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2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License
* version 2.0 (the "License"). You can obtain a copy of the License at
* http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* rendering object for CSS "display: ruby" */
#include "nsRubyFrame.h"
#include "RubyUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/WritingModes.h"
#include "nsLineLayout.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsRubyBaseContainerFrame.h"
#include "nsRubyTextContainerFrame.h"
#include "nsStyleContext.h"
using namespace mozilla;
// Frame class boilerplate
// =======================
NS_NewRubyFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsStyleContext* aContext)
return new (aPresShell) nsRubyFrame(aContext);
// nsRubyFrame Method Implementations
// ==================================
nsRubyFrame::GetType() const
return nsGkAtoms::rubyFrame;
/* virtual */ bool
nsRubyFrame::IsFrameOfType(uint32_t aFlags) const
if (aFlags & eBidiInlineContainer) {
return false;
return nsRubyFrameSuper::IsFrameOfType(aFlags);
nsRubyFrame::GetFrameName(nsAString& aResult) const
return MakeFrameName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Ruby"), aResult);
/* virtual */ void
nsRubyFrame::AddInlineMinISize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext,
nsIFrame::InlineMinISizeData *aData)
for (nsIFrame* frame = this; frame; frame = frame->GetNextInFlow()) {
for (RubySegmentEnumerator e(static_cast<nsRubyFrame*>(frame));
!e.AtEnd(); e.Next()) {
e.GetBaseContainer()->AddInlineMinISize(aRenderingContext, aData);
/* virtual */ void
nsRubyFrame::AddInlinePrefISize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext,
nsIFrame::InlinePrefISizeData *aData)
for (nsIFrame* frame = this; frame; frame = frame->GetNextInFlow()) {
for (RubySegmentEnumerator e(static_cast<nsRubyFrame*>(frame));
!e.AtEnd(); e.Next()) {
e.GetBaseContainer()->AddInlinePrefISize(aRenderingContext, aData);
/* virtual */ void
nsRubyFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);
if (!aReflowState.mLineLayout) {
"No line layout provided to RubyFrame reflow method.");
// Grab overflow frames from prev-in-flow and its own.
// Clear leadings
mBStartLeading = mBEndLeading = 0;
// Begin the span for the ruby frame
WritingMode frameWM = aReflowState.GetWritingMode();
WritingMode lineWM = aReflowState.mLineLayout->GetWritingMode();
LogicalMargin borderPadding = aReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding();
nscoord startEdge = 0;
const bool boxDecorationBreakClone =
StyleBorder()->mBoxDecorationBreak == NS_STYLE_BOX_DECORATION_BREAK_CLONE;
if (boxDecorationBreakClone || !GetPrevContinuation()) {
startEdge = borderPadding.IStart(frameWM);
"should no longer use available widths");
nscoord availableISize = aReflowState.AvailableISize();
availableISize -= startEdge + borderPadding.IEnd(frameWM);
aReflowState.mLineLayout->BeginSpan(this, &aReflowState,
startEdge, availableISize, &mBaseline);
for (RubySegmentEnumerator e(this); !e.AtEnd(); e.Next()) {
ReflowSegment(aPresContext, aReflowState, e.GetBaseContainer(), aStatus);
if (NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK(aStatus)) {
// A break occurs when reflowing the segment.
// Don't continue reflowing more segments.
ContinuationTraversingState pullState(this);
while (aStatus == NS_FRAME_COMPLETE) {
nsRubyBaseContainerFrame* baseContainer = PullOneSegment(pullState);
if (!baseContainer) {
// No more continuations after, finish now.
ReflowSegment(aPresContext, aReflowState, baseContainer, aStatus);
// We never handle overflow in ruby.
aDesiredSize.ISize(lineWM) = aReflowState.mLineLayout->EndSpan(this);
if (boxDecorationBreakClone || !GetPrevContinuation()) {
aDesiredSize.ISize(lineWM) += borderPadding.IStart(frameWM);
if (boxDecorationBreakClone || NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aStatus)) {
aDesiredSize.ISize(lineWM) += borderPadding.IEnd(frameWM);
nsLayoutUtils::SetBSizeFromFontMetrics(this, aDesiredSize,
borderPadding, lineWM, frameWM);
nsRubyFrame::ReflowSegment(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsRubyBaseContainerFrame* aBaseContainer,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
WritingMode lineWM = aReflowState.mLineLayout->GetWritingMode();
LogicalSize availSize(lineWM, aReflowState.AvailableISize(),
WritingMode rubyWM = GetWritingMode();
"Ruby frame writing-mode shouldn't be orthogonal to its line");
AutoRubyTextContainerArray textContainers(aBaseContainer);
const uint32_t rtcCount = textContainers.Length();
nsHTMLReflowMetrics baseMetrics(aReflowState);
bool pushedFrame;
aReflowState.mLineLayout->ReflowFrame(aBaseContainer, aStatus,
&baseMetrics, pushedFrame);
if (aBaseContainer != mFrames.FirstChild()) {
// Some segments may have been reflowed before, hence it is not
// a break-before for the ruby container.
PushChildren(aBaseContainer, aBaseContainer->GetPrevSibling());
// This base container is not placed at all, we can skip all
// text containers paired with it.
// It always promise that if the status is incomplete, there is a
// break occurs. Break before has been processed above. However,
// it is possible that break after happens with the frame reflow
// completed. It happens if there is a force break at the end.
// Find the previous sibling which we will
// insert new continuations after.
nsIFrame* lastChild;
if (rtcCount > 0) {
lastChild = textContainers.LastElement();
} else {
lastChild = aBaseContainer;
// Create continuations for the base container
nsIFrame* newBaseContainer = CreateNextInFlow(aBaseContainer);
// newBaseContainer is null if there are existing next-in-flows.
// We only need to move and push if there were not.
if (newBaseContainer) {
// Move the new frame after all the text containers
mFrames.InsertFrame(nullptr, lastChild, newBaseContainer);
// Create continuations for text containers
nsIFrame* newLastChild = newBaseContainer;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rtcCount; i++) {
nsIFrame* newTextContainer = CreateNextInFlow(textContainers[i]);
MOZ_ASSERT(newTextContainer, "Next-in-flow of rtc should not exist "
"if the corresponding rbc does not");
mFrames.InsertFrame(nullptr, newLastChild, newTextContainer);
newLastChild = newTextContainer;
if (lastChild != mFrames.LastChild()) {
// Always push the next frame after the last child in this segment.
// It is possible that we pulled it back before our next-in-flow
// drain our overflow.
PushChildren(lastChild->GetNextSibling(), lastChild);
} else {
// If the ruby base container is reflowed completely, the line
// layout will remove the next-in-flows of that frame. But the
// line layout is not aware of the ruby text containers, hence
// it is necessary to remove them here.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rtcCount; i++) {
nsIFrame* nextRTC = textContainers[i]->GetNextInFlow();
if (nextRTC) {
nextRTC->GetParent()->DeleteNextInFlowChild(nextRTC, true);
nscoord segmentISize = baseMetrics.ISize(lineWM);
const nsSize dummyContainerSize;
LogicalRect baseRect =
aBaseContainer->GetLogicalRect(lineWM, dummyContainerSize);
// We need to position our rtc frames on one side or the other of the
// base container's rect, using a coordinate space that's relative to
// the ruby frame. Right now, the base container's rect's block-axis
// position is relative to the block container frame containing the
// lines, so we use 0 instead. (i.e. we assume that the base container
// is adjacent to the ruby frame's block-start edge.)
// XXX We may need to add border/padding here. See bug 1055667.
baseRect.BStart(lineWM) = 0;
// The rect for offsets of text containers.
LogicalRect offsetRect = baseRect;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rtcCount; i++) {
nsRubyTextContainerFrame* textContainer = textContainers[i];
WritingMode rtcWM = textContainer->GetWritingMode();
nsReflowStatus textReflowStatus;
nsHTMLReflowMetrics textMetrics(aReflowState);
nsHTMLReflowState textReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, textContainer,
availSize.ConvertTo(rtcWM, lineWM));
// FIXME We probably shouldn't be using the same nsLineLayout for
// the text containers. But it should be fine now as we are
// not actually using this line layout to reflow something,
// but just read the writing mode from it.
textReflowState.mLineLayout = aReflowState.mLineLayout;
textContainer->Reflow(aPresContext, textMetrics,
textReflowState, textReflowStatus);
// Ruby text containers always return NS_FRAME_COMPLETE even when
// they have continuations, because the breaking has already been
// handled when reflowing the base containers.
"Ruby text container must not break itself inside");
// The metrics is initialized with reflow state of this ruby frame,
// hence the writing-mode is tied to rubyWM instead of rtcWM.
LogicalSize size = textMetrics.Size(rubyWM).ConvertTo(lineWM, rubyWM);
textContainer->SetSize(lineWM, size);
nscoord reservedISize = RubyUtils::GetReservedISize(textContainer);
segmentISize = std::max(segmentISize, size.ISize(lineWM) + reservedISize);
uint8_t rubyPosition = textContainer->StyleText()->mRubyPosition;
Maybe<LogicalSide> side;
if (rubyPosition == NS_STYLE_RUBY_POSITION_OVER) {
} else if (rubyPosition == NS_STYLE_RUBY_POSITION_UNDER) {
} else {
// XXX inter-character support in bug 1055672
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unsupported ruby-position");
LogicalPoint position(lineWM);
if (side.isSome()) {
if (side.value() == eLogicalSideBStart) {
offsetRect.BStart(lineWM) -= size.BSize(lineWM);
offsetRect.BSize(lineWM) += size.BSize(lineWM);
position = offsetRect.Origin(lineWM);
} else if (side.value() == eLogicalSideBEnd) {
position = offsetRect.Origin(lineWM) +
LogicalPoint(lineWM, 0, offsetRect.BSize(lineWM));
offsetRect.BSize(lineWM) += size.BSize(lineWM);
} else {
// Using a dummy container-size here, so child positioning may not be
// correct. We will fix it in nsLineLayout after the whole line is
// reflowed.
FinishReflowChild(textContainer, aPresContext, textMetrics,
&textReflowState, lineWM, position, dummyContainerSize, 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(baseRect.ISize(lineWM) == offsetRect.ISize(lineWM),
"Annotations should only be placed on the block directions");
nscoord deltaISize = segmentISize - baseMetrics.ISize(lineWM);
if (deltaISize <= 0) {
} else {
RubyUtils::SetReservedISize(aBaseContainer, deltaISize);
// Set block leadings of the base container
nscoord startLeading = baseRect.BStart(lineWM) - offsetRect.BStart(lineWM);
nscoord endLeading = offsetRect.BEnd(lineWM) - baseRect.BEnd(lineWM);
// XXX When bug 765861 gets fixed, this warning should be upgraded.
NS_WARN_IF_FALSE(startLeading >= 0 && endLeading >= 0,
"Leadings should be non-negative (because adding "
"ruby annotation can only increase the size)");
mBStartLeading = std::max(mBStartLeading, startLeading);
mBEndLeading = std::max(mBEndLeading, endLeading);
nsRubyFrame::PullOneSegment(ContinuationTraversingState& aState)
// Pull a ruby base container
nsIFrame* baseFrame = PullNextInFlowChild(aState);
if (!baseFrame) {
return nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT(baseFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyBaseContainerFrame);
// Pull all ruby text containers following the base container
nsIFrame* nextFrame;
while ((nextFrame = GetNextInFlowChild(aState)) != nullptr &&
nextFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextContainerFrame) {
return static_cast<nsRubyBaseContainerFrame*>(baseFrame);