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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
* Tests if the sidebar is properly updated when a marker is selected.
function* spawnTest() {
let { target, panel } = yield initPerformance(SIMPLE_URL);
let { $, $$, PerformanceController, WaterfallView } = panel.panelWin;
let { L10N } = require("devtools/client/performance/modules/global");
let { getMarkerLabel } = require("devtools/client/performance/modules/logic/marker-utils");
// Hijack the markers massaging part of creating the waterfall view,
// to prevent collapsing markers and allowing this test to verify
// everything individually. A better solution would be to just expand
// all markers first and then skip the meta nodes, but I'm lazy.
WaterfallView._prepareWaterfallTree = markers => {
return { submarkers: markers };
yield startRecording(panel);
ok(true, "Recording has started.");
yield waitUntil(() => {
// Wait until we get 3 different markers.
let markers = PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getMarkers();
return markers.some(m => m.name == "Styles") &&
markers.some(m => m.name == "Reflow") &&
markers.some(m => m.name == "Paint");
yield stopRecording(panel);
ok(true, "Recording has ended.");
info("No need to select everything in the timeline.");
info("All the markers should be displayed by default.");
let bars = $$(".waterfall-marker-bar");
let markers = PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getMarkers();
info(`Got ${bars.length} bars and ${markers.length} markers.`);
info("Markers types from datasrc: " + Array.map(markers, e => e.name));
info("Markers names from sidebar: " + Array.map(bars, e => e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".waterfall-marker-name").getAttribute("value")));
ok(bars.length > 2, "Got at least 3 markers (1)");
ok(markers.length > 2, "Got at least 3 markers (2)");
let toMs = ms => L10N.getFormatStrWithNumbers("timeline.tick", ms);
for (let i = 0; i < bars.length; i++) {
let bar = bars[i];
let mkr = markers[i];
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" }, bar);
let type = $(".marker-details-type").getAttribute("value");
let tooltip = $(".marker-details-duration").getAttribute("tooltiptext");
let duration = $(".marker-details-duration .marker-details-labelvalue").getAttribute("value");
info("Current marker data: " + mkr.toSource());
info("Current marker output: " + $("#waterfall-details").innerHTML);
is(type, getMarkerLabel(mkr), "Sidebar title matches markers name.");
// Values are rounded. We don't use a strict equality.
is(toMs(mkr.end - mkr.start), duration, "Sidebar duration is valid.");
// For some reason, anything that creates "→" here turns it into a "â" for some reason.
// So just check that start and end time are in there somewhere.
ok(tooltip.indexOf(toMs(mkr.start)) !== -1, "Tooltip has start time.");
ok(tooltip.indexOf(toMs(mkr.end)) !== -1, "Tooltip has end time.");
yield teardown(panel);