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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UserAutoCompleteResult",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AutoCompleteE10S",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "DeferredTask",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LoginDoorhangers",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LoginHelper",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () => {
let logger = LoginHelper.createLogger("LoginManagerParent");
return logger.log.bind(logger);
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "LoginManagerParent", "PasswordsMetricsProvider" ];
#ifndef ANDROID
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Metrics",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
function recordFHRDailyCounter(aField) {
let reporter = Cc["@mozilla.org/datareporting/service;1"]
// This can happen if the FHR component of the data reporting service is
// disabled. This is controlled by a pref that most will never use.
if (!reporter) {
reporter.onInit().then(() => reporter.getProvider("org.mozilla.passwordmgr")
this.PasswordsMetricsProvider = function() {
PasswordsMetricsProvider.prototype = Object.freeze({
__proto__: Metrics.Provider.prototype,
name: "org.mozilla.passwordmgr",
measurementTypes: [
collectDailyData: function () {
return this.storage.enqueueTransaction(this._recordDailyPasswordData.bind(this));
_recordDailyPasswordData: function *() {
let m = this.getMeasurement(PasswordsMeasurement2.prototype.name,
let enabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("signon.rememberSignons");
yield m.setDailyLastNumeric("enabled", enabled ? 1 : 0);
let loginsCount = Services.logins.countLogins("", "", "");
yield m.setDailyLastNumeric("numSavedPasswords", loginsCount);
recordDailyCounter: function(aField) {
let m = this.getMeasurement(PasswordsMeasurement2.prototype.name,
if (this.storage.hasFieldFromMeasurement(m.id, aField,
Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_COUNTER)) {
let fieldID = this.storage.fieldIDFromMeasurement(m.id, aField, Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_COUNTER);
return this.enqueueStorageOperation(() => m.incrementDailyCounter(aField));
// Otherwise, we first need to create the field.
return this.enqueueStorageOperation (() => this.storage.registerField(m.id, aField,
Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_COUNTER).then(() => m.incrementDailyCounter(aField)));
function PasswordsMeasurement1() {
PasswordsMeasurement1.prototype = Object.freeze({
__proto__: Metrics.Measurement.prototype,
name: "passwordmgr",
version: 1,
fields: {
enabled: {type: Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_LAST_NUMERIC},
numSavedPasswords: {type: Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_LAST_NUMERIC},
function PasswordsMeasurement2() {
PasswordsMeasurement2.prototype = Object.freeze({
__proto__: Metrics.Measurement.prototype,
name: "passwordmgr",
version: 2,
fields: {
enabled: {type: Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_LAST_NUMERIC},
numSavedPasswords: {type: Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_LAST_NUMERIC},
numSuccessfulFills: {type: Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_COUNTER},
numNewSavedPasswordsInSession: {type: Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_COUNTER},
numTotalLoginsEncountered: {type: Metrics.Storage.FIELD_DAILY_COUNTER},
var LoginManagerParent = {
* Reference to the default LoginRecipesParent (instead of the initialization promise) for
* synchronous access. This is a temporary hack and new consumers should yield on
* recipeParentPromise instead.
* @type LoginRecipesParent
* @deprecated
_recipeManager: null,
init: function() {
let mm = Cc["@mozilla.org/globalmessagemanager;1"]
mm.addMessageListener("RemoteLogins:findLogins", this);
mm.addMessageListener("RemoteLogins:findRecipes", this);
mm.addMessageListener("RemoteLogins:onFormSubmit", this);
mm.addMessageListener("RemoteLogins:autoCompleteLogins", this);
mm.addMessageListener("RemoteLogins:updateLoginFormPresence", this);
mm.addMessageListener("LoginStats:LoginEncountered", this);
mm.addMessageListener("LoginStats:LoginFillSuccessful", this);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "LoginStats:NewSavedPassword", false);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "recipeParentPromise", () => {
const { LoginRecipesParent } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LoginRecipes.jsm", {});
this._recipeManager = new LoginRecipesParent({
defaults: Services.prefs.getComplexValue("signon.recipes.path", Ci.nsISupportsString).data,
return this._recipeManager.initializationPromise;
observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
#ifndef ANDROID
if (aTopic == "LoginStats:NewSavedPassword") {
receiveMessage: function (msg) {
let data = msg.data;
switch (msg.name) {
case "RemoteLogins:findLogins": {
// TODO Verify msg.target's principals against the formOrigin?
case "RemoteLogins:findRecipes": {
let formHost = (new URL(data.formOrigin)).host;
return this._recipeManager.getRecipesForHost(formHost);
case "RemoteLogins:onFormSubmit": {
// TODO Verify msg.target's principals against the formOrigin?
case "RemoteLogins:updateLoginFormPresence": {
this.updateLoginFormPresence(msg.target, data);
case "RemoteLogins:autoCompleteLogins": {
this.doAutocompleteSearch(data, msg.target);
case "LoginStats:LoginFillSuccessful": {
#ifndef ANDROID
case "LoginStats:LoginEncountered": {
#ifndef ANDROID
* Trigger a login form fill and send relevant data (e.g. logins and recipes)
* to the child process (LoginManagerContent).
fillForm: Task.async(function* ({ browser, loginFormOrigin, login, inputElement }) {
let recipes = [];
if (loginFormOrigin) {
let formHost;
try {
formHost = (new URL(loginFormOrigin)).host;
let recipeManager = yield this.recipeParentPromise;
recipes = recipeManager.getRecipesForHost(formHost);
} catch (ex) {
// Some schemes e.g. chrome aren't supported by URL
// Convert the array of nsILoginInfo to vanilla JS objects since nsILoginInfo
// doesn't support structured cloning.
let jsLogins = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([login]));
let objects = inputElement ? {inputElement} : null;
browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("RemoteLogins:fillForm", {
logins: jsLogins,
}, objects);
* Send relevant data (e.g. logins and recipes) to the child process (LoginManagerContent).
sendLoginDataToChild: Task.async(function*(showMasterPassword, formOrigin, actionOrigin,
requestId, target) {
let recipes = [];
if (formOrigin) {
let formHost;
try {
formHost = (new URL(formOrigin)).host;
let recipeManager = yield this.recipeParentPromise;
recipes = recipeManager.getRecipesForHost(formHost);
} catch (ex) {
// Some schemes e.g. chrome aren't supported by URL
if (!showMasterPassword && !Services.logins.isLoggedIn) {
try {
target.sendAsyncMessage("RemoteLogins:loginsFound", {
requestId: requestId,
logins: [],
} catch (e) {
log("error sending message to target", e);
let allLoginsCount = Services.logins.countLogins(formOrigin, "", null);
// If there are no logins for this site, bail out now.
if (!allLoginsCount) {
try {
target.sendAsyncMessage("RemoteLogins:loginsFound", {
requestId: requestId,
logins: [],
} catch (e) {
log("error sending message to target", e);
// If we're currently displaying a master password prompt, defer
// processing this form until the user handles the prompt.
if (Services.logins.uiBusy) {
log("deferring sendLoginDataToChild for", formOrigin);
let self = this;
let observer = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver,
observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
log("Got deferred sendLoginDataToChild notification:", topic);
// Only run observer once.
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "passwordmgr-crypto-login");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "passwordmgr-crypto-loginCanceled");
if (topic == "passwordmgr-crypto-loginCanceled") {
target.sendAsyncMessage("RemoteLogins:loginsFound", {
requestId: requestId,
logins: [],
self.sendLoginDataToChild(showMasterPassword, formOrigin, actionOrigin,
requestId, target);
// Possible leak: it's possible that neither of these notifications
// will fire, and if that happens, we'll leak the observer (and
// never return). We should guarantee that at least one of these
// will fire.
// See bug XXX.
Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "passwordmgr-crypto-login", false);
Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "passwordmgr-crypto-loginCanceled", false);
var logins = Services.logins.findLogins({}, formOrigin, actionOrigin, null);
// Convert the array of nsILoginInfo to vanilla JS objects since nsILoginInfo
// doesn't support structured cloning.
var jsLogins = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(logins));
target.sendAsyncMessage("RemoteLogins:loginsFound", {
requestId: requestId,
logins: jsLogins,
const PWMGR_FORM_ACTION_EFFECT = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PWMGR_FORM_ACTION_EFFECT");
if (logins.length == 0) {
} else if (logins.length == allLoginsCount) {
} else {
// logins.length < allLoginsCount
doAutocompleteSearch: function({ formOrigin, actionOrigin,
searchString, previousResult,
rect, requestId, remote }, target) {
// Note: previousResult is a regular object, not an
// nsIAutoCompleteResult.
var result;
let searchStringLower = searchString.toLowerCase();
let logins;
if (previousResult &&
searchStringLower.startsWith(previousResult.searchString.toLowerCase())) {
log("Using previous autocomplete result");
// We have a list of results for a shorter search string, so just
// filter them further based on the new search string.
logins = previousResult.logins;
} else {
log("Creating new autocomplete search result.");
// Grab the logins from the database.
logins = Services.logins.findLogins({}, formOrigin, actionOrigin, null);
let matchingLogins = logins.filter(function(fullMatch) {
let match = fullMatch.username;
// Remove results that are too short, or have different prefix.
// Also don't offer empty usernames as possible results.
return match && match.toLowerCase().startsWith(searchStringLower);
// XXX In the E10S case, we're responsible for showing our own
// autocomplete popup here because the autocomplete protocol hasn't
// been e10s-ized yet. In the non-e10s case, our caller is responsible
// for showing the autocomplete popup (via the regular
// nsAutoCompleteController).
if (remote) {
result = new UserAutoCompleteResult(searchString, matchingLogins);
AutoCompleteE10S.showPopupWithResults(target.ownerDocument.defaultView, rect, result);
// Convert the array of nsILoginInfo to vanilla JS objects since nsILoginInfo
// doesn't support structured cloning.
var jsLogins = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(matchingLogins));
target.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("RemoteLogins:loginsAutoCompleted", {
requestId: requestId,
logins: jsLogins,
onFormSubmit: function(hostname, formSubmitURL,
usernameField, newPasswordField,
oldPasswordField, opener,
target) {
function getPrompter() {
var prompterSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager/prompter;1"].
// XXX For E10S, we don't want to use the browser's contentWindow
// because it's in another process, so we use our chrome window as
// the window parent (the content process is responsible for
// making sure that its window is not in private browsing mode).
// In the same-process case, we can simply use the content window.
prompterSvc.init(target.isRemoteBrowser ?
target.ownerDocument.defaultView :
if (target.isRemoteBrowser)
prompterSvc.setE10sData(target, opener);
return prompterSvc;
function recordLoginUse(login) {
// Update the lastUsed timestamp and increment the use count.
let propBag = Cc["@mozilla.org/hash-property-bag;1"].
propBag.setProperty("timeLastUsed", Date.now());
propBag.setProperty("timesUsedIncrement", 1);
Services.logins.modifyLogin(login, propBag);
if (!Services.logins.getLoginSavingEnabled(hostname)) {
log("(form submission ignored -- saving is disabled for:", hostname, ")");
var formLogin = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager/loginInfo;1"].
formLogin.init(hostname, formSubmitURL, null,
(usernameField ? usernameField.value : ""),
(usernameField ? usernameField.name : ""),
let logins = Services.logins.findLogins({}, hostname, formSubmitURL, null);
// If we didn't find a username field, but seem to be changing a
// password, allow the user to select from a list of applicable
// logins to update the password for.
if (!usernameField && oldPasswordField && logins.length > 0) {
var prompter = getPrompter();
if (logins.length == 1) {
var oldLogin = logins[0];
if (oldLogin.password == formLogin.password) {
log("(Not prompting to save/change since we have no username and the " +
"only saved password matches the new password)");
formLogin.username = oldLogin.username;
formLogin.usernameField = oldLogin.usernameField;
prompter.promptToChangePassword(oldLogin, formLogin);
} else {
logins, logins.length, formLogin);
var existingLogin = null;
// Look for an existing login that matches the form login.
for (var i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) {
var same, login = logins[i];
// If one login has a username but the other doesn't, ignore
// the username when comparing and only match if they have the
// same password. Otherwise, compare the logins and match even
// if the passwords differ.
if (!login.username && formLogin.username) {
var restoreMe = formLogin.username;
formLogin.username = "";
same = formLogin.matches(login, false);
formLogin.username = restoreMe;
} else if (!formLogin.username && login.username) {
formLogin.username = login.username;
same = formLogin.matches(login, false);
formLogin.username = ""; // we know it's always blank.
} else {
same = formLogin.matches(login, true);
if (same) {
existingLogin = login;
if (existingLogin) {
log("Found an existing login matching this form submission");
// Change password if needed.
if (existingLogin.password != formLogin.password) {
log("...passwords differ, prompting to change.");
prompter = getPrompter();
prompter.promptToChangePassword(existingLogin, formLogin);
} else if (!existingLogin.username && formLogin.username) {
log("...empty username update, prompting to change.");
prompter = getPrompter();
prompter.promptToChangePassword(existingLogin, formLogin);
} else {
// Prompt user to save login (via dialog or notification bar)
prompter = getPrompter();
* Maps all the <browser> elements for tabs in the parent process to the
* current state used to display tab-specific UI.
* This mapping is not updated in case a web page is moved to a different
* chrome window by the swapDocShells method. In this case, it is possible
* that a UI update just requested for the login fill doorhanger and then
* delayed by a few hundred milliseconds will be lost. Later requests would
* use the new browser reference instead.
* Given that the case above is rare, and it would not cause any origin
* mismatch at the time of filling because the origin is checked later in the
* content process, this case is left unhandled.
loginFormStateByBrowser: new WeakMap(),
* Retrieves a reference to the state object associated with the given
* browser. This is initialized to an empty object.
stateForBrowser(browser) {
let loginFormState = this.loginFormStateByBrowser.get(browser);
if (!loginFormState) {
loginFormState = {};
this.loginFormStateByBrowser.set(browser, loginFormState);
return loginFormState;
* Returns true if the page currently loaded in the given browser element has
* insecure login forms. This state may be updated asynchronously, in which
* case a custom event named InsecureLoginFormsStateChange will be dispatched
* on the browser element.
hasInsecureLoginForms(browser) {
return !!this.stateForBrowser(browser).hasInsecureLoginForms;
* Called to indicate whether a login form on the currently loaded page is
* present or not. This is one of the factors used to control the visibility
* of the password fill doorhanger.
updateLoginFormPresence(browser, { loginFormOrigin, loginFormPresent,
hasInsecureLoginForms }) {
const ANCHOR_DELAY_MS = 200;
let state = this.stateForBrowser(browser);
// Update the data to use to the latest known values. Since messages are
// processed in order, this will always be the latest version to use.
state.loginFormOrigin = loginFormOrigin;
state.loginFormPresent = loginFormPresent;
state.hasInsecureLoginForms = hasInsecureLoginForms;
// Report the insecure login form state immediately.
browser.dispatchEvent(new browser.ownerDocument.defaultView
// Apply the data to the currently displayed login fill icon later.
if (!state.anchorDeferredTask) {
state.anchorDeferredTask = new DeferredTask(
() => this.updateLoginAnchor(browser),
updateLoginAnchor: Task.async(function* (browser) {
// Copy the state to use for this execution of the task. These will not
// change during this execution of the asynchronous function, but in case a
// change happens in the state, the function will be retriggered.
let { loginFormOrigin, loginFormPresent } = this.stateForBrowser(browser);
yield Services.logins.initializationPromise;
// Check if there are form logins for the site, ignoring formSubmitURL.
let hasLogins = loginFormOrigin &&
Services.logins.countLogins(loginFormOrigin, "", null) > 0;
// Once this preference is removed, this version of the fill doorhanger
// should be enabled for Desktop only, and not for Android or B2G.
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("signon.ui.experimental")) {
let showLoginAnchor = loginFormPresent || hasLogins;
let fillDoorhanger = LoginDoorhangers.FillDoorhanger.find({ browser });
if (fillDoorhanger) {
if (!showLoginAnchor) {
// We should only update the state of the doorhanger while it is hidden.
yield fillDoorhanger.promiseHidden;
fillDoorhanger.loginFormPresent = loginFormPresent;
fillDoorhanger.loginFormOrigin = loginFormOrigin;
fillDoorhanger.filterString = hasLogins ? loginFormOrigin : "";
fillDoorhanger.detailLogin = null;
fillDoorhanger.autoDetailLogin = true;
if (showLoginAnchor) {
fillDoorhanger = new LoginDoorhangers.FillDoorhanger({
filterString: hasLogins ? loginFormOrigin : "",
autoDetailLogin: true,