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Hacks to match MacOS (most recent first):
<Sys7.1> 8/3/92 Reverted <SM4>: replaced new 'actb' with old, and old with older
Referred to the MPW 3.2 version of this file (1990, E.T.O. #4)
9/2/94 SuperMario ROM source dump (header preserved below)
File: Types.r
Contains: Type Declarations for Rez and DeRez
Copyright: © 1986-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<SM6> 9/22/93 JDR corrected misspelling of componentHasMultiplePlatforms
<SM5> 9/1/93 JDR update from Reality, added 'kind' and 'open', new version of
<SM4> 12-02-92 jmp Upated the color-oriented resource definitions from ETO #8.
<23> 9/03/92 JDR Added the 'thng' resource type for the Component Manager.
<22> 6/24/92 DCL Changed #ifndef __TYPES.R__ to __TYPES_R__ at the request of
the MPW team (3.2.3 rez broke on the periods)
<21> 11/8/91 JL Took out aedt resource template because it's obsolete. As per Ed
<20> 1/7/91 JDR (dba) Renaming old Switcher constants used in the SIZE resource
to Reserved.
<19> 12/16/90 KIP <csd> If SystemSevenOrLater is undefined, define it to be zero.
<18> 12/14/90 dba <JDR> change SystemSevenOrBetter to SystemSevenOrLater
<17> 11/7/90 JNG Change popupMenuCDEFproc to a #define <kaz>
<16> 10/24/90 JL New MPW 3.2ß. Also added movableDBoxProc to DLOG and WIND.
<15> 9/16/90 VL Replaced old-style 'wctb' and 'cctb' with 7.0 extended ones.
<14> 9/15/90 PWD Renamed popupUseCQD to popupReserved. <kaz> <crz>
<13> 8/31/90 JT Added a bit in the MultiFinder SIZE resource that determines
whether the inline text services are automatically used when the
application uses TextEdit.
<12> 7/17/90 PKE Deleted ‘kscn’ type (see <1.2>), since it is now superseded by
keyboard icon suite (kcs#, etc. - see <8>).
<11> 6/21/90 DC Put the align word in DLOG's and WIND's into the IF
systemsevenorbetter. Protected Pict definition with __PICT.R__
<10> 6/8/90 DC Handled the case when SystemSevenOrBetter is not defined
<9> 6/7/90 DC Modified ALRT, DLOG and WIND templates to allow
<8> 5/12/90 SMB Added new keyboard small icon types (KCN#, kcs#, kcl4, kcl8,
kcs4, kcs8) for the Keyboard Menu since script systems' IDs for
small icons (SICNs) can collide with applications IDs for SICNs
- apps can use >= 128 and script systems' IDs can be anything >=
<7> 3/22/90 RLC Modify helpItem definition in 'DITL' type.
<6> 3/20/90 ngk Fixed comments
<5> 3/20/90 ngk New bits for SIZE type definition
<4> 3/16/90 BBH added constants for popupCDEF in the CNTL area
<3> 3/5/90 csd added type definitions for icl8, icl4, ics8, and ics4.
<2.2> 01/12/90 JAL added 'acur' type
<2.1> 02/28/90 JAL added dflg, qrsc, wstr, ppt#, ics#, and RECT types
<2> 12/19/89 JSM Add Database Access Manager types.
<1.5> 11/20/89 RLC Add in constants to HelpItem in 'DITL'.
<1.4> 11/20/89 RLC Change the 'DITL' resource type to include the HelpItem type.
<1.3> 10/3/89 dba added 'ics#' template
<1.2> 9/18/89 PKE Added type 'kscn' (keyboard/script small icon) as 'SICN'.
<1.1> 8/30/89 dba improved Color QuickDraw-related templates so that fields are
automatically filled in for values that can’t change in today’s
version of CQD; this makes these resource definitions much
easier to read; added #defines for ALRT stages and RGB colors;
added a trial definition for ppt# that Rez can’t really handle
<1.0> 8/21/89 CCH Checking in from MPW 3.0 RIncludes.
06/21/90 - JAL: Added eppc definiton
06/20/90 - JAL: Added aedt definiton
05/22/90 - JAL: Changed color resources without PixMapRowBytes definiton
which wouldn't work with DeRez
04/13/90 - JAL: Added acceptAppDiedEvents and ignoreAppDiedEvents synonym to
the new SIZE resource for compatibility.
04/10/90 - JAL: Added old MPW 3.1 templates for derez compatibility
and added synonyms for the new SIZE resource for compatibility.
11/20/89 - RLC: Add in constants to HelpItem in 'DITL'.
11/20/89 - RLC: Change the 'DITL' resource type to include the HelpItem
10/03/89 - dba: added 'ics#' template
09/18/89 - PKE: Added type 'kscn' (keyboard/script small icon) as 'SICN'.
08/30/89 - dba: improved Color QuickDraw-related templates so that fields are automatically
filled in for values that can’t change in today’s version of CQD; this makes these
resource definitions much easier to read; added #defines for ALRT stages and RGB colors;
added a trial definition for ppt# that Rez can’t really handle yet
08/21/89 - CCH: Checking in from MPW 3.0 RIncludes.
03/20/89 - THT: added #ifndef __TYPES.R__
10/24/88 - THT: added is32BitCompatible to SIZE and changed the bitstring
of unused bits into separate booleans so next time
we define a new flag, we won't break exisiting SIZE
06/09/88 - THT: added onlyBackground and getFrontClicks bits to SIZE.
12/03/87 - THT: made length of PICT unsigned.
12/02/87 - THT: changed SIZE resource so that it supports Switcher
and MultiFinder.
10/12/87 - THT: changed SIZE resource to support new
MultiFinder flags. It no longer
supports Switcher.
08/14/87 - THT: changed 'cicn', 'ppat', 'crsr' to use labels.
#ifndef __TYPES_R__
#define __TYPES_R__
#ifndef SystemSevenOrBetter
#define SystemSevenOrBetter 0
#ifndef SystemSevenOrLater /* <19> KIP - Define to 0 if it is not defined */
#define SystemSevenOrLater 0
#define PixMapHeight ( $$BitField(Bounds, 32, 16) /* bottom */ \
- $$BitField(Bounds, 0, 16) /* top */ )
#define PixMapWidth ( $$BitField(Bounds, 48, 16) /* right */ \
- $$BitField(Bounds, 16, 16) /* left */ )
#define PixMapBounds integer = $$BitField(Bounds, 0, 16) /* top */; \
integer = $$BitField(Bounds, 16, 16) /* left */; \
integer = $$BitField(Bounds, 32, 16) /* bottom */; \
integer = $$BitField(Bounds, 48, 16) /* right */
#define PixMapRowBytes (((PixMapWidth * $$Word(PixelSize) + 15) / 16) * 2)
#define BitMapRowBytes (((PixMapWidth + 15) / 16) * 2)
#define PixMapHeightIndexed ( $$BitField(Bounds[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)], 32, 16) /* bottom */ \
- $$BitField(Bounds[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)], 0, 16) /* top */ )
#define PixMapWidthIndexed ( $$BitField(Bounds[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)], 48, 16) /* right */ \
- $$BitField(Bounds[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)], 16, 16) /* left */ )
#define PixMapRowBytesIndexed (((PixMapWidthIndexed * $$Word(PixelSize[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)]) + 15) / 16) * 2)
/* The following are used to set styles, simply add for desired style.
#define bold 1
#define italic 2
#define underline 4
#define outline 8
#define shadow 16
#define condense 32
#define extend 64
/*----------------------------acur • Cursor Pointers -----------------------------------*/
type 'acur' {
integer = $$CountOf(CursIdArray); /* Nbr of cursors */
fill word; /* Next frame to show */
array CursIdArray {
integer; /* 'CURS' resource id for a frame */
fill word; /* Pad word to make longint */
#ifdef oldTemp
/*--------------------------actb • Alert Color old Lookup Table--------------------------*/
type 'actb' {
unsigned hex longint; /* ctSeed */
integer; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer wContentColor, /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/*----------------------------actb • Alert Color Lookup Table----------------------------*/
type 'actb' {
unsigned hex longint = 0; /* ctSeed */
integer = 0; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer wContentColor, /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/*--------------------------aedt • Apple Events Template---------------------------------*/
/* Resource definition used for associating a value with an apple event */
/* This really only useful for general dispatching */
type 'aedt' {
wide array {
unsigned longint; /* Event Class */
unsigned longint; /* Event ID */
unsigned longint; /* Value */
/*----------------------------ALRT • Alert Template-------------------------------------*/
type 'ALRT' {
rect; /* boundsRect */
integer; /* 'DITL' ID */
/* NOTE: the stages are ordered 4, 3, 2, 1 */
wide array [4] {
boolean OK, Cancel; /* Bold Outline */
boolean invisible, visible; /* Draw Alert */
unsigned bitstring[2] silent = 0
sound1, sound2, sound3; /* Beeps */
/* The following are window positioning options ,usable in 7.0 */
#if SystemSevenOrLater
unsigned integer noAutoCenter = 0x0000,
centerMainScreen = 0x280a,
alertPositionMainScreen = 0x300a,
staggerMainScreen = 0x380a,
centerParentWindow = 0xa80a,
alertPositionParentWindow = 0xb00a,
staggerParentWindow = 0xb80a,
centerParentWindowScreen = 0x680a,
alertPositionParentWindowScreen = 0x700a,
staggerParentWindowScreen = 0x780a;
/*----------------------------BNDL • Bundle---------------------------------------------*/
type 'BNDL' {
literal longint; /* Signature */
integer; /* Version ID */
integer = $$CountOf(TypeArray) - 1;
array TypeArray {
literal longint; /* Type */
integer = $$CountOf(IDArray) - 1;
wide array IDArray {
integer; /* Local ID */
integer; /* Actual ID */
#ifdef oldTemp
/*--------------------------cctb • Control Color old Lookup Table----------------------*/
type 'cctb' {
unsigned hex longint; /* CCSeed */
integer; /* ccReserved */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer cFrameColor, /* partcode */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/*----------------------------cctb • Control Color Lookup Table-------------------------*/
type 'cctb' {
unsigned hex longint = 0; /* CCSeed */
integer = 0; /* ccReserved */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer cFrameColor, /* partcode */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
#ifdef oldTemp
/*-----------------------cicn • Color Icon old template-------------------------------------*/
type 'cicn' {
/* IconPMap (pixMap) record */
fill long; /* Base address */
unsigned bitstring[1] = 1; /* New pixMap flag */
unsigned bitstring[2] = 0; /* Must be 0 */
unsigned bitstring[13]; /* Offset to next row */
rect; /* Bitmap bounds */
integer; /* pixMap vers number */
integer unpacked; /* Packing format */
unsigned longint; /* Size of pixel data */
unsigned hex longint; /* h. resolution (ppi) (fixed) */
unsigned hex longint; /* v. resolution (ppi) (fixed) */
integer chunky, chunkyPlanar, planar; /* Pixel storage format */
integer; /* # bits in pixel */
integer; /* # components in pixel*/
integer; /* # bits per field */
unsigned longint; /* Offset to next plane */
unsigned longint; /* Offset to color table*/
fill long; /* Reserved */
/* IconMask (bitMap) record */
fill long; /* Base address */
integer; /* Row bytes */
rect; /* Bitmap bounds */
/* IconBMap (bitMap) record */
fill long; /* Base address */
integer; /* Row bytes */
rect; /* Bitmap bounds */
fill long; /* Handle placeholder */
/* Mask data */
hex string [$$Word(maskRowBytes) * PIXMAPHEIGHT];
/* BitMap data */
hex string [$$Word(iconBMapRowBytes) * PIXMAPHEIGHT];
/* Color Table */
unsigned hex longint; /* ctSeed */
integer; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer; /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/* PixelMap data */
hex string [$$BitField(pMapRowBytes, 0, 13) * PIXMAPHEIGHT];
/*----------------------------cicn • Color Icon-----------------------------------------*/
type 'cicn' {
/* IconPMap (pixMap) record */
fill long; /* Base address */
unsigned bitstring[1] = 1; /* New pixMap flag */
unsigned bitstring[2] = 0; /* Must be 0 */
unsigned bitstring[13]; /* Offset to next row */
Bounds: rect; /* Bitmap bounds */
integer = 0; /* pixMap vers number */
integer = 0; /* Packing format */
fill long; /* Size of pixel data */
unsigned hex longint = $00480000; /* h. resolution (ppi) */
unsigned hex longint = $00480000; /* v. resolution (ppi) */
integer = 0 /* chunky */; /* Pixel storage format */
integer; /* # bits in pixel */
integer = 1; /* # components in pixel*/
integer = $$Word(PixelSize); /* # bits per field */
fill long;
fill long;
fill long;
/* IconMask (bitMap) record */
fill long; /* Base address */
integer = BitMapRowBytes; /* Row bytes */
PixMapBounds; /* Bitmap bounds */
/* IconBMap (bitMap) record */
fill long; /* Base address */
integer = BitMapRowBytes; /* Row bytes */
PixMapBounds; /* Bitmap bounds */
fill long; /* Handle placeholder */
/* Mask data */
hex string [BitMapRowBytes * PixMapHeight];
/* BitMap data */
hex string [BitMapRowBytes * PixMapHeight];
unsigned hex longint = 0; /* ctSeed */
integer = 0; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer = $$ArrayIndex(ColorSpec) - 1; /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
hex string [PixMapRowBytes * PixMapHeight]; /* more of the pixmap */
#ifdef oldTemp
/*-------------------------- old clut • Generic Color Lookup Table----------------------*/
type 'clut' {
unsigned hex longint; /* ctSeed */
integer; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer; /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/*----------------------------clut • Generic Color Lookup Table-------------------------*/
type 'clut' {
unsigned hex longint = 0; /* ctSeed */
integer = 0; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer = $$ArrayIndex(ColorSpec) - 1; /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/*----------------------------CNTL • Control Template-----------------------------------*/
type 'CNTL' {
rect; /* Bounds */
integer; /* Value */
byte invisible, visible; /* visible */
fill byte;
integer; /* Max */
integer; /* Min */
integer pushButProc, /* ProcID */
pushButProcUseWFont = 8,
scrollBarProc = 16;
longint; /* RefCon */
pstring; /* Title */
#define popupMenuCDEFproc 1008 /* ProcID 1008 = 16 * 63 */
/* popup CDEF variation codes */
#define popupFixedWidth 0x0001
#define popupReserved 0x0002
#define popupUseAddResMenu 0x0004
#define popupUseWFont 0x0008
/* popup CDEF label characteristics */
#define popupTitleBold 0x0100
#define popupTitleItalic 0x0200
#define popupTitleUnderline 0x0400
#define popupTitleOutline 0x0800
#define popupTitleShadow 0x1000
#define popupTitleCondense 0x2000
#define popupTitleExtend 0x4000
#define popupTitleNoStyle 0x8000
#define popupTitleLeftJust 0x0000
#define popupTitleCenterJust 0x0001
#define popupTitleRightJust 0x00FF
#ifdef oldTemp
/*------------------------crsr • old Color Cursor template----------------------------------*/
type 'crsr' {
/* CCrsr record */
hex unsigned integer oldCursor = $8000, /* Type of cursor */
colorCursor = $8001;
unsigned longint = pixMap / 8; /* Offset to pixMap */
unsigned longint = pixelData / 8; /* Offset to pixel data */
fill long; /* Expanded cursor data */
fill word; /* Expanded data depth */
fill long; /* Reserved */
hex string [32]; /* One bit cursor data */
hex string [32]; /* One bit cursor mask */
point; /* Hot spot */
fill long; /* Table id */
fill long; /* id for cursor */
/* IconPMap (pixMap) record */
fill long; /* Base address */
unsigned bitstring[1] = 1; /* New pixMap flag */
unsigned bitstring[2] = 0; /* Must be 0 */
unsigned bitstring[13]; /* Offset to next row */
rect; /* Bitmap bounds */
integer; /* pixMap version number*/
integer unpacked; /* Packing format */
unsigned longint; /* Size of pixel data */
unsigned hex longint; /* h. resolution (ppi) (fixed) */
unsigned hex longint; /* v. resolution (ppi) (fixed) */
integer chunky, chunkyPlanar, planar; /* Pixel storage format */
integer; /* # bits in pixel */
integer; /* # components in pixel*/
integer; /* # bits per field */
unsigned longint; /* Offset to next plane */
unsigned longint = colorTable / 8; /* Offset to color table*/
fill long; /* Reserved */
hex string [(colorTable - pixelData) / 8]; /* Pixel data */
/* Color Table */
unsigned hex longint; /* ctSeed */
integer; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer; /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/*----------------------------crsr • Color Cursor---------------------------------------*/
type 'crsr' {
/* CCrsr record */
unsigned hex integer = $8001; /* Type of cursor */
unsigned longint = PixMap / 8; /* Offset to pixMap */
unsigned longint = PixelData / 8; /* Offset to pixel data */
fill long; /* Expanded cursor data */
fill word; /* Expanded data depth */
fill long; /* Reserved */
hex string [32]; /* One bit cursor data */
hex string [32]; /* One bit cursor mask */
point; /* Hot spot */
fill long; /* Table id */
fill long; /* id for cursor */
/* PixMap record */
fill long; /* Base address */
unsigned bitstring[1] = 1; /* New pixMap flag */
unsigned bitstring[2] = 0; /* Must be 0 */
unsigned bitstring[13]; /* Offset to next row */
rect = { 0, 0, 16, 16 }; /* Bitmap bounds */
integer = 0; /* pixMap vers number */
integer = 0; /* Packing format */
fill long; /* Size of pixel data */
unsigned hex longint = $00480000; /* h. resolution (ppi) */
unsigned hex longint = $00480000; /* v. resolution (ppi) */
integer = 0 /* chunky */; /* Pixel storage format */
integer; /* # bits in pixel */
integer = 1; /* # components in pixel*/
integer = $$Word(PixelSize); /* # bits per field */
fill long;
unsigned longint = ColorTable / 8;
fill long;
hex string [PixMapRowBytes * PixMapHeight];
unsigned hex longint = 0; /* ctSeed */
integer = 0; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer; /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/*----------------------------CURS • Cursor---------------------------------------------*/
type 'CURS' {
hex string [32]; /* Data */
hex string [32]; /* Mask */
point; /* Hot spot */
/*----------------------------dctb • Dialog Color Lookup Table--------------------------*/
type 'dctb' as 'actb';
/*----------------------------DITL • Dialog Item List-----------------------------------*/
type 'DITL' {
integer = $$CountOf(DITLarray) - 1; /* Array size */
wide array DITLarray {
fill long;
rect; /* Item bounds */
switch {
case HelpItem: /* Help Mgr type item */
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 1; /* this is a new type = 1 */
switch {
case HMScanhdlg:
byte = 4; /* sizeola */
key int = 1; /* key value */
integer; /* resource ID */
case HMScanhrct:
byte = 4; /* sizeola */
key int = 2; /* key value */
integer; /* resource ID */
case HMScanAppendhdlg:
byte = 6; /* sizeola */
key int = 8; /* key value */
integer; /* resource ID */
integer; /* offset (zero based) */
case Button:
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 4;
pstring; /* Title */
case CheckBox:
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 5;
pstring; /* Title */
case RadioButton:
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 6;
pstring; /* Title */
case Control:
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 7;
byte = 2;
integer; /* 'CTRL' ID */
case StaticText:
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 8;
pstring; /* Text */
case EditText:
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 16;
pstring; /* Text */
case Icon:
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 32;
byte = 2;
integer; /* 'ICON' ID */
case Picture:
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 64;
byte = 2;
integer; /* 'PICT' ID */
case UserItem:
boolean enabled,disabled; /* Enable flag */
key bitstring[7] = 0;
byte = 0;
align word;
/*----------------------------DLOG • Dialog Template------------------------------------*/
type 'DLOG' {
rect; /* boundsRect */
integer documentProc, /* procID */
zoomDocProc = 8,
zoomNoGrow = 12,
rDocProc = 16;
byte invisible, visible; /* visible */
fill byte;
byte noGoAway, goAway; /* goAway */
fill byte;
unsigned hex longint; /* refCon */
integer; /* 'DITL' ID */
pstring; /* title */
/* The following are window positioning options ,usable in 7.0 */
#if SystemSevenOrLater
align word;
unsigned integer noAutoCenter = 0x0000,
centerMainScreen = 0x280a,
alertPositionMainScreen = 0x300a,
staggerMainScreen = 0x380a,
centerParentWindow = 0xa80a,
alertPositionParentWindow = 0xb00a,
staggerParentWindow = 0xb80a,
centerParentWindowScreen = 0x680a,
alertPositionParentWindowScreen = 0x700a,
staggerParentWindowScreen = 0x780a;
/*----------------------------------------eppc -----------------------------------------*/
type 'eppc' {
unsigned longint; /* flags word */
unsigned longint; /* reserved */
unsigned integer; /* scriptCode */
/*----------------------------fctb • Font Color Lookup Table----------------------------*/
type 'fctb' as 'clut';
/*----------------------------FREF • File Reference-------------------------------------*/
type 'FREF' {
literal longint; /* File Type */
integer; /* Icon ID */
pstring; /* Filename */
/*----------------------------ICON • Icon-----------------------------------------------*/
type 'ICON' {
hex string[128]; /* Icon data */
/*----------------------------ICN# • Icon List------------------------------------------*/
type 'ICN#' {
array {
hex string[128]; /* Icon data */
type 'KCN#' as 'ICN#'; /* Keyboard Icon data <8>*/
/*----------------------------kind • Custom kind strings --------------------------------*/
type 'kind' {
literal longint; /* app signature */
integer; /* region code of kind string localizations */
integer = 0;
integer = $$CountOf(kindArray); /* Array size */
wide array kindArray {
literal longint; /* File Type */
pstring; /* custom kind strings */
align word;
/*----------------------------MENU • Menu-----------------------------------------------*/
type 'MENU' {
integer; /* Menu ID */
fill word[2];
integer textMenuProc = 0; /* ID of menu def proc */
fill word;
unsigned hex bitstring[31]
allEnabled = 0x7FFFFFFF; /* Enable flags */
boolean disabled, enabled; /* Menu enable */
pstring apple = "\0x14"; /* Menu Title */
wide array {
pstring; /* Item title */
byte noIcon; /* Icon number */
char noKey = "\0x00", /* Key equivalent or */
hierarchicalMenu = "\0x1B"; /* hierarchical menu */
char noMark = "\0x00", /* Marking char or id */
check = "\0x12"; /* of hierarchical menu */
fill bit;
unsigned bitstring[7]
plain; /* Style */
byte = 0;
/*----------------------------MBAR • Menu Bar-------------------------------------------*/
type 'MBAR' {
integer = $$CountOf(MenuArray); /* Number of menus */
wide array MenuArray{
integer; /* Menu resource ID */
/*----------------------------mctb • Menu Color Lookup Table----------------------------*/
type 'mctb' {
integer = $$CountOf(MCTBArray); /* Color table count */
wide array MCTBArray {
integer mctbLast = -99; /* Menu resource ID */
integer; /* Menu Item */
wide array [4] {
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
fill word; /* Reserved word */
/*----------------------------open • FileTypes an app can open--------------------------*/
type 'open' {
literal longint; /* app signature */
integer = 0;
integer = $$CountOf(typeArray); /* Array size */
wide array typeArray { /* FileTypes that app can open */
literal longint; /* FileType */
/*----------------------------PAT • Quickdraw Pattern----------------------------------*/
type 'PAT ' {
hex string[8]; /* Pattern */
/*----------------------------PAT# • Quickdraw Pattern List-----------------------------*/
type 'PAT#' {
integer = $$Countof(PatArray);
array PatArray {
hex string[8]; /* Pattern */
#ifndef __PICT_R__
/*----------------------------PICT • Quickdraw Picture----------------------------------*/
type 'PICT' {
unsigned integer; /* Length */
rect; /* Frame */
hex string; /* Data */
#endif __PICT_R__
/*----------------------------pltt • Color Palette--------------------------------------*/
type 'pltt' {
integer = $$CountOf(ColorInfo); /* Color table count */
fill long; /* Reserved */
fill word; /* Reserved */
fill long; /* Reserved */
fill long; /* Reserved */
wide array ColorInfo {
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
integer pmCourteous, pmDithered, pmTolerant, /* Color usage */
pmAnimated = 4, pmExplicit = 8;
integer; /* Tolerance value */
fill word; /* Private flags */
fill long; /* Private */
#ifdef oldTemp
/*------------------------ppat • Pixel Pattern old template---------------------------------*/
type 'ppat' {
/* PixPat record */
integer oldPattern, /* Pattern type */
unsigned longint = PixMap / 8; /* Offset to pixmap */
unsigned longint = PixelData / 8; /* Offset to data */
fill long; /* Expanded pixel image */
fill word; /* Pattern valid flag */
fill long; /* expanded pattern */
hex string [8]; /* old-style pattern */
/* PixMap record */
fill long; /* Base address */
unsigned bitstring[1] = 1; /* New pixMap flag */
unsigned bitstring[2] = 0; /* Must be 0 */
unsigned bitstring[13]; /* Offset to next row */
rect; /* Bitmap bounds */
integer; /* pixMap vers number */
integer unpacked; /* Packing format */
unsigned longint; /* size of pixel data */
unsigned hex longint; /* h. resolution (ppi) (fixed) */
unsigned hex longint; /* v. resolution (ppi) (fixed) */
integer chunky, chunkyPlanar, planar; /* Pixel storage format */
integer; /* # bits in pixel */
integer; /* # components in pixel*/
integer; /* # bits per field */
unsigned longint; /* Offset to next plane */
unsigned longint = ColorTable / 8; /* Offset to color table*/
fill long; /* Reserved */
hex string [(ColorTable - PixelData) / 8];
unsigned hex longint; /* ctSeed */
integer; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer; /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/*----------------------------ppat • Pixel Pattern--------------------------------------*/
type 'ppat' {
/* PixPat record */
integer = 1 /* newPattern */; /* Pattern type */
unsigned longint = PixMap / 8; /* Offset to pixmap */
unsigned longint = PixelData / 8; /* Offset to data */
fill long; /* Expanded pixel image */
fill word; /* Pattern valid flag */
fill long; /* expanded pattern */
hex string [8]; /* old-style pattern */
/* PixMap record */
fill long; /* Base address */
unsigned bitstring[1] = 1; /* New pixMap flag */
unsigned bitstring[2] = 0; /* Must be 0 */
unsigned bitstring[13]; /* Offset to next row */
Bounds: rect; /* Bitmap bounds */
integer = 0; /* pixMap vers number */
integer = 0; /* Packing format */
fill long; /* Size of pixel data */
unsigned hex longint = $00480000; /* h. resolution (ppi) */
unsigned hex longint = $00480000; /* v. resolution (ppi) */
integer = 0 /* chunky */; /* Pixel storage format */
integer; /* # bits in pixel */
integer = 1; /* # components in pixel*/
integer = $$Word(PixelSize); /* # bits per field */
fill long;
unsigned longint = ColorTable / 8;
fill long;
hex string [PixMapRowBytes * PixMapHeight];
unsigned hex longint = 0; /* ctSeed */
integer = 0; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer = $$ArrayIndex(ColorSpec) - 1; /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/*----------------------------SICN • Small Icon-----------------------------------------*/
type 'SICN' {
array {
hex string[32]; /* SICN data */
/*----------------------------SIZE • MultiFinder Size Information-----------------------*/
#define ignoreAppDiedEvents ignoreChildDiedEvents
#define acceptAppDiedEvents acceptChildDiedEvents
#define needsActivateOnFGSwitch notMultiFinderAware /* for compatibility */
#define doesActivateOnFGSwitch multiFinderAware /* for compatibility */
#define dontSaveScreen reserved /* for compatibility */
#define saveScreen true /* for compatibility */
#define enableOptionSwitch reserved /* for compatibility */
#define disableOptionSwitch true /* for compatibility */
type 'SIZE' {
boolean reserved;
boolean ignoreSuspendResumeEvents, /* suspend-resume */
boolean reserved;
boolean cannotBackground,
canBackground; /* Can properly use back-
ground null events */
boolean needsActivateOnFGSwitch, /* activate/deactivate */
doesActivateOnFGSwitch; /* on resume/suspend */
boolean backgroundAndForeground, /* Application does not */
onlyBackground; /* have a user interface*/
boolean dontGetFrontClicks, /* Get mouse down/up */
getFrontClicks; /* when suspended */
boolean ignoreAppDiedEvents, /* Apps use this. */
acceptAppDiedEvents; /* Debuggers use this. */
boolean not32BitCompatible, /* Works with 24bit addr*/
is32BitCompatible; /* Works with 24 or 32 */
/* bit addresses */
/* next four bits are new for system 7.0 */
boolean notHighLevelEventAware,
isHighLevelEventAware; /* does Post/AcceptHighLevelEvent */
boolean onlyLocalHLEvents, /* paranoid users' flag */
boolean notStationeryAware, /* checks stationery bit */
isStationeryAware; /* when opening documents */
boolean dontUseTextEditServices, /* can use text services */
useTextEditServices; /* through TextEdit. */
#undef reserved
boolean reserved; /* These 3 bits are */
boolean reserved; /* reserved. Set them */
boolean reserved; /* to "reserved". When */
/* we decide to define */
/* a new flag, your */
/* old resource will */
/* still compile. */
/* Memory sizes are in bytes */
unsigned longint; /* preferred mem size */
unsigned longint; /* minimum mem size */
// If we ever define one of the four reserved bits above, the "reserved"
// enumeration wouldn't appear on the newly defined bit. By defining "reserved"
// below, old resource SIZE declarations will still compile.
#define reserved false
/*----------------------------STR • Pascal-Style String--------------------------------*/
type 'STR ' {
pstring; /* String */
/*----------------------------STR# • Pascal-Style String List---------------------------*/
type 'STR#' {
integer = $$Countof(StringArray);
array StringArray {
pstring; /* String */
/*----------------------------thng • Component Manager thing----------------------------------*/
#ifndef UseExtendedThingResource
#define UseExtendedThingResource 0
#define cmpWantsRegisterMessage (1<<31) /* bits for conponent flags */
#define componentDoAutoVersion (1<<0) /* bits for registration flags */
#define componentWantsUnregister (1<<1)
#define componentAutoVersionIncludeFlags (1<<2)
#define componentHasMultiplePlatforms (1<<3)
type 'thng' {
literal longint; /* Type */
literal longint; /* Subtype */
literal longint; /* Manufacturer */
unsigned hex longint; /* conponent flags */
unsigned hex longint kAnyComponentFlagsMask = 0; /* conponent flags Mask */
literal longint; /* Code Type */
integer; /* Code ID */
literal longint; /* Name Type */
integer; /* Name ID */
literal longint; /* Info Type */
integer; /* Info ID */
literal longint; /* Icon Type */
integer; /* Icon ID */
#if UseExtendedThingResource
unsigned hex longint; /* version of Component */
longint; /* registration flags */
integer; /* resource id of Icon Family */
longint = $$CountOf(ComponentPlatformInfo);
wide array ComponentPlatformInfo {
unsigned hex longint; /* conponent flags */
literal longint; /* Code Type */
integer; /* Code ID */
integer platform68k = 1, platformPowerPC = 2; /* platform type (response from gestaltSysArchitecture) */
/*----------------------------wctb • Window Color Lookup Table--------------------------*/
type 'wctb' as 'actb';
/*----------------------------WIND • Window Template------------------------------------*/
type 'WIND' {
rect; /* boundsRect */
integer documentProc, /* procID */
zoomDocProc = 8,
zoomNoGrow = 12,
rDocProc = 16;
byte invisible, visible; /* visible */
fill byte;
byte noGoAway, goAway; /* goAway */
fill byte;
unsigned hex longint; /* refCon */
pstring Untitled = "Untitled"; /* title */
/* The following are window positioning options ,usable in 7.0 */
#if SystemSevenOrLater
align word;
unsigned integer noAutoCenter = 0x0000,
centerMainScreen = 0x280a,
alertPositionMainScreen = 0x300a,
staggerMainScreen = 0x380a,
centerParentWindow = 0xa80a,
alertPositionParentWindow = 0xb00a,
staggerParentWindow = 0xb80a,
centerParentWindowScreen = 0x680a,
alertPositionParentWindowScreen = 0x700a,
staggerParentWindowScreen = 0x780a;
/* resource containing a single rectangle */
type 'RECT' { rect; };
/* stages for ALRT */
#define silentStage OK, visible, silent
#define silentStages { silentStage; silentStage; silentStage; silentStage; }
#define beepStage OK, visible, sound1
#define beepStages { beepStage; beepStage; beepStage; beepStage; }
/* RGB colors */
#define whiteRGB $FFFF, $FFFF, $FFFF
#define blackRGB 0, 0, 0
/* colors for 'crsr' resources */
#define transparentRGB $FFFF, $FFFF, $FFFF
#define invertRGB 0, 0, 0
/* small icons with masks */
type 'ics#' {
array [2] {
hex string[32];
type 'kcs#' as 'ics#'; /* Keyboard small icon <8> */
/* mini icons with masks */
type 'icm#' {
array [2] {
hex string[24];
/* 8-bit color mini icon--no mask, no color table */
type 'icm8' {
hex string[192];
/* 4-bit color mini icon--no mask, no color table */
type 'icm4' {
hex string[96];
/* 8-bit color icon--no mask, no color table */
type 'icl8' {
hex string[1024];
type 'kcl8' as 'icl8'; /* Keyboard 8-bit color icon <8> */
/* 4-bit color icon--no mask, no color table */
type 'icl4' {
hex string[512];
type 'kcl4' as 'icl4'; /* Keyboard 4-bit color icon <8> */
/* 8-bit color small icon--no mask, no color table */
type 'ics8' {
hex string[256];
type 'kcs8' as 'ics8'; /* Keyboard 8-bit small color icon <8> */
/* 4-bit color small icon--no mask, no color table */
type 'ics4' {
hex string[128];
type 'kcs4' as 'ics4'; /* Keyboard 4-bit small color icon <8> */
/* a list of pixpats; Rez can’t yet handle this correctly */
type 'ppt#' {
/* PixPat offsets (calculate them some day!?!) */
integer = $$CountOf(OffsetArray);
array OffsetArray /* [$$CountOf(PixPatArray)] */ {
unsigned longint /* = PixPat[$$ArrayIndex(OffsetArray)] / 8 */;
array PixPatArray {
/* PixPat record */
integer = 1 /* newPattern */; /* Pattern type */
unsigned longint = PixMap[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)] / 8; /* Offset to pixmap */
unsigned longint = PixelData[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)] / 8; /* Offset to data */
fill long; /* Expanded pixel image */
fill word; /* Pattern valid flag */
fill long; /* expanded pattern */
hex string [8]; /* old-style pattern */
/* PixMap record */
fill long; /* Base address */
unsigned bitstring[1] = 1; /* New pixMap flag */
unsigned bitstring[2] = 0; /* Must be 0 */
unsigned bitstring[13]; /* Offset to next row */
Bounds: rect; /* Bitmap bounds */
integer = 0; /* pixMap vers number */
integer = 0; /* Packing format */
fill long; /* Size of pixel data */
unsigned hex longint = $00480000; /* h. resolution (ppi) */
unsigned hex longint = $00480000; /* v. resolution (ppi) */
integer = 0 /* chunky */; /* Pixel storage format */
integer; /* # bits in pixel */
integer = 1; /* # components in pixel*/
integer = $$Word(PixelSize[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)]); /* # bits per field */
fill long;
unsigned longint = ColorTable[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)] / 8;
fill long;
hex string [PixMapRowBytesIndexed * PixMapHeightIndexed];
unsigned hex longint = 0; /* ctSeed */
integer = 0; /* ctFlags */
integer = $$Countof(ColorSpec[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)]) - 1; /* ctSize */
wide array ColorSpec {
integer = $$ArrayIndex(ColorSpec[$$ArrayIndex(PixPatArray)]) - 1; /* value */
unsigned integer; /* RGB: red */
unsigned integer; /* green */
unsigned integer; /* blue */
/* types for the Database Access Manager */
/* 'wstr' - Word Length String Resource */
type 'wstr' {
wstring; /* string with word length spec. */
/* 'qrsc' - Query Resource */
type 'qrsc' {
integer; /* version */
integer; /* 'qdef' ID */
integer; /* STR# ID for ddevName, host,
user, password, connstr */
integer; /* current query */
/* array of IDs of 'wstr' resources containing queries */
integer = $$CountOf(QueryArray); /* array size */
wide array QueryArray {
integer; /* id of 'wstr' resource */
/* array of types and IDs for other resources for query */
integer = $$CountOf(ResArray); /* array size */
wide array ResArray {
literal longint; /* resource type */
integer; /* resource ID */
/* 'dflg' - ddev Flags */
type 'dflg' {
longint; /* version */
unsigned bitstring[32] /* ddev flags */
asyncNotSupp, asyncSupp;
#endif __TYPES_R__