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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "2D.h"
#include <vector>
#include "Filters.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
class DrawingCommand;
class DrawTargetCaptureImpl : public DrawTargetCapture
bool Init(const IntSize& aSize, DrawTarget* aRefDT);
virtual BackendType GetBackendType() const { return mRefDT->GetBackendType(); }
virtual DrawTargetType GetType() const { return mRefDT->GetType(); }
virtual already_AddRefed<SourceSurface> Snapshot();
virtual IntSize GetSize() { return mSize; }
virtual void Flush() {}
virtual void DrawSurface(SourceSurface *aSurface,
const Rect &aDest,
const Rect &aSource,
const DrawSurfaceOptions &aSurfOptions,
const DrawOptions &aOptions);
virtual void DrawFilter(FilterNode *aNode,
const Rect &aSourceRect,
const Point &aDestPoint,
const DrawOptions &aOptions = DrawOptions());
virtual void DrawSurfaceWithShadow(SourceSurface *aSurface,
const Point &aDest,
const Color &aColor,
const Point &aOffset,
Float aSigma,
CompositionOp aOperator) { /* Not implemented */ }
virtual void ClearRect(const Rect &aRect);
virtual void MaskSurface(const Pattern &aSource,
SourceSurface *aMask,
Point aOffset,
const DrawOptions &aOptions = DrawOptions());
virtual void CopySurface(SourceSurface *aSurface,
const IntRect &aSourceRect,
const IntPoint &aDestination);
virtual void FillRect(const Rect &aRect,
const Pattern &aPattern,
const DrawOptions &aOptions = DrawOptions());
virtual void StrokeRect(const Rect &aRect,
const Pattern &aPattern,
const StrokeOptions &aStrokeOptions = StrokeOptions(),
const DrawOptions &aOptions = DrawOptions());
virtual void StrokeLine(const Point &aStart,
const Point &aEnd,
const Pattern &aPattern,
const StrokeOptions &aStrokeOptions = StrokeOptions(),
const DrawOptions &aOptions = DrawOptions());
virtual void Stroke(const Path *aPath,
const Pattern &aPattern,
const StrokeOptions &aStrokeOptions = StrokeOptions(),
const DrawOptions &aOptions = DrawOptions());
virtual void Fill(const Path *aPath,
const Pattern &aPattern,
const DrawOptions &aOptions = DrawOptions());
virtual void FillGlyphs(ScaledFont *aFont,
const GlyphBuffer &aBuffer,
const Pattern &aPattern,
const DrawOptions &aOptions = DrawOptions(),
const GlyphRenderingOptions *aRenderingOptions = nullptr);
virtual void Mask(const Pattern &aSource,
const Pattern &aMask,
const DrawOptions &aOptions = DrawOptions());
virtual void PushClip(const Path *aPath);
virtual void PushClipRect(const Rect &aRect);
virtual void PopClip();
virtual void SetTransform(const Matrix &aTransform);
virtual already_AddRefed<SourceSurface> CreateSourceSurfaceFromData(unsigned char *aData,
const IntSize &aSize,
int32_t aStride,
SurfaceFormat aFormat) const
return mRefDT->CreateSourceSurfaceFromData(aData, aSize, aStride, aFormat);
virtual already_AddRefed<SourceSurface> OptimizeSourceSurface(SourceSurface *aSurface) const
return mRefDT->OptimizeSourceSurface(aSurface);
virtual already_AddRefed<SourceSurface>
CreateSourceSurfaceFromNativeSurface(const NativeSurface &aSurface) const
return mRefDT->CreateSourceSurfaceFromNativeSurface(aSurface);
virtual already_AddRefed<DrawTarget>
CreateSimilarDrawTarget(const IntSize &aSize, SurfaceFormat aFormat) const
return mRefDT->CreateSimilarDrawTarget(aSize, aFormat);
virtual already_AddRefed<PathBuilder> CreatePathBuilder(FillRule aFillRule = FillRule::FILL_WINDING) const
return mRefDT->CreatePathBuilder(aFillRule);
virtual already_AddRefed<GradientStops>
CreateGradientStops(GradientStop *aStops,
uint32_t aNumStops,
ExtendMode aExtendMode = ExtendMode::CLAMP) const
return mRefDT->CreateGradientStops(aStops, aNumStops, aExtendMode);
virtual already_AddRefed<FilterNode> CreateFilter(FilterType aType)
return mRefDT->CreateFilter(aType);
void ReplayToDrawTarget(DrawTarget* aDT, const Matrix& aTransform);
// This storage system was used to minimize the amount of heap allocations
// that are required while recording. It should be noted there's no
// guarantees on the alignments of DrawingCommands allocated in this array.
template<typename T>
T* AppendToCommandList()
size_t oldSize = mDrawCommandStorage.size();
mDrawCommandStorage.resize(mDrawCommandStorage.size() + sizeof(T) + sizeof(uint32_t));
uint8_t* nextDrawLocation = &mDrawCommandStorage.front() + oldSize;
*(uint32_t*)(nextDrawLocation) = sizeof(T) + sizeof(uint32_t);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(nextDrawLocation + sizeof(uint32_t));
RefPtr<DrawTarget> mRefDT;
IntSize mSize;
std::vector<uint8_t> mDrawCommandStorage;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace mozilla