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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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"use strict";
// An outcome of an OptimizationAttempt that is considered successful.
"GenericSuccess", "Inlined", "DOM", "Monomorphic", "Polymorphic"
* Model representing JIT optimization sites from the profiler
* for a frame (represented by a FrameNode). Requires optimization data from
* a profile, which is an array of RawOptimizationSites.
* When the ThreadNode for the profile iterates over the samples' frames, each
* frame's optimizations are accumulated in their respective FrameNodes. Each
* FrameNode may contain many different optimization sites. One sample may
* pick up optimization X on line Y in the frame, with the next sample
* containing optimization Z on line W in the same frame, as each frame is
* only function.
* An OptimizationSite contains a record of how many times the
* RawOptimizationSite was sampled, as well as the unique id based off of the
* original profiler array, and the RawOptimizationSite itself as a reference.
* @see devtools/client/performance/modules/logic/tree-model.js
* @struct RawOptimizationSite
* A structure describing a location in a script that was attempted to be optimized.
* Contains all the IonTypes observed, and the sequence of OptimizationAttempts that
* were attempted, and the line and column in the script. This is retrieved from the
* profiler after a recording, and our base data structure. Should always be referenced,
* and unmodified.
* Note that propertyName is an index into a string table, which needs to be
* provided in order for the raw optimization site to be inflated.
* @type {Array<IonType>} types
* @type {Array<OptimizationAttempt>} attempts
* @type {?number} propertyName
* @type {number} line
* @type {number} column
* @struct IonType
* IonMonkey attempts to classify each value in an optimization site by some type.
* Based off of the observed types for a value (like a variable that could be a
* string or an instance of an object), it determines what kind of type it should be classified
* as. Each IonType here contains an array of all ObservedTypes under `types`,
* the Ion type that IonMonkey decided this value should be (Int32, Object, etc.) as `mirType`,
* and the component of this optimization type that this value refers to -- like
* a "getter" optimization, `a[b]`, has site `a` (the "Receiver") and `b` (the "Index").
* Generally the more ObservedTypes, the more deoptimized this OptimizationSite is.
* There could be no ObservedTypes, in which case `types` is undefined.
* @type {?Array<ObservedType>} typeset
* @type {string} site
* @type {string} mirType
* @struct ObservedType
* When IonMonkey attempts to determine what type a value is, it checks on each sample.
* The ObservedType can be thought of in more of JavaScripty-terms, rather than C++.
* The `keyedBy` property is a high level description of the type, like "primitive",
* "constructor", "function", "singleton", "alloc-site" (that one is a bit more weird).
* If the `keyedBy` type is a function or constructor, the ObservedType should have a
* `name` property, referring to the function or constructor name from the JS source.
* If IonMonkey can determine the origin of this type (like where the constructor is defined),
* the ObservedType will also have `location` and `line` properties, but `location` can sometimes
* be non-URL strings like "self-hosted" or a memory location like "102ca7880", or no location
* at all, and maybe `line` is 0 or undefined.
* @type {string} keyedBy
* @type {?string} name
* @type {?string} location
* @type {?string} line
* @struct OptimizationAttempt
* Each RawOptimizationSite contains an array of OptimizationAttempts. Generally, IonMonkey
* goes through a series of strategies for each kind of optimization, starting from most-niche
* and optimized, to the less-optimized, but more general strategies -- for example, a getter
* opt may first try to optimize for the scenario of a getter on an `arguments` object --
* that will fail most of the time, as most objects are not arguments objects, but it will attempt
* several strategies in order until it finds a strategy that works, or fails. Even in the best
* scenarios, some attempts will fail (like the arguments getter example), which is OK,
* as long as some attempt succeeds (with the earlier attempts preferred, as those are more optimized).
* In an OptimizationAttempt structure, we store just the `strategy` name and `outcome` name,
* both from enums in js/public/TrackedOptimizationInfo.h as TRACKED_STRATEGY_LIST and
* TRACKED_OUTCOME_LIST, respectively. An array of successful outcome strings are above
* @see js/public/TrackedOptimizationInfo.h
* @type {string} strategy
* @type {string} outcome
* A wrapper around RawOptimizationSite to record sample count and ID (referring to the index
* of where this is in the initially seeded optimizations data), so we don't mutate
* the original data from the profiler. Provides methods to access the underlying optimization
* data easily, so understanding the semantics of JIT data isn't necessary.
* @constructor
* @param {Array<RawOptimizationSite>} optimizations
* @param {number} optsIndex
* @type {RawOptimizationSite} data
* @type {number} samples
* @type {number} id
const OptimizationSite = function (id, opts) {
this.id = id;
this.data = opts;
this.samples = 1;
* Returns a boolean indicating if the passed in OptimizationSite
* has a "good" outcome at the end of its attempted strategies.
* @param {Array<string>} stringTable
* @return {boolean}
OptimizationSite.prototype.hasSuccessfulOutcome = function () {
let attempts = this.getAttempts();
let lastOutcome = attempts[attempts.length - 1].outcome;
return OptimizationSite.isSuccessfulOutcome(lastOutcome);
* Returns the last attempted OptimizationAttempt for this OptimizationSite.
* @return {Array<OptimizationAttempt>}
OptimizationSite.prototype.getAttempts = function () {
return this.data.attempts;
* Returns all IonTypes in this OptimizationSite.
* @return {Array<IonType>}
OptimizationSite.prototype.getIonTypes = function () {
return this.data.types;
* Constructor for JITOptimizations. A collection of OptimizationSites for a frame.
* @constructor
* @param {Array<RawOptimizationSite>} rawSites
* Array of raw optimization sites.
* @param {Array<string>} stringTable
* Array of strings from the profiler used to inflate
* JIT optimizations. Do not modify this!
const JITOptimizations = function (rawSites, stringTable) {
// Build a histogram of optimization sites.
let sites = [];
for (let rawSite of rawSites) {
let existingSite = sites.find((site) => site.data === rawSite);
if (existingSite) {
} else {
sites.push(new OptimizationSite(sites.length, rawSite));
// Inflate the optimization information.
for (let site of sites) {
let data = site.data;
let STRATEGY_SLOT = data.attempts.schema.strategy;
let OUTCOME_SLOT = data.attempts.schema.outcome;
site.data = {
attempts: data.attempts.data.map((a) => {
return {
strategy: stringTable[a[STRATEGY_SLOT]],
outcome: stringTable[a[OUTCOME_SLOT]]
types: data.types.map((t) => {
return {
typeset: maybeTypeset(t.typeset, stringTable),
site: stringTable[t.site],
mirType: stringTable[t.mirType]
propertyName: maybeString(stringTable, data.propertyName),
line: data.line,
column: data.column
this.optimizationSites = sites.sort((a, b) => b.samples - a.samples);
* Make JITOptimizations iterable.
JITOptimizations.prototype = {
[Symbol.iterator]: function *() {
yield* this.optimizationSites;
get length() {
return this.optimizationSites.length;
* Takes an "outcome" string from an OptimizationAttempt and returns
* a boolean indicating whether or not its a successful outcome.
* @return {boolean}
OptimizationSite.isSuccessfulOutcome = JITOptimizations.isSuccessfulOutcome = function (outcome) {
return !!~SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOMES.indexOf(outcome);
function maybeString(stringTable, index) {
return index ? stringTable[index] : undefined;
function maybeTypeset(typeset, stringTable) {
if (!typeset) {
return undefined;
return typeset.map((ty) => {
return {
keyedBy: maybeString(stringTable, ty.keyedBy),
name: maybeString(stringTable, ty.name),
location: maybeString(stringTable, ty.location),
line: ty.line
// Map of optimization implementation names to an enum.
"interpreter": 0,
"baseline": 1,
"ion": 2
* Takes data from a FrameNode and computes rendering positions for
* a stacked mountain graph, to visualize JIT optimization tiers over time.
* @param {FrameNode} frameNode
* The FrameNode who's optimizations we're iterating.
* @param {Array<number>} sampleTimes
* An array of every sample time within the range we're counting.
* From a ThreadNode's `sampleTimes` property.
* @param {number} bucketSize
* Size of each bucket in milliseconds.
* `duration / resolution = bucketSize` in OptimizationsGraph.
* @return {?Array<object>}
function createTierGraphDataFromFrameNode (frameNode, sampleTimes, bucketSize) {
let tierData = frameNode.getTierData();
let stringTable = frameNode._stringTable;
let output = [];
let implEnum;
let tierDataIndex = 0;
let nextOptSample = tierData[tierDataIndex];
// Bucket data
let samplesInCurrentBucket = 0;
let currentBucketStartTime = sampleTimes[0];
let bucket = [];
// Store previous data point so we can have straight vertical lines
let previousValues;
// Iterate one after the samples, so we can finalize the last bucket
for (let i = 0; i <= sampleTimes.length; i++) {
let sampleTime = sampleTimes[i];
// If this sample is in the next bucket, or we're done
// checking sampleTimes and on the last iteration, finalize previous bucket
if (sampleTime >= (currentBucketStartTime + bucketSize) ||
i >= sampleTimes.length) {
let dataPoint = {};
dataPoint.values = [];
dataPoint.delta = currentBucketStartTime;
// Map the opt site counts as a normalized percentage (0-1)
// of its count in context of total samples this bucket
for (let j = 0; j < IMPLEMENTATION_NAMES.length; j++) {
dataPoint.values[j] = (bucket[j] || 0) / (samplesInCurrentBucket || 1);
// Push the values from the previous bucket to the same time
// as the current bucket so we get a straight vertical line.
if (previousValues) {
let data = Object.create(null);
data.values = previousValues;
data.delta = currentBucketStartTime;
// Set the new start time of this bucket and reset its count
currentBucketStartTime += bucketSize;
samplesInCurrentBucket = 0;
previousValues = dataPoint.values;
bucket = [];
// If this sample observed an optimization in this frame, record it
if (nextOptSample && nextOptSample.time === sampleTime) {
// If no implementation defined, it was the "interpreter".
implEnum = IMPLEMENTATION_MAP[stringTable[nextOptSample.implementation] || "interpreter"];
bucket[implEnum] = (bucket[implEnum] || 0) + 1;
nextOptSample = tierData[++tierDataIndex];
return output;
exports.createTierGraphDataFromFrameNode = createTierGraphDataFromFrameNode;
exports.OptimizationSite = OptimizationSite;
exports.JITOptimizations = JITOptimizations;