2021-09-13 18:53:32 -06:00

3403 lines
92 KiB

;;; 80 characters wide please ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 8-space tabs please ;;;
;;;;; TashTalk: Single-Chip UART-LocalTalk Interface
;;; License ;;;
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Connections ;;;
;;; ;;;
; .--------. ;
; Supply -|01 \/ 08|- Ground ;
; LocalTalk Out <--- RA5 -|02 07|- RA0/TX ---> UART TX ;
; Driver Enable <--- RA4 -|03 06|- RA1/RX <--- UART RX ;
; LocalTalk In ---> RA3 -|04 05|- RA2 ---> UART CTS ;
; '--------' ;
;;; ;;;
;;; Assembler Directives ;;;
list P=PIC12F1840, F=INHX32, ST=OFF, MM=OFF, R=DEC, X=ON
#include P12F1840.inc
;_FOSC_INTOSC Internal oscillator, I/O on RA5
;_WDTE_OFF Watchdog timer disabled
;_PWRTE_ON Keep in reset for 64 ms on start
;_CP_OFF Code protection off
;_CPD_OFF Data memory protection off
;_BOREN_OFF Brownout reset off
;_CLKOUTEN_OFF CLKOUT disabled, I/O on RA4
;_IESO_OFF Internal/External switch not needed
;_FCMEN_OFF Fail-safe clock monitor not needed
;_WRT_OFF Write protection off
;_PLLEN_ON 4x PLL on
;_STVREN_ON Stack over/underflow causes reset
;_LVP_OFF High-voltage on Vpp to program
;;; Macros ;;;
DELAY macro value ;Delay 3*W cycles, set W to 0
movlw value
decfsz WREG,F
bra $-1
DNOP macro
bra $+1
;;; Constants ;;;
LR_FRM equ 7 ;Set when received frame registers have changed
CTS_PLS equ 6 ;Set when a CTS frame should trigger a send from queue
;;; Variable Storage ;;;
cblock 0x70 ;Bank-common registers
LR_BUF ;Receiver buffer
LR_STATE ;Receiver state pointer
UR_LEN ;Current length of UART receiver queue
GBACKOFF ;Global backoff mask
LBACKOFF ;Local backoff mask
COL_HIST ;Collision history for last 8 transmissions
DEF_HIST ;Deferral history for last 8 transmissions
UR_DEST ;First five bytes of frame loaded for transmission
UR_SRC ; "
UR_4TH ; "
UR_5TH ; "
ATTEMPTS ;Number of attempts at this transmission
cblock 0xD0 ;Upper end of bank 1 registers
NODEBM0 ;Node ID bitmap
NODEBM10 ; "
NODEBM11 ; "
NODEBM12 ; "
NODEBM13 ; "
NODEBM14 ; "
NODEBM15 ; "
NODEBM16 ; "
NODEBM17 ; "
NODEBM18 ; "
NODEBM19 ; "
NODEBM20 ; "
NODEBM21 ; "
NODEBM22 ; "
NODEBM23 ; "
NODEBM24 ; "
NODEBM25 ; "
NODEBM26 ; "
NODEBM27 ; "
NODEBM28 ; "
NODEBM29 ; "
NODEBM30 ; "
NODEBM31 ; "
cblock 0x120 ;Bank 2 registers
FSR1L_TM ;Temp registers when using FSR1 to modify the node ID
INDF1_TM ; bitmap
LT_CRC1 ;Running CRC value calculated by SendByte
LT_CRC2 ; "
LT_CRCX ;Temp variable used by SendByte when calculating CRC
LT_LENH ;Number of bytes to be read from queue by SendFromQueue
LT_BUF ;Buffer used to hold the byte being sent over LocalTalk
LT_BUF2 ;Temporary buffer
LT_ONES ;Count of consecutive ones sent by LT transmitter
LR_CCRC1 ;CRC register used to calculate the CRC of incoming
LR_CCRC2 ; control frames
cblock 0x16B ;Upper end of bank 2 registers
LR_DEST ;First five bytes of last received frame
LR_SRC ; "
LR_CRC1 ; "
LR_CRC2 ; "
;;; Vectors ;;;
org 0x0 ;Reset vector
bra Init
org 0x4 ;Interrupt vector
;;; Interrupt Handler ;;;
movlp high LtReceiver ;02
btfsc INTCON,IOCIF ;03
goto LtReceiver ;04(-05)
movlb 0
btfsc PIR1,RCIF
bra RxInterrupt
movlb 3 ;Get the received byte
movf RCREG,W ; "
movwi FSR0++ ;Push it onto the queue
bcf FSR0L,7 ;Wrap the queue around
incf UR_LEN,F ;Increment the queue length
movlw B'00001111' ;If the UART receiver queue length >= 64,
movlb 2 ; deassert CTS so the host stops sending us
btfsc UR_LEN,6 ; data
movwf LATA ; "
movlb 31 ;Store the changed UART receiver push point
movf FSR0L,W ; back in its shadow register so it stays the
movwf FSR0L_SHAD ; same when we return from interrupt
;;; Mainline ;;;
banksel OSCCON ;32 MHz (w/PLL) high-freq internal oscillator
movlw B'11110000'
movwf OSCCON
banksel IOCAN ;RA4 sets IOCAN[IOCAF3] on pos/neg edge
movlw B'00001000'
movwf IOCAN
movwf IOCAP
banksel RCSTA ;UART async mode, 1 MHz
movlw B'01001000'
movlw 7
movwf SPBRGL
movlw B'00100110'
movwf TXSTA
movlw B'10010000'
movwf RCSTA
banksel OPTION_REG ;Timer0 uses instruction clock
movlw B'11011111'
banksel T1CON ;Timer1 ticks with instruction clock
movlw B'00000001'
movwf T1CON
banksel T2CON ;Timer2 has 1:16 prescaler, 1:10 postscaler, it
movlw B'01001010' ; interrupts after 20 * (PR2 + 1) microseconds
movwf T2CON
banksel ANSELA ;All pins digital, not analog
banksel LATA ;Drivers off, CTS asserted
movlw B'00001011'
movwf LATA
banksel TRISA ;TX, RA5,4,2 outputs, RX, RA3 inputs
movlw B'00001010'
movwf TRISA
clrf UR_LEN ;Set up UART receiver queue (0x2000-0x207F),
movlw 0x20 ; for which FSRs are push (FSR0) and pop (FSR1)
movwf FSR0H ; pointers
movwf FSR1H
clrf FSR0L
clrf FSR1L
banksel PIE1 ;UART Rx and IOC interrupts on, interrupt
movlw B'00100000' ; subsystem on
movwf PIE1
movlw B'11001000'
movwf INTCON
bra AwaitCommand
;entered with BSR = 2
btfsc FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If there's been a change in incoming frame
call DealWithFrame ; regs, deal with the frame
movf UR_LEN,W ;If there aren't yet 32 bytes in the UART
addlw -32 ; receiver queue, loop around again
btfss STATUS,C ; "
bra AwaitNodeId ; "
movwf UR_LEN ;Decrement the UART receiver queue size by 32
movlw B'11111011' ;If the pop off the queue dropped the length
btfss UR_LEN,6 ; below 64, assert CTS so the host sends us
andwf LATA,F ; data again
movlb 1 ;Switch to bank 1 where the node ID bitmap is
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM0 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM1 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM2 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM3 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM4 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM5 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM6 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM7 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM8 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM9 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM10 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM11 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM12 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM13 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM14 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM15 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM16 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM17 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM18 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM19 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM20 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM21 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM22 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM23 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM24 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM25 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM26 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM27 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM28 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM29 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM30 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf NODEBM31 ;Store this byte into the node ID bitmap
;fall through
;entered with BSR = ?
movlb 2
btfsc FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If there's been a change in incoming frame
call DealWithFrame ; regs, deal with the frame
movf UR_LEN,F ;If there's no data in the UART receiver queue,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; loop around again
bra AwaitCommand ; "
decf UR_LEN,F ;Decrement the UART receiver queue size
movlw B'11111011' ;If the pop off the queue dropped the length
btfss UR_LEN,6 ; below 64, assert CTS so the host sends us
andwf LATA,F ; data again
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
addlw -1 ;If it's one, that's the command byte for
btfsc STATUS,Z ; sending a frame, so go wait for the first
bra AwaitDest ; byte of that frame (the destination)
addlw -1 ;If it's two, that's the command byte for
btfsc STATUS,Z ; setting the node ID bitmap, so go wait for
bra AwaitNodeId ; that data
bra AwaitCommand ;All other commands are considered no-ops
;entered with BSR = 2
btfsc FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If there's been a change in incoming frame
call DealWithFrame ; regs, deal with the frame
movf UR_LEN,F ;If there's no data in the UART receiver queue,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; loop around again
bra AwaitDest ; "
decf UR_LEN,F ;Decrement the UART receiver queue size
movlw B'11111011' ;If the pop off the queue dropped the length
btfss UR_LEN,6 ; below 64, assert CTS so the host sends us
andwf LATA,F ; data again
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf UR_DEST ;Save this byte as the loaded frame destination
;fall through
;entered with BSR = 2
btfsc FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If there's been a change in incoming frame
call DealWithFrame ; regs, deal with the frame
movf UR_LEN,F ;If there's no data in the UART receiver queue,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; loop around again
bra AwaitSrc ; "
decf UR_LEN,F ;Decrement the UART receiver queue size
movlw B'11111011' ;If the pop off the queue dropped the length
btfss UR_LEN,6 ; below 64, assert CTS so the host sends us
andwf LATA,F ; data again
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf UR_SRC ;Save this byte as the loaded frame source
;fall through
;entered with BSR = 2
btfsc FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If there's been a change in incoming frame
call DealWithFrame ; regs, deal with the frame
movf UR_LEN,F ;If there's no data in the UART receiver queue,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; loop around again
bra AwaitType ; "
decf UR_LEN,F ;Decrement the UART receiver queue size
movlw B'11111011' ;If the pop off the queue dropped the length
btfss UR_LEN,6 ; below 64, assert CTS so the host sends us
andwf LATA,F ; data again
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf UR_TYPE ;Save this byte as the loaded frame type
;fall through
;entered with BSR = 2
btfsc FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If there's been a change in incoming frame
call DealWithFrame ; regs, deal with the frame
movf UR_LEN,F ;If there's no data in the UART receiver queue,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; loop around again
bra Await4th ; "
decf UR_LEN,F ;Decrement the UART receiver queue size
movlw B'11111011' ;If the pop off the queue dropped the length
btfss UR_LEN,6 ; below 64, assert CTS so the host sends us
andwf LATA,F ; data again
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf UR_4TH ;Save this byte as the loaded frame 4th byte
;fall through
;entered with BSR = 2
btfsc FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If there's been a change in incoming frame
call DealWithFrame ; regs, deal with the frame
movf UR_LEN,F ;If there's no data in the UART receiver queue,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; loop around again
bra Await5th ; "
decf UR_LEN,F ;Decrement the UART receiver queue size
movlw B'11111011' ;If the pop off the queue dropped the length
btfss UR_LEN,6 ; below 64, assert CTS so the host sends us
andwf LATA,F ; data again
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf UR_5TH ;Save this byte as the loaded frame 5th byte
;fall through
;entered with BSR = 2
movlw -3 ;If there have been more than two collisions
btfsc COL_HIST,7 ; during the last eight transmissions, left-
addlw 1 ; shift a one (up to a maximum of four) into
btfsc COL_HIST,6 ; the global backoff mask and clear the
addlw 1 ; collision history
btfsc COL_HIST,5 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc COL_HIST,4 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc COL_HIST,3 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc COL_HIST,2 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc COL_HIST,1 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc COL_HIST,0 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
bsf STATUS,C ; "
btfss WREG,7 ; "
rlf GBACKOFF,F ; "
bcf GBACKOFF,4 ; "
btfss WREG,7 ; "
clrf COL_HIST ; "
movlw -2 ;If there have been fewer than two deferrals
btfsc DEF_HIST,7 ; during the last eight transmissions, right-
addlw 1 ; shift the global backoff mask and fill the
btfsc DEF_HIST,6 ; deferral history
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc DEF_HIST,5 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc DEF_HIST,4 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc DEF_HIST,3 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc DEF_HIST,2 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc DEF_HIST,1 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc DEF_HIST,0 ; "
addlw 1 ; "
btfsc WREG,7 ; "
lsrf GBACKOFF,F ; "
btfsc WREG,7 ; "
clrf DEF_HIST ; "
btfsc WREG,7 ; "
decf DEF_HIST ; "
lslf COL_HIST,F ;Progress the collision and deferral history
lslf DEF_HIST,F ; logs to make space for what happens this time
movf GBACKOFF,W ;Copy the global backoff mask into the local
movwf LBACKOFF ; backoff mask
movlw 33 ;Set attempts counter to 32 (plus one since we
movwf ATTEMPTS ; immediately decrement it)
;fall through
;entered with BSR = ?
decf ATTEMPTS,F ;Decrement the attempts counter; if it's hit
btfsc STATUS,Z ; zero, give up trying to transmit this frame
bra GiveUp ; and if necessary drain the frame payload
movlb 0 ;XORing together the bytes of Timer1 is a cheap
movf TMR1L,W ; but reasonable way to get a 'random' number;
xorwf TMR1H,W ; AND it with the local backoff mask to get our
andwf LBACKOFF,W ; backoff value in multiples of 100us
addlw 4 ;Add 400us to this for minimum interdialog gap
movwf PR2 ;Multiply the value in WREG by 5, because
lslf WREG,W ; Timer2 will interrupt after 20us times the
lslf WREG,W ; value in PR2
addwf PR2,F ; "
decf PR2,F ; "
bsf T2CON,TMR2ON ;Activate Timer2
clrf TMR2 ;Reset Timer2
bcf PIR1,TMR2IF ;Clear the Timer2 interrupt flag
;fall through
;entered with BSR = 0
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Reenable interrupts in case they were disabled
btfsc T2CON,TMR2ON ;If Timer2 has been stopped, it means a frame
bra WTSC1 ; came in while we were waiting; handle it and
call DealWithFrame ; defer and retry
bra Deferred ; "
WTSC1 bcf INTCON,GIE ;Disable interrupts before checking Timer2
btfss PIR1,TMR2IF ;Unless Timer2 has interrupted, loop around
bra WaitToSendCtrl ; again
btfss UR_TYPE,7 ;If the loaded frame is a control frame, just
bra WTSC2 ; go ahead and send it and then await the next
call SendControlFrame; command byte
bra AwaitCommand ; "
WTSC2 call SendRts ;If it's a data frame, send an RTS frame first
movlb 0 ;Set Timer2 to interrupt after 200us, the
movlw 9 ; maximum interframe gap
movwf PR2 ; "
bsf T2CON,TMR2ON ;Activate Timer2
clrf TMR2 ;Reset Timer2
bcf PIR1,TMR2IF ;Clear the Timer2 interrupt flag
incf UR_DEST,W ;If frame's destination is broadcast (0xFF)
btfsc STATUS,Z ; then we want to wait for 200us of silence
bra WaitForSilence ; before sending; otherwise we want to wait for
bra WaitForCts ; a CTS frame and 200us is our timeout
;entered with BSR = ?
btfsc UR_TYPE,7 ;If loaded frame is a control frame, we already
bra AwaitCommand ; have it in full
movlb 2 ;If loaded frame is a data frame, we need to
movf UR_4TH,W ; extract the length from the 4th and 5th bytes
andlw B'00000011' ; and drain that many characters from the UART
movwf LT_LENH ; receiver queue (even if it doesn't already
movf UR_5TH,W ; contain all of them)
movwf LT_LENL ; "
GiveUp1 movlw -1 ;Decrement the length counter; if it was
addwf LT_LENL,F ; already zero, we're done
addwfc LT_LENH,F ; "
btfss STATUS,C ; "
bra AwaitCommand ; "
GiveUp2 btfsc FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If there's been a change in incoming frame
call DealWithFrame ; regs, deal with the frame
movf UR_LEN,F ;If there's no data in the UART receiver queue,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; loop around again
bra GiveUp2 ; "
decf UR_LEN,F ;Decrement the UART receiver queue size
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next byte off the UART receiver queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movlw B'11111011' ;If the pop off the queue dropped the length
btfss UR_LEN,6 ; below 64, assert CTS so the host sends us
andwf LATA,F ; data again
bra GiveUp1 ;Go back to decrement counter again
;entered with BSR = 2
bsf DEF_HIST,0 ;We had to defer, so note that in deferral log
bsf LBACKOFF,0 ;Expand local backoff mask if it's zero
bra SetTimer2 ;And retry
;entered with BSR = ?
bsf COL_HIST,0 ;We collided, so note that in collision log
lslf LBACKOFF,F ;Expand local backoff mask by one bit, up to a
bsf LBACKOFF,0 ; maximum of 0b1111
bcf LBACKOFF,4 ; "
bra SetTimer2 ;And retry
;entered with BSR = 0
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Reenable interrupts in case they were disabled
btfsc T2CON,TMR2ON ;If Timer2 has been stopped, it means a frame
bra WFS1 ; came in while we were waiting; handle it and
call DealWithFrame ; consider this a collision and retry
bra Collided ; "
WFS1 bcf INTCON,GIE ;Disable interrupts before checking Timer2
btfss PIR1,TMR2IF ;Unless Timer2 has interrupted, loop around
bra WaitForSilence ; again
call SendDataFrame ;If Timer2 has interrupted, send our broadcast
bra AwaitCommand ; frame and return to await next command
;entered with BSR = 0
bsf FLAGS,CTS_PLS ;Raise the flag that we want a CTS frame
btfsc T2CON,TMR2ON ;If Timer2 has been stopped, it means a frame
bra WFC1 ; came in while we were waiting; handle it
call DealWithFrame ; "
btfss FLAGS,CTS_PLS ;If the flag has been cleared, data's been sent
bra AwaitCommand ; and we can return to await a new command;
bcf FLAGS,CTS_PLS ; otherwise consider it a collision and retry
bra Collided ; "
WFC1 btfss PIR1,TMR2IF ;Unless Timer2 has interrupted, loop around
bra WaitForCts ; again
bcf FLAGS,CTS_PLS ;Our RTS must have collided, send it again
bra Collided ; "
;;; LocalTalk Transmitter Subprograms ;;;
movlb 2
btfss FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If the incoming frame regs haven't changed,
return ; we have nothing to do here
bcf FLAGS,LR_FRM ;This is so we know if regs changed under us
btfss LR_TYPE,7 ;If the frame is not a control frame, there's
return ; nothing to do; host handles data frames
movf FSR1L,W ;Using the node ID bitmap, check whether this
movwf FSR1L_TM ; packet's destination is one we represent,
movf LR_DEST,W ; and if it's not, we don't respond to it
movwf FSR1L ; "
movlw B'00000001' ; "
btfsc FSR1L,1 ; "
movlw B'00000100' ; "
btfsc FSR1L,0 ; "
lslf WREG,W ; "
btfsc FSR1L,2 ; "
swapf WREG,W ; "
lsrf FSR1L,F ; "
lsrf FSR1L,F ; "
lsrf FSR1L,F ; "
bsf FSR1L,7 ; "
andwf INDF1,W ; "
movwf INDF1_TM ; "
movf FSR1L_TM,W ; "
movwf FSR1L ; "
movf INDF1_TM,F ; "
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
return ; "
clrf LR_CCRC1 ;Clear the CRC check registers to all ones so
clrf LR_CCRC2 ; we can start checking the CRC of the frame
decf LR_CCRC1,F ; "
decf LR_CCRC2,F ; "
movf LR_DEST,W ;Update the CRC check registers with the frame
xorwf LR_CCRC1,W ; destination
movwf LR_CCRC1 ; "
movlp high CrcLut1 ; "
callw ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC2,W ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC1,F ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC1,W ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC1,F ; "
movlp high CrcLut2 ; "
callw ; "
movwf LR_CCRC2 ; "
movf LR_SRC,W ;Update the CRC check registers with the frame
xorwf LR_CCRC1,W ; source
movwf LR_CCRC1 ; "
movlp high CrcLut1 ; "
callw ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC2,W ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC1,F ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC1,W ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC1,F ; "
movlp high CrcLut2 ; "
callw ; "
movwf LR_CCRC2 ; "
movf LR_TYPE,W ;Update the CRC check registers with the frame
xorwf LR_CCRC1,W ; type
movwf LR_CCRC1 ; "
movlp high CrcLut1 ; "
callw ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC2,W ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC1,F ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC1,W ; "
xorwf LR_CCRC1,F ; "
movlp high CrcLut2 ; "
callw ; "
movwf LR_CCRC2 ; "
movlp 0 ; "
comf LR_CCRC1,W ;If the calculated CRC does not match the
xorwf LR_CRC1,W ; received one, the frame is invalid and we're
btfss STATUS,Z ; done
return ; "
comf LR_CCRC2,W ; "
xorwf LR_CRC2,W ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
return ; "
bcf INTCON,GIE ;Disable interrupts so frame vars don't change
btfsc FLAGS,LR_FRM ;If this flag is set, regs changed under us so
bra DealWiR ; we can't act, reenable interrupts and return
movf LR_TYPE,W ;If the frame type is 0x81 (ENQ), jump into
addlw -0x81 ; sending an ACK frame and return from there
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra SendAck ; "
addlw -3 ;If the frame type is 0x84 (RTS), jump into
btfsc STATUS,Z ; sending a CTS frame and return from there
bra SendCts ; "
addlw -1 ;If the frame type is anything but 0x85 (CTS),
btfss STATUS,Z ; reenable interrupts and return, the frame is
bra DealWiR ; not something we know how to act on
btfss FLAGS,CTS_PLS ;If we weren't expecting a CTS, reenable
bra DealWiR ; interrupts and return
movf LR_SRC,W ;If the source of the incoming frame doesn't
xorwf UR_DEST,W ; match the destination of the loaded outgoing
btfss STATUS,Z ; frame, this frame is not for the sender,
bra DealWiR ; so reenable interrupts and return
movf LR_DEST,W ;If the destination of the incoming frame
xorwf UR_SRC,W ; doesn't match the source of the loaded
btfss STATUS,Z ; outgoing frame, this frame is not for the
bra DealWiR ; sender, so reenable interrupts and return
bcf FLAGS,CTS_PLS ;Clear the flag so caller knows we sent frame
bra SendDataFrame ;Jump into sending frame and return from there
DealWiR bsf INTCON,GIE ;Reenable interrupts
movlb 2
bcf INTCON,GIE ;Disable interrupts
call SendSyncPulse ;XX-23 Sync pulse because frame starts a dialog
call SendPreamble ;24-25
movf UR_DEST,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf UR_SRC,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf UR_TYPE,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf UR_4TH,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf UR_5TH,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
DNOP ;26-27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendPostamble ;32-XX
movlb 7 ;Clear the inevitable IOC interrupt that came
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ; in while (and because) we were transmitting
movlb 2 ; before reenabling interrupts
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Reenable interrupts
movlb 2
bcf INTCON,GIE ;Disable interrupts
call SendPreamble ;XX-25
movf UR_DEST,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf UR_SRC,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf UR_TYPE,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf UR_4TH,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
andlw B'00000011' ;28
movwf LT_LENH ;29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf UR_5TH,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
movwf LT_LENL ;28
nop ;29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
DNOP ;26-27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendFromQueue ;32-25 (Branches into SendPostamble)
movlb 7 ;Clear the inevitable IOC interrupt that came
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ; in while (and because) we were transmitting
movlb 2 ; before reenabling interrupts
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Reenable interrupts
movlb 2
bcf INTCON,GIE ;Disable interrupts
call SendSyncPulse ;XX-23 Sync pulse because frame starts a dialog
call SendPreamble ;24-25
movf UR_DEST,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf UR_SRC,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movlw 0x84 ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
comf LT_CRC1,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
comf LT_CRC2,W ;28
movwf LT_BUF2 ;29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf LT_BUF2,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
DNOP ;26-27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendPostamble ;32-XX
movlb 7 ;Clear the inevitable IOC interrupt that came
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ; in while (and because) we were transmitting
movlb 2 ; before reenabling interrupts
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Reenable interrupts
movlb 2
bcf INTCON,GIE ;Disable interrupts
call SendPreamble ;XX-25
movf LR_DEST,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf LR_DEST,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movlw 0x82 ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
comf LT_CRC1,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
comf LT_CRC2,W ;28
movwf LT_BUF2 ;29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf LT_BUF2,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
DNOP ;26-27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendPostamble ;32-XX
movlb 7 ;Clear the inevitable IOC interrupt that came
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ; in while (and because) we were transmitting
movlb 2 ; before reenabling interrupts
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Reenable interrupts
movlb 2
bcf INTCON,GIE ;Disable interrupts
call SendPreamble ;XX-25
movf LR_SRC,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf LR_DEST,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movlw 0x85 ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
comf LT_CRC1,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
comf LT_CRC2,W ;28
movwf LT_BUF2 ;29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
movf LT_BUF2,W ;26
movwf LT_BUF ;27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendByte ;32-25
DNOP ;26-27
DNOP ;28-29
DNOP ;30-31
call SendPostamble ;32-XX
movlb 7 ;Clear the inevitable IOC interrupt that came
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ; in while (and because) we were transmitting
movlb 2 ; before reenabling interrupts
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Reenable interrupts
;All subs below assume that they're being called with BSR in bank 2
movlw B'00001111' ;32 Make sure driver is turned off and data out
andwf LATA,F ;33 pin is ready to output 0 when turned on
movlw B'00010000' ;34 Load pattern to turn on driver
iorwf LATA,F ;00 Turn driver on
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
DELAY 6 ;15-32
nop ;33
movlw B'11101111' ;34 Load pattern to turn off driver
andwf LATA,F ;00 Turn driver off
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
DELAY 7 ;15-00
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
DELAY 7 ;15-00
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
DELAY 7 ;15-00
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
DELAY 7 ;15-00
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
DELAY 2 ;15-20
nop ;21
return ;22-23
movlw B'01111110' ;26 Load flag byte into the buffer for later
movwf LT_BUF ;27 "
movlw 4 ;28 Set the counter to send four pre-flag ones
movwf LT_ONES ;29 "
movlw B'00001111' ;30 Make sure driver is turned off and data out
andwf LATA,F ;31 pin is ready to output 0 when turned on
movlw B'00010000' ;32 Load pattern to turn on driver
SendPr1 nop ;33
nop ;34
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
clrf LT_CRC1 ;15 Reset the running CRC registers to all
decf LT_CRC1,F ;16 ones; we're going to end up doing this
clrf LT_CRC2 ;17 repeatedly, but it doesn't matter
decf LT_CRC2,F ;18 "
DELAY 3 ;19-27
nop ;28
movlw B'00100000' ;29 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
decfsz LT_ONES,F ;30 Decrement pre-ones counter and loop if it
bra SendPr1 ;31(-32) is not yet zero
movlw 24 ;32 Rotate buffer 24 times and we'll send three
movwf LT_ONES ;33 flag bytes
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
SendPr2 xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,0 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lsrf LT_BUF,F ;18 Rotate the buffer
btfsc STATUS,C ;19 "
bsf LT_BUF,7 ;20 "
decfsz LT_ONES,F ;21 Decrement the loop counter; if it's not 0
bra SendPr3 ;22(-23) yet, skip the next two lines
incf LT_ONES,F ;23 Reset ones counter to be ready for SendByte
return ;24-25
SendPr3 DELAY 2 ;24-29
DNOP ;30-31
movlw B'00100000' ;32 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
bra SendPr2 ;33-34
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,0 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss LT_BUF,0 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
movf LT_BUF,W ;24 Update LT_CRC1 with the byte being sent;
xorwf LT_CRC1,W ;25 note that we don't movlp back to 0 because
movwf LT_CRCX ;26 we don't have time; this only works
movlp high CrcLut1 ;27 because CrcLut1 is below the page boundary
callw ;28-31 "
xorwf LT_CRC2,W ;32 "
movwf LT_CRC1 ;33 "
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,1 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss LT_BUF,1 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
movf LT_CRCX,W ;24 Update LT_CRC2 with the byte being sent
movlp high CrcLut2 ;25 "
callw ;26-29 "
movlp 0 ;30 "
movwf LT_CRC2 ;31 "
DNOP ;32-33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,2 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss LT_BUF,2 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,3 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss LT_BUF,3 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,4 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss LT_BUF,4 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,5 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss LT_BUF,5 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,6 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss LT_BUF,6 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,7 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss LT_BUF,7 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
return ;24-25
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss INDF1,0 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss INDF1,0 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
movlw -1 ;24 Decrement the send length by one to start
addwf LT_LENL,F ;25 with because this decrement method only
addwfc LT_LENH,F ;26 signals if the register is already zero
DELAY 2 ;27-32
nop ;33
SendFrL movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss INDF1,1 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss INDF1,1 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss INDF1,2 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss INDF1,2 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss INDF1,3 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss INDF1,3 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss INDF1,4 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss INDF1,4 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss INDF1,5 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss INDF1,5 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss INDF1,6 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss INDF1,6 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
DELAY 3 ;24-32
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss INDF1,7 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss INDF1,7 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
moviw FSR1++ ;24 Advance the receiver queue pop pointer
bcf FSR1L,7 ;25 "
decf UR_LEN,F ;26 Decrement the receiver queue length
nop ;27
movlw -1 ;28 Decrement the send length; if it was
addwf LT_LENL,F ;29 already zero, this was our last byte and
addwfc LT_LENH,F ;30 carry will not be set
btfss STATUS,C ;31 If this was our last byte, jump into
bra SendPostamble ;32(-33) sending the postamble
nop ;33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss INDF1,0 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lslf LT_ONES,F ;18 Increment the consecutive ones counter if
btfss INDF1,0 ;19 this bit is a one, otherwise reset it
clrf LT_ONES ;20 "
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;21 "
btfsc LT_ONES,5 ;22 If the consecutive ones counter has reached
call SendByteStuff ;23(-24) five, stuff a zero
movlw B'11111011' ;24 If the pop off the queue dropped the length
btfss UR_LEN,6 ;25 below 64, assert CTS so the host sends us
andwf LATA,F ;26 data again
DNOP ;27-28
DNOP ;29-30
nop ;31
bra SendFrL ;32-33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
nop ;15
movlw B'00100000' ;16 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;17 Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
movlw B'10111111' ;18 Load the rest of the flag byte into buffer
movwf LT_BUF ;19 "
movlw 20 ;20 Shift this buffer 20 times (shifting in
movwf LT_ONES ;21 ones) and we'll send a flag and 13 ones
DELAY 4 ;22-33
SendPoL movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
movlw B'00100000' ;15 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
btfss LT_BUF,0 ;16 Unless this bit is a one...
xorwf LATA,F ;17 ...Invert LocalTalk pin to signal a zero
lsrf LT_BUF,F ;18 Rotate a 1 into the buffer
bsf LT_BUF,7 ;19 "
DELAY 3 ;20-28
nop ;29
movlw B'00011111' ;30 Load pattern for driving 0 on the bus
decfsz LT_ONES,F ;31 Decrement the loop counter; if it's not 0
bra SendPoL ;32(-33) yet, loop to send the next bit
btfss LATA,5 ;33 If bus is already being driven to 0, load
movlw B'00001111' ;34 pattern for turning off the driver
andwf LATA,F ;00 Drive the bus to 0 or turn off the driver
btfss LATA,4 ;01 If driver is already off, we're done
return ;02 "
call SendDoUartSvc ;03-04 (05-16) Service the UART receiver
DELAY 5 ;17-31
DNOP ;32-33
movlw B'00001111' ;34 Load pattern for turning off driver
andwf LATA,F ;00 Turn off driver, end transmission
DELAY 3 ;25-33
movlw B'00100000' ;34 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;00 Invert LocalTalk pin for clock
call SendDoUartSvc ;01-02 (03-14) Service the UART receiver
nop ;15
movlw B'00100000' ;16 Load pattern for inverting LocalTalk pin
xorwf LATA,F ;17 Invert LocalTalk pin for our stuffed zero
clrf LT_ONES ;18 Reset the ones counter
bsf LT_ONES,0 ;19 "
nop ;20
nop ;21
return ;22-23
movlb 0 ;03 Check if there is a byte waiting from the
btfss PIR1,RCIF ;04 UART; if there isn't, check if we need to
bra SendDoUartCts ;05(-06) set CTS instead
movlb 3 ;06 Get the received byte
movf RCREG,W ;07 "
movlb 2 ;08 "
movwi FSR0++ ;09 Push it onto the queue
bcf FSR0L,7 ;10 Wrap the queue around
incf UR_LEN,F ;11 Increment the queue length
nop ;12
return ;13-14
movlb 2 ;07 If the UART receiver queue length >= 64,
movlw B'00000100' ;08 deassert CTS so the host stops sending us
btfsc UR_LEN,6 ;09 data
iorwf LATA,F ;10 "
DNOP ;11-12
return ;13-14
;;; CRC Lookup Tables ;;;
org 0x700
retlw 0x00
retlw 0x89
retlw 0x12
retlw 0x9B
retlw 0x24
retlw 0xAD
retlw 0x36
retlw 0xBF
retlw 0x48
retlw 0xC1
retlw 0x5A
retlw 0xD3
retlw 0x6C
retlw 0xE5
retlw 0x7E
retlw 0xF7
retlw 0x81
retlw 0x08
retlw 0x93
retlw 0x1A
retlw 0xA5
retlw 0x2C
retlw 0xB7
retlw 0x3E
retlw 0xC9
retlw 0x40
retlw 0xDB
retlw 0x52
retlw 0xED
retlw 0x64
retlw 0xFF
retlw 0x76
retlw 0x02
retlw 0x8B
retlw 0x10
retlw 0x99
retlw 0x26
retlw 0xAF
retlw 0x34
retlw 0xBD
retlw 0x4A
retlw 0xC3
retlw 0x58
retlw 0xD1
retlw 0x6E
retlw 0xE7
retlw 0x7C
retlw 0xF5
retlw 0x83
retlw 0x0A
retlw 0x91
retlw 0x18
retlw 0xA7
retlw 0x2E
retlw 0xB5
retlw 0x3C
retlw 0xCB
retlw 0x42
retlw 0xD9
retlw 0x50
retlw 0xEF
retlw 0x66
retlw 0xFD
retlw 0x74
retlw 0x04
retlw 0x8D
retlw 0x16
retlw 0x9F
retlw 0x20
retlw 0xA9
retlw 0x32
retlw 0xBB
retlw 0x4C
retlw 0xC5
retlw 0x5E
retlw 0xD7
retlw 0x68
retlw 0xE1
retlw 0x7A
retlw 0xF3
retlw 0x85
retlw 0x0C
retlw 0x97
retlw 0x1E
retlw 0xA1
retlw 0x28
retlw 0xB3
retlw 0x3A
retlw 0xCD
retlw 0x44
retlw 0xDF
retlw 0x56
retlw 0xE9
retlw 0x60
retlw 0xFB
retlw 0x72
retlw 0x06
retlw 0x8F
retlw 0x14
retlw 0x9D
retlw 0x22
retlw 0xAB
retlw 0x30
retlw 0xB9
retlw 0x4E
retlw 0xC7
retlw 0x5C
retlw 0xD5
retlw 0x6A
retlw 0xE3
retlw 0x78
retlw 0xF1
retlw 0x87
retlw 0x0E
retlw 0x95
retlw 0x1C
retlw 0xA3
retlw 0x2A
retlw 0xB1
retlw 0x38
retlw 0xCF
retlw 0x46
retlw 0xDD
retlw 0x54
retlw 0xEB
retlw 0x62
retlw 0xF9
retlw 0x70
retlw 0x08
retlw 0x81
retlw 0x1A
retlw 0x93
retlw 0x2C
retlw 0xA5
retlw 0x3E
retlw 0xB7
retlw 0x40
retlw 0xC9
retlw 0x52
retlw 0xDB
retlw 0x64
retlw 0xED
retlw 0x76
retlw 0xFF
retlw 0x89
retlw 0x00
retlw 0x9B
retlw 0x12
retlw 0xAD
retlw 0x24
retlw 0xBF
retlw 0x36
retlw 0xC1
retlw 0x48
retlw 0xD3
retlw 0x5A
retlw 0xE5
retlw 0x6C
retlw 0xF7
retlw 0x7E
retlw 0x0A
retlw 0x83
retlw 0x18
retlw 0x91
retlw 0x2E
retlw 0xA7
retlw 0x3C
retlw 0xB5
retlw 0x42
retlw 0xCB
retlw 0x50
retlw 0xD9
retlw 0x66
retlw 0xEF
retlw 0x74
retlw 0xFD
retlw 0x8B
retlw 0x02
retlw 0x99
retlw 0x10
retlw 0xAF
retlw 0x26
retlw 0xBD
retlw 0x34
retlw 0xC3
retlw 0x4A
retlw 0xD1
retlw 0x58
retlw 0xE7
retlw 0x6E
retlw 0xF5
retlw 0x7C
retlw 0x0C
retlw 0x85
retlw 0x1E
retlw 0x97
retlw 0x28
retlw 0xA1
retlw 0x3A
retlw 0xB3
retlw 0x44
retlw 0xCD
retlw 0x56
retlw 0xDF
retlw 0x60
retlw 0xE9
retlw 0x72
retlw 0xFB
retlw 0x8D
retlw 0x04
retlw 0x9F
retlw 0x16
retlw 0xA9
retlw 0x20
retlw 0xBB
retlw 0x32
retlw 0xC5
retlw 0x4C
retlw 0xD7
retlw 0x5E
retlw 0xE1
retlw 0x68
retlw 0xF3
retlw 0x7A
retlw 0x0E
retlw 0x87
retlw 0x1C
retlw 0x95
retlw 0x2A
retlw 0xA3
retlw 0x38
retlw 0xB1
retlw 0x46
retlw 0xCF
retlw 0x54
retlw 0xDD
retlw 0x62
retlw 0xEB
retlw 0x70
retlw 0xF9
retlw 0x8F
retlw 0x06
retlw 0x9D
retlw 0x14
retlw 0xAB
retlw 0x22
retlw 0xB9
retlw 0x30
retlw 0xC7
retlw 0x4E
retlw 0xD5
retlw 0x5C
retlw 0xE3
retlw 0x6A
retlw 0xF1
retlw 0x78
org 0x800
retlw 0x00
retlw 0x11
retlw 0x23
retlw 0x32
retlw 0x46
retlw 0x57
retlw 0x65
retlw 0x74
retlw 0x8C
retlw 0x9D
retlw 0xAF
retlw 0xBE
retlw 0xCA
retlw 0xDB
retlw 0xE9
retlw 0xF8
retlw 0x10
retlw 0x01
retlw 0x33
retlw 0x22
retlw 0x56
retlw 0x47
retlw 0x75
retlw 0x64
retlw 0x9C
retlw 0x8D
retlw 0xBF
retlw 0xAE
retlw 0xDA
retlw 0xCB
retlw 0xF9
retlw 0xE8
retlw 0x21
retlw 0x30
retlw 0x02
retlw 0x13
retlw 0x67
retlw 0x76
retlw 0x44
retlw 0x55
retlw 0xAD
retlw 0xBC
retlw 0x8E
retlw 0x9F
retlw 0xEB
retlw 0xFA
retlw 0xC8
retlw 0xD9
retlw 0x31
retlw 0x20
retlw 0x12
retlw 0x03
retlw 0x77
retlw 0x66
retlw 0x54
retlw 0x45
retlw 0xBD
retlw 0xAC
retlw 0x9E
retlw 0x8F
retlw 0xFB
retlw 0xEA
retlw 0xD8
retlw 0xC9
retlw 0x42
retlw 0x53
retlw 0x61
retlw 0x70
retlw 0x04
retlw 0x15
retlw 0x27
retlw 0x36
retlw 0xCE
retlw 0xDF
retlw 0xED
retlw 0xFC
retlw 0x88
retlw 0x99
retlw 0xAB
retlw 0xBA
retlw 0x52
retlw 0x43
retlw 0x71
retlw 0x60
retlw 0x14
retlw 0x05
retlw 0x37
retlw 0x26
retlw 0xDE
retlw 0xCF
retlw 0xFD
retlw 0xEC
retlw 0x98
retlw 0x89
retlw 0xBB
retlw 0xAA
retlw 0x63
retlw 0x72
retlw 0x40
retlw 0x51
retlw 0x25
retlw 0x34
retlw 0x06
retlw 0x17
retlw 0xEF
retlw 0xFE
retlw 0xCC
retlw 0xDD
retlw 0xA9
retlw 0xB8
retlw 0x8A
retlw 0x9B
retlw 0x73
retlw 0x62
retlw 0x50
retlw 0x41
retlw 0x35
retlw 0x24
retlw 0x16
retlw 0x07
retlw 0xFF
retlw 0xEE
retlw 0xDC
retlw 0xCD
retlw 0xB9
retlw 0xA8
retlw 0x9A
retlw 0x8B
retlw 0x84
retlw 0x95
retlw 0xA7
retlw 0xB6
retlw 0xC2
retlw 0xD3
retlw 0xE1
retlw 0xF0
retlw 0x08
retlw 0x19
retlw 0x2B
retlw 0x3A
retlw 0x4E
retlw 0x5F
retlw 0x6D
retlw 0x7C
retlw 0x94
retlw 0x85
retlw 0xB7
retlw 0xA6
retlw 0xD2
retlw 0xC3
retlw 0xF1
retlw 0xE0
retlw 0x18
retlw 0x09
retlw 0x3B
retlw 0x2A
retlw 0x5E
retlw 0x4F
retlw 0x7D
retlw 0x6C
retlw 0xA5
retlw 0xB4
retlw 0x86
retlw 0x97
retlw 0xE3
retlw 0xF2
retlw 0xC0
retlw 0xD1
retlw 0x29
retlw 0x38
retlw 0x0A
retlw 0x1B
retlw 0x6F
retlw 0x7E
retlw 0x4C
retlw 0x5D
retlw 0xB5
retlw 0xA4
retlw 0x96
retlw 0x87
retlw 0xF3
retlw 0xE2
retlw 0xD0
retlw 0xC1
retlw 0x39
retlw 0x28
retlw 0x1A
retlw 0x0B
retlw 0x7F
retlw 0x6E
retlw 0x5C
retlw 0x4D
retlw 0xC6
retlw 0xD7
retlw 0xE5
retlw 0xF4
retlw 0x80
retlw 0x91
retlw 0xA3
retlw 0xB2
retlw 0x4A
retlw 0x5B
retlw 0x69
retlw 0x78
retlw 0x0C
retlw 0x1D
retlw 0x2F
retlw 0x3E
retlw 0xD6
retlw 0xC7
retlw 0xF5
retlw 0xE4
retlw 0x90
retlw 0x81
retlw 0xB3
retlw 0xA2
retlw 0x5A
retlw 0x4B
retlw 0x79
retlw 0x68
retlw 0x1C
retlw 0x0D
retlw 0x3F
retlw 0x2E
retlw 0xE7
retlw 0xF6
retlw 0xC4
retlw 0xD5
retlw 0xA1
retlw 0xB0
retlw 0x82
retlw 0x93
retlw 0x6B
retlw 0x7A
retlw 0x48
retlw 0x59
retlw 0x2D
retlw 0x3C
retlw 0x0E
retlw 0x1F
retlw 0xF7
retlw 0xE6
retlw 0xD4
retlw 0xC5
retlw 0xB1
retlw 0xA0
retlw 0x92
retlw 0x83
retlw 0x7B
retlw 0x6A
retlw 0x58
retlw 0x49
retlw 0x3D
retlw 0x2C
retlw 0x1E
retlw 0x0F
;;; LocalTalk Receiver Code ;;;
; _________________
;|________________| |
;0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
; \________________/
; Time period when we should be checking for a clock-inversion
org 0x900
movlw B'00001111' ;16 If the UART receiver queue length >= 64,
btfsc UR_LEN,6 ;17 deassert CTS so the host stops sending us
movwf PORTA ;18 data
movlb 7 ;19 "
bra OutCheckInv ;20-21
movlb 7 ;06 Ready to detect inversion
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;07 "
clrf LR_STATE ;08 Reset receiver state
movlw 0xEB ;09 Don't need pop pointer here, so point FSR1
movwf FSR1L ;10 to LocalTalk receiver frame registers
nop ;11
;fall through
movlb 0 ;12 Check if there is a byte waiting from the
btfss PIR1,RCIF ;13 UART; if there isn't, skip the rest of
bra OutNothingSkip ;14(-15) this
movlb 3 ;15 Get the received byte
movf RCREG,W ;16 "
movlb 7 ;17 "
movwi FSR0++ ;18 Push it onto the queue
bcf FSR0L,7 ;19 Wrap the queue around
incf UR_LEN,F ;20 Increment the queue length
nop ;21
;fall through
bsf STATUS,C ;22 If the IOC flag was set while the preceding
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;23 code was running, this bit is a 0; in
bcf STATUS,C ;24 either case, copy it into the carry bit
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;25 Clear the IOC flag so we can look for clock
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;26 Check if the line has inverted, indicating
bra OutReceive ;27 a clock
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;28 "
bra OutReceive ;29 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;30 "
bra OutReceive ;31 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;32 "
bra OutReceive ;33 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;34 "
bra OutReceive ;35 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;36 "
bra OutReceive ;37 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;38 "
bra OutReceive ;39 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;40 "
bra OutReceive ;41 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;42 "
bra OutReceive ;43 "
bra OutLostClock ;By this point, we must assume we've lost clock
movlw B'00001111' ;16 If the UART receiver queue length >= 64,
btfsc UR_LEN,6 ;17 deassert CTS so the host stops sending us
movwf PORTA ;18 data
movlb 7 ;19 "
bra EmpCheckInv ;20-21
movlb 0 ;12 Check if there is a byte waiting from the
btfss PIR1,RCIF ;13 UART; if there isn't, skip the rest of
bra EmpNothingSkip ;14(-15) this
movlb 3 ;15 Get the received byte
movf RCREG,W ;16 "
movlb 7 ;17 "
movwi FSR0++ ;18 Push it onto the queue
bcf FSR0L,7 ;19 Wrap the queue around
incf UR_LEN,F ;20 Increment the queue length
nop ;21
;fall through
bsf STATUS,C ;22 If the IOC flag was set while the preceding
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;23 code was running, this bit is a 0; in
bcf STATUS,C ;24 either case, copy it into the carry bit
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;25 Clear the IOC flag so we can look for clock
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;26 Check if the line has inverted, indicating
bra EmpReceive ;27 a clock
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;28 "
bra EmpReceive ;29 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;30 "
bra EmpReceive ;31 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;32 "
bra EmpReceive ;33 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;34 "
bra EmpReceive ;35 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;36 "
bra EmpReceive ;37 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;38 "
bra EmpReceive ;39 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;40 "
bra EmpReceive ;41 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;42 "
bra EmpReceive ;43 "
bra EmpLostClock ;By this point, we must assume we've lost clock
movlw B'00001111' ;16 If the UART receiver queue length >= 64,
btfsc UR_LEN,6 ;17 deassert CTS so the host stops sending us
movwf PORTA ;18 data
movlb 7 ;19 "
bra InCheckInv ;20-21
movlb 0 ;12 Check if there is a byte waiting from the
btfss PIR1,RCIF ;13 UART; if there isn't, skip the rest of
bra InNothingSkip ;14(-15) this
movlb 3 ;15 Get the received byte
movf RCREG,W ;16 "
movlb 7 ;17 "
movwi FSR0++ ;18 Push it onto the queue
bcf FSR0L,7 ;19 Wrap the queue around
incf UR_LEN,F ;20 Increment the queue length
nop ;21
;fall through
bsf STATUS,C ;22 If the IOC flag was set while the preceding
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;23 code was running, this bit is a 0; in
bcf STATUS,C ;24 either case, copy it into the carry bit
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;25 Clear the IOC flag so we can look for clock
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;26 Check if the line has inverted, indicating
bra InReceive ;27 a clock
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;28 "
bra InReceive ;29 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;30 "
bra InReceive ;31 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;32 "
bra InReceive ;33 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;34 "
bra InReceive ;35 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;36 "
bra InReceive ;37 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;38 "
bra InReceive ;39 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;40 "
bra InReceive ;41 "
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;42 "
bra InReceive ;43 "
bra InLostClock ;By this point, we must assume we've lost clock
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;00 Ready to detect inversion
movlp high OutFSA ;01 Point PCLATH to the out-of-frame FSA for 0
btfsc STATUS,C ;02 Increment to the FSA for 1 if we got a 1
incf PCLATH,F ;03 "
movf LR_STATE,W ;04 Jump to the state pointed to by STATE
movwf PCL ;05-06 "
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;00 Ready to detect inversion
movlp high EmpFSA ;01 Point PCLATH to the empty-frame FSA for 0
btfsc STATUS,C ;02 Increment to the FSA for 1 if we got a 1
incf PCLATH,F ;03 "
movf LR_STATE,W ;04 Jump to the state pointed to by STATE
movwf PCL ;05-06 "
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;00 Ready to detect inversion
movlp high InFSA ;01 Point PCLATH to the in-frame FSA for 0
btfsc STATUS,C ;02 Increment to the FSA for 1 if we got a 1
incf PCLATH,F ;03 "
movf LR_STATE,W ;04 Jump to the state pointed to by STATE
movwf PCL ;05-06 "
movlb 3 ;12 Transmit a zero, which is an escape
clrf TXREG ;13 character
movlw 0xFD ;14 Transmit 0xFD, which signifies 'Frame Done'
movwf TXREG ;15 "
movlb 7 ;16 "
bsf FLAGS,LR_FRM ;17 Raise the flag that frame regs have changed
DNOP ;18-19
bra OutCheckInv ;20-21 Switch to out-of-frame inversion check
movf LR_BUF,W ;12 Save the received byte into the frame regs
movwi FSR1++ ;13 using FSR1
btfss STATUS,Z ;14 If the received byte is not a zero, just
bra InByte2 ;15(-16) transmit it as-is
movlb 3 ;16 If the received byte is a zero, transmit
clrf TXREG ;17 escape sequence 0x00 0xFF
decf TXREG,F ;18 "
movlb 7 ;19 "
bra InCheckInv ;20-21
InByte2 movlb 3 ;17 Transmit the received byte on the UART
movwf TXREG ;18 "
movlb 7 ;19 "
bra InCheckInv ;20-21
bcf IOCAF,IOCAF3 ;Ready to detect inversion
movlb 0 ;00 Check if there is a byte waiting from the
btfsc PIR1,RCIF ;02 "
bsf STATUS,C ;03 "
movlb 3 ;04 If there is a byte waiting from the UART,
btfsc STATUS,C ;05 push it onto the queue
movf RCREG,W ;06 "
movlb 0 ;07 "
btfsc STATUS,C ;08 "
movwi FSR0++ ;09 "
bcf FSR0L,7 ;10 Wrap the queue around
btfsc STATUS,C ;11 If there was a byte waiting from the UART,
incf UR_LEN,F ;12 increment the queue length
movlw B'00001111' ;13 If the UART receiver queue length >= 64,
btfsc UR_LEN,6 ;14 deassert CTS so the host stops sending us
movwf PORTA ;15 data
bcf STATUS,C ;16 Check if there is a byte waiting from the
btfsc PIR1,RCIF ;17 UART
bsf STATUS,C ;18 "
movlb 3 ;19 If there is a byte waiting from the UART,
btfsc STATUS,C ;20 push it onto the queue
movf RCREG,W ;21 "
movlb 0 ;22 "
btfsc STATUS,C ;23 "
movwi FSR0++ ;24 "
bcf FSR0L,7 ;25 Wrap the queue around
btfsc STATUS,C ;26 If there was a byte waiting from the UART,
incf UR_LEN,F ;27 increment the queue length
movlw B'00001111' ;28 If the UART receiver queue length >= 64,
btfsc UR_LEN,6 ;29 deassert CTS so the host stops sending us
movwf PORTA ;30 data
bcf STATUS,C ;31 Check if there is a byte waiting from the
btfsc PIR1,RCIF ;32 UART
bsf STATUS,C ;33 "
movlb 3 ;34 If there is a byte waiting from the UART,
btfsc STATUS,C ;35 push it onto the queue
movf RCREG,W ;36 "
movlb 0 ;37 "
btfsc STATUS,C ;38 "
movwi FSR0++ ;39 "
bcf FSR0L,7 ;40 Wrap the queue around
btfsc STATUS,C ;41 If there was a byte waiting from the UART,
incf UR_LEN,F ;42 increment the queue length
movlw B'00001111' ;43 If the UART receiver queue length >= 64,
btfsc UR_LEN,6 ;44 deassert CTS so the host stops sending us
movwf PORTA ;45 data
movlb 7 ;If there's been an inversion in the elapsed
btfsc IOCAF,IOCAF3 ; ~1.25 bit times, the line is not yet idle and
bra OutFErr ; we should try again
movlb 3 ;Transmit a zero, which is an escape character
clrf TXREG ; "
movlw 0xFE ;Transmit 0xFE, which signifies 'Frame Error'
movwf TXREG ; "
bra FinishUp
movlb 0 ;Wait until the UART transmitter is ready for
btfss PIR1,TXIF ; a byte
bra $-1 ; "
movlb 3 ;Transmit a zero, which is an escape character
clrf TXREG ; "
movlb 0 ;Wait until the UART transmitter is ready for
btfss PIR1,TXIF ; another byte
bra $-1 ; "
movlb 3 ;Transmit 0xFA, which signifies 'Frame Aborted'
movlw 0xFA ; "
movwf TXREG ; "
bra FinishUp
movlb 0 ;Deactivate Timer2 and clear its interrupt flag
bcf T2CON,TMR2ON ; so anything that was waiting for it knows
bcf PIR1,TMR2IF ; that a receive event happened while waiting
movf FSR0L,W ;Store the changed UART receiver push point
movlb 31 ; back in its shadow register so it stays the
movwf FSR0L_SHAD ; same when we return from interrupt
;;; LocalTalk Receiver State Machines ;;;
OutFSA org 0xA00
Oswait0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os5c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os5c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os5c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os5c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os5c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os5c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os5c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os5c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os6c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Os0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFlag ;10-11
org 0xB00
Oswait1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os1c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Os1c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Os1c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Os1c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Os1c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Os1c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Os1c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os0c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os1c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os2c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Os2c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Os2c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Os2c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Os2c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Os2c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Os2c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os1c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os2c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os3c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Os3c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Os3c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Os3c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Os3c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Os3c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Os3c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os2c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os3c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os4c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Os4c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Os4c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Os4c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Os4c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Os4c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Os4c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os3c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os4c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Os5c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Os5c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Os5c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Os5c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Os5c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Os5c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Os5c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os4c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os5c0r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os5c1r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os5c2r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os5c3r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os5c4r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os5c5r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os5c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Os6c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutNothing ;10-11
Os5c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
Os6c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Oswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto OutFErr ;10-11
EmpFSA org 0xC00
Eswait0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es1c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es2c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es3c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es4c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es5c0r0 nop ;07
movlw low Es0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es5c1r0 nop ;07
movlw low Es0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es5c2r0 nop ;07
movlw low Es0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es5c3r0 nop ;07
movlw low Es0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es5c4r0 nop ;07
movlw low Es0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es5c5r0 nop ;07
movlw low Es0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es5c6r0 nop ;07
movlw low Es0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es5c7r0 nop ;07
movlw low Es0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es6c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpFlag ;10-11
org 0xD00
Eswait1 nop ;07
movlw low Eswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es1c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es1c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es1c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es1c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es1c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es1c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es1c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es0c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es1c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es1c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es2c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es2c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es2c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es2c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es2c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es2c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es2c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es1c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es2c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es2c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es3c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es3c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es3c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es3c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es3c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es3c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es3c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es2c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es3c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es3c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es4c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es4c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es4c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es4c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es4c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es4c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es4c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es3c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es4c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es4c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Es5c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Es5c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Es5c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Es5c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Es5c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Es5c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es5c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es4c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Es5c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpByte ;10-11
Es5c0r1 nop ;07
movlw low Eswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpFErr ;10-11
Es5c1r1 nop ;07
movlw low Eswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpFErr ;10-11
Es5c2r1 nop ;07
movlw low Eswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpFErr ;10-11
Es5c3r1 nop ;07
movlw low Eswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpFErr ;10-11
Es5c4r1 nop ;07
movlw low Eswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpFErr ;10-11
Es5c5r1 nop ;07
movlw low Eswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpFErr ;10-11
Es5c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Es6c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpNothing ;10-11
Es5c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Eswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpFErr ;10-11
Es6c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Eswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto EmpFErr ;10-11
InFSA org 0xE00
Iswait0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is1c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is2c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is3c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is4c0r0 bcf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c1r0 bcf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c2r0 bcf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c3r0 bcf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c4r0 bcf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c5r0 bcf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c6r0 bcf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is5c0r0 nop ;07
movlw low Is0c0r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is5c1r0 nop ;07
movlw low Is0c1r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is5c2r0 nop ;07
movlw low Is0c2r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is5c3r0 nop ;07
movlw low Is0c3r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is5c4r0 nop ;07
movlw low Is0c4r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is5c5r0 nop ;07
movlw low Is0c5r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is5c6r0 nop ;07
movlw low Is0c6r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is5c7r0 nop ;07
movlw low Is0c7r0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is6c7r0 bcf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Iswait0 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InFlag ;10-11
org 0xF00
Iswait1 nop ;07
movlw low Iswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is1c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is1c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is1c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is1c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is1c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is1c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is1c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is0c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is1c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is1c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is2c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is2c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is2c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is2c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is2c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is2c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is2c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is1c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is2c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is2c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is3c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is3c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is3c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is3c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is3c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is3c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is3c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is2c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is3c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is3c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is4c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is4c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is4c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is4c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is4c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is4c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is4c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is3c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is4c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is4c0r1 bsf LR_BUF,0 ;07
movlw low Is5c1r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c1r1 bsf LR_BUF,1 ;07
movlw low Is5c2r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c2r1 bsf LR_BUF,2 ;07
movlw low Is5c3r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c3r1 bsf LR_BUF,3 ;07
movlw low Is5c4r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c4r1 bsf LR_BUF,4 ;07
movlw low Is5c5r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c5r1 bsf LR_BUF,5 ;07
movlw low Is5c6r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is5c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is4c7r1 bsf LR_BUF,7 ;07
movlw low Is5c0r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InByte ;10-11
Is5c0r1 nop ;07
movlw low Iswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InFErr ;10-11
Is5c1r1 nop ;07
movlw low Iswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InFErr ;10-11
Is5c2r1 nop ;07
movlw low Iswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InFErr ;10-11
Is5c3r1 nop ;07
movlw low Iswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InFErr ;10-11
Is5c4r1 nop ;07
movlw low Iswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InFErr ;10-11
Is5c5r1 nop ;07
movlw low Iswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InFErr ;10-11
Is5c6r1 bsf LR_BUF,6 ;07
movlw low Is6c7r1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InNothing ;10-11
Is5c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Iswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InFErr ;10-11
Is6c7r1 nop ;07
movlw low Iswait1 ;08
movwf LR_STATE ;09
goto InFErr ;10-11
;;; End of Program ;;;