400 dsiDiskSwap equ -16398 dsiNote equ -16399 dsiInsertDisk equ -16398 ; yes, this is the same as dsiDiskSwap dsiRemoveDisk equ -16401 ; ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; Numbering scheme: ; ; These IDs must not conflict with actual system errors. ; For this reason, we use negative numbers lower than -10000 (we start at -20000). ; for text dstMissingPatch equ -20000 dstParityError equ -20001 dstSystemDamaged equ -20002 dstSCSIWarn equ -20003 dstApplicationBusy equ -20100 dstFinderMissing equ -20101 dstGeneralError equ -20102 dstInsertDisk equ -20103 dstShutDownOrRestart equ -20104 dstSwitchOff equ -20105 dstSwitchOffOrRestart equ -20106 dstForcedQuit equ -20107 dstMemFullErr equ -20108 dstRemoveDisk equ -20109 ; dstDirtyDisk equ -20110 ; ; for procedures dspRestart equ -21000 dspDrawApplicationName equ -21100 dspDrawDiskName equ -21101 dspExitToShell equ -21102 dspGeneralError equ -21103 dspResume equ -21104 dspShutDown equ -21105 dspStackSniffError equ -21106 dspDrawForcedQuitMessage equ -21107 dspDrawCurrentName equ -21108 dspDrawRmvDsk equ -21109 ; dspDrawDirtyDsk equ -21110 ; dspDrawNameStr equ -21111 ; ; for button lists dsbRestart equ -22001 ; also uses -22000 dsbFinder equ -22101 ; also uses -22100 dsbRestartResume equ -22103 ; also uses -22102 dsbShutDownOrRestart equ -22105 ; also uses -22104 dsbCancelOrQuit equ -22107 ; also uses -22106 ; for button strings dssRestart equ -23000 dssFinder equ -23100 dssResume equ -23101 dssShutDown equ -23102 dssQuit equ -23103 dssCancel equ -23104 ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; Entry count: bump 1 for each new item. NumEntries: set 49 ; 12 alerts ; 11 texts ; 4 icons ; 8 button lists ; 5 button strings ; 9 procs dc.w NumEntries ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; Alert definitions. ; ; (word) error ID ; (word) 10 (length of remaining items) ; (word) primary text definition ID ; (word) secondary text definition ID ; (word) icon definition ID ; (word) procedure definition ID ; (word) button definition ID ; system error (handles cases not covered below) dc.w dsSysErr,10,dstGeneralError,0,dsiBomb,dspGeneralError,dsbRestartResume ; other errors dc.w dsReinsert,10,dstInsertDisk,0,dsiDiskSwap,dspDrawDiskName,0 dc.w dsStknHeap,10,dstGeneralError,0,dsiBomb,dspStackSniffError,dsbRestartResume ; Startup, INITs, or apps ate too much of BufPtr space or the current heap dc.w dsMemFullErr,10,dstMemFullErr,0,dsiBomb,dspDrawCurrentName,dsbShutDownOrRestart ; ShutDown Manager support dc.w shutDownAlert,10,dstSwitchOff,0,dsiNote,0,dsbRestart dc.w dsShutDownOrRestart,10,dstShutDownOrRestart,0,dsiNote,0,dsbShutDownOrRestart dc.w dsSwitchOffOrRestart,10,dstSwitchOffOrRestart,0,dsiNote,0,dsbRestart ; Forced Quit for MultiFinder dc.w dsForcedQuit,10,dstForcedQuit,0,dsiStop,dspDrawForcedQuitMessage,dsbCancelOrQuit ; errors in both BootAlerts and UserAlerts dc.w dsBadPatch,10,dstSystemDamaged,0,dsiStop,0,dsbRestart dc.w dsNoPatch,10,dstMissingPatch,0,dsiStop,0,dsbRestart dc.w dsParityErr,10,dstParityError,0,dsiBomb,0,dsbRestart ; SCSI Disk Mode dc.w dsSCSIWarn,10,dstSCSIWarn,0,dsiStop,0,0 ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; Text definitions. ; ; (word) text definition ID ; (word) length of rest of definition ; (long) location (point) - global coordinates ; (??) ASCII text ; (byte) null character GeneralErrorMessage dc.w dstGeneralError,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 94,114 DC.B 'Sorry, a system error occurred.' DC.B 0 align @end InsertDiskMessage dc.w dstInsertDisk,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 30,75 DC.B 'Please insert the disk:' DC.B 0 align @end SwitchOffMessage dc.w dstSwitchOff,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 94,114 DC.B 'It is now safe to switch off your Macintosh.' DC.B 0 align @end SwitchOffOrRestartMessage dc.w dstSwitchOffOrRestart,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 94,114 dc.b 'It is now safe to switch off your Macintosh./' dc.b 'If you wish to continue using your Macintosh,/' dc.b 'press Restart.' dc.b 0 align @end ShutDownOrRestartMessage dc.w dstShutDownOrRestart,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 94,114 dc.b 'If you wish to continue using your Macintosh,/' dc.b 'press Restart. If not, press Shut Down.' dc.b 0 align @end SystemDamagedMessage dc.w dstSystemDamaged,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 94,114 DC.B 'The “System” file on this startup disk may be/' dc.b 'damaged. The Installer can be used to repair this/' dc.b 'disk.' DC.B 0 align @end MissingPatchMessage dc.w dstMissingPatch,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 94,114 DC.B 'This startup disk was created with “Minimal”/' dc.b 'software and will not work on this Macintosh/' dc.b 'model. Use the Installer to update this disk for/' dc.b 'this model.' DC.B 0 align @end ParityErrorMessage dc.w dstParityError,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 94,114 DC.B 'Sorry, a system error occurred./' DC.B '/' DC.B ' RAM parity' DC.B 0 align @end ForcedQuitMessage dc.w dstForcedQuit,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 94+14,114 dc.b 'Unsaved changes will be lost./' dc.b 0 align @end SomebodyAteAlltheRAMMessage dc.w dstMemFullErr,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 94,114 dc.b 'Not enough memory is available while using/' dc.b 0 align @end CableRemovedMessage dc.w dstSCSIWarn,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 88,114 dc.b '/' dc.b 'Hard Disk Cable Warning/' dc.b '/' dc.b 'You must first shutdown the Macintosh before/' dc.b 'attaching any SCSI hard disk cables. Disconnect/' dc.b 'the cable from the back of the machine right now./' dc.b 0 align @end ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; icon definitions ; ; (word) icon definition ID (used as resource ID for cicn) ; (word) length of rest of definition ; (8 bytes) location (rectangle) - global coordinates ; (128 bytes) icon data ; Susan’s bomb icon BombIcon dc.w dsiBomb,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 81,60,113,92 dc.l $00000808, $00000010, $00000420, $00008040 dc.l $00002200, $00000800, $001F002A, $0020C700 dc.l $00403800, $00400020, $00400910, $03F81008 dc.l $03F82104, $03F80000, $0FFE0100, $3FFF8000 dc.l $3FFF8000, $7FFFC000, $7FFFC000, $FFFDE000 dc.l $FFFFE000, $FFFEE000, $FFFEE000, $FFFEE000 dc.l $FFFFE000, $FFFDE000, $7FFFC000, $7FF7C000 dc.l $3FFF8000, $3FFF8000, $0FFE0000, $03F80000 @end ; disk-switched icon ; The disk-switch icon for manual-eject systems is different DiskSwapIcon dc.w dsiDiskSwap,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 20,24,52,56 dc.l $002ADE00, $00800100, $00000080, $01000080 dc.l $000003E0, $010001C0, $00000080, $00000000 dc.l $FFF83FFC, $88A44452, $88A24451, $88224411 dc.l $8FE247F1, $80024001, $80024001, $9FF24FF9 dc.l $A00A5005, $A00A5005, $A00A5005, $A00A5005 dc.l $A00A5005, $A00A5005, $FFFE7FFF, $00000000 dc.l $01000000, $03800080, $07C00000, $01000080 dc.l $01000000, $00800100, $007B5400, $00000000 @end ; stop icon DSStopIcon dc.w dsiStop,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 81,60,113,92 dc.l $00FFFF00, $01FFFF80, $03FFFFC0, $07FEFFE0 dc.l $0FFC7FF0, $1FEC67F8, $3FC447FC, $7FC447FE dc.l $FF4447FF, $FE4447FF, $FE4447FF, $FE4447FF dc.l $FE4447FF, $FE4447FF, $FE40071F, $FE00061F dc.l $FE00061F, $FE00043F, $FE00003F, $FE00007F dc.l $FE00007F, $FE0000FF, $FE0000FF, $FE0001FF dc.l $FE0001FF, $7E0403FE, $3F0207FC, $1FFFFFF8 dc.l $0FFFFFF0, $07FFFFE0, $03FFFFC0, $01FFFF80 @end ; note icon DSNoteIcon dc.w dsiNote,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 81,60,113,92 dc.l $FFFFFFFF, $807FFFFF, $807FFFFF, $807FFFFF dc.l $807FFFFF, $807FC0FF, $887F003F, $887E001F dc.l $887C000F, $80780007, $80780007, $80700003 dc.l $8071DDC3, $80700003, $80700003, $8071DD43 dc.l $80700003, $80700003, $8071D703, $80700003 dc.l $87F00003, $81F1EEC3, $81F00007, $81F00007 dc.l $81F0000F, $81E0001F, $8F80007F, $81FFFFFF dc.l $81FFFFFF, $81FFFFFF, $81FFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF @end ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; button lists ; ; (word) button definition ID ; (word) length of rest of definition ; (word) number of buttons ; (word) string ID ; (4 words) button location (rectangle) ; (word) procedure definition ID ; ; Restart button list ; this is the copy used if there is no ResumeProc ; note that these two are identical RestartButtons1 dc.w dsbRestart,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 1 dc.w dssRestart,154,404,174,463,dspRestart @end ; Restart button list ; this is the copy used if there is a ResumeProc ; note that these two are identical RestartButtons2 dc.w dsbRestart+1,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 1 dc.w dssRestart,154,404,174,463,dspRestart @end ; Restart/Resume button list ; this is the copy used if there is no ResumeProc RestartResumeButtons1 dc.w dsbRestartResume,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 1 dc.w dssRestart,154,404,174,463,dspRestart @end ; Restart/Resume button list ; this is the copy used if there is a ResumeProc ; it includes a Resume button RestartResumeButtons2 dc.w dsbRestartResume+1,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 2 dc.w dssRestart,154,404,174,463,dspRestart dc.w dssResume,154,325,174,392,dspResume @end ; ShutDown button list ; This is the copy used if there is no ResumeProc. ; Note that these two are identical. ShutDownOrRestartButtons1 dc.w dsbShutDownOrRestart,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 2 ; 2 buttons dc.w dssShutDown,154,384,174,463,dspShutDown ; Shut Down button dc.w dssRestart,154,313,174,372,dspRestart ; Restart button @end ; ShutDown button list ; This is the copy used if there is a ResumeProc. ; Note that these two are identical. ShutDownOrRestartButtons2 dc.w dsbShutDownOrRestart+1,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 2 ; 2 buttons dc.w dssShutDown,154,384,174,463,dspShutDown ; Shut Down button dc.w dssRestart,154,313,174,372,dspRestart ; Restart button @end ; Cancel or Quit button list ; This is the copy used if there is no ResumeProc. ; Note that these two are identical. CancelOrQuitButtons1 dc.w dsbCancelOrQuit,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 2 ; 2 buttons dc.w dssCancel,154,411,174,463,0 ; Cancel button dc.w dssQuit,154,324,174,399,dspExitToShell ; Quit button @end ; Cancel or Quit button list ; This is the copy used if there is a ResumeProc. ; Note that these two are identical. CancelOrQuitButtons2 dc.w dsbCancelOrQuit+1,@end-@rest @rest dc.w 2 ; 2 buttons dc.w dssCancel,154,411,174,463,0 ; Cancel button dc.w dssQuit,154,324,174,399,dspExitToShell ; Quit button @end ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; button strings ; ; (word) string ID ; (word) length of string (rounded to next word) ; (??) ASCII characters ; ; strings must be padded to even lengths with spaces since they are drawn dc.w dssRestart,8 DC.B 'Restart ' dc.w dssResume,8 DC.B 'Continue' dc.w dssShutDown,10 dc.b 'Shut Down ' dc.w dssCancel,6 dc.b 'Cancel' dc.w dssQuit,10 dc.b 'Force Quit' ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; Procedures. ; ; (word) Procedure definition id ; (word) length of rest of definition ; (??) procedure code. ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DoRestart is used to restart. dc.w dspRestart,EndDoRestart-DoRestart DoRestart ; restart the machine, first try to use the shutdown manager, then do our own restart ; on machines with a boot 2 resource, we always have a ShutDown Manager before UserAlerts is active bsr.s ShutDownManagerInstalled ; is there a ShutDown Manager? bz.s @noShutDownManager _SDRestart ; use the ShutDown Manager ; This code is executed on machines without ShutDown Managers. @noShutDownManager bsr.s DoUnmount ; unmount all of the volumes Move.L ROMBase,a0 ; point to the ROM Lea ROMHeader.ReStart(a0),a0 ; point to the restart routine btst #6,ROM85 ; old machines only need reset bz.s @tooNewForReset reset @tooNewForReset Jmp (a0) ; exit thru the restart routine ; ShutDownManagerInstalled ; ; This determines if the ShutDown Manager is installed. ; It returns NZ if there is a ShutDown Manager and Z if there is not. ShutDownManagerInstalled Move.W #UnimplementedTrapNumber, D0 ; get UnImpCore _GetTrapAddress Move.L A0, A1 ; saves result Move.W #ShutDownTrapNumber, D0 ; get ShutDown _GetTrapAddress Cmp.L A0, A1 ; compares the two rts ; The following routines (DoUnmount and ZapVCBQueue) are copied from the ShutDown Manager: ; ; DoUnmount - Unmount all of the Volumes on line, so the disks will be ; updated before our power off. ; ; Entry: No parameters. DoUnmount Sub #IOQElSize,SP ; allocate pBlock ; Go through the VCB Queue to Flush and eject all volumes. Move.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block. Clr.L ioVNPtr(A0) Clr.W ioRefNum(A0) Move.L VCBQHdr+QHead,A1 ; get the queue header Move.L VCBQHdr+QTail,D2 ; get the tail too. Beq.S @AllFlushed Bsr.S ZapVCBQueue ; wipe out the whole Queue @AllFlushed Add #IOQElSize,SP ; deallocate pBlock Rts ; ZapVCBQueue - This ReEntrant routine goes through the VCB Queue, and calls ; UnmountVol for each entry. ; Entry: A0 - IOParam Block ; A1 - Pointer to current Entry ; D2 - Tail entry Pointer. ; Exit: A1 - Pointer to next Entry. ; D1 - Preserved. ZapVCBQueue Move.W D1,-(SP) ; save for re-entrancy. Move.W vcbVRefNum(A1),D1 ; get a VRefNum Move.L QLink(A1),-(SP) ; go on to the next VCB Cmp.L D2,A1 Move.L (SP)+,A1 Beq.S @FlushTime ; have we reached the end? Bsr.S ZapVCBQueue ; not yet, save the VRefNum, call self. @FlushTime Move.W D1,ioVRefNum(A0) ; set up the refNum in the PBlock. _Eject _HUnmountVol ; shut the volume down. Move.W (SP)+,D1 ; restore crucial VRefNum Rts ; for reentrancy. EndDoRestart ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DoResume is used for Resume. dc.w dspResume,EndDoResume-DoResume DoResume move.l GrafSize+140(sp),CurMap ; restore top resource map (see StartAlert.a) MOVE.L CurrentA5,a5 ; restore A5 MOVE.L CurStackBase,sp ; restore stack MOVE.L ResumeProc,a0 ; call that resume proc JMP (a0) EndDoResume ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DoStackSniffButtons is used for the stack overflow case. ; Otherwise it is like DoSystemErrorButtons. dc.w dspStackSniffError,EndDoStackSniffButtons-DoStackSniffButtons DoStackSniffButtons MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get return address MOVE.L CurStackBase,SP ; reset the stack MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; restore return address BRA.S DoSystemErrorButtons ; go print the ID EndDoStackSniffButtons ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DoSystemErrorButtons is used for system errors. ; It prints the ID of the DS alert. dc.w dspGeneralError,EndDoSystemErrorButtons-DoSystemErrorButtons DoSystemErrorButtons moveq #0,d3 move.w DSErrCode,d3 ; get the error code cmp.w #100,d3 ; is it too high to display? bhs.s @done bsr DrawCurrentName ; draw the current name and the optional extensions msg <15> MOVE.L #((94+28)<<16)+130,-(SP) ; push location of third line _MoveTo ;move the pen moveq #0,d0 lea MessagesTable,a0 ; point to the table of messages @next tst.b (a0) ; end of table? bz.s @doNumberedMessage cmp.b (a0)+,d3 ; is this the message? beq.s @foundMessage move.b (a0)+,d0 ; get length byte of string add.w d0,a0 ; advance to next message in table bra.s @next @drawDigit or.w #$30,d3 ; turn into ASCII move.w d3,-(SP) ; push it _DrawChar rts @foundMessage move.l a0,-(sp) ; display the message _DrawString bra.s @done @doNumberedMessage pea NumberedMessage ; display the message _DrawString divu #10,d3 ; divide by 10 bz.s @oneDigit bsr.s @drawDigit @oneDigit swap d3 ; get remainder bsr.s @drawDigit @done RTS string pascal NumberedMessage dc.b 'error type ' align MessagesTable dc.b 1,'bus error' dc.b 2,'address error' dc.b 3,'illegal instruction' dc.b 4,'divide by zero' dc.b 5,'CHK error' dc.b 6,'numeric overflow' dc.b 10,'bad F-Line instruction' ; <14> dc.b 12,'unimplemented trap' dc.b 13,'unserviceable interrupt' dc.b 14,'Device Manager error' dc.b 15,'Segment Loader error' dc.b 16,'SANE error' dc.b 17,'List Manager not present' dc.b 18,'BitEdit not present' dc.b 19,'Disk Initialization package not present' dc.b 20,'Standard File not present' dc.b 21,'SANE not present' dc.b 22,'SANE transcendental functions not present' dc.b 23,'International Utilities not present' dc.b 24,'Binary-Decimal Conversion package not present' dc.b 27,'file system map inconsistent' dc.b 28,'stack collision with heap' dc.b 33,'Memory Manager error' dc.b 51,'unserviceable slot interrupt' dc.b 81,'bad SANE opcode' dc.b 84,'menu purged while in use' dc.b 85,'couldn’t load MBDF' dc.b 86,'couldn’t find hierarchical menu’s parent' dc.b 87,'couldn’t load WDEF' dc.b 88,'couldn’t load CDEF' dc.b 90,'floating point coprocessor not installed' dc.b 0 align string asis EndDoSystemErrorButtons ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DrawDiskName is used to by the disk switch alert ; to draw the name of the volume needed. dc.w dspDrawDiskName,EndDrawDiskName-DrawDiskName DrawDiskName MOVE.L #$0033004B,-(SP) ;push pen position _MoveTo ;position the pen movea.l FSVarsPtr,a1 ;get address of HFS variable area <16> move.l FSVars.dsRecoverNamePtr(a1), -(sp) ;grab our target volume's name <16> _DrawString rts EndDrawDiskName ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DrawCurrentName is used to draw the name of the INIT or application which ate up too much memory. ; Use the INIT name pointed to by CurApName+4 if we’re at INIT time. Otherwise, use CurApName. ; If the name looks bogus, don’t draw a name. ; ; If we’re at INIT time, also draw the disableExtensionMsg dc.w dspDrawCurrentName,EndDrawCurrentName-DrawCurrentName DrawCurrentName MOVE.L #((94+28-14)<<16)+114,-(SP) ; push location of second line _MoveTo ; position the pen tst.b CurApName ; are we at boot time? bmi.s @getINITName ; negative could never be right if an application name was here @getApplicationName lea CurApName,a2 ; push ptr to application name bra.s @drawString @getINITName move.l CurApName+4,d0 ; go get the pointer to the INIT name bmi.s @noName ; negative? Not valid. btst #0,d0 ; is it odd? bne.s @noName ; Not valid move.l MemTop,d1 ; is it below the top of the boot globals (barrier)? lsr.l #1,d1 ; MemTop/2 add.w #1024,d1 ; + 1K cmp.l d0,d1 ; namePtr < barrier ? bls.s @noName ; no? Not valid. move.l d0,a2 ; namePtr @drawString ; namePtr in a0 cmp.b #32,(a2) ; StringLength(namePtr^) < 32? bhs.s @noName ; no? Not valid. pea @prefix ; <15> _DrawString ; <15> move.l a2,-(sp) ; push the INIT name pointer _DrawString ; draw it on second line pea @suffix _DrawString @noName ; <15> tst.b CurApName ; are we at boot time? bpl.s @allDone ; not, so leave MOVE.L #((94+28+14)<<16)+114,-(SP) ; push location of fourth line _MoveTo ; position the pen pea @disableExtensionMsg1 _DrawString MOVE.L #((94+28+28)<<16)+114,-(SP) ; push location of fourth line _MoveTo ; position the pen pea @disableExtensionMsg2 _DrawString @allDone RTS string pascal @prefix dc.b '“' @suffix dc.b '”' align @disableExtensionMsg1 dc.b 'To temporarily turn off extensions, restart and' align @disableExtensionMsg2 dc.b 'hold down the shift key.' align string asis EndDrawCurrentName ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DoExitToShell is used to return to the Finder and/or kill an application. dc.w dspExitToShell,EndExitToShell-DoExitToShell DoExitToShell ; Clear MacJmp flag that is used to detect reentrancy, since no one else will do it <14> move.b MacJmpFlag,d0 ; get possible debugger flag word cmp.b #-1,d0 ; is this an implemented flag byte? bne.s UseMacJmpFlag ; if so, use it bclr #7,MacJmp ; NOT in debugger any longer bra.s MacJmpOK ; rejoin UseMacJmpFlag bclr #7,MacJmpFlag ; NOT in debugger any longer MacJmpOK ; This is for boneheads who patch ExitToShell and expect A5 to have something meaningful in it <14> ; (e.g. all apps built with Think C) move.l CurrentA5,A5 ; set a5 to the application's value of it ; With VM on, there is only a single, limited supervisor stack and it is not what we normally want <14> ; to use as a stack. The ExitToShell is a transition from the world of interrupt and error handling ; back to the normal world of applications. Therefore, we need to switch back to user mode and the ; user stack. ; NOTE: The Process Manager switches to its own stack (but doesn't switch modes). Application patches ; to ExitToShell, though, may use the stack extensively (e.g. to close windows) before calling through. ; The order here is important. We don’t want to set the Supervisor stack pointer to CurStackBase. That ; would be interesting, but not right. So we must clear Supervisor mode first, then set the stack. move.l #gestaltVMAttr,d0 ; pass selector for VM attributes _Gestalt ; ask system about VM tst.w d0 bne.s @stackAndModeOK ; if there was an error, forget it move.l a0,d0 btst #gestaltVMPresent,d0 beq.s @stackAndModeOK ; if VM isn’t present, we shouldn't change mode/stacks andi #$DFFF,SR ; turn off Supervisor mode. Do this first, or we’ll reset ; the wrong stack pointer. This is ~(1<<13) move.l CurStackBase,sp ; reset the stack to a safe place so we can bail out cleanly @stackAndModeOK _ExitToShell ; terminate this application (finally!) EndExitToShell ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; ShutDown is used by the ShutDown Manager’s “user choice” alert to turn off the machine. dc.w dspShutDown,EndDoShutDown-DoShutDown DoShutDown bsr.s ShutDownManagerInstalled ; is there a ShutDown Manager? <14> bz.s @noShutDownManager ; <14> ; *** Figure out why we have to do this! <14> clr.l DSErrCode ; Voodoo black magic <14> _SDPowerOff @noShutDownManager ; <14> moveq #shutDownAlert,d0 ; <14> clr.l ResumeProc ; don’t show resume button <14> _SysError ; <14> EndDoShutDown ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DrawForcedQuitMessage is used to draw the message for dsForcedQuit, since the message needs ; to include the name of the application. It also forces the Window Mgr. to update the screen ; where the forced quit alert appears by accumulating the rectangle of the alert into the ; SysErrorUpdateRect. This is required, since otherwise no one will erase the alert. dc.w dspDrawForcedQuitMessage,EndDrawForcedQuitMessage-DrawForcedQuitMessage DrawForcedQuitMessage move.l #(94<<16)+114,-(SP) ; push location of third line _MoveTo ; position the pen pea @prefix _DrawString PEA CurApName ; push ptr to application name _DrawString ; draw it on second line pea @suffix _DrawString ; now accumulate into the SysErrorUpdateRect move.l DSAlertRect+botRight,-(sp) ; move the rect onto the stack move.l DSAlertRect+topLeft,-(sp) and.w #$7FFF,top(sp) ; clear the high bit of top (which is usually set) move.l sp,-(sp) ; union this into the SysErrorUpdateRect move.l ExpandMem,a0 pea ExpandMemRec.SysErrorUpdateRect(a0) ; into this rect move.l (sp),-(sp) ; same rect is destination _UnionRect addq #8,sp ; get rid of the rect from the stack rts string pascal @prefix dc.b 'Force “' @suffix dc.b '” to quit?' align string asis EndDrawForcedQuitMessage ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— end