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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
* ChromeUtils.js is a set of mochitest utilities that are used to
* synthesize events in the browser. These are only used by
* mochitest-chrome and browser-chrome tests. Originally these functions were in
* EventUtils.js, but when porting to specialPowers, we didn't want
* to move unnecessary functions.
const EventUtils = {};
const scriptLoader = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].
scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js", EventUtils);
* Synthesize a query text content event.
* @param aOffset The character offset. 0 means the first character in the
* selection root.
* @param aLength The length of getting text. If the length is too long,
* the extra length is ignored.
* @param aWindow Optional (If null, current |window| will be used)
* @return An nsIQueryContentEventResult object. If this failed,
* the result might be null.
function synthesizeQueryTextContent(aOffset, aLength, aWindow)
var utils = _getDOMWindowUtils(aWindow);
if (!utils) {
return nullptr;
return utils.sendQueryContentEvent(utils.QUERY_TEXT_CONTENT,
aOffset, aLength, 0, 0,
* Synthesize a query text rect event.
* @param aOffset The character offset. 0 means the first character in the
* selection root.
* @param aLength The length of the text. If the length is too long,
* the extra length is ignored.
* @param aWindow Optional (If null, current |window| will be used)
* @return An nsIQueryContentEventResult object. If this failed,
* the result might be null.
function synthesizeQueryTextRect(aOffset, aLength, aWindow)
var utils = _getDOMWindowUtils(aWindow);
if (!utils) {
return nullptr;
return utils.sendQueryContentEvent(utils.QUERY_TEXT_RECT,
aOffset, aLength, 0, 0,
* Synthesize a query editor rect event.
* @param aWindow Optional (If null, current |window| will be used)
* @return An nsIQueryContentEventResult object. If this failed,
* the result might be null.
function synthesizeQueryEditorRect(aWindow)
var utils = _getDOMWindowUtils(aWindow);
if (!utils) {
return nullptr;
return utils.sendQueryContentEvent(utils.QUERY_EDITOR_RECT, 0, 0, 0, 0,
* Synthesize a character at point event.
* @param aX, aY The offset in the client area of the DOM window.
* @param aWindow Optional (If null, current |window| will be used)
* @return An nsIQueryContentEventResult object. If this failed,
* the result might be null.
function synthesizeCharAtPoint(aX, aY, aWindow)
var utils = _getDOMWindowUtils(aWindow);
if (!utils) {
return nullptr;
return utils.sendQueryContentEvent(utils.QUERY_CHARACTER_AT_POINT,
0, 0, aX, aY,
* Emulate a dragstart event.
* element - element to fire the dragstart event on
* expectedDragData - the data you expect the data transfer to contain afterwards
* This data is in the format:
* [ [ {type: value, data: value, test: function}, ... ], ... ]
* can be null
* aWindow - optional; defaults to the current window object.
* x - optional; initial x coordinate
* y - optional; initial y coordinate
* Returns null if data matches.
* Returns the event.dataTransfer if data does not match
* eqTest is an optional function if comparison can't be done with x == y;
* function (actualData, expectedData) {return boolean}
* @param actualData from dataTransfer
* @param expectedData from expectedDragData
* see bug 462172 for example of use
function synthesizeDragStart(element, expectedDragData, aWindow, x, y)
if (!aWindow)
aWindow = window;
x = x || 2;
y = y || 2;
const step = 9;
var result = "trapDrag was not called";
var trapDrag = function(event) {
try {
var dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;
result = null;
if (!dataTransfer)
throw "no dataTransfer";
if (expectedDragData == null ||
dataTransfer.mozItemCount != expectedDragData.length)
throw dataTransfer;
for (var i = 0; i < dataTransfer.mozItemCount; i++) {
var dtTypes = dataTransfer.mozTypesAt(i);
if (dtTypes.length != expectedDragData[i].length)
throw dataTransfer;
for (var j = 0; j < dtTypes.length; j++) {
if (dtTypes[j] != expectedDragData[i][j].type)
throw dataTransfer;
var dtData = dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt(dtTypes[j],i);
if (expectedDragData[i][j].eqTest) {
if (!expectedDragData[i][j].eqTest(dtData, expectedDragData[i][j].data))
throw dataTransfer;
else if (expectedDragData[i][j].data != dtData)
throw dataTransfer;
} catch(ex) {
result = ex;
aWindow.addEventListener("dragstart", trapDrag, false);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(element, x, y, { type: "mousedown" }, aWindow);
x += step; y += step;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(element, x, y, { type: "mousemove" }, aWindow);
x += step; y += step;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(element, x, y, { type: "mousemove" }, aWindow);
aWindow.removeEventListener("dragstart", trapDrag, false);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(element, x, y, { type: "mouseup" }, aWindow);
return result;
* Create an event object to pass to EventUtils.sendDragEvent.
* @param aType The string represents drag event type.
* @param aDestElement The element to fire the drag event, used to calculate
* screenX/Y and clientX/Y.
* @param aDestWindow Optional; Defaults to the current window object.
* @param aDataTransfer dataTransfer for current drag session.
* @param aDragEvent The object contains properties to override the event
* object
* @return An object to pass to EventUtils.sendDragEvent.
function createDragEventObject(aType, aDestElement, aDestWindow, aDataTransfer,
var destRect = aDestElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var destClientX = destRect.left + destRect.width / 2;
var destClientY = destRect.top + destRect.height / 2;
var destScreenX = aDestWindow.mozInnerScreenX + destClientX;
var destScreenY = aDestWindow.mozInnerScreenY + destClientY;
if ("clientX" in aDragEvent && !("screenX" in aDragEvent)) {
aDragEvent.screenX = aDestWindow.mozInnerScreenX + aDragEvent.clientX;
if ("clientY" in aDragEvent && !("screenY" in aDragEvent)) {
aDragEvent.screenY = aDestWindow.mozInnerScreenY + aDragEvent.clientY;
return Object.assign({ type: aType,
screenX: destScreenX, screenY: destScreenY,
clientX: destClientX, clientY: destClientY,
dataTransfer: aDataTransfer }, aDragEvent);
* Emulate a event sequence of dragstart, dragenter, and dragover.
* @param aSrcElement The element to use to start the drag.
* @param aDestElement The element to fire the dragover, dragenter events
* @param aDragData The data to supply for the data transfer.
* This data is in the format:
* [ [ {type: value, data: value}, ...], ... ]
* Pass null to avoid modifying dataTransfer.
* @param aDropEffect The drop effect to set during the dragstart event, or
* 'move' if null.
* @param aWindow Optional; Defaults to the current window object.
* @param aDestWindow Optional; Defaults to aWindow.
* Used when aDestElement is in a different window than
* aSrcElement.
* @param aDragEvent Optional; Defaults to empty object. Overwrites an object
* passed to EventUtils.sendDragEvent.
* @return A two element array, where the first element is the
* value returned from EventUtils.sendDragEvent for
* dragover event, and the second element is the
* dataTransfer for the current drag session.
function synthesizeDragOver(aSrcElement, aDestElement, aDragData, aDropEffect, aWindow, aDestWindow, aDragEvent={})
if (!aWindow)
aWindow = window;
if (!aDestWindow)
aDestWindow = aWindow;
var dataTransfer;
var trapDrag = function(event) {
dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;
if (aDragData) {
for (var i = 0; i < aDragData.length; i++) {
var item = aDragData[i];
for (var j = 0; j < item.length; j++) {
dataTransfer.mozSetDataAt(item[j].type, item[j].data, i);
dataTransfer.dropEffect = aDropEffect || "move";
// need to use real mouse action
aWindow.addEventListener("dragstart", trapDrag, true);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(aSrcElement, { type: "mousedown" }, aWindow);
var rect = aSrcElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = rect.width / 2;
var y = rect.height / 2;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(aSrcElement, x, y, { type: "mousemove" }, aWindow);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(aSrcElement, x+10, y+10, { type: "mousemove" }, aWindow);
aWindow.removeEventListener("dragstart", trapDrag, true);
var event = createDragEventObject("dragenter", aDestElement, aDestWindow,
dataTransfer, aDragEvent);
EventUtils.sendDragEvent(event, aDestElement, aDestWindow);
event = createDragEventObject("dragover", aDestElement, aDestWindow,
dataTransfer, aDragEvent);
var result = EventUtils.sendDragEvent(event, aDestElement, aDestWindow);
return [result, dataTransfer];
* Emulate the drop event and mouseup event.
* This should be called after synthesizeDragOver.
* @param aResult The first element of the array returned from
* synthesizeDragOver.
* @param aDataTransfer The second element of the array returned from
* synthesizeDragOver.
* @param aDestElement The element to fire the drop event.
* @param aDestWindow Optional; Defaults to the current window object.
* @param aDragEvent Optional; Defaults to empty object. Overwrites an
* object passed to EventUtils.sendDragEvent.
* @return "none" if aResult is true,
* aDataTransfer.dropEffect otherwise.
function synthesizeDropAfterDragOver(aResult, aDataTransfer, aDestElement, aDestWindow, aDragEvent={})
if (!aDestWindow)
aDestWindow = window;
var effect = aDataTransfer.dropEffect;
var event;
if (aResult) {
effect = "none";
} else if (effect != "none") {
event = createDragEventObject("drop", aDestElement, aDestWindow,
aDataTransfer, aDragEvent);
EventUtils.sendDragEvent(event, aDestElement, aDestWindow);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(aDestElement, { type: "mouseup" }, aDestWindow);
return effect;
* Emulate a drag and drop by emulating a dragstart and firing events dragenter,
* dragover, and drop.
* @param aSrcElement The element to use to start the drag.
* @param aDestElement The element to fire the dragover, dragenter events
* @param aDragData The data to supply for the data transfer.
* This data is in the format:
* [ [ {type: value, data: value}, ...], ... ]
* Pass null to avoid modifying dataTransfer.
* @param aDropEffect The drop effect to set during the dragstart event, or
* 'move' if null.
* @param aWindow Optional; Defaults to the current window object.
* @param aDestWindow Optional; Defaults to aWindow.
* Used when aDestElement is in a different window than
* aSrcElement.
* @param aDragEvent Optional; Defaults to empty object. Overwrites an object
* passed to EventUtils.sendDragEvent.
* @return The drop effect that was desired.
function synthesizeDrop(aSrcElement, aDestElement, aDragData, aDropEffect, aWindow, aDestWindow, aDragEvent={})
if (!aWindow)
aWindow = window;
if (!aDestWindow)
aDestWindow = aWindow;
var ds = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1"].
try {
var [result, dataTransfer] = synthesizeDragOver(aSrcElement, aDestElement,
aDragData, aDropEffect,
aWindow, aDestWindow,
return synthesizeDropAfterDragOver(result, dataTransfer, aDestElement,
aDestWindow, aDragEvent);
} finally {
var PluginUtils =
withTestPlugin : function(callback)
if (typeof Components == "undefined")
todo(false, "Not a Mozilla-based browser");
return false;
var ph = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"]
var tags = ph.getPluginTags();
// Find the test plugin
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++)
if (tags[i].name == "Test Plug-in")
return true;
todo(false, "Need a test plugin on this platform");
return false;