
263 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
* Tests that the JIT Optimizations view renders optimization data
* if on, and displays selected frames on focus.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(INVERT_PREF, false);
function* spawnTest() {
let { panel } = yield initPerformance(SIMPLE_URL);
let { EVENTS, $, $$, window, PerformanceController } = panel.panelWin;
let { OverviewView, DetailsView, OptimizationsListView, JsCallTreeView, RecordingsView } = panel.panelWin;
let profilerData = { threads: [gThread] }
is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref(JIT_PREF), false, "record JIT Optimizations pref off by default");
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(JIT_PREF, true);
is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref(JIT_PREF), true, "toggle on record JIT Optimizations");
// Make two recordings, so we have one to switch to later, as the
// second one will have fake sample data
yield startRecording(panel);
yield stopRecording(panel);
yield startRecording(panel);
yield stopRecording(panel);
yield DetailsView.selectView("js-calltree");
yield injectAndRenderProfilerData();
// A is never a leaf, so it's optimizations should not be shown.
yield checkFrame(1);
// gRawSite2 and gRawSite3 are both optimizations on B, so they'll have
// indices in descending order of # of samples.
yield checkFrame(2, [{ i: 0, opt: gRawSite2 }, { i: 1, opt: gRawSite3 }]);
// Leaf node (C) with no optimizations should not display any opts.
yield checkFrame(3);
let select = once(PerformanceController, EVENTS.RECORDING_SELECTED);
let reset = once(OptimizationsListView, EVENTS.OPTIMIZATIONS_RESET);
RecordingsView.selectedIndex = 0;
yield Promise.all([select, reset]);
ok(true, "JITOptimizations view correctly reset when switching recordings.");
yield teardown(panel);
function *injectAndRenderProfilerData() {
// Get current recording and inject our mock data
info("Injecting mock profile data");
let recording = PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording();
recording._profile = profilerData;
// Force a rerender
let rendered = once(JsCallTreeView, EVENTS.JS_CALL_TREE_RENDERED);
yield rendered;
is($("#jit-optimizations-view").hidden, false, "JIT Optimizations should be visible when pref is on");
"JIT Optimizations view has empty message when no frames selected.");
function *checkFrame (frameIndex, expectedOpts=[]) {
info(`Checking frame ${frameIndex}`);
// Click the frame
let rendered = once(OptimizationsListView, EVENTS.OPTIMIZATIONS_RENDERED);
mousedown(window, $$(".call-tree-item")[frameIndex]);
yield rendered;
ok(true, "OptimizationsListView rendered when enabling with the current frame node selected");
let isEmpty = $("#jit-optimizations-view").classList.contains("empty");
if (expectedOpts.length === 0) {
ok(isEmpty, "JIT Optimizations view has an empty message when selecting a frame without opt data.");
} else {
ok(!isEmpty, "JIT Optimizations view has no empty message.");
// Get the frame info for the first opt site, since all opt sites
// share the same frame info
let frameInfo = expectedOpts[0].opt._testFrameInfo;
let { $headerName, $headerLine, $headerFile } = OptimizationsListView;
ok(!$headerName.hidden, "header function name should be shown");
ok(!$headerLine.hidden, "header line should be shown");
ok(!$headerFile.hidden, "header file should be shown");
is($headerName.textContent, frameInfo.name, "correct header function name.");
is($headerLine.textContent, frameInfo.line, "correct header line");
is($headerFile.textContent, frameInfo.file, "correct header file");
// Need the value of the optimizations in its array, as its
// an index used internally by the view to uniquely ID the opt
for (let { i, opt } of expectedOpts) {
let { types: ionTypes, attempts } = opt;
// Check attempts
is($$(`.tree-widget-container li[data-id='["${i}","${i}-attempts"]'] .tree-widget-children .tree-widget-item`).length, attempts.data.length,
`found ${attempts.data.length} attempts`);
for (let j = 0; j < ionTypes.length; j++) {
ok($(`.tree-widget-container li[data-id='["${i}","${i}-types","${i}-types-${j}"]']`),
"found an ion type row");
// The second and third optimization should display optimization failures.
let warningIcon = $(`.tree-widget-container li[data-id='["${i}"]'] .opt-icon[severity=warning]`);
if (opt === gRawSite3 || opt === gRawSite1) {
ok(warningIcon, "did find a warning icon for all strategies failing.");
} else {
ok(!warningIcon, "did not find a warning icon for no successful strategies");
var gUniqueStacks = new RecordingUtils.UniqueStacks();
function uniqStr(s) {
return gUniqueStacks.getOrAddStringIndex(s);
// Since deflateThread doesn't handle deflating optimization info, use
// placeholder names A_O1, B_O2, and B_O3, which will be used to manually
// splice deduped opts into the profile.
var gThread = RecordingUtils.deflateThread({
samples: [{
time: 0,
frames: [
{ location: "(root)" }
}, {
time: 5,
frames: [
{ location: "(root)" },
{ location: "A_O1" },
{ location: "B_O2" },
{ location: "C (http://foo/bar/baz:56)" }
}, {
time: 5 + 1,
frames: [
{ location: "(root)" },
{ location: "A (http://foo/bar/baz:12)" },
{ location: "B_O2" },
}, {
time: 5 + 1 + 2,
frames: [
{ location: "(root)" },
{ location: "A_O1" },
{ location: "B_O3" },
}, {
time: 5 + 1 + 2 + 7,
frames: [
{ location: "(root)" },
{ location: "A_O1" },
{ location: "E (http://foo/bar/baz:90)" },
{ location: "F (http://foo/bar/baz:99)" }
markers: []
}, gUniqueStacks);
// 3 RawOptimizationSites
var gRawSite1 = {
_testFrameInfo: { name: "A", line: "12", file: "@baz" },
line: 12,
column: 2,
types: [{
mirType: uniqStr("Object"),
site: uniqStr("A (http://foo/bar/bar:12)"),
typeset: [{
keyedBy: uniqStr("constructor"),
name: uniqStr("Foo"),
location: uniqStr("A (http://foo/bar/baz:12)")
}, {
keyedBy: uniqStr("primitive"),
location: uniqStr("self-hosted")
attempts: {
schema: {
outcome: 0,
strategy: 1
data: [
[uniqStr("Failure1"), uniqStr("SomeGetter1")],
[uniqStr("Failure2"), uniqStr("SomeGetter2")],
[uniqStr("Failure3"), uniqStr("SomeGetter3")]
var gRawSite2 = {
_testFrameInfo: { name: "B", line: "10", file: "@boo" },
line: 40,
types: [{
mirType: uniqStr("Int32"),
site: uniqStr("Receiver")
attempts: {
schema: {
outcome: 0,
strategy: 1
data: [
[uniqStr("Failure1"), uniqStr("SomeGetter1")],
[uniqStr("Failure2"), uniqStr("SomeGetter2")],
[uniqStr("Inlined"), uniqStr("SomeGetter3")]
var gRawSite3 = {
_testFrameInfo: { name: "B", line: "10", file: "@boo" },
line: 34,
types: [{
mirType: uniqStr("Int32"),
site: uniqStr("Receiver")
attempts: {
schema: {
outcome: 0,
strategy: 1
data: [
[uniqStr("Failure1"), uniqStr("SomeGetter1")],
[uniqStr("Failure2"), uniqStr("SomeGetter2")],
[uniqStr("Failure3"), uniqStr("SomeGetter3")]
gThread.frameTable.data.forEach((frame) => {
const LOCATION_SLOT = gThread.frameTable.schema.location;
const OPTIMIZATIONS_SLOT = gThread.frameTable.schema.optimizations;
let l = gThread.stringTable[frame[LOCATION_SLOT]];
switch (l) {
case "A_O1":
frame[LOCATION_SLOT] = uniqStr("A (http://foo/bar/baz:12)");
frame[OPTIMIZATIONS_SLOT] = gRawSite1;
case "B_O2":
frame[LOCATION_SLOT] = uniqStr("B (http://foo/bar/boo:10)");
frame[OPTIMIZATIONS_SLOT] = gRawSite2;
case "B_O3":
frame[LOCATION_SLOT] = uniqStr("B (http://foo/bar/boo:10)");
frame[OPTIMIZATIONS_SLOT] = gRawSite3;