2019-07-27 22:37:48 +08:00

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# File: MakeInit
# Contains: Calls the TrueType™ Make file to create an Init.
# Written by: Charlton E. Lui
# Copyright: © 1990-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
# Usage: MakeInit [option…]
# minorVersion # example: MakeInit .5
# The version will look like this - TrueType™ 1.0a24.5
# Change History (most recent first):
# <6> 10/24/91 DTY Build linked patch INIT objects into a subfolder in {ObjDir} to
# force rebuild of objects compiled for a System build.
# <5> 10/23/91 ngk Fix to work with CubeE instead of Sys606
# <4> 1/9/91 CL Updating beta version number.
# <3> 10/30/90 MR Add IntAsmIncludes to include list for ShowInit.a
# <2> 10/17/90 CL Adding in ShowInit icon code.
# <13> 9/27/90 CL Bumped up revision number to 36
# <12> 9/27/90 CL Added the sysPrivate.a path to the StartBass.a asm.
# <11> 9/18/90 CL Must build with interfaces since we are using heap.a and
# heapGuts.a
# <10> 9/10/90 CL Adding startbass.a to build so we can conditionally load bass.
# Took out FixDriver Tool since we no longer keep fonts in the init.
# <8> 8/24/90 CL Updating majorvers.
# <7> 7/24/90 CL Fixed up for link Patches
# <6> 7/18/90 CL Updating majorVers
# <5> 6/13/90 CL Updating the major version number to 25 since scm built a 25.
# Also need to change the cd command to directory in case people
# do not have this defined. Switches to FontMgr directory for
# make.
# <4> 6/4/90 CL Moving the majorVers to NO NEED to touch. This way we can keep
# the major version # in synch.
# <3> 6/1/90 CL Adding the majorvers to the MakeInit file.
# <2> 5/29/90 CL Set up path names so we all can merrily build the init by
# changing destVol.
# <1> 4/25/90 CL Set up path names so we all can build by just changing the desVol.
# To Do:
set majorVers 7
set minorVers "∂"{"Parameters"}∂""
set ObjDir "{Sources}Objects:CubeE:InitObjects:"
set destPath "{Sources}BuildResults:CubeE:TrueType™"
set FontMgr "{Sources}Toolbox:FontMgr:"
set IntAsmIncludes "{Sources}Internal:Asm:"
set stringVers "TrueType™ 1.0 ß{majorVers}{minorVers}"
set rezOptions "-d numVers=∂"0x01,0x00,0x60,0x{majorVers}∂" -d langInt=0 -d stringVers=∂"∂∂∂"{stringVers}∂∂∂"∂""
# to build all use: -mo '-e'
build CubeE -init TrueType™ BassCommPatches.o BassBWPatches.o BassCQDPatches.o -wointerface -p
Echo "∂tAssembling StartBass.a"
Asm -o {ObjDir}StartBass.a.o "{FontMgr}StartBass.a" -i {IntAsmIncludes} -d debugging=1
Echo "∂tAssembling ShowInit.a"
Asm -o {ObjDir}ShowInit.a.o "{FontMgr}ShowInit.a" -i {IntAsmIncludes}
Echo "∂tLinking StartBass.a.o ShowInit.a.o into TrueType™"
Link -o {destPath} {ObjDir}StartBass.a.o {ObjDir}ShowINIT.a.o -rt bnvs=0
Echo "∂tRezing version info into {destPath}……"
Rez -a -o "{destPath}" {FontMgr}FinalRes.r {rezOptions}
SetFile "{destPath}" -a 'BI' -c 'CHAZ' -t 'INIT'
set theTime "`date -s`" ; setfile -d "{theTime}" -m "{theTime}" "{destPath}"
Echo "∂tFinished compile all the out of date sources."