2020-04-26 16:46:44 +08:00

268 lines
8.8 KiB

Hacks to match MacOS (most recent first):
<Sys7.1> 8/3/92 Reverted Horror and SuperMario changes
Left out boxFlag definitions, because they use obscure codenames
Version somehow increased from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
9/2/94 SuperMario ROM source dump (header preserved below)
File: backlight.h
Contains: definitions for backlight driver
Written by: Andy Gong x6595
Copyright: © 1990-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<SM7> 1/5/94 kc Add Function ProtoTypes to prevent compiler warnings.
<SM6> 12/13/93 PN Roll in KAOs and Horror changes to support Malcom and AJ
<SM5> 9/2/93 SKH Roll in changes from Horror
<SM4> 2/11/93 CSS Remove boxflags from this file.
Update from Horror. Comments follow <H10-2>:
<H10> 1/21/93 RLE add Escher box flags
<H9> 6/30/92 ag Added new type definitions.
<H8> 5/7/92 ag Added new type definitions to accomodate table changes.
<H7> 4/24/92 ag added new hardware dependent field for general use by hardware
dependent code. added new typedefs to allow for easier type
<H6> 12/17/91 SWC Added boxDBLiteLC.
<H5> 12/16/91 HJR Added boxDartanian.
<H4> 11/5/91 SWC Fixed boxDBLite again because we got pushed out to a new value.
<H3> 9/10/91 SWC Fixed boxAsahi and boxDBLite to reflect final values.
<H2> 8/5/91 SWC Added boxDBLite to list of CPUs we work with.
<8> 3/30/92 JSM Rolled this file into SuperMario project.
<7> 3/24/92 JSM Nuke boxFlag codenames.
<6> 10/28/91 SAM Rolled in Regatta file.
Regatta Change History:
<7> 8/8/91 SAM (ag) Updated boxFlag constants in this file (yuk!)
<6> 7/30/91 SAM (ag) changed version to 1.0.2
<5> 7/18/91 SAM (ag) added box flag constants, changed global definitions
<4> 6/30/91 SAM Merged from TERROR [<4><5>].
<3> 6/14/91 SAM (ag) Added sample interval field to global definition.
<1> 5/15/91 SAM Split off from TERRORProj.
Terror Change History:
<5> 6/26/91 ag added support for table change as a function of charger and
voltage. New fields in global include slewing flags and rates,
procedure proc definition to call to handle table changes, and
voltage thresholds for hysteresis on table changes.
<4> 6/24/91 ag Added table pointer elements and other variables to global data
structure. Added new define for range set call.
<3> 6/10/91 ag Added sample interval field to global definition.
<2> 4/2/91 ag added definitions for globals.
<1> 1/23/91 ag first checked in
<5> 11/8/90 ag change range of backlight, max now 30
<4> 9/25/90 ag added asahi support
<1+> 8/15/90 ag adding get range function to status call
90/07/27 ag new today
* MM - Major Version number
* mm - minor Version number
/* Control Calls */
#define KCONTROLCALL 0x4300
#define kSetScreenBrightness (KCONTROLCALL + 1)
#define kSaveScreenBrightness (KCONTROLCALL + 2)
#define kCdevActive (KCONTROLCALL + 3)
#define kSetBrightnessKeys (KCONTROLCALL + 4)
#define kSavePKeys (KCONTROLCALL + 5)
#define kSetRange (KCONTROLCALL + 6)
#define kSetTable (KCONTROLCALL + 7)
/* Status Calls */
#define KSTATUSCALL 0x5300
#define kGetScreenBrightness (KSTATUSCALL + 1)
#define kGetBrightnessKeys (KSTATUSCALL + 2)
#define kGetBrightnessRange (KSTATUSCALL + 3)
#define kGetPBacklight (KSTATUSCALL + 4)
#define kGetPKey (KSTATUSCALL + 5)
#define kGetMaximum (KSTATUSCALL + 6)
#define KGetVersion (KSTATUSCALL + 7)
#define kGetUserInput (KSTATUSCALL + 8)
/* range limits */
#define kMaxRangeValue 4
#define kMinRangeValue 0
/* key bits */
#define kBacklightControl 0x01
#define kBacklightShift 0x02
#define kBacklightOption 0x04
/* ID routines */
#define DRIVERNAME ".Backlight"
#define BACKLIGHTSIGREG (* ((char *) 0xFC0200))
#define BACKLIGHTSIG_ARUBA ((char) 0xA5)
#define BACKLIGHTSIG_UPGRD ((char) 0xA3)
#define BACKLIGHTSIG_ASAHI ((char) 0xAD)
* aruba 0 1 0 1
* upgrade 0 0 1 1
* ashsi 1 1 0 1
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | x | x | x | x |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* ^ ^ ^ ^
* | | | |
* PWM -------------+ | | |
* ON BIT POSITIVE ------+ | |
* 5 Volt Table -----------+ |
* COUNT Up ---------------------+
#define PWM_CTL 0x08
#define ON_HIGH 0x04
#define TABLE_5V 0x02
#define COUNT_DWNBIT 0x01
#define KEY_MASK 0xE0 /* key mask */
#define KEY_VALUE_MASK 0x07 /* mask for set value */
#define VALUE_MASK 0x1F /* signature mask */
#define JAWS_SPEED_FSTN_REG_PTR ((unsigned char *) 0x50FB4000)
#define JAWS_25MHZ 0x01
#define JAWS_FSTN 0x02
typedef struct
Ptr globals;
VBLTask vblpb;
} vblstruct;
typedef struct
SleepQRec sleepQelement; /* sleep queue element, MUST stay on top */
vblstruct brightnessVbl; /* vbl element for background functions */
unsigned short version;
unsigned int reserved :24; /* unused flags */
unsigned int slewChange :1; /* unused flags */
unsigned int lowTable :1; /* unused flags */
unsigned int dualTable :1; /* unused flags */
unsigned int freeflag :1; /* call pmgr AtoD instead of temp status */
unsigned int flyByWire :1; /* is this software control throught hardware input controls */
unsigned int vbl_ok :1; /* allow background functions */
unsigned int kbdactive :1; /* used for kbd repeat, indicated kbd currently adj backlight */
unsigned int disableHWinput :1; /* flag used to enable user input scanning */
int (*setlevelproc)(); /* pointer to set backlight routine */
int (*userInputProc)(); /* pointer to read user control routine */
OSErr (*controlProc)();
OSErr (*statusProc)();
int (*closeProc)(); /* pointer to shutdown routine */
void (*tableProc)(); /* pointer to shutdown routine */
short slewLimit;
unsigned short lowThreshold;
unsigned short hiThreshold;
unsigned char *settingTable;
unsigned char *settingTableLow;
unsigned char *settingTableHigh;
short *maximumTable;
short lastLevel; /* last power level */
short powerRange; /* battery power range */
short userRange; /* user power range */
short userInputSampleRate; /* rate of sampling user input (ticks) */
short userBrightness; /* user requested brightness */
short lastHWSetting;
short mousedownTicks; /* first notice of mouse down in tick count */
short keycodes; /* key combinations */
short lastatod; /* last raw a to d value */
} driverGlobaltypes, *driverGlobalPtr;
typedef struct
int setProc;
int getProc;
int open;
int close;
int control;
int status;
int tableProc;
int maxTable;
int lowTable;
int hiTable;
int hwDependentVar;
} *cpuBkltRoutinePtr;
typedef struct
unsigned long flags;
short userInputSampleRate;
unsigned short lowThreshold; /*low hysteresis threshold */
unsigned short hiThreshold ; /* high hysteresis threshold */
} *cpuBkltInfoPtr;
typedef struct
cpuBkltRoutinePtr bkltroutines;
cpuBkltInfoPtr bkltinfo;
} cpuDependentInfoType,*cpuDependentInfoPtr;
#define PEG_TO_LIMITS(value,max,min) value = (value > max) ? max : (value < min) ? min : value
#define GetPramBrightness() ( GetBacklightInfo(VALUE_MASK, 0) - 1 )
#define GetPramKeyData() GetBacklightInfo(KEY_MASK, 5)
/* add backlight value offset */
#define SaveBrightness(new) SaveBacklightInfo(new+1,VALUE_MASK, 0)
#define SaveKeyData(new) SaveBacklightInfo(new,KEY_MASK, 5)
typedef int (*intFunction)();
typedef OSErr (*osFunction)();
typedef void (*voidFunction)();
int abs(int);
unsigned char GetPortableValues(int parameter);
void InitPWMControls(driverGlobalPtr globalPtr);
unsigned char Get_AtoD(int channel);
unsigned char Get_PGEButton(int channel);
int SetPWM(int new, driverGlobalPtr globalPtr);
void InitRegControls(driverGlobalPtr globalPtr);
int PotControl (driverGlobalPtr globalPtr);
int PWMCloseRoutine (driverGlobalPtr globalPtr);
OSErr PWMControl(CntrlParam *ctlPB,driverGlobalPtr globalPtr);
OSErr PWMStatus(CntrlParam *ctlPB,driverGlobalPtr globalPtr);
unsigned int LowTable (driverGlobalPtr globalPtr);
void ChargerAdjust (driverGlobalPtr globalPtr);