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2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const { Cu } = require("chrome");
const protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const { custom, method, RetVal, Arg, Option, types } = protocol;
const { Profiler } = require("devtools/server/performance/profiler");
const { actorBridge } = require("devtools/server/actors/common");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "events", "sdk/event/core");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "extend", "sdk/util/object", true);
types.addType("profiler-data", {
// On Fx42+, the profile is only deserialized on the front; older
// servers will get the profiler data as an object from nsIProfiler,
// causing one parse/stringify cycle, then again implicitly in a packet.
read: (v) => {
if (typeof v.profile === "string") {
// Create a new response object since `profile` is read only.
let newValue = Object.create(null);
newValue.profile = JSON.parse(v.profile);
newValue.currentTime = v.currentTime;
return newValue;
return v;
* This actor wraps the Profiler module at devtools/server/performance/profiler.js
* and provides RDP definitions.
* @see devtools/server/performance/profiler.js for documentation.
var ProfilerActor = exports.ProfilerActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "profiler",
* The set of events the ProfilerActor emits over RDP.
events: {
"console-api-profiler": {
data: Arg(0, "json"),
"profiler-started": {
data: Arg(0, "json"),
"profiler-stopped": {
data: Arg(0, "json"),
"profiler-status": {
data: Arg(0, "json"),
// Only for older geckos, pre-protocol.js ProfilerActor (<Fx42).
// Emitted on other events as a transition from older profiler events
// to newer ones.
"eventNotification": {
subject: Option(0, "json"),
topic: Option(0, "string"),
details: Option(0, "json")
initialize: function (conn) {
protocol.Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, conn);
this._onProfilerEvent = this._onProfilerEvent.bind(this);
this.bridge = new Profiler();
events.on(this.bridge, "*", this._onProfilerEvent);
* `disconnect` method required to call destroy, since this
* actor is not managed by a parent actor.
disconnect: function() {
destroy: function() {
events.off(this.bridge, "*", this._onProfilerEvent);
startProfiler: actorBridge("start", {
// Write out every property in the request, since we want all these options to be
// on the packet's top-level for backwards compatibility, when the profiler actor
// was not using protocol.js (<Fx42)
request: {
entries: Option(0, "nullable:number"),
interval: Option(0, "nullable:number"),
features: Option(0, "nullable:array:string"),
threadFilters: Option(0, "nullable:array:string"),
response: RetVal("json"),
stopProfiler: actorBridge("stop", {
response: RetVal("json"),
getProfile: actorBridge("getProfile", {
request: {
startTime: Option(0, "nullable:number"),
stringify: Option(0, "nullable:boolean")
response: RetVal("profiler-data")
getFeatures: actorBridge("getFeatures", {
response: RetVal("json")
getBufferInfo: actorBridge("getBufferInfo", {
response: RetVal("json")
getStartOptions: actorBridge("getStartOptions", {
response: RetVal("json")
isActive: actorBridge("isActive", {
response: RetVal("json")
getSharedLibraryInformation: actorBridge("getSharedLibraryInformation", {
response: RetVal("json")
registerEventNotifications: actorBridge("registerEventNotifications", {
// Explicitly enumerate the arguments
// @see ProfilerActor#startProfiler
request: {
events: Option(0, "nullable:array:string"),
response: RetVal("json")
unregisterEventNotifications: actorBridge("unregisterEventNotifications", {
// Explicitly enumerate the arguments
// @see ProfilerActor#startProfiler
request: {
events: Option(0, "nullable:array:string"),
response: RetVal("json")
setProfilerStatusInterval: actorBridge("setProfilerStatusInterval", {
request: { interval: Arg(0, "number") },
oneway: true
* Pipe events from Profiler module to this actor.
_onProfilerEvent: function (eventName, ...data) {
events.emit(this, eventName, ...data);
* This can be used on older Profiler implementations, but the methods cannot
* be changed -- you must introduce a new method, and detect the server.
exports.ProfilerFront = protocol.FrontClass(ProfilerActor, {
initialize: function(client, form) {
protocol.Front.prototype.initialize.call(this, client, form);
this.actorID = form.profilerActor;
this._onProfilerEvent = this._onProfilerEvent.bind(this);
events.on(this, "*", this._onProfilerEvent);
destroy: function () {
events.off(this, "*", this._onProfilerEvent);
* If using the protocol.js Fronts, then make stringify default,
* since the read/write mechanisms will expose it as an object anyway, but
* this lets other consumers who connect directly (xpcshell tests, Gecko Profiler) to
* have unchanged behaviour.
getProfile: custom(function (options) {
return this._getProfile(extend({ stringify: true }, options));
}, {
impl: "_getProfile"
* Also emit an old `eventNotification` for older consumers of the profiler.
_onProfilerEvent: function (eventName, data) {
// If this event already passed through once, don't repropagate
if (data.relayed) {
data.relayed = true;
// If this is `eventNotification`, this is coming from an older Gecko (<Fx42)
// that doesn't use protocol.js style events. Massage it to emit a protocol.js
// style event as well.
if (eventName === "eventNotification") {
events.emit(this, data.topic, data);
// Otherwise if a modern protocol.js event, emit it also as `eventNotification`
// for compatibility reasons on the client (like for any add-ons/Gecko Profiler using this
// event) and log a deprecation message if there is a listener.
else {
this.conn.emit("eventNotification", {
subject: data.subject,
topic: data.topic,
data: data.data,
details: data.details
if (this.conn._getListeners("eventNotification").length) {
ProfilerActor's "eventNotification" on the DebuggerClient has been deprecated.
Use the ProfilerFront found in "devtools/server/actors/profiler".`);