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; File: MemMgrBoot.a
; Contains: Assembly language routines for boot the new memory manager.
; Written by: Jeff Crawford, stolen from old code in the existing MM
; Copyright © 1982, 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <23> 10/25/93 SAM Roll in <MC5> from mc900ftjesus.
; <MC5> 10/25/93 SAM Changed mmCacheUnk1 to mmFigEnable (MMFlags bit number equate).
; <22> 10/15/93 SAM Roll in <MC4> from mc900ftjesus.
; <MC4> 10/15/93 SAM Removed figgyonvector stuff completely. Removed the nasty hack
; in InitMemMgr for native figment (native fig is smart now).
; <21> 10/14/93 BT Sync up with Sam's SM changes.
; <SM14> 10/12/93 SAM Roll in <MC3> from mc900ftjesus.
; <MC3> 10/12/93 SAM Inverted the sense of figgyonvect and added two lines of code to
; the start of InitMemVect that the native code looks for before
; plugging itself in (this'll be gone in the next build).
; <SM13> 10/12/93 SAM Roll in <MC2> from mc900ftjesus.
; <MC2> 10/12/93 SAM Rewrote InitMemMgr. Now fully universal. Upated all routines
; that used figgyonvector and read PRAM location AA. Cleaned up
; lotsa stuff (will finish cleaning later).
; <20> 9/2/93 BT <BT, ewa> #1108042, sync up with SuperMario.
; <19> 8/19/93 JC <mlw>, #1106373, Fixed Timbuktu bug where SetApplBase was
; removing heap zones above BufPtr out of the heap tree.
; <18> 8/18/93 JC <BK>, #1105907, Fix boot process to leave the first 8 bytes of
; low memory the same as the old MM.
; <17> 8/5/93 BT <BT, JC> We came, we saw, we initialed...
; <16> 8/2/93 JC #1095953, now is FakeHandleRange instead of RealMemTop to permit
; clients to create heaps above RealMemTop.
; <15> 8/2/93 JC Fixed the previous fix so it boots on PDM. The Syszone was
; expanding into the ApplZone at boot up time.
; <14> 7/20/93 JC #1095954, Fixed bug where After Dark's zone above BufPtr
; (possibly others) was removed from the heap tree during
; InitApplZone.
; <13> 7/16/93 JC Made changes to support Figment as a System File. These changes
; we done using the IF ForROM define.
; <12> 6/9/93 JC Fix ExtSysZone HeapDispatch selector.
; <11> 5/26/93 BT Switch the polarity on the Figment PRAM bit.
; <10> 5/21/93 JC oooops.
; <9> 5/21/93 JC Support for QuickTime 1.6 now works. Added vector and
; initialization code to support QT.
; <8> 5/19/93 BT Change PRAM bit used for Figment to end of Spectre's startup
; server name. Slot 6 didn't work because it got cleared after
; every second boot (after noticing no card was present).
; <7> 5/18/93 BT Changed entry point names so that the control for InitMemMgr,
; InitMemVect and SetApplBaseAfterBoot pass through a multiplexer
; that can pass control to the correct routines. These are the
; only routines that are called directly.
; <6> 5/6/93 JC Set GZRootHnd, GZRootPtr, and GZMoveHnd to be initialized to
; nil.
; Code used during the boot process by the Memory Manager.
; InitApplZone is really a toolbox function and should not be part of the new
; Memory Manager. To prevent rewriting toolbox code in C, I have included the
; modified assembly language implementation for it here.
; SetApplBase is in a similar predicament. It does require some knowlege of
; the System heap though and has been rerwitten but not yet tested.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'ColorEqu.a' ;
INCLUDE 'palettePriv.a' ; <10Jun87 EHB>
INCLUDE 'MemoryMgrPriv.a'
INCLUDE 'FontPrivate.a'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'TrapsPrivate.a'
NextUpLink EQU $20 ; offset of nextUp field in stdHeap
; Warning! this is tied to MemMgr.h
IMPORT FlushApplVBLs ; code borrowed from SegLoader <C681>
IMPORT AppZoneAddr ; code borrowed from SegLoader <C699>
IMPORT FlushApplNM ; from NotificationMgr.c
IMPORT BaseofRom
IMPORT MoveBytes
IMPORT MoveBytes020
IMPORT MoveBytes040
IMPORT ClearBytes
IMPORT Old_AfterBootSetApplBase ; <7 BT>
IMPORT Old_InitMemMgr ; <7 BT>
IMPORT Old_InitMemVect ; <7 BT>
EXPORT AfterBootSetApplBase ; <SM20>
EXPORT InitMemMgr ; initialization at system boot time <v1.1>
EXPORT InitMemVect ; old routine to init 32/24 vectors
EXPORT Fig_VIAZINIT ; init at top of InitApplZone for vector <C681>, <7 BT>
EXPORT Fig_VIAZPOSTINIT ; init after zone is created for vector <C681>, <7 BT>
ExtSysZoneSelector EQU $14 ; selector for extending the system zone
vMoveBytes EQU $1E00 ; jump vector for MoveBytes (old 24bit MM start)
vClearBytes EQU $1E04 ; jump vector for ClearBytes
vTrashQTMemList EQU $1E0C ; used for QuickTime 1.6 compatibility
FakeHandleRange EQU $1E10 ; used to range check fake handles
; InitMemMgr: Set up some low memory constants related to the memory manager.
; Destroys tons
; Called by System initialization sequence.
With ProductInfo
InitMemMgr MOVE.L #BCMask,Lo3Bytes
MOVE.L #mnStackSize,MinStack
MOVE.L #NDfltStackSize,DefltStack ; new name for flexibility
MOVE.W #(dfltFlags<<8),MMDefFlags
InitMemVect MOVEM.L D0-D3/A0-A3,-(SP) ; Save registers
MOVEA.L UnivInfoPtr,a1 ; Get product info pointer
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; Make a copy into A1
ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A1),A0 ; Get ptr to hardware bases
MOVE.L ProductInfo.ExtValid(A1),D1 ; Get external features (0-31)
MOVE.L #MMPRAMloc,D3 ; Read MMFlags from PRAM
LEA MMFlags,A3 ; A3 points to MMFlags lomem
BSR.L PramIO ; Get the current MMFlags
BTST #hasNewMemMgr,UnivROMFlags ; Does this ROM support Figment?
BEQ.S @noFigment ; -> No. Don't bother w/PRAM
BTST #mmFigEnable,MMFlags ; Is Figment enabled for this boot?
BEQ.S @noFigment ; -> Nope. Use old MemMgr
BRA.S Fig_InitMemMgr ; -> Call Figment Init
@noFigment BRA Old_InitMemMgr ; -> Call Old Mem Mgr Init
; InitMemMgr: Set up some low memory constants related to the memory manager.
; Destroys none
; Called by System initialization sequence.
BSET #MMStartMode,MMFlags ; Force 32-bit mode
BSET #MMMixed,MMFlags ; Force 32-bit mode
BSET #MMSysheap,MMFlags ; Force 32-bit mode
BSET #MMROZheap,MMFlags ; Force 32-bit mode
BCLR #mmHighSysHeap,MMFlags ; Force 32-bit mode
Move.B #5,MMFlags ; MMStartMode & MMSysheap bits set
; note: we dont read PRAM here
BCLR.B #Systemis24bit,SystemInfo ; set system to be 32 bit
BCLR.B #Sysheapis24bit,SystemInfo ; set system heap to be 32 bit
MOVE.L ROMBase,D0 ; get ROMbase <18>
ADD.L #$00010000,D0 ; makeup a safe address <v1.9>
MOVE.L D0,$0 ; write address for nil handle <v1.9>
MOVE.L D0,$4 ; write address for nil window pointer <v1.9>
CMPI.B #cpu68040,CPUFlag ; Are we less than an 040? <T7><SM9>
BLO.S @not040 ; Yes? Then use original MoveBytes. <T7><SM9>
; Need to set up MoveBytes and ClearBytes vectors
LEA MoveBytes040,A0 ; get address for MoveBytes on 040
BRA.S @3
@not040 LEA MoveBytes020,A0 ; get address for MoveBytes on 020
@3 MOVE.L A0,vMoveBytes ; store MoveBytes address in vector
LEA ClearBytes,A0 ; get address for ClearBytes
MOVE.L A0,vClearBytes ; store ClearBytes address in vector
; For the new HeapManager we need to clear out the grow zone handle/ptr root stuff
; in case someone checks it.
CLR.L GZRootHnd ; clear 'em out
CLR.L vTrashQTMemList ; lomem used for Heap utilties support
; initialize the fake handle range with RealMemTop
MOVE.L RealMemTop, FakeHandleRange
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D3/A0-A3 ; restore registers
; PROCEDURE SetApplBase(a: Address);
; Sets the Application Zone Base, and Inits the Application Zone
; No error setting required here,since IAZ does all the hard work. <25Apr85>
; These days use the full splendor of InitApplZone.
; Argument:
; A0: New Base Address for Applic Zone.
; Result:
; D0: ec: error code.
; Registers:
; D0: amount to adjust counter by, new counter value.
; A0: points to counter, max pair.
; Roll in SetAppBaseCacheCleaner from BassPatches.a <SM8> <PN>
; Remove any application memory allocated by Bass whenever the application heap is
; reformatted. SetAppBase and InitApplZone must be patched since they both trash the
; application heap.
TST.B CurApName ;checking for app name <SM8> <PN>
BMI @SkipIt ;still in booting, skip the patch <SM8> <PN>
MOVEM.L A0-A2/D0-D3,-(sp) ; save registers <SM8> <PN>
CLR.L -(SP) ; room for result <SM8> <PN>
MOVE.L applZone,A0 ; point to zone hdr <SM8> <PN>
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push start ptr <SM8> <PN>
MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; push zone trailer <SM8> <PN>
_sbKillSomeCaches ; <SM8> <PN>
ADDQ #4,SP ; ignore result <SM8> <PN>
MOVEM.L (sp)+,A0-A2/D0-D3 ; restore registers <SM8> <PN>
; 32 bit version
MoveM.L D3/A2-A6,-(SP) ; Save Registers.
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; Move param so IAZ can hose A0 <sm9>stb
BSR IAZ ; roll in patch to get extra cleanup<sm9>stb
Move.L SysZone,A6 ; Get sysZone pointer.
Move.L (SP)+,D0 ; round base up to 4x <C251><sm9>stb
Add.L #15,D0 ; Quad-word align
AndI.W #$FFF0,D0 ; D0 = 16x; D0 >= A0
bra.s @continue
@0 AddQ.L #3,D0 ;
AndI.W #$FFFC,D0 ; D0 = 4x; D0 >= A0
@continue ; <2> kc.end
MoveA.L D0,A0 ; <C251>
Sub.W #MinFree32,A0 ; Point to new end block. <v1.2>
Cmp.L BkLim(A6),A0 ; New sysZone end <= current?
BLS.S @SABInitAppl ; Yes, just init applZone.
; note, we must keep the heap tree intact, so we save and restore
; the nextLink of the application zone across calls to IAZ (which
; could destroy it). This is to permit heaps above bugPtr (Timbuktu,
; After Dark, Virex) to stay in the heap tree.
Move.L NextUpLink(A6),A1 ; Get app zone
Move.L NextUpLink(A1),-(SP) ; Save app zone's next link on stack
; Need to call Figment instead of a32ZoneAdjustEnd
; *** BSR a32ZoneAdjustEnd ; Adjust the sysZone end. JC <v1.1>
suba.l BkLim(A6),A0 ; get size to increase in A0
move.w #ExtSysZoneSelector, D0 ; ExtendSystemZone selector in D0
BSR.S IAZ ; use historical IAZ call <C681>
BSR.S IAZ ; roll in patch to get extra cleanup<sm9>stb
; Since the system zone could have expanded into the app zone,
; we restore the link to put heaps back in heap tree
Move.L NextUpLink(A6),A1 ; Get app zone
Move.L (SP)+,NextUpLink(A1) ; restore app zone's nextlink
BRA.s @doneWithSAB
BSR.S IAZ ; use historical IAZ call <C681>
BSR.S IAZ ; roll in patch to get extra cleanup<sm9>stb
MoveM.L (SP)+,D3/A2-A6
; PROCEDURE AfterBootSetApplBase(a: Address);
; This is the patch BracketSetAppBaseWithInitApplZones
; It will patch out the SetApplBase at Gibbly time when InstallMgr
; get called. The time when this patch applied is crucial (during boot
; time up to gibbly time this patch is NOT to be used, it is used
; after gibbly time) <SM20> PN
BTST #mmFigEnable,MMFlags ; Is Figment enabled for this boot?
BNE.S @hasFigment ; -> Yes. Use the wrapper.
BRA Old_AfterBootSetApplBase
JSR Fig_SetApplBase
; Procedure InitApplZone;
; Common code for initializing the Application Zone. Requires SPBot,
; sysZone to be set up. Sets up ApplLimit, applZone. Invokes
; RsrcZoneInit, if needed. Sets up HiHeapMark := ApplLimit, as always, <C765><C778>
; but uses the more conservative result (D1) from ToMaxLimit rather than <C765><C778>
; the BufPtr-based result (D2) which was historical. <C778>
; New wrinkle -- start ApplZone up high, then let it grow downwards. <14Apr85>
; Stuff error codes in IAZ (for SetApplBase) and InitApplZone. <25Apr85>
; Init ApplZone and OrgApplZone before InitZone, to simplify MakeMoreMasters <27Apr85>
; Roll all of InitApplZone into one blob, leaving IAZ for history. <C681>
; Arguments:
; None.
; Result:
; D0: ec: error code.
; <0: InitZone failed.
; 0: Success.
; Registers:
; D1: appLim: Computed ApplLimit value.
; D2: lTemp: Proposed appl Limit value.
; A0: start: Points to proposed applZone start.
; A0: args: Points to InitZone argument list.
; A1: end: Points to proposed applZone end.
; A6: z: Points to sysZone, eventually applZone.
; massive change to support script manager. <v1.4>
; The following is for the in-ROM script manager.
; clear the pack6 resource cache when launching
with ExpandMemRec
move.l expandMem,a0 ; expand pointer
add.w #emItlCache,a0 ; point to cache
move.l #emItlCacheSize/4-1,d0 ; dbra ptr
clr.l (a0)+ ; clear part of cache
dbra d0,@ClearCache ; until done
; JC note: Prologue removed
; see if QuickTime 1.6 needs to be initialized
tst.l vTrashQTMemList ; Is the Lomem zero
bnz.s @dontInitQT ; no, already initialized, skip it
jsr InitQTMemory ; init QT memory routines now.
MoveA.L jIAZInit,A0 ; get pre-processing routine vector <C681>
JSR (A0) ; do it <C681>
BSR.S IAZ ; get the real zone <C681>
MoveA.L jIAZPostInit,A0 ; get post-processing routine vector <C681>
JSR (A0) ; do it <C681>
MoveQ #0,D0 ; re-stuff the no-error code <16Apr85>
Move.W D0,MemErr ; Record it globally, too <25Apr85>
; IAZ <C681>
; - Do the real work of initing the appl zone.
; Major change to use stack&BufPtr-based ApplLimit and HiHeapMark, not
; just to hammer BufPtr-MinStack, as has been done since the early days.
; This fixes problems at start time, when SetApplBase is called with the
; stack in mid-ram and StackSpace is forced to say there is no
; Registers: D0-D2/A0-A1
; Called by InitApplZone and SetApplBase.
IAZ Move.L A6,-(SP) ;Save A6.
_RsrcZoneInit ;initialize resources in appl heap
Move.L SysZone,A6 ; get SysZone
Move.L ApplZone,A1 ; <14 JC> get the new ApplZone
Cmp.L A1,A6 ; <14 JC> is ApplZone == SysZone
Bz @ClearAppLink ; <14 JC> yes, don't need to take out since it does not exist
Move.L NextUpLink(A6),A1 ; <14 JC> get link to old application zone
Bz @continue ; <14 JC> skip if no link exists
; note: the System Zone could have expanded into the Application Zone; as in the
; case with NSA loading on PDM at Gibbly time. This does not occur when loading
; inits.
Cmp.L BkLim(A6),A1 ; <15 JC> is backlimit of System zone is past old ApplZone?
BMi @ClearAppLink ; <15 JC> Yes, old ApplZone has been trashed, clear link.
Move.L NextUpLink(A1),NextUpLink(A6) ; <14 JC> take old ApplZone out of the heap tree
Bra @continue ; <14 JC>
@ClearAppLink ; <14 JC>
Clr.L NextUpLink(A6) ; <14 JC> clear link in SysZone
Clr.L applZone ;No applZone exists during init.
; Do the Launch-type computation of ApplLimit, to give ample stack <C817>
; at boot time. Remove use of antiquated ToMaxLimit. <C817>
Move.l SP,D1 ;current stack <C817>
Sub.L DefltStack,D1 ;enough space for even QD <C817>
Move.L D1,ApplLimit ;Use stack limit, NOT BufPtr’s <C778>
Move.L D1,HiHeapMark ;Start HiHeapMark in sync with <C778>
;ApplLimit in case of glue MaxApplZone<C778>
Move.L BkLim(A6),A0 ;Current Last Block in sysZone.
TST.B Zone32Flag(A6) ;is it 32 bit zone <v1.2>
BNE.S @1 ;branch if yes <v1.2>
; Ordinarily start ApplZone just after SysZone, but if GrowDown is true, <14Apr85>
; and there's room, start up offset by CacheSize. <27Apr85>
LEA MinFree24(A0),A0 ;Points to first of cur. applZone. <v1.2>
BRA.S @5 ; <v1.2>
LEA MinFree32(A0),A0 ;Points to first of cur. applZone. <v1.2>
; Now proceed building the zone... <14Apr85>
Move.L A0,A1 ;New Application zone base.
Add.W #AppZoneSize,A1 ;Compute new end address.
Cmp.L D1,A1 ;New End Address < ApplLimit?
BCS.S @10 ;Yes, use new end address.
Move.L D1,A1 ;use ApplLimit as end address.
; Move.L A0,StartPtr(SP) ;New Applic Zone Base.
; Move.L A1,LimitPtr(SP) ;New Applic Zone End.
; Move.W #<2*dfltMasters>,CMoreMasters(SP)
; Move.L #0,PGrowZone(SP) ;No Grow Zone procedure.
Move.L #0,-(SP) ;No Grow Zone procedure.
Move.W #(2*dfltMasters),-(SP) ;Number of masters to alloc.
Move.L A1,-(SP) ;New Applic Zone End.
Move.L A0,-(SP) ;New Applic Zone Base.
Move.L A0,applZone ;Save as the application heap zone.
Move.L SP,A0 ;Point to argument block.
_InitZone ;Ask OS to do request.
Add.W #14,SP ;Restore stack pointer.
Move.L theZone,A6 ;Application heap zone.
Move.L BkLim(A6),HeapEnd ;Set up HeapEnd.
MoveQ #0,D0 ;Success result code.
Move.W D0,MemErr ;Record it globally, too <25Apr85>
Move.L (SP)+,A6 ;Restore A6.
RTS ; <C681>
;------------------------------------------------------------------- <C681>
; End of historical IAZ.
;------------------------------------------------------------------- <C681>
; vIAZInit new <C681>
; - Inits before ApplZone is created.
; Registers: D0-D2/A0-A1
; Called by InitApplZone via jIAZInit vector.
MOVE.L IAZNotify,D0 ; anyone to notify?
BLE.S @0 ; br if not
MOVE.L D0,A0 ; give them a call if so
JSR (A0)
@0 MOVE.W #-1,WWExist ; $FF for non-existence (also sets QDExist)
ST FMExist ; $FF for InitFonts hasn’t been called
; BSET #7,DSWndUpdate ; cancel pending PaintBehind
CLR.L MenuList
; Clr.L LastFOND ; <06May85>
; Move.W #-1,FONDID ; <06May85>
Move.L MinusOne,LastSPExtra ; flag to inval cache <13Jan86 JTC>
ST SEvtEnb ; re-enable system event
MoveQ #(IOVQElSize/2)-1,D0 ; <10May85>
Clr.W -(SP)
DBrA D0,@99
MoveA.L SP,A0
@2 BEQ.S @4
MOVE.W VCBDrvNum(A1),IOVDrvNum(A0)
BEQ.S @3
_FlushVol ; flush all on-line volumes
@3 MOVE.L QLink(A1),D0
BRA.S @2
ADD #IOVQElSize,SP ; clean up stack
; Init code moved from Launch
CLR.L DragHook ;No drag hook yet
CLR.L DeskHook ;No desk hook for hit-testing desk.
LEA CloseOrnHook, A0 ; Point to closeOrnHook
CLR.L (A0)+ ;clear closeOrnHook
CLR.L (A0)+ ;clear RestProc
CLR.L (A0)+ ;clear saveProc
CLR.W TaskLock ;clear taskLock, fScaleDisable.
CLR.L ResErrProc ;and resource error proc.
CLR.L EjectNotify ;moved here from InitApplZone (from patches) <24Apr85>
IF hasASC THEN ; <C897><C914><1.7>
MOVE.L jSoundDead,A0 ;get vector to kill all current sounds in ... <C681>
JSR (A0) ;...the application heap <C681>
JSR FlushApplVbls ;kill off doomed vbl tasks <27Mar85>
BigJSR FlushApplNM,A0 ; And bogus NM requests <V1.1><1.2>
BSR.S FlushFontCaches ; flush TrueType caches <sm10>stb
BSR.S FlushApplPorts ;kill off doomed grafPorts <C699>
BSR.S FlushPalettes ;as well as doomed palettes <10Jun87 EHB>
; this cleanup is needed, for instance, if an ES is done from MacsBug. <10Jun87 EHB>
MOVE.L MainDevice,A0 ; get the main device <10Jun87 EHB>
MOVE.L A0,SrcDevice ; set the src device <10Jun87 EHB>
MOVE.L A0,theGDevice ; and the current device <10Jun87 EHB>
MOVE #$2000,SR ; make sure interrupts enabled <10Jun87 EHB>
; Remove any application memory allocated by TrueType whenever the application heap is
; reformatted. SetAppBase and InitApplZone are both patched since they both trash the
; application heap.
; Rolled in InitApplZoneCacheCleaner from BassPatches.a <SM8> <PN><sm10>stb
; Registers: saves all registers, trashes condition codes
MOVEM.L A0-A2/D0-D3,-(sp) ; save registers <SM8> <PN>
CLR.L -(SP) ; room for result <SM8> <PN>
MOVE.L applZone,A0 ; point to zone hdr <SM8> <PN>
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push start ptr <SM8> <PN>
MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; push zone trailer <SM8> <PN>
_sbKillSomeCaches ; <SM8> <PN>
ADDQ #4,SP ; ignore result <SM8> <PN>
MOVEM.L (sp)+,A0-A2/D0-D3 ; restore registers <SM8> <PN>
; FlushApplPorts new <C681>
; -- clean up portList just before ApplZone is eliminated
; Registers: D0-D2/A0-A1
; Called by vIAZInit.
; Remove from the PortList any ports in the application heap zone
@REPEAT MOVE.L portList,A1 ;get the portList <C699>
CMP.L MinusOne,A1 ;are they equal? <C699>
BEQ.S @DONE ;=>if so,invalid portlist, just return <C699>
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;point to it <C699>
MOVE.L A1,A0 ;save pointer in A0 <C699>
MOVE (A1)+,D1 ;get count of elements? <C699>
BRA.S @NEXT ;=> and dive into loop <C699>
@SEARCH MOVE.L (A1)+,D0 ;get next element from list <C699>
JSR AppZoneAddr ;in application area (or zero)? <C699>
BEQ.S @DELETE ;=>yes, delete it <C699>
@NEXT DBRA D1,@SEARCH ;=>else try next in list <C699>
BRA.S @DONE ;=>none left, continue <C699>
@DELETE SUB #1,(A0) ;decrement port count <C699>
MOVE.L -(A1),-(SP) ;stk: port < etc. <C699>
CLR.L -(SP) ;stk: result < port < etc. <C699>
MOVE.L portList,-(SP) ;stk: plist < res < port < etc. <C699>
MOVEQ #2,D0 ;search after length <C699>
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;stk: #2 < plist < res < port < etc. <C699>
PEA 12(SP) ;PTR1 = GrafPtr <C699>
MOVEQ #4,D0 ;LEN1 = 4 bytes <C699>
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;stk: #4 < ptr1 < #2 < plist < res < port < <C699>
PEA @DONE ;PTR2 = XXX <C699>
CLR.L -(SP) ;LEN2 = 0 <C699>
_Munger ;rhymes with plunger <C699>
ADDQ #8,SP ;strip result, grafPort <C699>
BRA.S @REPEAT ;=>repeat until no more <C699>
FlushPalettes ; patch rolled in <10Jun87 EHB>
; Call DisposePalette for all palettes in the app heap.
; Registers: D0-D2/A0-A1
; Called by vIAZInit.
MOVEM.L A2-A3/D3,-(SP) ; save work registers
MOVE.L PMgrHandle,A2 ; get paletteMgr handle
CMP.L MinusOne,A2 ; is it there?
BEQ.S @DONE ; => no, just return
MOVE.L (A2),A1 ; point to data structure
MOVE.L PListHandle(A1),A0 ; get handle to palette list
_HLock ; and lock it down
MOVE.L (A0),A3 ; point to palette list
Move APalettes(A1),D3 ; get number of active handles
Beq.s @NoPals ; no friends => go home
Add FreeSpaces(A1),D3 ; calculate total number of entries
BRA.S @FindEnd ; => check for no entries
@FindLoop Move.L PaletteRef(A3),D1 ; get first entry
BEQ.S @FindNext ; => no palette in entry
MOVE.L D1,D0 ; and get for routine
JSR AppZoneAddr ; in application area (or zero)?
BNE.S @FindNext ; => not in app heap
MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; push palette handle
_DisposePalette ; and dispose it in place
@FindNext AddQ #PLstEntrySz,A3 ; bump to the next entry
@FindEnd DBra D3,@FindLoop ; repeat for all spaces
@NoPals MOVE.L (A2),A1 ; point to palette stuff
MOVE.L PListHandle(A1),A0 ; get handle to palette list
_HUnlock ; and unlock it
@DONE MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A3/D3 ; restore work registers
; vIAZPostInit new <C681>
; - last-minute inits after ApplZone has been created.
; Registers: D0-D2/A0-A1
; Called by InitApplZone via jIAZPostInit vector.
_InitAllPacks ; reinstall the packages -- may trash MemErr <25Apr85>
CLR.W CurApRefNum ; since all app heap res files closed <C681>
_RDrvrInstall ; fix up ram based drivers <C681>
; clear the pack6 resource cache when launching (for Int'l Utilities / Script Mgr)
; moved here from InitApplZone because it seems to make more sense. <sm10>stb
with ExpandMemRec
move.l expandMem,a0 ; expand pointer
add.w #emItlCache,a0 ; point to cache
move.l #emItlCacheSize/4-1,d0 ; dbra ptr
clr.l (a0)+ ; clear part of cache
dbra d0,@ClearCache ; until done
; FUNCTION StripAddress(p: Ptr): Ptr;
; Make an address in D0 suitable for use in the current environment. Ultimately,
; this should test some flag and mask suitable bits.
; D0 <-> Address to be stripped.
Fig___StripAddress ;<7 BT>
;Roll in FixStripAddress to not check the MMStartMode <SM12>
IF Supports24Bit THEN ; <SM17> CSS
BTST.B #Systemis24bit,SystemInfo ; is it 32 bit or 24 bit <SM12>
BEQ.S @1 ; no strip address for 32 bit mode <SM12>
AND.L Lo3Bytes,D0