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2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// Stub in the locale service so we can control what gets returned as the OS locale setting
var stubOSLocale = null;
StubLocaleService = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsILocaleService, Ci.nsISupports]),
getLocaleComponentForUserAgent: function SLS_getLocaleComponentForUserAgent()
return stubOSLocale;
MockRegistrar.register("@mozilla.org/intl/nslocaleservice;1", StubLocaleService);
// Now fire up the test
var chromeReg = Cc["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
var prefService = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
var os = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
var testsLocale = [
// These tests cover when the OS local is included in our manifest
{matchOS: false, selected: "en-US", osLocale: "xx-AA", locale: "en-US"},
{matchOS: true, selected: "en-US", osLocale: "xx-AA", locale: "xx-AA"},
{matchOS: false, selected: "fr-FR", osLocale: "xx-AA", locale: "fr-FR"},
{matchOS: true, selected: "fr-FR", osLocale: "xx-AA", locale: "xx-AA"},
{matchOS: false, selected: "de-DE", osLocale: "xx-AA", locale: "de-DE"},
{matchOS: true, selected: "de-DE", osLocale: "xx-AA", locale: "xx-AA"},
// these tests cover the case where the OS locale is not available in our manifest, but the
// base language is (ie, substitute xx-AA which we have for xx-BB which we don't)
{matchOS: false, selected: "en-US", osLocale: "xx-BB", locale: "en-US"},
{matchOS: true, selected: "en-US", osLocale: "xx-BB", locale: "xx-AA"},
{matchOS: false, selected: "fr-FR", osLocale: "xx-BB", locale: "fr-FR"},
{matchOS: true, selected: "fr-FR", osLocale: "xx-BB", locale: "xx-AA"},
// These tests cover where the language is not available
{matchOS: false, selected: "en-US", osLocale: "xy-BB", locale: "en-US"},
{matchOS: true, selected: "en-US", osLocale: "xy-BB", locale: "en-US"},
{matchOS: false, selected: "fr-FR", osLocale: "xy-BB", locale: "fr-FR"},
{matchOS: true, selected: "fr-FR", osLocale: "xy-BB", locale: "en-US"},
var observedLocale = null;
function test_locale(aTest) {
observedLocale = null;
stubOSLocale = aTest.osLocale;
prefService.setBoolPref("intl.locale.matchOS", aTest.matchOS);
prefService.setCharPref("general.useragent.locale", aTest.selected);
do_check_eq(observedLocale, aTest.locale);
// Callback function for observing locale change. May be called more than once
// per test iteration.
function checkValidity() {
observedLocale = chromeReg.getSelectedLocale("testmatchos");
dump("checkValidity called back with locale = " + observedLocale + "\n");
function run_test() {
os.addObserver(checkValidity, "selected-locale-has-changed", false);
for (let count = 0 ; count < testsLocale.length ; count++) {
dump("count = " + count + " " + testsLocale[count].toSource() + "\n");
os.removeObserver(checkValidity, "selected-locale-has-changed");