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2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
const myScope = this;
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryUtils.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryController.jsm", this);
const Utils = TelemetryUtils;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ctypes",
if (AppConstants.platform !== "gonk") {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LightweightThemeManager",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ProfileAge",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UpdateUtils",
const CHANGE_THROTTLE_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000;
// The maximum length of a string (e.g. description) in the addons section.
* This is a policy object used to override behavior for testing.
var Policy = {
now: () => new Date(),
var gGlobalEnvironment;
function getGlobal() {
if (!gGlobalEnvironment) {
gGlobalEnvironment = new EnvironmentCache();
return gGlobalEnvironment;
this.TelemetryEnvironment = {
get currentEnvironment() {
return getGlobal().currentEnvironment;
onInitialized: function() {
return getGlobal().onInitialized();
registerChangeListener: function(name, listener) {
return getGlobal().registerChangeListener(name, listener);
unregisterChangeListener: function(name) {
return getGlobal().unregisterChangeListener(name);
// Policy to use when saving preferences. Exported for using them in tests.
RECORD_PREF_STATE: 1, // Don't record the preference value
RECORD_PREF_VALUE: 2, // We only record user-set prefs.
// Testing method
_watchPreferences: function(prefMap) {
return getGlobal()._watchPreferences(prefMap);
const RECORD_PREF_STATE = TelemetryEnvironment.RECORD_PREF_STATE;
const RECORD_PREF_VALUE = TelemetryEnvironment.RECORD_PREF_VALUE;
["app.feedback.baseURL", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["app.support.baseURL", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["accessibility.browsewithcaret", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["accessibility.force_disabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["app.update.auto", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["app.update.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["app.update.interval", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["app.update.service.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["app.update.silent", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["app.update.url", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.cache.disk.enable", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.cache.disk.capacity", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.cache.memory.enable", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.cache.offline.enable", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.formfill.enable", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.newtab.url", {what: RECORD_PREF_STATE}],
["browser.newtabpage.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.newtabpage.enhanced", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.polaris.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.search.suggest.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.startup.homepage", {what: RECORD_PREF_STATE}],
["browser.startup.page", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.urlbar.suggest.searches", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.urlbar.unifiedcomplete", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["browser.urlbar.userMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["devtools.chrome.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["devtools.debugger.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["dom.ipc.plugins.asyncInit.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["dom.ipc.plugins.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["dom.ipc.processCount", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE, requiresRestart: true}],
["experiments.manifest.uri", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["extensions.autoDisableScopes", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["extensions.enabledScopes", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["extensions.blocklist.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["extensions.blocklist.url", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["extensions.strictCompatibility", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["extensions.update.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["extensions.update.url", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["extensions.update.background.url", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["general.smoothScroll", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["gfx.direct2d.disabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["gfx.direct2d.force-enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["gfx.direct2d.use1_1", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.acceleration.disabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.acceleration.force-enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.async-pan-zoom.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.async-video-oop.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.async-video.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.componentalpha.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.d3d11.disable-warp", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.d3d11.force-warp", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.prefer-d3d9", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layers.prefer-opengl", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["layout.css.devPixelsPerPx", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["network.proxy.autoconfig_url", {what: RECORD_PREF_STATE}],
["network.proxy.http", {what: RECORD_PREF_STATE}],
["network.proxy.ssl", {what: RECORD_PREF_STATE}],
["pdfjs.disabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["places.history.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["privacy.donottrackheader.enabled", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["services.sync.serverURL", {what: RECORD_PREF_STATE}],
["security.mixed_content.block_active_content", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["security.mixed_content.block_display_content", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
["xpinstall.signatures.required", {what: RECORD_PREF_VALUE}],
const LOGGER_NAME = "Toolkit.Telemetry";
const PREF_BLOCKLIST_ENABLED = "extensions.blocklist.enabled";
const PREF_DISTRIBUTION_ID = "distribution.id";
const PREF_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION = "distribution.version";
const PREF_DISTRIBUTOR = "app.distributor";
const PREF_DISTRIBUTOR_CHANNEL = "app.distributor.channel";
const PREF_HOTFIX_LASTVERSION = "extensions.hotfix.lastVersion";
const PREF_APP_PARTNER_BRANCH = "app.partner.";
const PREF_PARTNER_ID = "mozilla.partner.id";
const PREF_UPDATE_ENABLED = "app.update.enabled";
const PREF_UPDATE_AUTODOWNLOAD = "app.update.auto";
const PREF_SEARCH_COHORT = "browser.search.cohort";
const EXPERIMENTS_CHANGED_TOPIC = "experiments-changed";
const SEARCH_ENGINE_MODIFIED_TOPIC = "browser-search-engine-modified";
const SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC = "browser-search-service";
const COMPOSITOR_CREATED_TOPIC = "compositor:created";
const DISTRIBUTION_CUSTOMIZATION_COMPLETE_TOPIC = "distribution-customization-complete";
* Get the current browser.
* @return a string with the locale or null on failure.
function getBrowserLocale() {
try {
return Cc["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"].
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Get the current OS locale.
* @return a string with the OS locale or null on failure.
function getSystemLocale() {
try {
return Services.locale.getLocaleComponentForUserAgent();
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Asynchronously get a list of addons of the specified type from the AddonManager.
* @param aTypes An array containing the types of addons to request.
* @return Promise<Array> resolved when AddonManager has finished, returning an
* array of addons.
function promiseGetAddonsByTypes(aTypes) {
return new Promise((resolve) =>
AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(aTypes, (addons) => resolve(addons)));
* Safely get a sysinfo property and return its value. If the property is not
* available, return aDefault.
* @param aPropertyName the property name to get.
* @param aDefault the value to return if aPropertyName is not available.
* @return The property value, if available, or aDefault.
function getSysinfoProperty(aPropertyName, aDefault) {
try {
// |getProperty| may throw if |aPropertyName| does not exist.
return Services.sysinfo.getProperty(aPropertyName);
} catch (e) {}
return aDefault;
* Safely get a gfxInfo field and return its value. If the field is not available, return
* aDefault.
* @param aPropertyName the property name to get.
* @param aDefault the value to return if aPropertyName is not available.
* @return The property value, if available, or aDefault.
function getGfxField(aPropertyName, aDefault) {
let gfxInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo);
try {
// Accessing the field may throw if |aPropertyName| does not exist.
let gfxProp = gfxInfo[aPropertyName];
if (gfxProp !== "") {
return gfxProp;
} catch (e) {}
return aDefault;
* Returns a substring of the input string.
* @param {String} aString The input string.
* @param {Integer} aMaxLength The maximum length of the returned substring. If this is
* greater than the length of the input string, we return the whole input string.
* @return {String} The substring or null if the input string is null.
function limitStringToLength(aString, aMaxLength) {
if (typeof(aString) !== "string") {
return null;
return aString.substring(0, aMaxLength);
* Get the information about a graphic adapter.
* @param aSuffix A suffix to add to the properties names.
* @return An object containing the adapter properties.
function getGfxAdapter(aSuffix = "") {
// Note that gfxInfo, and so getGfxField, might return "Unknown" for the RAM on failures,
// not null.
let memoryMB = parseInt(getGfxField("adapterRAM" + aSuffix, null), 10);
if (Number.isNaN(memoryMB)) {
memoryMB = null;
return {
description: getGfxField("adapterDescription" + aSuffix, null),
vendorID: getGfxField("adapterVendorID" + aSuffix, null),
deviceID: getGfxField("adapterDeviceID" + aSuffix, null),
subsysID: getGfxField("adapterSubsysID" + aSuffix, null),
RAM: memoryMB,
driver: getGfxField("adapterDriver" + aSuffix, null),
driverVersion: getGfxField("adapterDriverVersion" + aSuffix, null),
driverDate: getGfxField("adapterDriverDate" + aSuffix, null),
* Gets the service pack information on Windows platforms. This was copied from
* nsUpdateService.js.
* @return An object containing the service pack major and minor versions.
function getServicePack() {
const UNKNOWN_SERVICE_PACK = {major: null, minor: null};
if (AppConstants.platform !== "win") {
const BYTE = ctypes.uint8_t;
const WORD = ctypes.uint16_t;
const DWORD = ctypes.uint32_t;
const WCHAR = ctypes.char16_t;
const BOOL = ctypes.int;
// This structure is described at:
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724833%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
{dwOSVersionInfoSize: DWORD},
{dwMajorVersion: DWORD},
{dwMinorVersion: DWORD},
{dwBuildNumber: DWORD},
{dwPlatformId: DWORD},
{szCSDVersion: ctypes.ArrayType(WCHAR, SZCSDVERSIONLENGTH)},
{wServicePackMajor: WORD},
{wServicePackMinor: WORD},
{wSuiteMask: WORD},
{wProductType: BYTE},
{wReserved: BYTE}
let kernel32 = ctypes.open("kernel32");
try {
let GetVersionEx = kernel32.declare("GetVersionExW",
winVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = OSVERSIONINFOEXW.size;
if(0 === GetVersionEx(winVer.address())) {
throw("Failure in GetVersionEx (returned 0)");
return {
major: winVer.wServicePackMajor,
minor: winVer.wServicePackMinor,
} catch (e) {
} finally {
* Encapsulates the asynchronous magic interfacing with the addon manager. The builder
* is owned by a parent environment object and is an addon listener.
function EnvironmentAddonBuilder(environment) {
this._environment = environment;
// The pending task blocks addon manager shutdown. It can either be the initial load
// or a change load.
this._pendingTask = null;
// Set to true once initial load is complete and we're watching for changes.
this._loaded = false;
EnvironmentAddonBuilder.prototype = {
* Get the initial set of addons.
* @returns Promise<void> when the initial load is complete.
init: function() {
// Some tests don't initialize the addon manager. This accounts for the
// unfortunate reality of life.
try {
() => this._shutdownBlocker());
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
this._pendingTask = this._updateAddons().then(
() => { this._pendingTask = null; },
(err) => {
this._environment._log.error("init - Exception in _updateAddons", err);
this._pendingTask = null;
return this._pendingTask;
* Register an addon listener and watch for changes.
watchForChanges: function() {
this._loaded = true;
Services.obs.addObserver(this, EXPERIMENTS_CHANGED_TOPIC, false);
// AddonListener
onEnabled: function() {
onDisabled: function() {
onInstalled: function() {
onUninstalling: function() {
_onAddonChange: function() {
// nsIObserver
observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
this._environment._log.trace("observe - Topic " + aTopic);
_checkForChanges: function(changeReason) {
if (this._pendingTask) {
this._environment._log.trace("_checkForChanges - task already pending, dropping change with reason " + changeReason);
this._pendingTask = this._updateAddons().then(
(result) => {
this._pendingTask = null;
if (result.changed) {
this._environment._onEnvironmentChange(changeReason, result.oldEnvironment);
(err) => {
this._pendingTask = null;
this._environment._log.error("_checkForChanges: Error collecting addons", err);
_shutdownBlocker: function() {
if (this._loaded) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, EXPERIMENTS_CHANGED_TOPIC);
return this._pendingTask;
* Collect the addon data for the environment.
* This should only be called from _pendingTask; otherwise we risk
* running this during addon manager shutdown.
* @returns Promise<Object> This returns a Promise resolved with a status object with the following members:
* changed - Whether the environment changed.
* oldEnvironment - Only set if a change occured, contains the environment data before the change.
_updateAddons: Task.async(function* () {
let personaId = null;
if (AppConstants.platform !== "gonk") {
let theme = LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme;
if (theme) {
personaId = theme.id;
let addons = {
activeAddons: yield this._getActiveAddons(),
theme: yield this._getActiveTheme(),
activePlugins: this._getActivePlugins(),
activeGMPlugins: yield this._getActiveGMPlugins(),
activeExperiment: this._getActiveExperiment(),
persona: personaId,
let result = {
changed: !ObjectUtils.deepEqual(addons, this._environment._currentEnvironment.addons),
if (result.changed) {
this._environment._log.trace("_updateAddons: addons differ");
result.oldEnvironment = Cu.cloneInto(this._environment._currentEnvironment, myScope);
this._environment._currentEnvironment.addons = addons;
return result;
* Get the addon data in object form.
* @return Promise<object> containing the addon data.
_getActiveAddons: Task.async(function* () {
// Request addons, asynchronously.
let allAddons = yield promiseGetAddonsByTypes(["extension", "service"]);
let activeAddons = {};
for (let addon of allAddons) {
// Skip addons which are not active.
if (!addon.isActive) {
// Weird addon data in the wild can lead to exceptions while collecting
// the data.
try {
// Make sure to have valid dates.
let installDate = new Date(Math.max(0, addon.installDate));
let updateDate = new Date(Math.max(0, addon.updateDate));
activeAddons[addon.id] = {
blocklisted: (addon.blocklistState !== Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED),
description: limitStringToLength(addon.description, MAX_ADDON_STRING_LENGTH),
name: limitStringToLength(addon.name, MAX_ADDON_STRING_LENGTH),
userDisabled: addon.userDisabled,
appDisabled: addon.appDisabled,
version: limitStringToLength(addon.version, MAX_ADDON_STRING_LENGTH),
scope: addon.scope,
type: addon.type,
foreignInstall: addon.foreignInstall,
hasBinaryComponents: addon.hasBinaryComponents,
installDay: Utils.millisecondsToDays(installDate.getTime()),
updateDay: Utils.millisecondsToDays(updateDate.getTime()),
signedState: addon.signedState,
if (addon.signedState !== undefined)
activeAddons[addon.id].signedState = addon.signedState;
} catch (ex) {
this._environment._log.error("_getActiveAddons - An addon was discarded due to an error", ex);
return activeAddons;
* Get the currently active theme data in object form.
* @return Promise<object> containing the active theme data.
_getActiveTheme: Task.async(function* () {
// Request themes, asynchronously.
let themes = yield promiseGetAddonsByTypes(["theme"]);
let activeTheme = {};
// We only store information about the active theme.
let theme = themes.find(theme => theme.isActive);
if (theme) {
// Make sure to have valid dates.
let installDate = new Date(Math.max(0, theme.installDate));
let updateDate = new Date(Math.max(0, theme.updateDate));
activeTheme = {
id: theme.id,
blocklisted: (theme.blocklistState !== Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED),
description: limitStringToLength(theme.description, MAX_ADDON_STRING_LENGTH),
name: limitStringToLength(theme.name, MAX_ADDON_STRING_LENGTH),
userDisabled: theme.userDisabled,
appDisabled: theme.appDisabled,
version: limitStringToLength(theme.version, MAX_ADDON_STRING_LENGTH),
scope: theme.scope,
foreignInstall: theme.foreignInstall,
hasBinaryComponents: theme.hasBinaryComponents,
installDay: Utils.millisecondsToDays(installDate.getTime()),
updateDay: Utils.millisecondsToDays(updateDate.getTime()),
return activeTheme;
* Get the plugins data in object form.
* @return Object containing the plugins data.
_getActivePlugins: function () {
let pluginTags =
let activePlugins = [];
for (let tag of pluginTags) {
// Skip plugins which are not active.
if (tag.disabled) {
try {
// Make sure to have a valid date.
let updateDate = new Date(Math.max(0, tag.lastModifiedTime));
name: limitStringToLength(tag.name, MAX_ADDON_STRING_LENGTH),
version: limitStringToLength(tag.version, MAX_ADDON_STRING_LENGTH),
description: limitStringToLength(tag.description, MAX_ADDON_STRING_LENGTH),
blocklisted: tag.blocklisted,
disabled: tag.disabled,
clicktoplay: tag.clicktoplay,
mimeTypes: tag.getMimeTypes({}),
updateDay: Utils.millisecondsToDays(updateDate.getTime()),
} catch (ex) {
this._environment._log.error("_getActivePlugins - A plugin was discarded due to an error", ex);
return activePlugins;
* Get the GMPlugins data in object form.
* @return Object containing the GMPlugins data.
* This should only be called from _pendingTask; otherwise we risk
* running this during addon manager shutdown.
_getActiveGMPlugins: Task.async(function* () {
// Request plugins, asynchronously.
let allPlugins = yield promiseGetAddonsByTypes(["plugin"]);
let activeGMPlugins = {};
for (let plugin of allPlugins) {
// Only get info for active GMplugins.
if (!plugin.isGMPlugin || !plugin.isActive) {
try {
activeGMPlugins[plugin.id] = {
version: plugin.version,
userDisabled: plugin.userDisabled,
applyBackgroundUpdates: plugin.applyBackgroundUpdates,
} catch (ex) {
this._environment._log.error("_getActiveGMPlugins - A GMPlugin was discarded due to an error", ex);
return activeGMPlugins;
* Get the active experiment data in object form.
* @return Object containing the active experiment data.
_getActiveExperiment: function () {
let experimentInfo = {};
try {
let scope = {};
Cu.import("resource:///modules/experiments/Experiments.jsm", scope);
let experiments = scope.Experiments.instance();
let activeExperiment = experiments.getActiveExperimentID();
if (activeExperiment) {
experimentInfo.id = activeExperiment;
experimentInfo.branch = experiments.getActiveExperimentBranch();
} catch(e) {
// If this is not Firefox, the import will fail.
return experimentInfo;
function EnvironmentCache() {
this._log = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix(
LOGGER_NAME, "TelemetryEnvironment::");
this._shutdown = false;
// A map of listeners that will be called on environment changes.
this._changeListeners = new Map();
// The last change date for the environment, used to throttle environment changes.
this._lastEnvironmentChangeDate = null;
// A map of watched preferences which trigger an Environment change when
// modified. Every entry contains a recording policy (RECORD_PREF_*).
this._currentEnvironment = {
build: this._getBuild(),
partner: this._getPartner(),
system: this._getSystem(),
// Fill in the default search engine, if the search provider is already initialized.
// Build the remaining asynchronous parts of the environment. Don't register change listeners
// until the initial environment has been built.
let p = [];
if (AppConstants.platform === "gonk") {
this._addonBuilder = {
watchForChanges: function() {}
} else {
this._addonBuilder = new EnvironmentAddonBuilder(this);
p = [ this._addonBuilder.init() ];
this._currentEnvironment.profile = {};
let setup = () => {
this._initTask = null;
return this.currentEnvironment;
this._initTask = Promise.all(p)
() => setup(),
(err) => {
// log errors but eat them for consumers
this._log.error("EnvironmentCache - error while initializing", err);
return setup();
EnvironmentCache.prototype = {
* The current environment data. The returned data is cloned to avoid
* unexpected sharing or mutation.
* @returns object
get currentEnvironment() {
return Cu.cloneInto(this._currentEnvironment, myScope);
* Wait for the current enviroment to be fully initialized.
* @returns Promise<object>
onInitialized: function() {
if (this._initTask) {
return this._initTask;
return Promise.resolve(this.currentEnvironment);
* Register a listener for environment changes.
* @param name The name of the listener. If a new listener is registered
* with the same name, the old listener will be replaced.
* @param listener function(reason, oldEnvironment) - Will receive a reason for
the change and the environment data before the change.
registerChangeListener: function (name, listener) {
this._log.trace("registerChangeListener for " + name);
if (this._shutdown) {
this._log.warn("registerChangeListener - already shutdown");
this._changeListeners.set(name, listener);
* Unregister from listening to environment changes.
* It's fine to call this on an unitialized TelemetryEnvironment.
* @param name The name of the listener to remove.
unregisterChangeListener: function (name) {
this._log.trace("unregisterChangeListener for " + name);
if (this._shutdown) {
this._log.warn("registerChangeListener - already shutdown");
* Only used in tests, set the preferences to watch.
* @param aPreferences A map of preferences names and their recording policy.
_watchPreferences: function (aPreferences) {
this._watchedPrefs = aPreferences;
* Get an object containing the values for the watched preferences. Depending on the
* policy, the value for a preference or whether it was changed by user is reported.
* @return An object containing the preferences values.
_getPrefData: function () {
let prefData = {};
for (let [pref, policy] of this._watchedPrefs.entries()) {
// Only record preferences if they are non-default
if (!Preferences.isSet(pref)) {
// Check the policy for the preference and decide if we need to store its value
// or whether it changed from the default value.
let prefValue = undefined;
if (policy.what == TelemetryEnvironment.RECORD_PREF_STATE) {
prefValue = "<user-set>";
} else {
prefValue = Preferences.get(pref, null);
prefData[pref] = prefValue;
return prefData;
* Start watching the preferences.
_startWatchingPrefs: function () {
this._log.trace("_startWatchingPrefs - " + this._watchedPrefs);
for (let [pref, options] of this._watchedPrefs) {
if(!("requiresRestart" in options) || !options.requiresRestart) {
Preferences.observe(pref, this._onPrefChanged, this);
_onPrefChanged: function() {
let oldEnvironment = Cu.cloneInto(this._currentEnvironment, myScope);
this._onEnvironmentChange("pref-changed", oldEnvironment);
* Do not receive any more change notifications for the preferences.
_stopWatchingPrefs: function () {
for (let [pref, options] of this._watchedPrefs) {
if(!("requiresRestart" in options) || !options.requiresRestart) {
Preferences.ignore(pref, this._onPrefChanged, this);
_addObservers: function () {
// Watch the search engine change and service topics.
Services.obs.addObserver(this, SEARCH_ENGINE_MODIFIED_TOPIC, false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC, false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, COMPOSITOR_CREATED_TOPIC, false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, DISTRIBUTION_CUSTOMIZATION_COMPLETE_TOPIC, false);
_removeObservers: function () {
// Remove the search engine change and service observers.
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, SEARCH_ENGINE_MODIFIED_TOPIC);
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC);
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, COMPOSITOR_CREATED_TOPIC);
try {
} catch(ex) {};
observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
this._log.trace("observe - aTopic: " + aTopic + ", aData: " + aData);
switch (aTopic) {
if (aData != "engine-default" && aData != "engine-current") {
// Record the new default search choice and send the change notification.
if (aData != "init-complete") {
// Now that the search engine init is complete, record the default search choice.
// Full graphics information is not available until we have created at
// least one off-main-thread-composited window. Thus we wait for the
// first compositor to be created and then query nsIGfxInfo again.
// Distribution customizations are applied after final-ui-startup. query
// partner prefs again when they are ready.
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, aTopic);
* Get the default search engine.
* @return {String} Returns the search engine identifier, "NONE" if no default search
* engine is defined or "UNDEFINED" if no engine identifier or name can be found.
_getDefaultSearchEngine: function () {
let engine;
try {
engine = Services.search.defaultEngine;
} catch (e) {}
let name;
if (!engine) {
name = "NONE";
} else if (engine.identifier) {
name = engine.identifier;
} else if (engine.name) {
name = "other-" + engine.name;
} else {
name = "UNDEFINED";
return name;
* Update the default search engine value.
_updateSearchEngine: function () {
if (!Services.search) {
// Just ignore cases where the search service is not implemented.
this._log.trace("_updateSearchEngine - isInitialized: " + Services.search.isInitialized);
if (!Services.search.isInitialized) {
// Make sure we have a settings section.
this._currentEnvironment.settings = this._currentEnvironment.settings || {};
// Update the search engine entry in the current environment.
this._currentEnvironment.settings.defaultSearchEngine = this._getDefaultSearchEngine();
this._currentEnvironment.settings.defaultSearchEngineData =
// Record the cohort identifier used for search defaults A/B testing.
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_SEARCH_COHORT))
this._currentEnvironment.settings.searchCohort = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SEARCH_COHORT);
* Update the default search engine value and trigger the environment change.
_onSearchEngineChange: function () {
// Finally trigger the environment change notification.
let oldEnvironment = Cu.cloneInto(this._currentEnvironment, myScope);
this._onEnvironmentChange("search-engine-changed", oldEnvironment);
* Update the graphics features object.
_updateGraphicsFeatures: function () {
let gfxData = this._currentEnvironment.system.gfx;
try {
let gfxInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo);
gfxData.features = gfxInfo.getFeatures();
} catch (e) {
this._log.error("nsIGfxInfo.getFeatures() caught error", e);
* Update the partner prefs.
_updatePartner: function() {
this._currentEnvironment.partner = this._getPartner();
* Get the build data in object form.
* @return Object containing the build data.
_getBuild: function () {
let buildData = {
applicationId: Services.appinfo.ID || null,
applicationName: Services.appinfo.name || null,
architecture: Services.sysinfo.get("arch"),
buildId: Services.appinfo.appBuildID || null,
version: Services.appinfo.version || null,
vendor: Services.appinfo.vendor || null,
platformVersion: Services.appinfo.platformVersion || null,
xpcomAbi: Services.appinfo.XPCOMABI,
hotfixVersion: Preferences.get(PREF_HOTFIX_LASTVERSION, null),
// Add |architecturesInBinary| only for Mac Universal builds.
if ("@mozilla.org/xpcom/mac-utils;1" in Cc) {
let macUtils = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/mac-utils;1"].getService(Ci.nsIMacUtils);
if (macUtils && macUtils.isUniversalBinary) {
buildData.architecturesInBinary = macUtils.architecturesInBinary;
return buildData;
* Determine if we're the default browser.
* @returns null on error, true if we are the default browser, or false otherwise.
_isDefaultBrowser: function () {
if (AppConstants.platform === "gonk") {
return true;
if (!("@mozilla.org/browser/shell-service;1" in Cc)) {
this._log.info("_isDefaultBrowser - Could not obtain browser shell service");
return null;
let shellService;
try {
shellService = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/shell-service;1"]
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("_isDefaultBrowser - Could not obtain shell service", ex);
return null;
try {
// This uses the same set of flags used by the pref pane.
return shellService.isDefaultBrowser(false, true) ? true : false;
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("_isDefaultBrowser - Could not determine if default browser", ex);
return null;
return null;
* Update the cached settings data.
_updateSettings: function () {
let updateChannel = null;
try {
updateChannel = UpdateUtils.getUpdateChannel(false);
} catch (e) {}
this._currentEnvironment.settings = {
blocklistEnabled: Preferences.get(PREF_BLOCKLIST_ENABLED, true),
e10sEnabled: Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart,
telemetryEnabled: Utils.isTelemetryEnabled,
isInOptoutSample: TelemetryController.isInOptoutSample,
locale: getBrowserLocale(),
update: {
channel: updateChannel,
enabled: Preferences.get(PREF_UPDATE_ENABLED, true),
autoDownload: Preferences.get(PREF_UPDATE_AUTODOWNLOAD, true),
userPrefs: this._getPrefData(),
if (AppConstants.platform !== "gonk") {
this._currentEnvironment.settings.addonCompatibilityCheckEnabled =
if (AppConstants.platform !== "android") {
this._currentEnvironment.settings.isDefaultBrowser =
* Update the cached profile data.
* @returns Promise<> resolved when the I/O is complete.
_updateProfile: Task.async(function* () {
const logger = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix(LOGGER_NAME, "ProfileAge - ");
let profileAccessor = new ProfileAge(null, logger);
let creationDate = yield profileAccessor.created;
let resetDate = yield profileAccessor.reset;
this._currentEnvironment.profile.creationDate =
if (resetDate) {
this._currentEnvironment.profile.resetDate =
* Get the partner data in object form.
* @return Object containing the partner data.
_getPartner: function () {
let partnerData = {
distributionId: Preferences.get(PREF_DISTRIBUTION_ID, null),
distributionVersion: Preferences.get(PREF_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION, null),
partnerId: Preferences.get(PREF_PARTNER_ID, null),
distributor: Preferences.get(PREF_DISTRIBUTOR, null),
distributorChannel: Preferences.get(PREF_DISTRIBUTOR_CHANNEL, null),
// Get the PREF_APP_PARTNER_BRANCH branch and append its children to partner data.
let partnerBranch = Services.prefs.getBranch(PREF_APP_PARTNER_BRANCH);
partnerData.partnerNames = partnerBranch.getChildList("");
return partnerData;
* Get the CPU information.
* @return Object containing the CPU information data.
_getCpuData: function () {
let cpuData = {
count: getSysinfoProperty("cpucount", null),
cores: getSysinfoProperty("cpucores", null),
vendor: getSysinfoProperty("cpuvendor", null),
family: getSysinfoProperty("cpufamily", null),
model: getSysinfoProperty("cpumodel", null),
stepping: getSysinfoProperty("cpustepping", null),
l2cacheKB: getSysinfoProperty("cpucachel2", null),
l3cacheKB: getSysinfoProperty("cpucachel3", null),
speedMHz: getSysinfoProperty("cpuspeed", null),
const CPU_EXTENSIONS = ["hasMMX", "hasSSE", "hasSSE2", "hasSSE3", "hasSSSE3",
"hasSSE4A", "hasSSE4_1", "hasSSE4_2", "hasEDSP", "hasARMv6",
"hasARMv7", "hasNEON"];
// Enumerate the available CPU extensions.
let availableExts = [];
for (let ext of CPU_EXTENSIONS) {
if (getSysinfoProperty(ext, false)) {
cpuData.extensions = availableExts;
return cpuData;
* Get the device information, if we are on a portable device.
* @return Object containing the device information data, or null if
* not a portable device.
_getDeviceData: function () {
if (["gonk", "android"].indexOf(AppConstants.platform) === -1) {
return null;
return {
model: getSysinfoProperty("device", null),
manufacturer: getSysinfoProperty("manufacturer", null),
hardware: getSysinfoProperty("hardware", null),
isTablet: getSysinfoProperty("tablet", null),
* Get the OS information.
* @return Object containing the OS data.
_getOSData: function () {
let data = {
name: getSysinfoProperty("name", null),
version: getSysinfoProperty("version", null),
locale: getSystemLocale(),
if (["gonk", "android"].indexOf(AppConstants.platform) !== -1) {
data.kernelVersion = getSysinfoProperty("kernel_version", null);
} else if (AppConstants.platform === "win") {
let servicePack = getServicePack();
data.servicePackMajor = servicePack.major;
data.servicePackMinor = servicePack.minor;
data.installYear = getSysinfoProperty("installYear", null);
return data;
* Get the HDD information.
* @return Object containing the HDD data.
_getHDDData: function () {
return {
profile: { // hdd where the profile folder is located
model: getSysinfoProperty("profileHDDModel", null),
revision: getSysinfoProperty("profileHDDRevision", null),
binary: { // hdd where the application binary is located
model: getSysinfoProperty("binHDDModel", null),
revision: getSysinfoProperty("binHDDRevision", null),
system: { // hdd where the system files are located
model: getSysinfoProperty("winHDDModel", null),
revision: getSysinfoProperty("winHDDRevision", null),
* Get the GFX information.
* @return Object containing the GFX data.
_getGFXData: function () {
let gfxData = {
D2DEnabled: getGfxField("D2DEnabled", null),
DWriteEnabled: getGfxField("DWriteEnabled", null),
// The following line is disabled due to main thread jank and will be enabled
// again as part of bug 1154500.
//DWriteVersion: getGfxField("DWriteVersion", null),
adapters: [],
monitors: [],
features: {},
if (["gonk", "android", "linux"].indexOf(AppConstants.platform) === -1) {
let gfxInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo);
try {
gfxData.monitors = gfxInfo.getMonitors();
} catch (e) {
this._log.error("nsIGfxInfo.getMonitors() caught error", e);
try {
let gfxInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo);
gfxData.features = gfxInfo.getFeatures();
} catch (e) {
this._log.error("nsIGfxInfo.getFeatures() caught error", e);
// GfxInfo does not yet expose a way to iterate through all the adapters.
gfxData.adapters[0].GPUActive = true;
// If we have a second adapter add it to the gfxData.adapters section.
let hasGPU2 = getGfxField("adapterDeviceID2", null) !== null;
if (!hasGPU2) {
this._log.trace("_getGFXData - Only one display adapter detected.");
return gfxData;
this._log.trace("_getGFXData - Two display adapters detected.");
gfxData.adapters[1].GPUActive = getGfxField("isGPU2Active ", null);
return gfxData;
* Get the system data in object form.
* @return Object containing the system data.
_getSystem: function () {
let memoryMB = getSysinfoProperty("memsize", null);
if (memoryMB) {
// Send RAM size in megabytes. Rounding because sysinfo doesn't
// always provide RAM in multiples of 1024.
memoryMB = Math.round(memoryMB / 1024 / 1024);
let virtualMB = getSysinfoProperty("virtualmemsize", null);
if (virtualMB) {
// Send the total virtual memory size in megabytes. Rounding because
// sysinfo doesn't always provide RAM in multiples of 1024.
virtualMB = Math.round(virtualMB / 1024 / 1024);
let data = {
memoryMB: memoryMB,
virtualMaxMB: virtualMB,
cpu: this._getCpuData(),
os: this._getOSData(),
hdd: this._getHDDData(),
gfx: this._getGFXData(),
if (AppConstants.platform === "win") {
data.isWow64 = getSysinfoProperty("isWow64", null);
} else if (["gonk", "android"].indexOf(AppConstants.platform) !== -1) {
data.device = this._getDeviceData();
return data;
_onEnvironmentChange: function (what, oldEnvironment) {
this._log.trace("_onEnvironmentChange for " + what);
if (this._shutdown) {
this._log.trace("_onEnvironmentChange - Already shut down.");
// We are already skipping change events in _checkChanges if there is a pending change task running.
let now = Policy.now();
if (this._lastEnvironmentChangeDate &&
(now.getTime() - this._lastEnvironmentChangeDate.getTime()))) {
this._log.trace("_onEnvironmentChange - throttling changes, now: " + now +
", last change: " + this._lastEnvironmentChangeDate);
this._lastEnvironmentChangeDate = now;
for (let [name, listener] of this._changeListeners) {
try {
this._log.debug("_onEnvironmentChange - calling " + name);
listener(what, oldEnvironment);
} catch (e) {
this._log.error("_onEnvironmentChange - listener " + name + " caught error", e);