2019-07-27 22:37:48 +08:00

145 lines
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File: FoldersGlue.c
Contains: FindFolder (also known as Folder Manager) glue for 7.0 Apps
that will allow them to run on 6.0 also.
Written by: Prashant Patel
Copyright: © 1990-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<4> 11/14/91 JL Had to change ifndef of SystemSevenOrLater to If it was false
because it's always defined in Types.h.
<3> 11/13/91 JL Changed kSupportSysDir to kNoSupportsSysDir and changed logic to
check for System Folder support. The 17th bit of vMAttrib is set
if there is no support - the logic got confusing. This fixes the
bug about not recognizing a System Folder on a drive that has
<2> 11/4/91 JSM Conditionalize glue for pre-System 7 only.
<1> 11/13/90 PP (PP/dba) first checked in
#include <Folders.h>
#include <GestaltEqu.h>
#include <SysEqu.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <Files.h>
/* Real FindFolder Trap in Sys 7.0. */
pascal OSErr
__FindFolder(short vRefNum, OSType, Boolean createFolder, short* foundVRefNum, long* foundDirID)
= { 0x7000, 0xA823 };
#if !(SystemSevenOrLater)
/* need glue for FindFolder for pre-7.0 systems */
/* Global Reference number of system resource file (word) */
#define SYSMAP (* (short *) SysMap)
#define kNoSupportsSysDir (1<<17) // Does volume support System Folder? <3>
typedef struct
{ // GetVolParms buffer
short version;
long attributes;
} VolParmsBuf;
pascal OSErr FindFolder(short vRefNum,
OSType folderType,
Boolean createFolder,
short* foundVRefNum,
long* foundDirID)
OSErr error; // return code
long result; // Gestalt result
Boolean findFolderPresent = false;
HParamBlockRec hpb; // generic h Param Block
VolParmsBuf volumeParms; // answer from GetVolParms
/* Determine if real FindFolder is present or not. */
error = Gestalt( gestaltFindFolderAttr, &result );
if (error == noErr)
if (result & (1<<gestaltFindFolderPresent))
findFolderPresent = true;
if (findFolderPresent)
return (__FindFolder(vRefNum, folderType, createFolder, foundVRefNum, foundDirID));
/* Folders that do not reside in System Folder are not valid for 6.0.
In such a case, return paramErr.
if (folderType != kSystemFolderType &&
folderType != kTemporaryFolderType &&
folderType != kPreferencesFolderType &&
folderType != kExtensionFolderType &&
folderType != kControlPanelFolderType &&
folderType != kAppleMenuFolderType &&
folderType != kStartupFolderType &&
folderType != kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType)
return (paramErr);
hpb.fileParam.ioNamePtr = nil; // not interested in name
if (vRefNum == (short)kOnSystemDisk) // vRefNum of Boot disk
/* Get vRefNum of the System disk. HParamBlockRec mapped to FCBPBRec. */
hpb.fileParam.ioFRefNum = SYSMAP; // the system file's refNum
hpb.fileParam.ioFDirIndex = 0; // get file by refNum
(*(FCBPBPtr)&hpb).ioFCBParID = fsRtDirID; // init in case of an MFS disk
error = PBGetFCBInfoSync ((FCBPBPtr) &hpb);
if (error != noErr)
goto EXIT;
/* cooked vRefNum is returned in ioFCBVRefNum. */
hpb.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = (*(FCBPBPtr)&hpb).ioFCBVRefNum;
hpb.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
/* Get volume params for this disk, specially the attributes bits. */
hpb.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof (VolParmsBuf); // size of return buffer
hpb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) &volumeParms; // pointer to return buffer
error = PBHGetVolParmsSync (&hpb);
if (error == paramErr || // just lack of PBHGetVolParms
(error == noErr && !(volumeParms.attributes & kNoSupportsSysDir))) // System Folder supported <3>
/* Get cooked vRefNum and System Folder dirID by calling HGetVInfo. */
hpb.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 0; // get info by vRefNum
hpb.volumeParam.ioVFndrInfo[0] = 0; // init in case of an MFS disk
hpb.fileParam.ioDirID = 0; // *** bug related to changing working Dir???
error = PBHGetVInfoSync (&hpb);
if (error != noErr)
goto EXIT;
if (hpb.volumeParam.ioVFndrInfo[0] != 0) // System Folder dirID on this disk
*foundVRefNum = hpb.volumeParam.ioVRefNum; // cooked vRefNum is returned
*foundDirID = hpb.volumeParam.ioVFndrInfo[0]; // System Folder dirID on this disk
error = fnfErr;
else if (error == noErr)
error = fnfErr;
return (error);