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; File: VSCPrimaryInit.a
; Written by: Gary Rensberger, based on Mike Puckets Sonora PrimaryInit. Jan 4, 1992
; Copyright: © 1988-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 12/13/93 PN Roll in KAOs and Horror changes to support Malcom and AJ
; machines
; <1> 12-04-92 jmp first checked in
; ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
; Pre-SuperMario comments begin here.
; ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
; <H7> 7/14/92 HJR Enable CSync back on VGA monitors.
; <H6> 7/13/92 HJR Disable CSync on VGA monitors. Reverse polarity of PmgrExtVidOn
; and call PmgrHook if Video is enabled.
; <H5> 6/30/92 HJR General Cleanup.
; <H4> 6/1/92 HJR Check if charger is installed. If not, kill power to external
; video and notify user that something is wrong. Also if video is
; disable, return error so that slot manager can mark slot as
; being bad.
; <H3> 5/7/92 HJR Changed VideoBase to VSCVideoBase.
; <H2> 4/27/92 HJR Turn off clocks to the VSC if no monitor is detected.
; <1> 4/24/92 HJR first checked in
; <12> 3/5/92 RLE turn off change <10> for Deskbars
; <11> 3/5/92 GMR Fixed a0 register trash bug from change <9>
; <10> 3/4/92 RLE set up nuchip33 to pass Nubus accesses in superslot 6, slot E,
; and superslot E to DB Lite system without translation
; <9> 3/4/92 GMR Now properly setting clock after alternate family mode detected.
; <8> 2/27/92 RLE turn off eject and ethernet interrupt enables
; <7> 2/13/92 RLE move power plane stuff into secondary init where the scc init
; will take place
; <6> 2/6/92 RLE renamed board ID so it works with either Gemini or Deskbar
; <5> 1/31/92 GMR Made the slot interrupt handler more robust.
; <4> 1/31/92 RLE fix stoopid power plane bset bug
; <3> 1/30/92 RLE turn on all power planes, setup new SCC base addresses (until
; docking stuff in place)
; <2> 1/30/92 GMR Now installs a slot E handler for NuBus slots C and D.
; <1> 1/28/92 GMR first checked in
; Header
dc.b sExec2 ; Header
dc.b sCPU68020
dc.w 0
dc.l BeginVSCInit-*
; Local variables, definitions, etc....
WITH SEBlock,SPBlock
VSCFrame RECORD {A6Link},Decrement
Return ds.l 1 ; Return address.
A6Link ds.l 1 ; Saved A6.
memMode ds.l 1 ; 24/32 bit (from swapMMUMode)
spBlk ds SPBlock ; SpBlock for generic use.
sPRAMBlk ds.b SizeSPRAMRec ; sPRAMRec for generic use.
vidParamsPtr ds.l 1 ; Pointer to video parameters.
configParamsPtr ds.l 1 ; Pointer to config parameters.
startingConfig Ds.b 1 ; Used to determine if we need to reload configs.
Ds.b 1 ; <pad>
SFSize EQU *
VRAMConfigRec RECORD 0 ;
sRsrcID ds.b 1 ; Default sRsrc ID for this vRam configuration.
alt1 ds.b 1 ; …family mode alternative 1,
alt2 ds.b 1 ; …family mode alternative 2,
alt3 ds.b 1 ; …family mode alternative 3.
modeID ds.b 1 ; Favored modeID (depth).
ds.b 1 ; <pad>
VRAMConfigSize EQU *
MiniGamma RECORD 0 ; Entries for mini gamma table used in VSCInit.
blackRed ds.b 1 ; Red
whiteRed ds.b 1 ;
blackGreen ds.b 1 ; Green
whiteGreen ds.b 1 ;
blackBlue ds.b 1 ; Blue
whiteBlue ds.b 1 ;
ds.b 2 ; <pad>
GT_Size EQU *
WITH MiniGamma,VRAMConfigRec
VSCConfigRec Record 0
gammaTbl ds.b GT_Size ; Mini-gamma table
SConfigHdrSize EQU *
s512KVRAM ds.b VRAMConfigSize ; 512K vRAM preferences.
SConfigRecSize EQU *
; Utils
; Routine: PruneList
; Inputs: d0.b - sRsrcID of the “keeper”
; d3.l - sRsrcID of 4 family-mode alternates
; a0 - pointer to appropriately filled-out SpBlock
; a1 - pointer to list of sRsrcIDs
; Outputs: none
; Destroys: d0-d2/a1
; Function: Loops thru a table of sRsrcIDs comparing the “keeper” with each
; of the entries in the table. Those IDs that dont match
; the keeper or alternate ID's are pruned. Those that don't match
; the keeper, but match one of the alternate ID's will be disabled.
WITH SpBlock
PruneList move.b d0,-(sp) ; Remember the ID of the “keeper.”
move.w (a1)+,d1 ; Get the zero-based counter into D1.
Move.l D3,D2 ; Get the list of family modes.
Andi.l #$00FFFFFF,D2 ; Remember if there are any alternatives.
@repeat move.b (a1)+,d0 ; Get an sRsrc ID.
cmp.b (sp),d0 ; If its the keeper,
beq.s @until ; then dont prune it.
move.b d0,spID(a0) ; else, set ID so we can prune/disable it
Tst.l D2 ; If there are no family-mode alternatives,
Beq.s @delete ; then just do the delete.
rol.l #8,d3
cmp.b d0,d3 ; else, see if it's an alternate family member
beq.s @disable ; yes, then disable it
rol.l #8,d3
cmp.b d0,d3 ; see if it's the other alternate family member
beq.s @disable ; yes, then disable it
rol.l #8,d3
cmp.b d0,d3 ; else, see if it's an alternate family member
beq.s @disable ; yes, then disable it
rol.l #8,d3
cmp.b d0,d3 ; see if it's the other alternate family member
beq.s @disable ; yes, then disable it
@delete _sDeleteSRTRec
@until dbra d1,@Repeat ; Loop until done.
bra.s @exit
@disable move.l #1,spParamData(a0) ; Setup to disable this mode.
clr.l spsPointer(a0) ; Not a RAM sRsrc.
_SetsRsrcState ; Set it.
bra.s @until
@exit tst.b (sp)+ ; Clean up the stack.
rts ; Return to caller.
; Routine: Delay8ms
; Inputs: a0 - Ptr to VIA1 base
; Outputs: none
; Destroys: d0
; Function: Delays around 8 us, for ensuring PLL is programmed correctly.
Delay8ms move.w TimeVIADB,d0
lsl.w #3,d0 ; 8 ms delay
@wait tst.b (a0)
dbra d0,@wait
; Routine: SendPLLData
; Inputs: a3 - Ptr to AIV3 base
; d0.l - Data to shift out
; d1.w - Number of bits to shift out minus 1 (n-1)
; Outputs: none
; Destroys: d0-d2
; Function: Sends the specified data to the PLL through the VIA (AIV3).
SendPLLData Move.l D3,-(Sp) ; Save D3 (as its a global).
rol.l #6,d0 ; First, move starting bit into bit 6.
@nextBit move.l d0,d3 ; Get the data.
andi.b #(1<<SData),d3 ; Only keep bit 6 (the data bit).
move.b AIV3cfg(a3),d2 ; Get the current reg value.
andi.b #((1<<SpeedCtl)++\ ; Keep the wait state bit.
(1<<BufCtl)),d2 ; Keep buffer control bit.
or.b d3,d2 ; Add in data bit.
move.b d2,AIV3cfg(a3) ; Write the data bit.
ori.b #(1<<SClock),d2 ; Set up to…
move.b d2,AIV3cfg(a3) ; …reset the clock line.
ror.l #1,d0 ; Prep next bit.
dbra.w d1,@nextBit
Bclr #SClock,AIV3Cfg(A3) ; Clear the clock and…
Bclr #SData,AIV3Cfg(A3) ; …data lines for good measure.
Move.l (Sp)+,D3 ; Restore D3.
rts ; And leave.
; Routine: SetDotClock
; Inputs: a3 - Ptr to AIV3 base
; a1 - ptr to config word.l/bit count.w
; Outputs: a1 - bumped past clock info, points to VSC parameters
; Destroys: d0-d2
; Function: Loads the PLL with a value pointed to by a1. a1+4 = # bits to load
With VSCFrame,VSCVidParams
SetDotClock move.l a0,-(sp) ; save regs
move.l VIA,a0 ; VIA base in a0 for delays
Moveq #0,D0 ; Clear out high-order word of D0.
move.w #firstCtrl,d0 ; first control word
moveq #CtrlCount,d1 ; count
bsr.s SendPLLData ; send it serially
move.l (a1)+,d0 ; serial config word
move.w (a1)+,d1 ; count
bne.s @sendData
move.w #postCtrl,d0 ; if count 0, special case (use default)
moveq #CtrlCount,d1 ; count
bsr.s SendPLLData ; send it serially
bsr Delay8ms ; delay at least 5 ms before sending final word
move.w #postCtrl,d0 ; final control word
moveq #CtrlCount,d1 ; count
bsr.s SendPLLData ; send it serially
bra.s @exit ; and exit
@sendData bsr.s SendPLLData ; send it serially
move.w #postCtrl,d0 ; post control word
moveq #CtrlCount,d1 ; count
bsr.s SendPLLData ; send it serially
bsr Delay8ms ; delay at least 8 ms before sending final word
move.w #finalCtrl,d0 ; final control word
moveq #CtrlCount,d1 ; count
bsr.s SendPLLData ; send it serially
@exit move.l (sp)+,a0 ; restore a0 <11>
; Routine: PrimaryInit
; Inputs:
; Ouputs:
; May destroy: d0-d7,a0-a6
; Uses A3 - ptr to AIV3 base
; A4 - ptr to VSC's video register base
WITH SEBlock,SPBlock,VSCFrame
; Set up initial “vendor” status.
link a6,#SFSize ; Allocate stack space for locals.
move.w #seSuccess,seStatus(a0) ; Just say that were okay.
; Perform some generic initializations.
move.b seSlot(A0),spBlk.spSlot(a6) ; Get our slot number from the Slot Manager.
clr.b spBlk.spExtDev(a6) ; Why ask why? Just clear this guy.
; Initialize the BoardID part of the Slot $E pRAM if necessary, and prune the board sResources.
With SP_Params
lea spBlk(a6),a0 ; Point A0 at our local SpBlock.
lea sPRAMBlk(a6),a2 ; Get a pointer to our local SPRAMBlock.
move.l a2,spResult(a0) ; Put our pointer in the SpBlock.
_sReadPRAMRec ; Read Slot $Es pRAM.
tst.w SP_BoardID(a2) ; If the board ID is non-zero,
bne.s @VSCVideoInit ; then just go on.
move.b #sRsrc_Board,spID(a0) ; Otherwise, look for the appropriate board sRsrc.
_sRsrcInfo ; Get the spsPointer.
move.b #BoardID,spID(a0) ; Set up to get the correct board ID.
_sReadWord ; Get it.
move.w spResult+2(a0),SP_BoardID(a2) ; Save the board ID into pRAM.
move.l A2,spsPointer(a0) ;
_InitSlotPRAM ;
; In a “classic” PrimaryInit, this is the point in the code where would actually go out to
; detect the kind of display that is connected. However, since that has already been
; done for us by the Docking Manager, we just read the indexed MonID from PRAM here.
Moveq #0,D6 ; Clear out the indexed display ID reg.
Move.b SP_MonID(A2),D6 ; Load the indexed display ID.
; Get some useful values up front.
lea VSCVideoBase,a4 ; Get the video base address into a4.
lea AIV3Base,a3 ; Point to AIV3 base.
; Well size VRAM later if necessary. For now, just assume
; 512K. See the VRAM sizing notes below.
Moveq #0,D4 ; Assume theres 512K of VRAM for now.
; Get the video parameters for this monitor (1bbp) and use to setup the dot-clock
; so we can then size VRAM.
WITH VRAMConfigRec,VSCConfigRec
lea VSCConfigTable,a1 ; Point to the VSC configuration table.
move.w #SConfigRecSize,d0 ; Get the size of each entry into D0.
mulu d6,d0 ; Multiply it by the right entry.
adda.l d0,a1 ; Skip to the entry we want.
move.l a1,configParamsPtr(a6) ; Save it for later.
adda.l #SConfigHdrSize,a1 ; Skip past the header.
move.w #VRAMConfigSize,d0 ; Get the size of the VRAM entries.
mulu d4,d0 ; Multiply by the right entry.
adda.l d0,a1 ; Skip to the right VRAM entry.
Move.b sRsrcID(A1),D5 ; Get an “okay” sRsrcID into D5.
move.b modeID(a1),d7 ; Get the default mode (depth).
move.l sRsrcID(a1),d3 ; get both family ID's (if any) in d3 (for disabling)
Clr.l vidParamsPtr(A6) ; Remember that we havent loaded in vidParams yet.
Cmpi.b #sRsrc_VSC_NeverMatch,D5 ; If its the null one, then
Beq @SetConfig ; just get ready to leave.
lea spBlk(a6),a0 ; Point A0 at our local SpBlock.
move.b #sRsrc_Board,spID(a0) ; Get the board sRsrc ID that we need.
move.b #sVidParmDir,spID(a0) ; Look for the video parameters directory.
move.b D5,spID(a0) ; Look in the directory for this configs params.
move.l spResult(a0),a1 ; Get a pointer to the vidParams for this config.
move.l a1,vidParamsPtr(a6) ; Save for later disposal.
Move.b D5,startingConfig(A6) ; Remember which config we started with.
; Set up the dot-clock chip based on our monitor type.
bsr SetDotClock ; setup the dot clock to default config
; Size the amount of VRAM. When done, d4 is set to one of {0,1}, where 0=512K,1=1024K.
; Note: On the Darts and BlackBird, only 512K of VRAM is installed, so we just
; Skip this check.
move.b #((1<<VSCenB0)+(0<<VSCenB1)+\ ; enable both banks of VRAM before we size
(1<<VSCEnDotClk)),VSC_VidCtrl(a4) ; enable the dot clock
; Initialize built-in videos PRAM.
WITH SP_Params
Move.b SP_Flags(A2),D0 ; Copy the flags byte.
Bfins D4,D0{spVRamBits:numSPVRamBits} ; Load the amount of vRAM.
Move.b D0,SP_Flags(A2) ; Remember how much vRAM we setup for.
cmp.b SP_DfltConfig(a2),d5 ; If this is the same configuration we had last time,
beq.s @WritePRAM ; then just go on.
@Reconfig move.b d5,SP_DfltConfig(a2) ; Set the identification configuration (as THIS one).
move.b d5,SP_LastConfig(a2) ; Make this the current config also.
move.b d7,SP_Depth(a2) ; Set the default depth for this configuration.
@WritePRAM move.l a2,spsPointer(a0) ; Set up the PRAM parameter block.
_sPutPRAMRec ; Write out Slot $Es pRAM.
move.b SP_LastConfig(a2),d5 ; Get requested ID into D5.
@SetConfig lea VSCModeList,a1 ; Point to the table of supported video sResources.
move.b d5,d0 ; Get the sRsrc ID of the keeper into D0.
lea spBlk(a6),a0 ; Point A0 at our local SpBlock.
bsr.s PruneList ; Call our pruning utility.
; Now that everything is set up, we need to determine whether a known configuration is out there.
; If so, we continue with the normal PrimaryInit process. Otherwise, we shut things down and
; leave.
Cmpi.b #sRsrc_VSC_NeverMatch,D5 ; If weve got a known configuration,
Bne.s @EndConfig ; then just go on.
Bclr #VidPwrEn,AIV3PwrEn(a3) ; Only turn off video power.
Bra VSCExit ; And leave.
; Initialize the video hardware (VSC and Ariel)
WITH VSCVidParams,MiniGamma
Movea.l vidParamsPtr(a6),A0 ; Get the vidParams pointer.
Cmp.b startingConfig(A6),D5 ; If this isnt the config we started with,
Bne.s @NewConfig ; then go reload.
Movea.l A0,A1 ; Get the vidParams pointer into A1.
Adda.w #VVPClkSize,A1 ; Skip past the dot-clock fields.
Bra.s @VidTiming ; Go set up the timing.
@NewConfig _DisposPtr ; Dispose of the earlier vidParams.
lea spBlk(a6),a0 ; Point A0 at our local SpBlock.
move.b #sRsrc_Board,spID(a0) ; Get the board sRsrc ID that we need.
move.b #sVidParmDir,spID(a0) ; Look for the video parameters directory.
move.b d5,spID(a0) ; Look in the directory for this configs params.
move.l spResult(a0),a1 ; Get a pointer to the correct vidParams.
move.l a1,vidParamsPtr(a6) ; Save for later disposal.
Bclr #VSCEnDotClk,VSC_VidCtrl(A4) ; Disable external access to the dot clock.
Bsr SetDotClock ; Reprogram the dot-clock for this config.
Bset #VSCEnDotClk,VSC_VidCtrl(A4) ; Re-enable access to the dot-clock.
@VidTiming move.b (a1)+,VSC_HFP(a4) ; set horizontal front porch
move.b (a1)+,VSC_HS(a4) ; set horizontal sync
move.b (a1)+,VSC_HBP(a4) ; set horizontal back porch
move.b (a1)+,VSC_HA(a4) ; set horizontal active dots
move.b (a1)+,VSC_SyncA(a4) ; set SyncA dots
move.w (a1)+,VSC_VFP(a4) ; set vertical front porch
move.w (a1)+,VSC_VS(a4) ; set vertical sync lines
move.w (a1)+,VSC_VBP(a4) ; set vertical back porch
move.w (a1)+,VSC_VA(a4) ; set vertical active lines
move.b #$07,VSC_BusInt(a4) ; set vram to BlackBird Specs *HJR* (7 for new Pratt, 5 for old)
Movea.l vidParamsPtr(A6),A1 ; Re-point to start of vidParams.
clr.b VSC_Depth(a4) ; Set the frame buffer controller 1bpp.
lea VDACBase,a2 ; Get the base address of the VDAC.
move.b #$08,ArielConfigReg(a2) ; Set the CLUT/DAC to 1bpp, master mode, no overlay.
adda.w #ArielDataReg,a2 ; Point to the CLUT/DAC data register.
move.l configParamsPtr(a6),a5 ; Point to the config parameters.
move.b #$7F,ArielAddrReg-ArielDataReg(a2) ; Setup to write 1bpp white.
_CLUTDelay ;
move.b whiteRed(a5),(a2)
move.b whiteGreen(a5),(a2)
move.b whiteBlue(a5),(a2)
_CLUTDelay ;
move.b #$FF,ArielAddrReg-ArielDataReg(a2) ; Setup to write 1bpp black.
_CLUTDelay ;
move.b blackRed(a5),(a2)
move.b blackGreen(a5),(a2)
move.b blackBlue(a5),(a2)
; Gray the screen.
moveq #true32b,d0 ; Set up to flip into 32-bit addressing mode.
_SwapMMUMode ; Do the flip.
move.l d0,memMode(a6) ; save old mode
lea VRAMBase,a2 ; Point to the base of VRAM.
move.w vvpNumRows(a1),d3 ; Get the number of rows.
move.l #OneBitGray,d2 ; Set the 1bpp gray pattern.
@nextRow moveq #0,d1
move.w vvp1bppRowBytes(a1),d1 ; Get the number of bytes/row.
move.w d1,d0
andi.w #$03,d0 ; d0 = Rem(bytes/row DIV 4)
lsr.w #2,d1 ; d1 = Int(longs/row)
bra.s @cntLong
@nextLong move.l d2,(a2)+ ; Write out gray to the frame buffer…
@cntLong dbra d1,@nextLong ; …for each scanline.
bra.s @cntByte
@nextByte move.b d2,(a2)+ ; finish remainder (if any) with bytes
@cntByte dbra d0,@nextbyte
not.l d2 ; Invert the pattern for the next row.
dbra d3,@nextRow ; Repeat for each row.
move.l memMode(a6),d0 ; restore old mode
_SwapMMUMode ; Do the flip.
; Turn on video now
; First, turn on the syncs…
move.b VSC_VidCtrl(a4),d0
ori.b #((1<<VSCEnCSync)+\ ; enable composite sync…
(1<<VSCEnVSync)+(1<<VSCEnHSync)+\ ; enable h/v sync…
(1<<VSCExtMuxDelay)),d0 ; enable ???
move.b d0,VSC_VidCtrl(a4) ; Do it.
; Next, wait a few frames to let the monitor catch up with us…
Moveq #5-1,D1 ; Were going to wait 5 VBLs.
@WaitBlank Clr.b VSC_IntClear(A4) ; Clear the current VBL.
@SyncLoop Btst #slotVBL,AIV3SlotInt(A3) ; If its not pending (0=pending),
Bne.s @SyncLoop ; then keep looping.
Dbra D1,@WaitBlank ; Keep loop til done.
; Finally, lets show that video.
Ori.b #(1<<VSCblankBit),VSC_VidCtrl(A4) ; Enable blanking.
; Clean up and go home.
Move.l vidParamsPtr(A6),D0 ; If the vidParamsPtr is nil,
Beq.s @LastChance ; then just go on.
Movea.l D0,A0 ; Dispose of the vidParams pointer.
move.b #((0<<setEnable)|\
unlk a6 ; De-allocate local stack frame.
rts ; Return to caller.
; Lists all video functional sRsrc's used for pruning/disabling.
VSCModeList dc.w EndVSCML-BeginVSCML-1
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_FPa, sRsrc_Vid_VSC_FPb
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_GS
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_RGBFPa, sRsrc_Vid_VSC_RGBFPb
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_HR
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_VGA
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_GF
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_SVGA
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_MSB1, sRsrc_Vid_VSC_MSB2
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_1K
; The VSCConfigTable is an array of configuration parameters indexed
; by monitor type. Within each set of monitor parameters is a set
; of parameters that are indexed by the amount of vRAM available. These
; paramters are used in setting up the intial values of the CLUT and
; selecting the right functional sRsrc per monitor per vRAM configuration.
dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_VSC_NeverMatch ; [0] Vesuvio (Not Supported)
dc.b $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,0,0 ; [1] Mono Full-Page
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_FPa,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_FPb,0,0 ; 512K params
Dc.b ThirdVidMode,0 ;
dc.b $05,$FF,$05,$FF,$05,$FF,0,0 ; [2] Rubik
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_GS,0,0,0 ; 512K params
Dc.b FourthVidMode,0 ;
dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_VSC_NeverMatch ; [3] Mono Two-Page (Not Supported)
dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_VSC_NeverMatch ; [4] NTSC (Not Supported)
dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; [5] RGB Full-Page
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_RGBFPa,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_RGBFPb,0,0 ; 512K params
Dc.b ThirdVidMode,0 ;
dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; [6] High-Res RGB/Mono
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_HR,0,0,0 ; 512K params
Dc.b FourthVidMode,0 ;
dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_VSC_NeverMatch ; [7] (Skip, no-connect)
dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; [8] VGA
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_VGA,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_SVGA,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_1K,0 ; 512K params
Dc.b FourthVidMode,0 ;
dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_VSC_NeverMatch ; [9] PAL (Not Supported)
dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; [10] GoldFish
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_GF,0,0,0 ; 512K params
Dc.b FourthVidMode,0 ;
dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_VSC_NeverMatch ; [11] 19" (Not Supported)
dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; [12] MSB1
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_MSB1,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_GS,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_GF,0 ; 512K params
Dc.b FourthVidMode,0 ;
dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; [13] MSB2
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_MSB2,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_HR,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_1K,0 ; 512K params
Dc.b FourthVidMode,0 ;
dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; [14] MSB3
dc.b sRsrc_Vid_VSC_MSB2,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_HR,sRsrc_Vid_VSC_1K,0 ; 512K params
Dc.b FourthVidMode,0 ;