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; File: GetReal.a
; Written by: Carl C. Hewitt
; Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM10> 10/14/93 pdw (CCH) Split PowerPC EDiskProtect code into seperate routine.
; Added EDisk support for PDM.
; <SM9> 6/21/93 kc Fix vm test in GetMMUInfo.
; <SM8> 6/14/93 SAM Clarified the comments related to the isVMRunnning check in
; GetMMUInfo.
; <SM7> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW5> 4/23/93 MR Add code to check VMInstalled flag inside VM's globals. This
; fixes bug #1076279. Reviewed by Clinton Bauder
; <LW4> 3/25/93 MR Remove GetMMUInfoQ. Instead put a hack inside VM to set
; VMGlobals($B78) to -1 when calling GetPhysical at VM
; initialization time.
; <LW3> 3/16/93 MR Created GetMMUInfoQ which is identical to GetMMUInfo except it
; does not check for VM. This is an EMERGENCY FIX for the
; RAMDISK/VM bug that broke Ludwig B3. Will be merged in the
; future with GetMMUInfo. GetMMUInfoQ is only called by
; MemoryDispatch routines (i.e. LockMemory,GetPhysical etc).
; <SM6> 2/23/93 kc Fix bug introduced in last check in.
; <SM5> 2/20/93 SAM Added LogicalToPhysical code for EMMU machines. Placed a few
; Supports24Bit's around some things. Removed a trap call or two
; where possible. If it works at all, it should be faster for
; everyone.
; <SM4> 2/5/93 SAM Adjusted PDMs temporary Log2Phys. Removed several Gestalt calls
; from GetReal. Removed all the 24bit stuff for ROM builds of
; this file in GetReal.
; <SM3> 10/18/92 CCH Fixed EDiskProtect to abort if an MMU is not present.
; <SM2> 5/17/92 kc Roll in Horror sources.
; <SM0> 5/17/92 kc Fix bug in translate040. We were puting phisical address into the wrong register.
; <H3> 12/12/91 CCH Changed method of checking for VM in GetMMUInfo, since VM calls
; GetPageDesc after it sets up it's globals, but before taking
; over the MMU.
; <H2> 11/14/91 jmp (CCH) Removed redundant physical-to-logical conversion in
; translate030 routine. Made EDiskProtect return a result. Also
; removed Gestalt calls in favor of checks of lo-mem. This is
; necessary since, in ROM, this routine can get called before
; Gestalt is.
; <SM2> 2/12/92 JSM Moved this file to MMU folder, keeping all the old revisions;
; remove some unused equates.
; <SM1> 12/31/91 RB first checked in
; <T10> 7/11/91 CCH Fixed a bug in translate040, and saved D1 in GetReal.
; <T9> 7/9/91 HJR Added overpatch space
; <T8> 5/29/91 CCH Moved the call to getMMUInfo to ensure it will always be called
; in 32-bit mode.
; <T7> 5/24/91 CCH Added call to enter supervisor mode, if necessary, and flushed
; the ATC in the EDiskProtect routine.
; <T6> 5/10/91 CCH Added the EDiskProtect routine.
; <T5> 4/2/91 djw fixed GetRealProc trashing reg D4. This is crashing A/ROSE on
; Tim.
; <T4> 3/18/91 CCH Changed check for Gestalt to check for existence of ExpandMem
; instead of trap address.
; <T3> 3/18/91 CCH Fixed to not call Gestalt if it's not around. Also made 040
; translation routine aware of non logical = physical memory.
; <T2> 1/24/91 CCH Ensured a logical 32-bit mode address for page descriptors on
; 030's.
; <T1> 1/24/91 CCH first checked in
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'HardwareEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a'
; Misc Equates
TTEnable EQU 15 ; transparent translation enable bit
VMTrap EQU $A05C ; VM trap number
VMGlobals EQU $0B78 ; VM globals ptr
VMInstalled equ $0101 ; VMInstalled offset inside VM's globals <LW5>
; GetReal - Translates a logical address into a physical address. The address
; translation is performed in the MMU mode at the time of the call.
; input: a0.l = logical address to be translated
; output: a0.l = corresponding physical address
; d0.w = result code
; destroys: a1-a2
GetRealRegs REG d1-d4 ; <t5> djw <t10> cch
GetRealVars RECORD 0,decrement
oldA6 ds.l 1 ; old A6 value
theTC ds.l 1 ; TC reg (32-bit for 851/030, 16-bit for 040)
theSRP ds.l 1 ; root pointer of tables to use
theCRP ds.l 1 ; limit and flags long for 68851 and 68030 MMUs
myPhys2Log ds.l 1 ; offset to convert root ptr to logical addr
initShift ds.b 1 ; initial shift bits (IS)
levelFour ds.b 1 ; width of fourth level offset field (TID)
levelThree ds.b 1 ; width of third level offset field (TIC)
levelTwo ds.b 1 ; width of second level offset field (TIB)
levelOne ds.b 1 ; width of first level offset field (TIA)
ds.b 1 ; padding
GetRealSize equ *
WITH GetRealVars,MemDispGlobals
EXPORT GetPageDescProc
EXPORT checkTTRegs
; Note: We dont support "GetPageDesc Address"
cmpi.b #EMMU1,MMUType ; Do we have an Emulated MMU?
bne.s GetRealAddr ; -> No, OSW (old slow way).
; Do Logical to Physical Translation for machines with EMMUs. <SM5> SAM
MOVEM.L A2/D1/D2,-(SP) ; Save some regs
MOVE.L LockMemCt,A2 ; Get the MemDispatch globals
MOVE.L mdLog2PageSize(A2),D1 ; Get the Log2 page size
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; Copy the log addr
MOVE.L A0,D2 ; Make another copy (Shitty addressing modes)
LSR.L D1,D0 ; Turn the Addr into a logical page number
MOVE.L D0,A0 ; Put the page number back into A0
_nkMMUGetPhysicalPage ; Get the physical page in D0
LSL.L D1,D0 ; Turn the Phys page number into an Address
MOVE.L mdPageSize(A2),D1 ; Get the page size
SUBQ.L #1,D1 ; Turn the log2 page size into a mask
AND.L D1,D2 ; Mask out the upper 12 bits of the logical addr
OR.L D2,D0 ; Combine the phys page & logcal offset to make phys addr
MOVE.L D0,A0 ; Put the physical address into A0
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Signal no error
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2/D1/D2 ; Restore regs
* BRA.S @Done ; -> Exit
move.w #getReal,-(sp) ; indicate we want physical address in a0
bra.s walkTable ; go walk table <SM6>
move.w #getpageDesc,-(sp) ; indicate we want page descriptor ptr in a0
walkTable movem.l GetRealRegs,-(sp) ; save working registers
link a6,#GetRealSize ; allocate some room for our locals
cmpi.b #PMMU851,MMUType ; check to see if we have an MMU
bhs.s @haveAnMMU ; IF we do not have an MMU THEN
move.w #noMMUErr,d0 ; return an error
bra.s @exitGetReal ; >>EXIT routine
@haveAnMMU ; ENDIF
move.l a0,d2 ; get logical address into d2
jsr GetMMUInfo ; fill our globals with MMU info
IF Supports24Bit THEN
move.b MMU32Bit,-(sp) ; save current MMU mode
bne.s @in32BitMode ; IF we're in 24-bit mode THEN
moveq #true32b,d0 ; we want to go to 32 bit addressing
_SwapMMUMode ; switch the MMU mode
and.l Lo3Bytes,d2 ; clean up the 24-bit address
bra.s @doTranslation ; go do the translation
@in32BitMode ; ELSE
jsr checkTTRegs ; check transparent translation regs
bne.s @doTranslation ; IF we matched a TT register THEN
move.l d2,a0 ; put the original address into a0
move.l #0,a2 ; return null for page descriptor address
moveq #noErr,d3 ; return good status
bra.s @cleanupGetReal ; >>EXIT with easy translation
@doTranslation ; ENDIF
cmp.b #PMMU040,MMUType ; check MMU type
beq.s @trans68040 ; IF we're on a 68030 THEN
jsr translate030 ; do the translation for an 851/030
bra.s @cleanupGetReal ; ELSE
@trans68040 jsr translate040 ; do the translation for a 68040
; a2.w = address of page descriptor, if any
; d3.w = result code
; a0.l = physical address if successful
IF Supports24Bit THEN ; SM is always in 32 bit mode <SM4>
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; get original MMU mode
bne.s @returnResult ; IF we were originally in 24-bit mode THEN
_SwapMMUMode ; swap back to it
@returnResult ; ENDIF
move.w d3,d0 ; return result in d0
unlk a6 ; restore registers
movem.l (sp)+,GetRealRegs ; save working registers
cmp.w #getpageDesc,(sp)+ ; check for page getPageDesc call
bne.s @getRealDone ; IF this is the getPageDesc call THEN
move.l a2,a0 ; return page descriptor pointer
@getRealDone ; ENDIF
tst.w d3
@done rts
; GetMMUInfo - Fills the global area with MMU-specific table information.
; input: a6.l = pointer to global area
; output: none (globals are set up)
; destroys: a0-a1/d0/d3-d4
ISOffset equ 12 ; bit offset into 851/030 TC of IS field
pageSizeBit equ 14 ; bit number of page size bit in 68040 TC
cmpi.b #EMMU1,MMUType ; Do we have an Emulated MMU
beq @VMisOn ; -> Yes, just clear the Log2Phys field & Exit
cmp.b #PMMU040,MMUType ; check MMU type
beq.s @get040Info ; IF the MMU is an 851/030 THEN
pmove crp,theCRP(a6) ; get the 64-bit CRP value
pmove tc,theTc(a6) ; get TC value
move.l theTc(a6),d4 ; put TC into d4
move.l #ISOffset,d3 ; get offset into TC of IS field
bfextu d4{d3:4},d0 ; get IS value
move.b d0,initShift(a6) ; save IS value in globals
add.l #4,d3 ; get offset into TC of TIA field
bfextu d4{d3:4},d0 ; get TIA value
move.b d0,levelOne(a6) ; save level one index width in globals
add.l #4,d3 ; get offset into TC of TIB field
bfextu d4{d3:4},d0 ; get TIB value
move.b d0,levelTwo(a6) ; save level one index width in globals
add.l #4,d3 ; get offset into TC of TIC field
bfextu d4{d3:4},d0 ; get TIC value
move.b d0,levelThree(a6) ; save level one index width in globals
add.l #4,d3 ; get offset into TC of TID field
bfextu d4{d3:4},d0 ; get TID value
move.b d0,levelFour(a6) ; save level one index width in globals
bra.s @gotInfo ; go check for log2Phys offset
@get040Info ; ELSE
MACHINE MC68040 ; use 68040 instructions
movec srp,d0 ; get 68040 srp
move.l d0,theSRP(a6) ; save the root ptr
move.l #0,theCRP(a6) ; 68040 only has a 32-bit root pointer <T6>
move.b #7,levelOne(a6) ; 68040 always uses 7 bits for first level
move.b #7,levelTwo(a6) ; 68040 always uses 7 bits for second level
move.b #5,levelThree(a6) ; assume 5 bits for 8k pages in third level
movec tc,d0 ; get 68040 tc
move.w d0,theTC(a6) ; store it in globals
btst #pageSizeBit,d0 ; check which page size we're using
bne.s @not4kPages ; IF we're using 4k pages
move.b #6,levelThree(a6) ; use 6 bits for 4k pages in third level
@not4kPages ; ENDIF
move.b #0,levelFour(a6) ; 68040 never has a fourth level
move.b #0,initShift(a6) ; 68040 never has an initial shift
MACHINE MC68030 ; switch back to 68030 instructions
@gotInfo ; ENDIF
move.l phys2log,myPhys2Log(a6) ; get our phys2log translation offset (Assume no vm) <SM4>
IF not forROM THEN ; Supermario is always 32bit capable <SM4>
cmp.l #-1,ExpandMem ; is gestalt unimplemented? <T3>
beq.s @done ; IF gestalt is implemented THEN <T3>
move.l #gestaltAddressingModeAttr,d0 ; we need to find out 32-bit cleanliness
_Gestalt ; call Gestalt
tst.w d0 ; check for errors
bne.s @VMisOn ; >>EXIT on error
move.l a0,d0 ; get response in d0
btst #gestalt32BitCapable,d0 ; check if phys2Log globals exists
beq.s @VMisOn ; >>EXIT on error
; Some history: Since GetMMUInfo cannot be making lengthy Gestalt calls to determine if VM is on
; we would (previously) test the lomem where VM puts its globals to see it it had been initialized.
; A problem arises when VM has saved its globals ptr in VMGlobals but has not yet whacked the MMU
; tables and someone (VM) calls GetPhysical. An additional flag inside the VMGlobals has been added
; that is set at the very end of VMs initalization. We now check it to determine if the MMU world
; has been changed on us. <SM8> SAM
; Determine if VM is installed an running <LW5>
move.l VMGlobals,d0 ; Has VM installed its globals ptr (is it installed?) <SM4>
ble.s @done ; -> No. Leave with Phys2Log offset set.
move.l d0,a0 ; Globals in. Is VM actually running yet?
tst.b VMInstalled(a0) ; VM's Gestalt inited? <LW5>
beq.s @done ; -> Nope, leave the offset alone <LW5>
@VMisOn clr.l myPhys2log(a6) ; VM is on. No phys2log translation
@done rts ; return
; checkTTRegs - Checks a logical address against the MMU's transparent
; translation registers. This routine assumes that the
; instruction and data TT registers contain identical information
; on the 68040.
; input: d2.l = logical address to check
; output: ccr.z is set if the address would be transparently translated
; destroys: d0-d1/d3-d4
cmp.b #PMMU040,MMUType ; check MMU type
beq.s @get040Regs ; IF the MMU is an 851/030 THEN
subq #4,sp ; create room on stack for tt values
pmove tt0,(sp) ; get tt0 value
move.l (sp),d0 ; store in d0
pmove tt1,(sp) ; get tt1 value
move.l (sp),d1 ; store in d1
addq #4,sp ; restore stack
bra.s @checkTTs ; continue with check
@get040Regs ; ELSE
MACHINE MC68040 ; use 68040 instructions
movec dtt0,d0 ; store tt0 in d0
movec dtt1,d1 ; store tt1 in d1
MACHINE MC68030 ; switch back to 68030
@checkTTs ; ENDIF
btst #TTEnable,d0 ; see if tt0 is on
beq.s @checkTT1 ; IF tt0 is enabled THEN
move.l d2,d3 ; make a copy of the logical address
eor.l d0,d3 ; exclusive OR to leave ones in different bits
rol.l #8,d3 ; move upper 8-bits into low byte
swap d0 ; put logical address mask in low byte
not.b d0 ; invert logical address mask
and.b d0,d3 ; isolate bits we care about
beq.s @checkDone ; >>EXIT if we found a match
@checkTT1 ; ENDIF
btst #TTEnable,d1 ; see if tt1 is on
beq.s @notEnabled ; IF tt1 is enabled THEN
move.l d2,d3 ; make a copy of the logical address
eor.l d1,d3 ; exclusive OR to leave ones in different bits
rol.l #8,d3 ; move upper 8-bits into low byte
swap d1 ; put logical address mask in low byte
not.b d1 ; invert logical address mask
and.b d1,d3 ; isolate bits we care about
bra.s @checkDone ; go exit
@notEnabled andi #$fffb,sr ; clear zero bit
@checkDone ; ENDIF
; translate030 - Translates a logical address to its corresponding physical
; address on a 68030.
; input: a6.l = pointer to globals
; d2.l = logical address to translate
; output: a0.l = physical address
; a2.l = ptr to page descriptor for translated address
; d3.w = result code
; destroys: d0-d1
tcSRE EQU 25 ; SRP Enable in TC for 851/030
tcFCL EQU 24 ; Function code Lookup in TC for 851/030
tcEnable030 EQU 31 ; MMU enable bit in TC on 851/030
pageDesc EQU 1 ; page descriptor
valid4 EQU 2 ; valid 4 byte
valid8 EQU 3 ; valid 8 byte
transRegs REG d4-d7
movem.l transRegs,-(sp) ; save working registers
move.l theSRP(a6),d1 ; get root ptr
move.l theCRP(a6),d7 ; get limit in d7
move.b d7,d3 ; get descriptor type in d3
and.b #3,d3 ; isolate it
move.l theTC(a6),d0 ; get a copy of the TC in d0
btst #tcSRE,d0 ; check for SRP mode
bne @paramErr ; >>EXIT if on
btst #tcFCL,d0 ; check for FCL mode
bne @paramErr ; >>EXIT if on
btst #tcEnable030,d0 ; check if MMU is on
bne.s @startTranslate ; IF MMU is off THEN
move.l d2,a1 ; return logical address unchanged
clr.l d1 ; return null for page descriptor addr
moveq #noErr,d3 ; return good status
bra.s @xlatDone ; >>EXIT with physical address
@startTranslate ; ENDIF
clr.l d4 ; clear offset into logical address
move.b initShift(a6),d4 ; add in initial shift
lea levelOne(a6),a1 ; point a1 at width of first field
clr.l d5 ; get a clear longword
move.b (a1)+,d5 ; get width of next field
; a1.l = pointer to width of next field
; d1.l = current descriptor entry
; d2.l = logical address to translate
; d3.b = descriptor type of current descriptor
; d4.l = offset into logical address of index field
; d5.l = width of index field
; d7.l = limit of current descriptor
@xlatLoop ; LOOP (to walk an MMU table)
cmp.b #pageDesc,d3 ; is this a page descriptor?
beq.s @getPage ; >>BREAK on page descriptor
bfextu d2{d4:d5},d6 ; get index into next table
tst.l d7 ; is there a limit for this table?
beq.s @noLimit ; IF there is a limit THEN
jsr checkLimit ; check the index against the limit
bcs.s @paramErr ; >>EXIT on a limit overflow
@noLimit ; ENDIF
and.l #$fffffff0,d1 ; remove unused bottom byte
cmp.b #valid4,d3 ; check for 4-byte descriptor
bne.s @not4byte ; IF this is a four byte descriptor THEN
add.l myPhys2Log(a6),d1 ; convert current descriptor to logical addr
move.l d1,a2 ; get pointer to next table
lsl.w #2,d6 ; multiple index by four
add.l d6,a2 ; get address of next descriptor
move.l (a2),d1 ; get next descriptor
clr.l d7 ; no limit on this descriptor
move.b d1,d3 ; get a copy of descriptor
bra.s @doNext ; look at next descriptor
@not4byte ; ELSE
cmp.b #valid8,d3 ; check for 8-byte descriptor
bne.s @paramErr ; >>EXITLOOP on invalid descriptors
add.l myPhys2Log(a6),d1 ; convert current descriptor to logical addr
move.l d1,a2 ; get pointer to next table
lsl.w #3,d6 ; multiple index by eight
add.l d6,a2 ; get address of next descriptor
move.l 4(a2),d1 ; get lower word of next descriptor
move.l 0(a2),d7 ; get upper word of next descriptor
move.b d7,d3 ; get a copy of descriptor
@doNext ; ENDIF
add.l d5,d4 ; update d4 to contain number of bytes decoded
move.b (a1)+,d5 ; get width of next field
and.b #3,d3 ; isolate descriptor type
bra.s @xlatLoop ; ENDLOOP
move.l #32,d5 ; total number of bits in address
sub.l d4,d5 ; get number of bits not yet decoded
bfextu d1{0:d4},d0 ; get top bits of address of physical page
bfextu d2{d4:d5},d6 ; get offset into physical page
lsl.l d5,d0 ; make a base address out of it
add.l d6,d0 ; get physical address
move.l d0,a0 ; put address into a1
moveq #noErr,d3 ; return no error
movem.l (sp)+,transRegs ; restore registers
move.w #paramErr,d3
bra.s @xlatDone
; translate040 - Translates a logical address to its corresponding physical
; address on a 68040.
; input: a6.l = pointer to globals
; d2.l = logical address to translate
; output: a0.l = physical address
; a2.l = ptr to page descriptor for translated address
; d3.w = result code
; destroys: d0-d1
tcEnable040 EQU 15 ; MMU enable bit in TC on 68040
UDTResident EQU 1 ; UDT resident bit in table descriptor
PDTResident EQU 1 ; PDT field value for a resident page
PDTIndirect EQU 2 ; PDT field value for an indirect page desc
movem.l transRegs,-(sp) ; save working registers
move.l theSRP(a6),d1 ; get root ptr in a2
move.w theTC(a6),d0 ; get a copy of the TC in d0
btst #tcEnable040,d0 ; check if MMU is on
bne.s @startTranslate ; IF MMU is off THEN
move.l d2,a0 ; return logical address unchanged <SM0>
clr.l d1 ; return null for page descriptor addr
moveq #noErr,d3 ; return good status
bra.s @xlatDone ; >>EXIT with physical address
clr.l d4 ; clear offset into logical address
clr.w d3 ; clear level counter
clr.l d5 ; get a clear longword
lea levelOne(a6),a1 ; init pointer to field widths
; a1.l = pointer to field width info
; d1.l = current descriptor entry
; d2.l = logical address to translate
; d3.w = level counter
; d4.l = offset into logical address of index field
@walkLoop ; LOOP (to walk 68040 table)
move.b (a1)+,d5 ; get width of first index field
move.l #(32-2),d0 ; get total bits in descriptor (table pointer/4)
sub.l d5,d0 ; get number of significant bits in table ptr
bfextu d1{0:d0},d1 ; get pointer to next table
lsl.l d5,d1 ; almost make a base address out of it
lsl.l #2,d1 ; make a base address out of it
bfextu d2{d4:d5},d6 ; get index into next table
lsl.w #2,d6 ; multiple index by four
add.l d6,d1 ; get address of next descriptor
add.l myPhys2Log(a6),d1 ; convert pointer to logical addr <T3>
move.l d1,a2 ; put into an address register
move.l (a2),d1 ; get next descriptor
cmp.w #2,d3 ; is this the third level
beq.s @getPage ; >>EXITLOOP if so
btst #UDTResident,d1 ; is it resident?
beq.s @paramErr ; >>EXIT if not
add.l d5,d4 ; update d4 to contain number of bytes decoded
add.w #1,d3 ; bump level count
bra.s @walkLoop ; ENDLOOP
move.b d1,d0 ; get a copy of the page descriptor
and.b #3,d0 ; isolate PDT field
cmp.b #PDTResident,d0 ; is this page resident?
beq.s @residentPage ; IF it is not resident THEN
cmp.b #PDTIndirect,d0 ; check for indirect pointer
bne.s @paramErr ; >>EXIT if invalid
and.l #$fffffffc,d1 ; clear PDT field from indirect descriptor
add.l myPhys2Log(a6),d1 ; convert pointer to logical addr <T3>
move.l d1,a2 ; get address of page descriptor
move.l (a2),d1 ; get page descriptor
@residentPage ; ENDIF
add.l d5,d4 ; update d4 to contain number of bytes decoded <t10> cch
move.l #32,d5 ; total number of bits in address
sub.l d4,d5 ; get number of bits not yet decoded
bfextu d1{0:d4},d0 ; get address of physical page
bfextu d2{d4:d5},d6 ; get offset into physical page
lsl.l d5,d0 ; make a base address out of it
add.l d6,d0 ; get physical address
move.l d0,a0 ; put address into a0
moveq #noErr,d3 ; return no error
movem.l (sp)+,transRegs ; restore registers
move.w #paramErr,d3
bra.s @xlatDone
; checkLimit - Checks an index against a limit for an 8-byte descriptor.
; input: d6.l = index to be checked
; d7.l = upper word of descriptor
; output: ccr.c set on invalid index
; ccr.c clear on valid index
; destroys: d7
checkLimit swap d7 ; get limit into low word
btst #15,d7 ; check type of limit
bne.s @lower ; IF it is an upper limit THEN
cmp.w d6,d7 ; compare upper limit
bra.s @limitExit ; ELSE
@lower and.w #$7fff,d7 ; remove l/u bit
cmp.w d7,d6 ; compare lower limit
@limitExit ; ENDIF
; EDiskProtectPPC - Protects or unprotects the EDisk as specified for PowerPC.
; input: d0[15:0] = HwPriv selector #8
; d0[16] = set to protect specified area, clear to unprotect it
; a0.l = 32-bit base address of area to protect/unprotect
; a1.l = length of area to protext/unprotect
; output: a0.l = pointer to the 1st-level table descriptor for the eDisk
; d0.w = result code
; destroys: d1/a1
EMMUWrProtBit EQU 16
EMMUWrProtMask EQU $00010000
wrBit EQU 2
ProtectRegsPPC REG d2-d4
WITH GetRealVars
cmp.b #EMMU1,MMUType ; check to see if we have a PowerPC MMU
bne @paramErr ; >>EXIT if not
movem.l ProtectRegsPPC,-(sp) ; save working registers
; PowerPC EDisk Write Protect Code
move.l #12,d4 ; number of bits in page size
move.l a1,d2 ; get byte length in d2
lsr.l d4,d2 ; convert byte length to page count
addq.l #1,d2 ; always round up by one
move.l a0,d1 ; get the base address in d1
lsr.l d4,d1 ; convert base address to page number
move.l d0,d3 ; get a copy of the protect bit into d3
and.l #EMMUWrProtMask,d3 ; isolate write protect flag
move.l #EMMUWrProtBit-wrBit,d4 ; number of bits to shift protect bit
lsr.l d4,d3 ; shift the bit into place so we can OR.L it in
@protectLoop ; LOOP (to protect/unprotect pages in Edisk)
move.l d1,a0 ; Put the page number in A0
_nkGetPTEntryGivenPage ; Get the 030+ PTE from the nk
bclr #wrBit,d0 ; Clear the W bit
or.l d3,d0 ; Clear/set the write-protect flag
move.l d0,a0 ; Move the PTE to A0
move.l d1,a1 ; Put the page number in A1
_nkSetPTEntryGivenPage ; Set the 030+ PTE
addq.l #1,d1 ; bump the page number by 1
dbra d2,@protectLoop ; END
moveq #noErr,d0 ; return successful
movem.l (sp)+,ProtectRegsPPC ; restore working registers
@return rts
@paramErr move.w #paramErr,d0 ; return paramErr
bra.s @return
; EDiskProtect - Protects or unprotects the EDisk as specified.
; NOTE: This algorithm assumes that the Edisk space is the only space
; mapped by it's 1st level descriptor.
; input: d0.w = HwPriv selector #8
; a0.l = 32-bit base address of EDisk
; a1.w = flag to protect or unprotect Edisk (1=protect)
; output: a0.l = pointer to the 1st-level table descriptor for the eDisk
; d0.w = result code
; destroys: d1/a1
ProtectRegs REG d2-d4/a2
IMPORT checkTTRegs
WITH GetRealVars
cmp.b #PMMU851,MMUType ; check to see if we have an MMU <SM3>
blo @bailNoMMU ; >>EXIT if not <SM3>
movem.l ProtectRegs,-(sp) ; save working registers
link a6,#GetRealSize ; allocate some room for our locals
; 68K EDisk Write Protect Code
@noEMMU move.l a0,d2 ; get base address of Edisk
move.w a1,a2 ; save protect flag in a2
Move SR,D0 ; Get and save the SR. <T7>
Btst #13,D0 ; Are we in Supervisor mode?
Bne.s @noVM ; Yes? Then don't call _EnterSupervisorMode.
_EnterSupervisorMode ; Must be in supervisor mode (SR returned in D0).
move.w d0,-(sp) ; save status register value <T7>
IF Supports24Bit THEN
move.b MMU32Bit,-(sp) ; save current MMU mode
bne.s @in32BitMode ; IF we're in 24-bit mode THEN
moveq #true32b,d0 ; we want to go to 32 bit addressing
_SwapMMUMode ; switch the MMU mode
bra.s @doTranslation ; go do the translation
@in32BitMode ; ELSE
jsr checkTTRegs ; check transparent translation regs
bne.s @doTranslation ; IF we matched a TT register THEN
move.l d2,a0 ; put the original address into a0
moveq #paramErr,d3 ; return bad status
bra.s @cleanup ; >>EXIT with easy translation
@doTranslation ; ENDIF
jsr GetMMUInfo ; set up globals <T8>
clr.l d0 ; clear starting bit value
clr.l d1 ; clear bit field length
move.b initShift(a6),d0 ; get bit to start at, with initial shift, if any
move.b levelOne(a6),d1 ; get bit field length
bfextu d2{d0:d1},d0 ; get index into 1st-level table
lsl.l #2,d0 ; convert to a 4-byte entry pointer index
btst.b #0,theCRP+3(a6) ; is this an 8-byte table?
beq.s @is4Byte ; IF this is a 8-byte entry table THEN
lsl.l #1,d0 ; convert to an 8-byte entry pointer index
@is4Byte ; ENDIF
add.l theSRP(a6),d0 ; get the physical address of the 1st-level entry
add.l myPhys2Log(a6),d0 ; convert to a logical address
move.l d0,a0 ; save in a0
; Change RAM disk protection
move.w #noErr,d3 ; return good result if we get here. <Z11><H2>
bset #writeProtectBit,3(a0) ; set the write-protect bit
tst.w a2 ; check if protect flag is set
bne.s @protect ; IF we want to unprotect THEN
bclr #writeProtectBit,3(a0) ; clear the write-protect bit
@protect ; ENDIF
cmp.b #cpu68040,CPUFlag ; check for processor type <T7>
bne.s @not040 ; IF on a 68040 THEN
pflusha ; flush the ATC regs
bra.s @cleanup ; ELSE
@not040 jsr ([jCacheFlush]) ; flush caches since they're logical <Z11><H2>
pflusha ; flush the ATC regs
; ENDIF <T7>
; d3.w = result code
; a0.l = physical address if successful
IF Supports24Bit THEN
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; get original MMU mode
bne.s @skipMMUSwap ; IF we were originally in 24-bit mode THEN
_SwapMMUMode ; swap back to it
@skipMMUSwap ; ENDIF
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get status register value <T7>
move d0,sr ; restore status register <T7>
move.w d3,d0 ; return result in d0
@return unlk a6
movem.l (sp)+,ProtectRegs ; restore working registers
; That's all folks.