2019-07-27 22:37:48 +08:00

382 lines
11 KiB

Created: Saturday, July 27, 1991 at 5:26 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1991
All rights reserved
This file is used in these builds: Mac32 BigBang Sys606
Change History (most recent first):
<7> 2/18/92 MH This file now uses the inline access to the _PrGlue trap which
was formerly provided in PrintTraps.h. The glue routines from
interfaces.o which were formerly accessed via this file were
only necessary to support execution on a Mac Plus or earlier
running system 4.0 or earlier. It is no longer necessary to
support that configuration in current internal or external
product development. The file PrintTraps.h is now a stub which
only includes this file.
<6> 8/8/91 JL Adding OpNotImpl as declared in IM v. V p. 411
<5> 7/31/91 JL Updated Copyright. Restored Comments.
<4> 1/28/91 LN Checked in Database generate file from DSG. Grouping enums into
groups of 20.
<3> 11/7/90 JL Changed #defines to anonymous enums
To Do:
#ifndef __PRINTING__
#define __PRINTING__
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#ifndef __DIALOGS__
#include <Dialogs.h>
enum {
iPFMaxPgs = 128,
iPrPgFract = 120, /*Page scale factor. ptPgSize (below) is in units of 1/iPrPgFract*/
iPrPgFst = 1, /*Page range constants*/
iPrPgMax = 9999,
iPrRelease = 3, /*Current version number of the code.*/
iPrSavPFil = -1,
iPrAbort = 0x0080,
iPrDevCtl = 7, /*The PrDevCtl Proc's ctl number*/
lPrReset = 0x00010000, /*The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for reset*/
lPrLineFeed = 0x00030000,
lPrLFStd = 0x0003FFFF, /*The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for std paper advance*/
lPrLFSixth = 0x0003FFFF,
lPrPageEnd = 0x00020000, /*The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for end page*/
lPrDocOpen = 0x00010000,
lPrPageOpen = 0x00040000,
lPrPageClose = 0x00020000,
lPrDocClose = 0x00050000,
iFMgrCtl = 8, /*The FMgr's Tail-hook Proc's ctl number*/
iMscCtl = 9, /*The FMgr's Tail-hook Proc's ctl number*/
iPvtCtl = 10 /*The FMgr's Tail-hook Proc's ctl number*/
enum {
iMemFullErr = -108,
iIOAbort = -27,
pPrGlobals = 0x00000944, /*The PrVars lo mem area:*/
bDraftLoop = 0,
bSpoolLoop = 1,
bUser1Loop = 2,
bUser2Loop = 3,
fNewRunBit = 2,
fHiResOK = 3,
fWeOpenedRF = 4,
/*Driver constants */
iPrBitsCtl = 4,
lScreenBits = 0,
lPaintBits = 1,
lHiScreenBits = 0x00000002, /*The Bitmap Print Proc's Screen Bitmap param*/
lHiPaintBits = 0x00000003, /*The Bitmap Print Proc's Paint [sq pix] param*/
iPrIOCtl = 5,
iPrEvtCtl = 6, /*The PrEvent Proc's ctl number*/
lPrEvtAll = 0x0002FFFD, /*The PrEvent Proc's CParam for the entire screen*/
lPrEvtTop = 0x0001FFFD, /*The PrEvent Proc's CParam for the top folder*/
#define sPrDrvr ".Print"
iPrDrvrRef = -3
enum {
getRslDataOp = 4,
setRslOp = 5,
draftBitsOp = 6,
noDraftBitsOp = 7,
getRotnOp = 8,
NoSuchRsl = 1,
OpNotImpl = 2, /*the driver doesn't support this opcode*/
RgType1 = 1
enum {feedCut,feedFanfold,feedMechCut,feedOther};
typedef unsigned char TFeed;
enum {scanTB,scanBT,scanLR,scanRL};
typedef unsigned char TScan;
typedef Rect *TPRect; /* A Rect Ptr */
typedef pascal void (*PrIdleProcPtr)(void);
typedef pascal void (*PItemProcPtr)(DialogPtr theDialog, short item);
struct TPrPort {
GrafPort gPort; /*The Printer's graf port.*/
QDProcs gProcs; /*..and its procs*/
long lGParam1; /*16 bytes for private parameter storage.*/
long lGParam2;
long lGParam3;
long lGParam4;
Boolean fOurPtr; /*Whether the PrPort allocation was done by us.*/
Boolean fOurBits; /*Whether the BitMap allocation was done by us.*/
typedef struct TPrPort TPrPort;
typedef TPrPort *TPPrPort;
/* Printing Graf Port. All printer imaging, whether spooling, banding, etc, happens "thru" a GrafPort.
This is the "PrPeek" record. */
struct TPrInfo {
short iDev; /*Font mgr/QuickDraw device code*/
short iVRes; /*Resolution of device, in device coordinates*/
short iHRes; /*..note: V before H => compatable with Point.*/
Rect rPage; /*The page (printable) rectangle in device coordinates.*/
typedef struct TPrInfo TPrInfo;
typedef TPrInfo *TPPrInfo;
/* Print Info Record: The parameters needed for page composition. */
struct TPrStl {
short wDev;
short iPageV;
short iPageH;
char bPort;
TFeed feed;
typedef struct TPrStl TPrStl;
typedef TPrStl *TPPrStl;
struct TPrXInfo {
short iRowBytes;
short iBandV;
short iBandH;
short iDevBytes;
short iBands;
char bPatScale;
char bUlThick;
char bUlOffset;
char bUlShadow;
TScan scan;
char bXInfoX;
typedef struct TPrXInfo TPrXInfo;
typedef TPrXInfo *TPPrXInfo;
struct TPrJob {
short iFstPage; /*Page Range.*/
short iLstPage;
short iCopies; /*No. copies.*/
char bJDocLoop; /*The Doc style: Draft, Spool, .., and ..*/
Boolean fFromUsr; /*Printing from an User's App (not PrApp) flag*/
PrIdleProcPtr pIdleProc; /*The Proc called while waiting on IO etc.*/
StringPtr pFileName; /*Spool File Name: NIL for default.*/
short iFileVol; /*Spool File vol, set to 0 initially*/
char bFileVers; /*Spool File version, set to 0 initially*/
char bJobX; /*An eXtra byte.*/
typedef struct TPrJob TPrJob;
typedef TPrJob *TPPrJob;
/* Print Job: Print "form" for a single print request. */
struct TPrint {
short iPrVersion; /*(2) Printing software version*/
TPrInfo prInfo; /*(14) the PrInfo data associated with the current style.*/
Rect rPaper; /*(8) The paper rectangle [offset from rPage]*/
TPrStl prStl; /*(8) This print request's style.*/
TPrInfo prInfoPT; /*(14) Print Time Imaging metrics*/
TPrXInfo prXInfo; /*(16) Print-time (expanded) Print info record.*/
TPrJob prJob; /*(20) The Print Job request (82) Total of the above; 120-82 = 38 bytes needed to fill 120*/
short printX[19]; /*Spare to fill to 120 bytes!*/
typedef struct TPrint TPrint;
typedef TPrint *TPPrint, **THPrint;
/* The universal 120 byte printing record */
struct TPrStatus {
short iTotPages; /*Total pages in Print File.*/
short iCurPage; /*Current page number*/
short iTotCopies; /*Total copies requested*/
short iCurCopy; /*Current copy number*/
short iTotBands; /*Total bands per page.*/
short iCurBand; /*Current band number*/
Boolean fPgDirty; /*True if current page has been written to.*/
Boolean fImaging; /*Set while in band's DrawPic call.*/
THPrint hPrint; /*Handle to the active Printer record*/
TPPrPort pPrPort; /*Ptr to the active PrPort*/
PicHandle hPic; /*Handle to the active Picture*/
typedef struct TPrStatus TPrStatus;
typedef TPrStatus *TPPrStatus;
/* Print Status: Print information during printing. */
struct TPfPgDir {
short iPages;
long iPgPos[129]; /*ARRAY [0..iPfMaxPgs] OF LONGINT*/
typedef struct TPfPgDir TPfPgDir;
typedef TPfPgDir *TPPfPgDir, **THPfPgDir;
/* PicFile = a TPfHeader followed by n QuickDraw Pics (whose PicSize is invalid!) */
struct TPrDlg {
DialogRecord Dlg; /*The Dialog window*/
ModalFilterProcPtr pFltrProc; /*The Filter Proc.*/
PItemProcPtr pItemProc; /*The Item evaluating proc.*/
THPrint hPrintUsr; /*The user's print record.*/
Boolean fDoIt;
Boolean fDone;
long lUser1; /*Four longs for user's to hang global data.*/
long lUser2; /*...Plus more stuff needed by the particular printing dialog.*/
long lUser3;
long lUser4;
typedef struct TPrDlg TPrDlg;
typedef TPrDlg *TPPrDlg;
typedef pascal TPPrDlg (*PDlgInitProcPtr)(THPrint hPrint);
/* This is the Printing Dialog Record. Only used by folks appending their own dialogs.
Print Dialog: The Dialog Stream object. */
struct TGnlData {
short iOpCode;
short iError;
long lReserved; /*more fields here depending on call*/
typedef struct TGnlData TGnlData;
struct TRslRg {
short iMin;
short iMax;
typedef struct TRslRg TRslRg;
struct TRslRec {
short iXRsl;
short iYRsl;
typedef struct TRslRec TRslRec;
struct TGetRslBlk {
short iOpCode;
short iError;
long lReserved;
short iRgType;
TRslRg xRslRg;
TRslRg yRslRg;
short iRslRecCnt;
TRslRec rgRslRec[27];
typedef struct TGetRslBlk TGetRslBlk;
struct TSetRslBlk {
short iOpCode;
short iError;
long lReserved;
THPrint hPrint;
short iXRsl;
short iYRsl;
typedef struct TSetRslBlk TSetRslBlk;
struct TDftBitsBlk {
short iOpCode;
short iError;
long lReserved;
THPrint hPrint;
typedef struct TDftBitsBlk TDftBitsBlk;
struct TGetRotnBlk {
short iOpCode;
short iError;
long lReserved;
THPrint hPrint;
Boolean fLandscape;
char bXtra;
typedef struct TGetRotnBlk TGetRotnBlk;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal void PrPurge(void)
= {0x2F3C,0xA800,0x0000,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrNoPurge(void)
= {0x2F3C,0xB000,0x0000,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrOpen(void)
= {0x2F3C,0xC800,0x0000,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrClose(void)
= {0x2F3C,0xD000,0x0000,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrintDefault(THPrint hPrint)
= {0x2F3C,0x2004,0x0480,0xA8FD};
pascal Boolean PrValidate(THPrint hPrint)
= {0x2F3C,0x5204,0x0498,0xA8FD};
pascal Boolean PrStlDialog(THPrint hPrint)
= {0x2F3C,0x2A04,0x0484,0xA8FD};
pascal Boolean PrJobDialog(THPrint hPrint)
= {0x2F3C,0x3204,0x0488,0xA8FD};
pascal TPPrDlg PrStlInit(THPrint hPrint)
= {0x2F3C,0x3C04,0x040C,0xA8FD};
pascal TPPrDlg PrJobInit(THPrint hPrint)
= {0x2F3C,0x4404,0x0410,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrJobMerge(THPrint hPrintSrc,THPrint hPrintDst)
= {0x2F3C,0x5804,0x089C,0xA8FD};
pascal Boolean PrDlgMain(THPrint hPrint,PDlgInitProcPtr pDlgInit)
= {0x2F3C,0x4A04,0x0894,0xA8FD};
pascal TPPrPort PrOpenDoc(THPrint hPrint,TPPrPort pPrPort,Ptr pIOBuf)
= {0x2F3C,0x0400,0x0C00,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrCloseDoc(TPPrPort pPrPort)
= {0x2F3C,0x0800,0x0484,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrOpenPage(TPPrPort pPrPort,TPRect pPageFrame)
= {0x2F3C,0x1000,0x0808,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrClosePage(TPPrPort pPrPort)
= {0x2F3C,0x1800,0x040C,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrPicFile(THPrint hPrint,TPPrPort pPrPort,Ptr pIOBuf,Ptr pDevBuf,
TPrStatus *prStatus)
= {0x2F3C,0x6005,0x1480,0xA8FD};
pascal short PrError(void)
= {0x2F3C,0xBA00,0x0000,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrSetError(short iErr)
= {0x2F3C,0xC000,0x0200,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrGeneral(Ptr pData)
= {0x2F3C,0x7007,0x0480,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrDrvrOpen(void)
= {0x2F3C,0x8000,0x0000,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrDrvrClose(void)
= {0x2F3C,0x8800,0x0000,0xA8FD};
pascal void PrCtlCall(short iWhichCtl,long lParam1,long lParam2,long lParam3)
= {0x2F3C,0xA000,0x0E00,0xA8FD};
pascal Handle PrDrvrDCE(void)
= {0x2F3C,0x9400,0x0000,0xA8FD};
pascal short PrDrvrVers(void)
= {0x2F3C,0x9A00,0x0000,0xA8FD};
#ifdef __cplusplus